Week 2 Chat (27 January-2 February)

SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
Hi Challengers!!

Welcome to Week 2 of the Trim Taut and Terrific Aussies (and friends) 12 week challenge!!

The purpose of this thread is whatever you want :smile: Chat away to your :heart: content - it's all about sharing and support.

If you are a late starter (welcome), please make sure that you have read the GOALS thread, and posted your details under INTRODUCTIONS. This week's progress update can go in the WEEK 2 WEIGH IN thread and later I will post a spreadsheet to compare everyone's progress (still working on this).

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My plan for this week has a 5 strong approach:

MENTAL - read and repeat my goals and affirmations every morning and night.

NUTRITION - stick to a 1600 calorie average per day over the week. I'll be setting a higher target on the weekend and lower during the weekdays, with a macro split of 40% protein, 40% fat and 20% carbs.

No more late night binges!!! This fits under the mental category as well, as it's rarely about the food, but more about stuff going on in my head. I'm working on it.

RESISTANCE TRAINING - 4 times per week. Monday:Chest/Triceps; Tuesday: Legs/Shoulders; Thursday: Back/Biceps; Saturday: full body.

CARDIO TRAINING - one hour walk every weekday. Plus Spin class Wednesday and HIIT after Monday and Thursday workout.

SUPPORT - this group :) I'll be checking in every night to see what's happening with everyone - hope to see you around. If anyone would like to add me as a friend, please send me a message referencing TTTAussies :)

Oh, and I'll also be posting all my meals (if I remember) on Instagram #TTTAussies, so you can see what I'm eating. It's a good check in for during the day as well...

What is everyone else planning to do?


  • candirose69
    Hey guys
    All pumped to be starting this week with clarity an focus!! last week was a bit shot as we were in limbo and then had the bad news. But today is a new day and a new week!

    I have my weight loss buddy back to (my sister) and we are both really focused. I have finished 2 weeks of meal plans, done the shopping and worked out my gym routine for the next 2 weeks as well :)
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    The week that was:

    I won't be weighing or measuring each week and I have an accountability system in place but I will post the week that was.

    I've had a great week fitness wise. I've set out to do at least 5 work outs per week as well as lunch time walks etc so I'm averaging over 10, 000 steps per day.

    Have completed 4 heavy lifting days and a cardio work out and have averaged more like 13k steps per day so the first week of 12 has been great.

    My nutrition has been great Monday to Friday although sodium in a few days was a little high and I can always do with a little more fibre but having said that I'm being pretty regular lol.

    I have stretched myself in my weights and upped chest press by 5kg for a few sets and 10kg for dead lifts and squats, even though I'm eating at a slight deficit.

    Feeling focused and motivation is high. The test will come Tuesday morning when I put on my work trousers. This will be my guide as they are snug (I bought a smaller size than I really needed but it's my goal to slip into them comfortably).

    Weight unofficially is higher by 1/2kg but I put that down to muscle water retention.

    The only think I don't record on my diary is a few cups of espressi each morning, which has negligible calories, and soda water which is my coke zero substitute for bubbles.

    I have not had a drink since last Sunday so no extra carbs in the system.

    Next week I'm introducing a night of tennis into my schedule so I will have 2 cardio days on top of my lifting. This will test me because it will mean a late-ish night followed by an early morning at the gym.

    6 work outs for the week is going to stretch my limits but as I'm in the right frame of mind I may as well go for it.

    Looking forward to week 2 :)
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Hi everyone. I have not been as active on here this week as I would have liked to have been. Checking in periodically on my phone and enjoying everyone's posts. We have some really cool people in the group.

    Skim you have worked tirelessly on this group it must have taken a lot of time to set up, and to respond to everyone's posts. You are obviously putting a lot of hard work and effort into this, thankyou.

    I have been working a lot of extra hours, which is good as hubby will be redundant next month and I am trying to fill the bank account a little to tide us over till he finds work. Also I think I finally impressed the boss enough to put me on contract. Much as I like the casual rates, I would prefer the job security. I asked for full time, since I have been working that since November due to staff shortages, sicknesses and weddings. Basically I am covering two stores and working 6 days a week.

