Whose 'cruising' with me ? ;)



  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I know we're not supposed to track calories, but I have been. i'm a little worried that i'm not getting 1200 cals. most days, i'm eating as much as I can. I tend to go over board on the weekends, so during the week I have more PP days. I started Dukan 4 Weeks ago today and so far i'm down 16 lbs. I lost 7 of them during my 5 day attack. not sure if this is normal, I don't want to screw up my metabolism.

    I tracked calories every step of the way since I adopted the dukan eating plan. I would say I lost 20 pounds the first 5 weeks, the next 16 over the next 2 months (right on schedule with what the predictor on line showed) and the last ten took 3 more months. I actually went below the original TW the Dukan on line calculator predicted when it was all said and done.

    that's great and good to know.
    did you manage to eat at least 1200 cals. a day? i'm trying to figure out if I need to find a way to make myself eat more.

    Yes, unless I was sick ( caught a bug somewhere in there) I managed to eat at least 1200 a day. I did it mostly by doubling up on chicken and fish portions of food. I eat my two greek yogurts every day. I ate fat free cream cheese, egg white omlets with salsa. Even on days with vegetables. (PV's) I made sure I got it all in.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I am also having a hard time eating enough. I just finished a 21-day elimination diet and did not lose any weight but my lean body mass improved. I can gradually add more food back in. I want to increase protein portions but I get full so quickly and do not want to force the issue. I also get sick of vegetables so easily so I have cut back on PV days.

    I just bought an olive oil mister that I am excited to try.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Guys and Dolls.....I'm back!!! :smile:

    It's been a long haul (literally), 8 countries in 12 days all work related. As a result, I completely came off track and lost site, routine, proteins oh and finally lost count of how many bread rolls I actually ate over the period. :bigsmile:

    Rather than me giving you my life story, below summarises my experience and points to note which I hope you will find helpful in some way:

    1. Try not to stray from logging via MFP (no excuses ....works offline too if you have no Internet, always sync when you can). The day I stopped login was the day I strayed off my (cruise phase) diet....and I mean strayed completely!

    2. Trains, planes & automobiles (and all the hotels in between) - I started off well by carrying with me a range of Scooby snacks inside my various sizes of Tupperware (looked suspicious at customs but I didn't care)...oatbran, protein shakes, truvia , vanilla powder...you name it, I had it....the Dr would be proud.

    3. Breakfast buffets - couldn't resist the offering of freshly cut melons, pineapples and fresh berries so I stuck to these with hams and figured better than bread or other refined carbs. Little did I know that the 'carb clan' disguised as freshly baked artisan rolls and warm croissants had their eye on me.

    4. Who would have ever thought it, MFP is actually very much worldwide. I found it very amusing when I purchased a yogurt where I couldn't even read the label (for the bi- lingually challenged) but managed to log all in Greek....fabulous!!

    5. I couldn't challenge my love for eating out.....so my PP/PV pattern went out of the window after my first few days away. Did I feel guilty....not at all.

    6. After all of the above, I returned a few days ago to discover that I hadn't put on a single pound and I mean zero! Yes it's official, I am the same weight as I was 2.5 weeks ago and I am even on my TOM!

    So the moral of MY story is that I need MFP and all my wonderful friends to keep me on track....accountability is a wonderful thing. I need to be able to recognise my threshold, if i pass the zone......the little devil comes out in me :devil: also, I never beat myself up for going off my diet lifestyle as sometimes 'life' just skews somewhat and you need to be able to adjust. It's not the coming off that counts.......it's truly about getting back on :flowerforyou:

    p.s. a quick hello to all the Dukaners to may have recently joined onto this thread, please feel free to add or ask any questions xx
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Hi, don't know if any of these folks are still around, but I am dredging up the thread since I am cruising now!

    The above post was actually very helpful for me- I am going away to Hawaii at the end of December, and I really don't want it to spell disaster. Last time I went there were Mai tai opportunities everywhere! There will be some tours etc I go on where the food is supplied, and I won't have much choice. Hopefully I can rely on a fair amount of yogurt. I may even bring a cooler pack with me so I can drag it to the beach with cheese strings etc. but there will be a few things (shave ice) that I will unapologetically enjoy lol. Thanks for that post.

