Whats your workout today



  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Morning guys! Yesterday was Agility X and wow... just... I'm glad I was at home and not in public lol.
    Today is Yoga day and I'm excited. I think it's going to feel great to stretch out all these sore muscles.
    I can't quite keep up and have to stop and rest from time to time, but the way I see it is that I'm still doing more then I would be if I didn't push play ;)
  • Hi all - week 1, day 3 for me. Today was Yoga and I have never been a fan. Unfortunately, today did not convert me. I like getting all out of breath and sweaty. I get why it is good for a body, though and will keep at it the next time it pops up. Looking forward to a good workout tomorrow!
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    I worked my butt off last night on agility and burned 553 calories. I am looking forward to todays yoga to loosen up a bit. I wish I could work out in the morning ughh.
  • GaFez
    GaFez Posts: 25
    Total Synergistics - Today Pre WO HR 73 Post WO 128 Week 3 Day 1
    Pull Up Knees - 4
    Releve 40lbs
    Circ Crunch 9
    3 Hop 20 lbs
    GH 20 lbs
    FW 10 lbs
    Sq Rkr 20 lbs
    SRP 5 lbs

    Working hard but not dropping much wt even though the calories are below the required. May not be eating enough! I have read about that syndrome in Men's Health that if you are eating too few calories your body goes in to a "preserve" mode. Anybody else experienced that?
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    yea without a doubt I was eating next to nothing for a long time and am still overweight however after really studying the guide I decided to just commit to it. I figured whats the worst that could happen I would gain a few more lbs then have to adjust. However as soon as I upped my calories to the higher level I started dropping weight. I couldnt beleive it. so yea give it a try up it and wait and see. Im sure its like anything else and wont work for everyone but it already started working for me. I still have a hard time eating the food but im getting used to it and have tons of energy.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Good job, Rhino, sticking to plan!

    Agility today. Was hoping I would be awesome the third time around, but it was tough today. Still pushed through!!

    Teaching a low impact cardio/strength class tonight. I'm starting to incorporate some of Tony's warm-up moves and stretches. They are good!!
  • GaFez
    GaFez Posts: 25
    Week 3 Day 2 Agility - Pre WO HR 53, Max 144, Post WO (2 minutes after) 97. I like the drills and am getting a little better each time I do them - never perfect. Can always get better. The flexibility has definitely improved since getting the disks before Christmas.
  • Hi All- Week 1, day 4 was CVX for me. I actually switched from the Classic to the Lean series on day 2. I figured since I have about 15-20 lbs to lose, it would be a better choice. I loved CVX - my heart rate was more than 140 the entire time and I loved it. My backside is incredibly sore. The great kind of sore. :)

    Have a good day all!

  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Hey guys, yesterday I did yoga and it was interesting, hard and uncomfortable, but still fun. Today is the challenge and I've heard nothing but good things about it -can you hear my sarcasm? I've heard it's nothing but 30 mins of pushups and pullups, oh lordy.. what have I gotten myself into?!?
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Hey guys, yesterday I did yoga and it was interesting, hard and uncomfortable, but still fun. Today is the challenge and I've heard nothing but good things about it -can you hear my sarcasm? I've heard it's nothing but 30 mins of pushups and pullups, oh lordy.. what have I gotten myself into?!?

    I have to say, I really like the Challenge! No sarcasm. I use the resistance bands, though, because my bar isn't up yet...
  • Hello all and welcome new persons! :)

    Missed my update yesterday, but here it is. Finished my first week yesterday (day seven) with Dynamix. Gary was right it is still a bit of a work out, but felt amazing today after doing it (since I was feeling a bit rough yesterday morning before doing it).

    Started week two today, rotating back to Total Synergistics. Felt much better the doing this a second time and upped my weights a little bit.

    Good job everyone on their workouts!!
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Yoga X for me today (1/17). Definitely had better balance today!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Hey guys, yesterday I did yoga and it was interesting, hard and uncomfortable, but still fun. Today is the challenge and I've heard nothing but good things about it -can you hear my sarcasm? I've heard it's nothing but 30 mins of pushups and pullups, oh lordy.. what have I gotten myself into?!?

    I have to say, I really like the Challenge! No sarcasm. I use the resistance bands, though, because my bar isn't up yet...

    I'm pretty sure my arms will just drop off my body sometime during today cause wow! I only had the bar, but I am going to get the assist band here soon. I used a chair, on tiptoes, but tried to pull with my arms instead of push with my feet. My numbers were 3 and 5 and I barley made it. I think I need those push-up stands because my wrists are killing me and I hear that they help with that. But ultimately I made it! And I'm ready for a new day ;)

    Day five today: CVX- what is that? Just curious ;)
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Too cute not to share, I was doing the cold start and looked over to find this. My six year old on tip toe doing the downward dog haha <3

  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    She is so cute! I took a picture of my cat doing yoga today with me, too. (My kids were still asleep, ha.)

    I love CVX. It is cardio, but you use a light weight while you're doing it. He doesn't recommend any heavier than 12 (even for guys). I used a 5 the first two times; I may up that this week, depending on how I feel.

    Great job getting the challenge done!!!
  • Hi all - love the pic!
    Today I went a little nuts and decided to double up, so I did Isometrics, which was my scheduled workout, then I followed it with Warrior to get my heart going. I felt great - until about an hour ago when it kicked in and I had to go for an afternoon coffee. :) Feeling good again and am quite sure I will sleep well tonight.

    Have a great Friday - Jen
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    looks like everyone is doing awsome I did the challenge last night and did 8-15 but made them really slow and tried to use proper form so Im a little tight today. hehe my daughter who is 3 has been doing the workouts on t25 with my wife putting her to shame while yelling come on mommy you can do it get your legs higher and all that too funny. im looking forward to cvx tonight its one of my favorites. getting close to finishing week 2 and really like the program cant wait for block 2 I hear its quite a bit more dificult.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Thanks guys, she's my little shadow.

    Oh great, CVX sounds like a good fast workout. I've only got some 3lb weights, but I'm headed to the store tonight and was planning on grabbing some 5lb ones and an 8 lb one. Thank you about the challenge, I just ordered my pull up assist bands and push up stands today, my arms will thank me I'm sure.

    Dang Running! You're an animal! I don't think I could do two in one day. Maybe after I get more into the program? I'm good where I'm at but bravo to you!

    I got my fitbit flex today! I got the bright pink one (breast cancer awareness) to celebrate my mother's life. Tomorrow will be four years since she's left us. It's a nice gentle reminder that she's always here with me. Anyone have one?

    Today is CVX and I'm excited!
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    I don't have on but I have hear they are pretty good. the only thing I heard is that they don't track calories during workouts quite as well as the ones with a chest strap but for everything else they are awesome. I did cvx last night late and it was a great workout tonight is the warrior my least favorite lol but I will get through it and will be looking forward to dynamix tomorrow.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    1/18 - Challenge done. 10 more pulls today and 21 more push-ups. (Still no bar, but I like the bands.) Totals 290/217. No knees, but my arms were vibrating, wow. (I also did a kickboxing class this morning - so I'm a limp noodle now.)