    I am still finding time to go to the gym though. I have a new programme spread over 4 days. I am going heavier, or trying, in order to bulk. last time I tried this I failed completely, as I just could not eat past maintenance calories. This time I am having less issue with it mentally, but still finding it a little hard physically. I tend to fill myself up so much with salad I have no room for carbs, then I end up with a huge dinner, or sugary treats for supper. But each day I am making small improvements, and pre preparing and pre logging are helping. I have to say though, the peanut butter spread on chocolate I had on Thursday was divine :-)

    My 4 days are
    Shoulders and abs
    Chest and triceps
    Back and biceps

    I am not organised as to what day I will do what as I find every time I plan a week, something changes with work or family, so I will just attempt to get there 4 or 5 times a week.
    I asked for at least one day to include only free weights, as I have an issue with the gym closing at 6 on weekends, and I work till 5. Plus they work ridiculous holiday hours. I will change to a 24 hour place when my contract runs out.
    Well today was one of those days. I worked 10-5 gym opened 10-5. So shoulder and abs done at home. I struggled with a bit, having to frequently change weights up and down instead of having rows of weights to just pick up. And having to rearrange things to give me floor space for some of the exercises. But I did it. A bit more messy than at the gym, but I will be more organised next time. It doesn't help that I am super setting this programme.

    I am a bit nervous about tomorrow as it is weigh and measure day. The fact that I am looking to see weight gain not loss is a new concept for me. And if I find I have gained fat not muscle I will cry. But I will not give in.

    My cardio is very simple and achievable. I am simply walking the dog, half an hour am and half an hour pm. Also after the gym I will do half an hour brisk walk on the treadmill. I have given up the stepping and jogging for this cycle.

    My personal challenges for next week.

    1. Get 8 hours sleep, or at least be in bed for 8 hours.

    2. Eat 200 cals per day over maintenance, but eat wisely, not ice cream and chocolate for supper.

    3. Reduce my eating window to 12 hours, and not eat 3 hours before bed.

    5. Rely less on bars and powders for protein

    6. Give up coffee. Aw bugger it there's only so much a girl can give up at one time, I am only human, so that will be
    6. Cut down on coffee

    Well that's it for now. Just going to check last weeks statistics so I know wether to cry in the morning ;-)
  • broncosbabe
    broncosbabe Posts: 50 Member
    It's check in day, but I haven't gotten out of bed yet. Feeling exceptionally seedy from yesterday's shenanigans. Was a. Lot of fun, I didn't over eat but made exceptionally poor choices with my food, along with drinking copious amounts of alcohol. Lucky there's only one Australia Day each year! Do I feel guilty and ashamed of myself? No. I had an awesome time and work hard at the gym throughout the week. But as per my last post, I have a pact to have no alcohol until Stanthorpes Apple & Grape festival in March. Focus for the next six weeks is totally on my training for mini triathlons and my half marathon in March.

    My fitness program this week is:
    Today (when I feel a little better): legs
    Tomorrow: back & biceps; 8-10km jog
    Wednesday: chest and triceps; boxercise
    Thursday: legs; 8-10km jog
    Friday: shoulders & abs; swim
    Saturday: 12km jog and cycle
    Sunday: rest

    This is a mix of week four from Jamie Easons live fit program and myasics half marathon training, with a swim and cycle thrown in for the tri training. Strength sessions generally take about 40mins including warm up, cool down and stretching. I run first thing in the morning to beat the heat and do my strength training at whatever time of the day I can fit it in. I love it so much :)

    Back to day shift for a couple of weeks now so I'm looking forward to getting back in my routine again :D

    Skim, thank you for your tireless work within this group-you are awesome! And thank you to everyone sharing their lives on here. It's so comforting to know that there are people around like me and help with not feeling alone through the process.
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    I woke abruptly at 5.18am this morning with cramp. I already take magnesium and ate more salty food all last week in case my sodium was down. I get regular massages, stretch post workouts, plus had a restful weekend.

    Anyone got an additional tips that might help?
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I'm having a busy day at work, so will check in with everyone this evening. Good to see some solid planning in place (both here and in the check in thread as well).

    Helen, no idea about the cramps, magnesium should help - maybe it's the dosage? I don't know...

    Happy Tuesday!!
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Afternoon all :smile:

    A nice hot on here today. Been really good since my gain yesterday, hoping that uping my calories will work in my favour.