    On my 4th PV day of my first 5/5 cruise cycle. So far very glad I went with the 5/5, it is easier to get through. I have had some tough days but I have gotten through without cheating (well sorta, had to resort to hot dogs no bun one evening). I loooove the galette. Every night I have also been mixing canned pumpkin with sfnf vanilla yogurt and pumpkin pie spice and eating it like pudding. So getting my fiber lol.

    My weight has been all over the place daily on PV- up 1, down 2, up 1... I'm glad the book warns us about that! But I am breaking even. Looking forward to my PP days actually. I like the simplicity, I like not logging too. Walks and workouts have been hard to fit in.

    Well if anyone is around, come join me on this thread!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Wow, it is day 12 of cruise and I am down two more lbs, down 7 lbs since I started, 5 to go.

    The 5/5 split seems to be really working for me. Just around day 5 of PP I start to get impatient with it, and that is the perfect time to add some veg in for a few days. Also, my weight perfectly plateaus during my PV days, then I get a several pound drop during the PP days, so the weight loss is consistent and predictable (right now anyways)

    Some of the challenges: I am still really craving sweets, especially chocolate, because halloween treats are everywhere! Seriously, I am taking in enough artificial sweeteners to drown a lab rat lol, I would not consider that good long term, but this is only for a month. I worry that my sweetener intake may be actually causing the sugar cravings, so it's a catch-22.

    Things that have saved me: canned pumkin mixed with sf vanilla greek yogurt. On PV days it is my nightly treat. And I still love the galette, even my kids eat it. I think I will keep that in my life forever.

    Things I could do better: slacking abit on the water intake. Relying too much on sweeteners. Veggie intake on PV days is quite low.
  • rachellebells
    rachellebells Posts: 19 Member
    Hello fellow dukaners :):): im in consolidation and I honestly am the living version if a dukan book... I am obsessed and have various folders, books in different languages etc!!! So please feel free to add me and ask me any questions if I can help I'd love to!!
    Ill be starting phase 4 soon and plan on tackling it by still counting cals so I make sure I'm not going over maintenance and living by phase 3 rules overall but adding treats we wouldn't be allowed on phase three more often!!:) xxxxx
  • sisdunbar
    sisdunbar Posts: 36 Member
    Hello fellow Dukaners!
    I've just started attack phase and was wondering if any of you guys could share any recipe/meal ideas? I'm presently filling up on eggs (omelettes, boiled, muffins with fish etc), eating lots of fish (poached and smoked) and beef and chicken. I have recently discovered the wonderful world of Quark cheese which helps with fillings and sauces and frequently raid the spice rack for flavour changes.
    I am doing Dukan to get myself in a better dietary frame of mind and lose a few before my wedding next April. I'm 5'7" weigh 11st6lbs but would like to get to 10st10lbs. I have done Dukan before, but found it very hard as my fiancée eats bucket loads of food AND it's all the wrong type for doing this diet, so I need all the help and motivation from fellow dieters that I can get!
    C x

    So this week I went on the Dukan Diet again and have followed it properly this time! As a result, I have lost 6lb this week! This morning I really fancied boiled eggs and soldiers so I found a really quick and easy recipe for bread. It literally takes 5 minutes to make.

    4 tbsp oatbran
    2 eggs
    2 tbsp fat free natural yogurt
    1 tsp baking powder

    After mixing, just pop it in the microwave for 4 minutes on high and let it cool down before toasting it. I used one of those Chinese takeaway plastic containers. Looks like real bread and tasted like white bread! Really chuffed I can use my oatbran daily allowance for this. (Obviously, it doesn't make a loaf just a few slices.)
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Hey girls,

    After a gooood brake ( Gosh, it´s been 5 months :/ ) I am back on Dukan. Well, to be fair, a bit on a modified version lol
    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Hey Dukaers,

    I started this thread some time back (May last year) and the support we gave each other was beyond tremendous! I reached my -8kg goal successfully but unfortunately fell off due to work commitments ( full blog of my story to follow or those who may be interested). My brother on the other hand also did the diet and kept it off by following the 4 stage plan in its entirety. He is a professional athlete I hasten to add but needed to rapidly reduce his weight for weight category purposes. He now eats carbs and all the 'stoge' you can think of yet continues to train and never misses his PP Thursday once a week ( or whichever day his training programme allows).

