New to the group, check in here



  • KimberGwen
    KimberGwen Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Kimber. a Working wife and mom. My mother and I own and run a printing and copy center. Between my job, husband and high school teenager. There's not much time left for me. Bet there's a lot of us out there! My weight is out of control. I know my health is suffering because of it. Blood pressure and my thyroid issues aren't helping matters. I've tried watching what I eat, counting calories and attempt to start working out. (LOL) There seems to be no motivation, Just negativity. Positive, we must stay positive!! A little push now and then would help, too! I have just started the Social Internet stuff and thought that maybe it would help to motive me. What do you think? Think I stand a chance?
  • befitnow3
    befitnow3 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi from Toronto! I'm a single mom of a great 16 year old. 45. With 40 lbs to lose. Beginning arthritis in knees and elbows. Looking to get back into shape and take the stress off my knees. Also want to get into eating clean, whole foods. Love logging my calories, it's my second week here. Love the spirit and energy of the members! Cheers!!
  • mrsgoss
    mrsgoss Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! I am new to this group as of a few minutes ago :) I have stopped and started the weight loss journey to many times to count. I am trying once again, this time using the groups/community for help, motivation and support. I have a long journey ahead of me, happy to join in with you all. I am 42, married with 3 kids 23, 19 and 15.
  • ginalcis
    Hi I'm Gina. I'm 41, wife and mom to two boys ages 6 and 10. I work full time as a marketing manager and my husband is a firefighter. We have a crazy schedule between the kids' activities and my husband's 24-hour work shifts, so following a consistent workout schedule is impossible for me. I've stopped and started many times - and now find myself carrying around about 30 extra pounds. I have tried many different diets I think I may have destroyed my metabolism! Looking to get back on track with a realistic weight loss plan that includes eating right and exercising. I've been using My Fitness Pal for a week and like it so far!
  • CurlyGlitterChicken
    Hello, ladies!

    I've been an off-and-on MFPer for over a year, but I'm rededicating myself in the new year! I'm 42 (for three more weeks, anyway) and I live in Seattle, WA. I'm married and have two boys, and I work at a local history museum. I have a terrible commute, and that has made it really hard to get to the gym since school started in September.

    When I do get to the gym, I do the elliptical and do a bit of strength training. I like yoga but don't do enough of it.

    I am an emotional eater, and tend to binge in the evenings. Tracking what I eat is the key for me in weight loss. Even if I'm successful at not binging, my habits creep downhill when I'm not tracking --I conveniently "forget" how much I've eaten.

    I'd be happy to get down to 185. That seems really reasonable, but I've never been able to get below 190 since my second son was born. Hopefully this time I'll nail it!
  • LizFo
    LizFo Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all,

    I turn 40 in six weeks and just joined this group. I've been a MFP regular for 2 years and have lost about 25 pounds. I'm 5'4" and my starting weight was about 162 and I'm about 136 now. I'd like to lose another 5 lbs or so and/or decrease percent body fat. I'm married with one son (6th grade) and work in a natural resources-related field. I love to be outside, though this Minnesota winter is challenging. I'm originally from southern Illinois but have lived in several states.

    I typically go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week, but if I'm active in other ways I don't stress about skipping the gym. I like to use the elliptical, arc trainer and weight machines. However walking outside is my main activity, at least when it's nice outside. My general food philosophy is to eat more healthy stuff and less junk.

    I'm looking for new friends for renewed motivation, so feel free to send me a friend request. :)
  • kelz09
    kelz09 Posts: 4
    Good morning Fab 40's group! Glad to see there's a group on MFP for us. My name is Kelly and I'm looking forward to being part of this group and learning, laughing, and sharing in the support so we can help reach our goals. Good luck all!
  • suzell
    suzell Posts: 1