    Skim hope your day slows down for you.

    Helen sorry I have no idea about cramps, I very rarely get them.

    Hope everyone else is having a good week so far.
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    I need to check in here and let you all know that I am still with you, even though I haven't been around much!

    Middle of last week, some scheduling issues messed up my workouts, and I used that as an excuse to go three days without logging my food. It turned into one of those completely off-the-wagon experiences! :(

    So, today (Monday for me) I started my FitnessBlender eight-week-fat-loss program over again...and I logged my food, even though I *did* eat lots of starchy carbs! :O

    I don't have a weigh-in to report at all because I am *NOT* getting on the scale until I right this wrong!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Crap, bad long weekend from me. I tried on my bridesmaids dress for this Saturday and it still zips (just) but is incredibly tight. I went and got some spanx-type things today but will be on my very best food behaviour this week. Only a three-day week for me though as I'm heading to Melbourne Thursday night for the wedding. Struggling to get my workouts in also. I have training tonight and tomorroaw night luckily so that's something. Hope you've all recovered from the long weekend okay
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    I think calcium and potassium work for cramps - a nice leafy salad with some cheese or yoghurt might help.

    I'm back off to Tamworth later to take my son back to the paediatrician and am counting down the days until the end of school holidays. Apart from that nothing much happening at all.
  • bird_3_lee
    bird_3_lee Posts: 64 Member
    I woke abruptly at 5.18am this morning with cramp. I already take magnesium and ate more salty food all last week in case my sodium was down. I get regular massages, stretch post workouts, plus had a restful weekend.

    Anyone got an additional tips that might help?
    I have had terrible trouble with leg cramping in the past. Dr's put me on quinnine (which is a malria treatment) but fantastic for controlling cramps. I no longer take this medicine & find that when I get cramps now I am low on calcium. Also too much salt is just as bad as not enough when it comes to cramps; And if you have a fatty liver or gall bladder issues they can also be a cause for cramps. hope this helps :smile:
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    I went to the doctor this morning to see what is up with my back. I have put it down to it being a flare-up of Spondylolysis (basically a crack in the vertebrae) which happened when I was about 15. Every now and then I get the ouchies but it normally goes away after sleeping. This has been a solid 4 days of strong pain, so now I have pain meds and am having scans tomorrow. This has totally thrown a spanner in the works regarding my exercise. I am bummed because I am wanting to start on stage 2 of NROL4W. I will do some yoga instead over the next couple days, just to stretch it out.
    This means I have to really keep my eating in check becaue I won't have exercise calories to burn. Boo! :frown:
    Ate a lot of junk over the long weekend, mostly because I was too sore to spend more than a couple minutes in the kitchen. Tonight I will get on the meds and make something nice for this week's lunches. Small blessing- have been around or less than maintenance calories at least, so theoretically should not gain weight.
    My waist felt smaller yesterday when I put a certain skirt on, so am looking forward to taking my measurements on Friday.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Thanks again, Skim, for all your effort in setting this challenge up. You're a champ! :drinker:
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    I have had terrible trouble with leg cramping in the past. Dr's put me on quinnine (which is a malria treatment) but fantastic for controlling cramps. I no longer take this medicine & find that when I get cramps now I am low on calcium. Also too much salt is just as bad as not enough when it comes to cramps; And if you have a fatty liver or gall bladder issues they can also be a cause for cramps. hope this helps :smile:
    Thanks I'll keep that in mind. If they are still bad in another couple of weeks, I'll chat to the doc. Would tonic water work? Its got quinine in it
  • candirose69
    Ha ha glad to see I wasn't the only one with no self control this weekend!
    I feel like a big fatty fat and seem to have lost all self control in regards to sugar and wheat...hopefully tomorrow gets better!!

    And I am just putting this here so I HAVE to go..I am going to get up at 5:30am and go to a pump class...so everyone ask me about it tomorrow here or on my wall! heheh
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Enjoy pump Candi!! I'm off to it too but not till 9am. Friday is my bright and early one.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi everyone!! So good to see you all back and straight into it after what I think was a pretty big long weekend for most of us!

    I've had a look through the weigh in thread posts, and just want to say that (especially as I am leading the weight GAIN numbers) that we are SO much more than the number on the scale. Other factors can influence weight, and as long as you have a small to moderate calorie deficit and eat good healthy food, that scale weight WILL decrease over time.

