Whats your workout today



  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    I havent been updating for a few days but I am still very much pushing play. I am feeling great about the program and am ready for my transition week next week. I am excited about block 2. it looks tough which will just mean better results. anyways keep up the great work everyone 90 days wont feel like anything soon enough.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    agility today! love this work out!!

    i don't love yoga either, but this is not as bad as the 90 min from p90x!!!!!!!!
  • OK. Finished week two yesterday and once again I feel really good the next day after Dynamix. Now Total Synergistic today to start off the 3rd week. WOW...Can't believe this is the last week of this routine then the recovery week next week.

    I guess only Sarah, Dani and I look forward to yoga...haha. I think it is kind of like when I was in boot camp. EVERYONE dreaded anything isometric. Holding your legs up until you couldn't do it any more (and someone yelling in your face too..haha) was not fun. People would much rather do push ups then static legs lifts that's for sure.

    Great job everyone!
  • CVX today! I loved it and am thinking next week I will ditch the 5s and try 8s the whole time. I'm so glad I decided to invest in this program. (Ask me how I feel in block 2 & 3) :)
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    The yoga is hard but all the stretching feels so good after all the cardio and strength, I'm also looking forward to Dynamics! Not so much the challenge, which is on my calendar tonight. I just really hope that my pull-up assist bands and push up stands are at the post office waiting for me! Why couldn't I be simple and just get the dang resistance bands? No... I had to get the actual bar! LOL, stubborn me!

    **Bonus** I can now do the tree with my hands in prayer -instead of of having them wave all over the place as I try to balance on one foot!

    OK. Finished week two yesterday and once again I feel really good the next day after Dynamix. Now Total Synergistic today to start off the 3rd week. WOW...Can't believe this is the last week of this routine then the recovery week next week.

    I guess only Sarah, Dani and I look forward to yoga...haha. I think it is kind of like when I was in boot camp. EVERYONE dreaded anything isometric. Holding your legs up until you couldn't do it any more (and someone yelling in your face too..haha) was not fun. People would much rather do push ups then static legs lifts that's for sure.

    Great job everyone!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I really love CVX too, it's fun, it's fast, and you really feel it. Congrats on making the switch! I'm so glad I invested in this program as well. I think it has everything you need to feel great and burn efficiently.
    CVX today! I loved it and am thinking next week I will ditch the 5s and try 8s the whole time. I'm so glad I decided to invest in this program. (Ask me how I feel in block 2 & 3) :)
  • Hey Dani, One thing I saw was putting a chair underneath the pull up bar (and a little bit in front of you) and putting one foot on the chair seat and just using that leg just slightly to assist you with the pull up. This was a substitute for the assist band.
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    I have used both the chair and bands and there isnt too much difference except with the band I seem to get more range of motion as well as am able to do the leg lifts and rotations better in total syn. other than that its about the same. I have the challenge tonight and am stoked. I usually feel like lou forigno when im done lol. glad everyone is doing well. almost into my transition week dropped a couple lbs and some inches already. cant wait to see whats in store for me in block 2. keep it up everyone.
  • GaFez
    GaFez Posts: 25
    Dynamix today. Was able to stay on the Challenge while out of town, but ate TOO MUCH! Back to square 2 (at least not square one).
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    1/24 - Took a rest yesterday instead of Dynamix, Accelerator today. Loved it!!!! What a great cardio workout; really made me sweat.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Rhino and Frank, lol, the chair, the assist band, nothing on earth is going to get me up to that bar! I'm just an upper body wuss... Which makes the Challenge really tough on me and really necessary! So I've ordered the resistance bands and made the bar a goal to reach by the end of the program. I am however improving on my push-ups. I do mostly girly ones, but did do three regular or "man" push-ups yesterday! So I'm really excited about that.

    I'm kind of envious that you've shed some weight, I seemed to have gained some :( which sucks! But I was told to stay off the scale (I don't listen) and to judge my progress on my stamina and energy, which is improving.

    I keep wondering if it's my diet, I mean I've changed a lot of things for the better, but maybe my body is just freaking out on me. I read somewhere once that when you start any kind of nutrition or exercise program, the body gets confused and thinks your going to die lol. That sounds a lot more ridiculous when I wrote it then when I read it.