    Looking for new/ active Dukaners especially if you are based in the UK or Europe ( not favouritism I promise....it's just that's where I live and helpful for tips on available food brands etc )

    Happy to be back, lets get this party started!
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Hey :)
    I just saw my previous post and thought to might have confused you lol so I literally started my Dukan from Attack last Wednesday.
    Wanted to do it in December, but my nutritionist advised me not to ( all the fests and so on)

    So here I am back as well!

    Had my 'Attack' kick, which resumed in 4.5 kg lost ( hemmm let´s hope it stays, because apart from very pure protein, I consumed a good dose of stress which might have taken few pounds off)

    Today is my PP, and to be fair, feel slightly bit tired. My breakfast and lunch was a very boring egg white omelette with chicken breast, but I kept my joy ( as always) for a dessert, coffee mousse.

    I think the forecast for dinner is not any better - chicken....
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Wow ! That's a brilliant attack result.......sorry to ear about your stress, hope things are better now. I have 2 more days of my 'relaxed' attack (protein shakes and raw nuts are my conscious cheat ). Lets see if I still loose?
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member

    So this week I went on the Dukan Diet again and have followed it properly this time! As a result, I have lost 6lb this week! This morning I really fancied boiled eggs and soldiers so I found a really quick and easy recipe for bread. It literally takes 5 minutes to make.

    4 tbsp oatbran
    2 eggs
    2 tbsp fat free natural yogurt
    1 tsp baking powder

    After mixing, just pop it in the microwave for 4 minutes on high and let it cool down before toasting it. I used one of those Chinese takeaway plastic containers. Looks like real bread and tasted like white bread! Really chuffed I can use my oatbran daily allowance for this. (Obviously, it doesn't make a loaf just a few slices.)

    Just tried your recipe.....love love loved ! Far superior to one that I have tried before which just tasted sour and soggy. Toasted beautifully and gave me the crunch I needed with my egg white omelette this morning . Had a rye bread texture on the inside which is perfect as my partner is Scandinavian so basically he eats a lot of the stuff. Thanks to you xx
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Ugh I need to come back lol, just taking a few more weeks to psychologically prepare, as you know attack doesn't do well if your mind ain't ready.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Btw my earlier post seemed to miss the quote /unquote feature somehow. Just wanted to comment on the bread recipe which was fantastic once again.

    Where are all the Dukaners on the site? We used to be a chatty bunch? Happy weekend everyone x
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    How is everybody's cruise going ?
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    I am waiting another kilogram to disappear, it's either tomorow morning or hopefully on friday morning. I really hope my scales won't stop on a current 65 kg, as I haven't been doing any sports at all ( exams at uni!):sad:
    The food diary, according to my standards, was really good, so that kept me losing bit by a bit.

    Poco a poco, how they say here in Spain :happy:
  • Elimi88
    Elimi88 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm starting the Dukan diet tomorrow so Attack phase! I did this diet 1.5 years ago before my brother's wedding and it worked really well . Unfortunately, I stopped right after the wedding and had only reached the cruise phase. This was a big mistake as I gained the lost weight back on! I've been trying to get back into it ever since but keep failing! But this time I'm set on being diligent and sticking to it just like I did the first time! This group is great! I hope I can find motivation here! Looks like all of u are getting great results! Just a few questions, have any of you exercised intensely alongside the diet? When i first did it I only stuck to the diet no exercise and had lost 10 pounds. This time I want to exercise also, and was thinking of doing the 30 day shred or Insanity video but not sure if my energy will be high enough! Thanks and good luck to u all :)
  • Elimi88
    Elimi88 Posts: 25 Member
    Sorry, i'd also love to hear more about results/time frame or before after pics if anyone wants to share
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Soya protein powder. Got hooked up. So tasty and filling!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    How is everyone doing ? Lets hear results on cruise.....

    Starting Target. = 10 kilos / 22lbs
    Loss @ Week 4 = 4 kilos / 8lbs lost (with major cheats and travelling abroad)
    Cruising to loose. = 6 kilos

    Nuts, nuts and more nuts
    Red wine and a few other drinks (1 x weekly)
    Exceeding my oatbran quota (sometimes due to lifestyle )
    Picking food off my partners plate