    Of course, if like me, you pulled out all the stops and consumed your body weight in champagne :drinker: and chocolate, well - measures need to be taken!!

    Candi - good to hear you are pumped and ready to hit your plan! Look forward to seeing a post here at 5:30am tomorrow from you - just to prove you were up!! Or post a pic on Instagram #TTTAussies. You HAVE to go now!!

    Maurice - great focus, hope that the work pants show progress for you. I think clothes fitting better are a great NSV. Congrats on increasing your weights too.

    Jackie, thanks :flowerforyou: you don't have to check in every day, just whenever you can. Great goals. I think you are doing really well considering your work hours and trying to fit in the gym when you can. HOWEVER... cut down on coffee??? OMG... LOL!!

    Mel, good goal for the no alcohol challenge - I'm going to keep wine to Friday or Saturday night only from now - it certainly helps keep the calories under control. I know what you mean about sharing, it makes us all seem human.

    Megan, good to hear from you, don't worry about your gain, I did too - just means we have to be focussed this week.

    Hi Pam! What's the fitness blender thing all about?

    Gemma - eek! Definitely get the spandex and maybe have a few carb free days? I'm sure you still look fabulous in the dress.

    Robin, good luck with the dr visit - let us know how you go.

    Sam - holy crap, don't do anything to hurt yourself further!!! Last year I tore a tendon in my ankle and I still exercised, but not as vigorously, but I should really have had a couple of weeks off. Rest and get better soon, NROLFW will still be there for you in a couple of weeks, just be more diligent with your nutrition.

    Helen, maybe try tonic water for a week and see??

    Wednesday tomorrow - already hump day! Woo Hoo! I'm doing an UPPER workout in the morning followed by a 45 minute Spin class. Aiming to keep to somewhere between 1200-1500 (sugar and wheat free) days until this weekend so I can get my week back under control.
  • sydneybeachgirl
    I only lost 1kg since the start BUT I am happy with that
    especially as I am over the moon about the fact that even thought I have a BMI of 31 - I completed my 3rd triathlon on Sunday...I am a high on all week :)
  • Danispen
    Danispen Posts: 50 Member
    Hi everyone
    I find the first week back at school really really busy so I am aiming to keep it together this week, perspective and not let things get on top of my priority - that is me.
    I love reading all your posts because it re-affirms so much of what I want to do.
    My fitness goals for the week are to
    * continue to get to the gym 5 x week
    * stop drinking wine - altogether, if I want a drink I am reverting to gin - way less calories and you can boost it with heaps of diet tonic
    * make sure I eat at work (which often I miss) to stop the 4pm hunger ravenous feeds

    On a positive note already for my week, I made up a circuit for myself to do at home tonight as I was pushed for time.
    my circuit was
    kettle bell (7.5kg) squats, v-situps, thrusters (5kg bar), curls (5kg bar), lunges, jumping jacks, push-ups & kettle bell swings - x 10 reps x 10 times - just over 30 mins. Finished with 100 crunches & a plank.

    I have never done anything like that before, I have ridden the bike but not worked as hard as I did in my circuit. I have no idea who I am becoming but I like it!
  • EGirl7
    EGirl7 Posts: 39 Member
    Just sussing out my weights workout and thought I might find a video of it (don't think there is, though)...but I found this video and I really like this lady - she's very cool!

  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Okay I'm back from Tamworth - the doctor was really good. He`s upped my son's ADHD meds to the max, decided against putting him back on anti psychotics (which were a pain as they really affected his appetite and he put on a lot of weight as a result which in turn made him feel bad about himself ~ which of itself was unhelpful for both his physical and emotional wellbeing). What he has done is put him on antidepressants. Plus he is going to keep him on his list rather than seeing whichever doctor is available at the time ~ which means he gets continuity of care for a change.

    His diagnoses are ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder which means my son is quite a handful and yes his mood swings do affect me a lot. He can be very emotionally draining to deal with. I am saying this here so that I can get it out there and deal with the stress/emotions in a constructive manner rather than turning to food for solace etc.

    Speaking of food we had dinner at Hungry Jacks before we came home and I feel quite bloated now ~ blah.
This discussion has been closed.