    Well, Week two is nearly at an end for me! Excited to get down on some CVX tonight!
  • GaFez
    GaFez Posts: 25
    The Accelerator - Good workout. Used Powerstands for the plank and pushups to keep my wrist straight because I bruised it. Good modification if you have sore wrists.
  • Voelkel - I am struggling with pull ups, too. I didn't expect them to be such an issue because I can do 30 man push ups (thank you, Jillian Michaels). Clearly, pull ups must be different muscles - or I am doing it wrong. I have no assist bands or anything, just the bar in the doorway. I am going to try the chair thing and see if it will help.

    All this talk of the challenge makes me want to sneak it in, even though it isn't in my rotation yet. I am doing the lean rotation, so my workouts are a little different than the rest of you, I think.

    This morning I did Isometrics. Boring like yoga, but I feel the core work in this one and really enjoy the challenge, so I don't mind it as much. I'm really sore today.

    Have a good day, everyone!
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Voelkel - I am struggling with pull ups, too. I didn't expect them to be such an issue because I can do 30 man push ups (thank you, Jillian Michaels). Clearly, pull ups must be different muscles - or I am doing it wrong. I have no assist bands or anything, just the bar in the doorway. I am going to try the chair thing and see if it will help.

    Yeah, pull-ups are way hard for chicks, even if we're good at push-ups. I'm getting my bar installed this weekend, but I've been using the band modification. I think I get a better workout because it will be hard for me to do any unassisted pull-ups!
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    The Accelerator - Good workout. Used Powerstands for the plank and pushups to keep my wrist straight because I bruised it. Good modification if you have sore wrists.

    And here I thought you use them to make pushups more difficult?
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    30 man push-ups and you can't do a pull-up? Wow, I feel a little hopeless now lol. I can do 3 man push-ups -barely.. but definitely improving each day. The chair does help a lot! In fact I think it's better then the assist band I bought. I'm excited to get the resistance bands though so I can get some higher numbers on the challenge. Right now I'm at 3 pull-ups and 5 push-ups, yes I know it's low, but we all have to start somewhere. And trust me, I feel it!

    I forgot there were different calenders, what is the difference with lean and classic?

    Either way, we're rocking it ladies ;)
    Voelkel - I am struggling with pull ups, too. I didn't expect them to be such an issue because I can do 30 man push ups (thank you, Jillian Michaels). Clearly, pull ups must be different muscles - or I am doing it wrong. I have no assist bands or anything, just the bar in the doorway. I am going to try the chair thing and see if it will help.

    All this talk of the challenge makes me want to sneak it in, even though it isn't in my rotation yet. I am doing the lean rotation, so my workouts are a little different than the rest of you, I think.

    This morning I did Isometrics. Boring like yoga, but I feel the core work in this one and really enjoy the challenge, so I don't mind it as much. I'm really sore today.

    Have a good day, everyone!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I love my push-up stands, so much better on the wrists. But they will make sure you're using the right muscles!
    The Accelerator - Good workout. Used Powerstands for the plank and pushups to keep my wrist straight because I bruised it. Good modification if you have sore wrists.

    And here I thought you use them to make pushups more difficult?
  • OK, I did Total Synergistic yesterday and bonked..ugh!! Not sure what happened. There were even a few that i did worse than last time on reps.

    BUT then today did Agility X , which I think has been my worst routine, and killed it. WOW.. I think I only stopped twice for maybe 2 or 3 seconds. Last time there were quite a few stops for breathers and stumbling all over the place. But today I felt great doing it and was hitting all the moves just right. WOW what a difference I felt. Not sure what happened between yesterday and today. Feeling really tight now so I am sure I did that right...haha!

    And ladies..I wouldn't sweat the pull ups. That's my sore spot too. I am a guy and I only do six all through the challange (and barely at that). So not much better. Just keep working at them. ;)

    Nice job everyone!!
  • I DID THE CROW!! Well..just one stumble in the first couple of seconds, but after that I held it all the way through. Well enough of bragging about the crow. haha

    Anyways done with 3rd day 3rd week. I don't know why but i am enjoying the yoga. Really REALLY concentrated on my form today and boy was I sweating like crazy. That had to be the most I have sweated since I started this program.

    So on to the challenge tomorrow. Kind of worried about it and not showing much progress. Oh well, we will see how it goes.

    Hope everyone is having fun! ;)
  • GaFez
    GaFez Posts: 25
    They might be a little harder but it doesn't hurt the wrists so much! So there goes the No Pain No Gain mantra!