    I am new to the group. I had started my journey but life came crashing in on me so now I have decided to step up to the plate again today. I am 46 yrs. old with 5 amazing kids (2 my own and 3 step-children). I work 50+ hours a week, take care of my family and try to squeeze in excercise. Right now I am so frustrated because I am seeing changes to my body, skin and hair that are all of sign of age but I don't want to give in. I am looking to talk with women that are going through the same things as I am that might have some advice, thoughts or to keep me smiling!
  • Hurtinknees45
    Hello. I thought that it would be very useful to join a group. I'm new to message boards, learning how to post & such as I go. I'm married with 4 kids. It's really hard now to lose this weight again due to knee problems and having no thyroid, ( complete removal) but I'm going to try really hard! I have 2 adult kids and 2 younger ones. (19 year age gap between the first & last) :noway: , yes I know you read that right! I really need help, so thanks to everyone out there :smile:
  • scrmn2luzsm
    Hello, I am new to the group. I have 4 kids, 24, 20, 18 and 13. I love them all dearly, but it is time for me. My 13 year old still lives with me and is extremely active. I want to lose some of the baggage so I can keep up with his active life, mine and my husband's. I will be 43 in a few weeks and have a 25 high school reunion coming up this summer. I have lost 21 lbs since Sept, but I need to lose a total of 65 lbs to be back down to a health weight. I want to feel better for me. Losing weight will help with my high blood pressure and diabetes as well as give me more energy. I am excited for the new start.. I want to move to a new me. Let's get it done and LIVE!!! :bigsmile:
  • mypal73
    mypal73 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Afternoon, I'm new to MFP and thought it would be helpful to join a group or two that would help keep me motivated. I turn 41 next week ( still can't believe I am not thirty something anymore), I'm in the worst shape of my life and I'm only going to go downhill from here if I don't take control. I have to lose about 55lbs, seem to be in good health otherwise-just lazy and like to eat lol. I did quit smoking two years ago if that's any excuse ;) Anyways here I am, ready to commit and get my energy back. I would love to benefit from everyone's support and triumphs, as well as give it anyway I can.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm not new to MFP, but when I lost my job, grandpa and dad all in the same year, I lost all motivation and pretty much gave up. Trying to get back on the wagon and do this! Looking for friends to help motivate me and keep me on track, so please add me :)
  • ZamaMama
    ZamaMama Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm a 49-year old married mom of 3 boys - 2 in college, 1 in 2nd grade. I decided to get serious about losing weight on January 2. I'm turning 50 in June and I want to be fabulously fit and healthy! So far I've been doing well, I've lost 12 pounds and have been eating better than ever before. I've changed my focus to eating healthy and exercising, rather than on losing weight, and I'm getting better results. Dieting always made me feel like I was punishing myself, so I focused on what I wasn't having, which made me want it even more. I've never shared my weight loss feelings and struggles with others, so I'm hoping that joining this group will help me stay motivated and on track. I look forward to chatting with you all! :happy:
  • Nana_Holly
    Nana_Holly Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to group... Just looking for support on my 30 lb weight loss goal.....
    Been struggling to get this off for over ten years and tired of the yo-yo lifestyle.

  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Hi !

    My name is Sarah - I just turned 40 in November. Im a mom of 2 great sons 12 & 7. Im from Vancouver BC but 7 months ago we moved to a VERY remote town in southern Manitoba to help my mom who was ill. The loneliness, remoteness and 8 feet of snow have all made me complacent and LAZY. When I stumbled upon this site it gave me inspiration :)

    Ive always been 140-145 lbs and have gained 40lbs in 7 months. I feel puffy, chubby, lazy and sluggish.

    Today is a new start for me :)

    Nice to meet you ! Love to hear your successes and more about what brought you here~!

  • TansieEye
    Hi! I am female, 5'4", 42 years old, and I'm moderately athletic, doing cardio about 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. I have been doing Weight Watchers for more years than I care to remember, just to maintain a weight in the upper 'normal' range, but I would really like to be in the middle range for my height (130-136 pounds) so I'm really focused this year on that goal. I have a family history of obesity so I'm trying hard not to 'go there.' I am married, and I have two kids, a boy and a girl, both age 10, and I work full time. I have a slight addiction to coffee, chocolate, and diet Coke :drinker:
  • SevenDevine
    Hello! I am new to the group. I am finally committed to getting healthy and to losing some unwanted weight. I have struggled many years and I am ready to stick to this journey.
  • MrsStokes73
    Hi all my name is Vicky and I'm 40 yrs old with 3 kids aged 14, 2 and 8mths and I'm looking to lose my baby weight and all the extra I gained on top of that so I've joined hoping to find support and inspiration
  • shellvz
    Hi Ladies,

    My name is Michelle and I turned 40 on Friday! Disappointingly, I didn't reach my weight loss goal for my 40th party - in fact I had put on 3 kilos since Christmas :(

    So I am here for motivation to stick with Myfitnesspal and start my 40's as healthy as I can as I know it works...
  • rosienesantos142
    New to the group, new to MFP, looking for support and motivation and also hopping I can offer the same in return:flowerforyou: