Running Goals for 2014



  • Hello,

    My running goals for 2014 are:

    1. Run my first full marathon (Brighton in April)
    2. Run 5k under 30 minutes, 10k under 1 hour
    3. Run a half marathon sub 2h30
    4. Get more involved with my local running club activities

    Happy running everyone!
  • My running goals for 2014:
    - Run another half marathon (and PR!)
    - Run my first full marathon
    - No injuries
    - Learn to enjoy treadmill running even though I much prefer outdoor (necessary with the snow/ice/weather in MT)
    - Find some good new training routes/ trails
    - Participate in some local, smaller 5 or 10ks

    Sometime, I'd really like to do a Rock n Roll Marathon!
  • astuart7
    astuart7 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow there is some awesome goals on here.

    For me:

    Whistler HM -June
    Vancouver RnR HM - Oct

    -to increase my speed (hoping reduced mass will help) and some speedier run buddies.
    -to run injury free
    -and a few 5 & 10K's here and there.:happy:
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    1. Get back in to a routine and run 4 days a week
    2. Safely increase miles
    3. Start marathon training
    4. Survive marathon training
    5. Enjoy marathon :)
    6. Show off newly svelte body to husband when he gets home :heart: :heart: :glasses:
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Nobody said "get a cool race pic" yet?

    Get a cool race pic. There.

    I prefer to set challenging but attainable goals.

    Yes I agree, that is an impossible goal for me :laugh:
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Hi. My goals for 2014.

    1: run 5k in under 30 minuets, I acieived 20mins 43secs on new years day , just got to do it again this coming Saturday
    2: run a 10k each month
    3: run my first half marathon
  • To be able to run 10 miles..up to 7 miles now :smile:
  • marathongirl100
    marathongirl100 Posts: 2 Member
    To run Brighton Marathon in under 5.30. To run Beachy Head marathon in under 6 hours. Main goal is to actually look like a runner, people look at the size of me an cannot believe I run!
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
    Half marathon march 2014
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    What are everyone's running goals for 2014?

    Two parkruns per month - 5Km benchmark runs
    Bring my 5K time down to 25 Mins
    Sub 55 10K
    Three 10K races later in the year - possibly London parks 10K series
    Towards the end of the year making a decision about whether to go for a Half
    Injury free - This is probably the key one, I've had broken ankles on both sides and torn ligaments on the right so need to take it easy in terms of speed and distance increases. Notwithstanding that in nine months I've done nearly 600 miles so not too bad for a recent starter.

    Well I've had a horrible cold for two weeks, that had me working at home instead of going into work for two days of that.

    So I've already failed on the 2 Parkruns per month objective, as I'm away this coming weekend with work so can't make it :( Will try for a third in Feb to pick up the average.
  • HappyRunner34
    HappyRunner34 Posts: 394 Member
    I have a 10 K run this weekend: Go Sub 51:00 minutes
    Half Marathon in mid-Feb: Go Sub 1:55
    13 K Trail Race in California in March Goal - Have a frickin' blast!
    30 k Race in March: Sub 3:00
    Marathon in June: Sub 4:00 hours

    ..and whatever else may come along! :)
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    How did I miss this?

    These are realistic goals I am looking to accomplish in the year 2014:

    My number one goal is to run injury free (I'm currently on a 3 year injury free streak).
    Continue with a yearly mileage of 2000+ miles

    Everything else:
    5:10 50k
    Sub 4 marathon (PR is 4:13)
    Sub 1:50 half (PR is 1:55 racing after my highest mileage week ever on untapered legs! I know it's close!)
    Sub 1:20 15k

    Finally tackle the shorter distances (been years since I raced them):
    sub 50 10k
    sub 23 5k
  • guerin
    guerin Posts: 6 Member
    New to the group. Happy to have found it.

    2014 goals:

    10k in 49:59 (PR 51:20)

    20k in 1:49:59 (PR 1:53)

    21k in 1:59:59 (PR 2:03)

    marathon in 4:30:00 (PR 5:14:00) This needs a miracle lol
  • txguard61
    txguard61 Posts: 51 Member
    1. Keep my weight around 175 lbs.
    2. Be able to run with the 3:40 pace group at the next Houston Marathon.
    3. Break 1:40 on my half marathon.
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    My goals for this year:
    1. HM PR, signed up for one in April. My first (and only) one was really slow, so hopefully I've got a shot at it.
    2. 10k PR. I ran one last weekend and wasn't even close (cold, windy weather + hangover) but will do 4-5 more throughout the year.
    3. Beat my best 5k time from last year.

    Overall, just stay consistent. That has always been my problem before. Something happens and suddenly it's been 2 months since I ran. I may do a local sprint tri also.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Just two:

    Brighton Marathon - I don't care about the time but I want to run it all and finish feeling good.
    Rat race dirty weekend: 20 miles this year instead of last years 13
  • 1) Run a sub 20:00 5K (and I did that today after 12 weeks of training!)
    2) BQ and PB at the Ottawa marathon on May 25, 2014 with a time of sub 3:15.
    3) Reduce my body fat from 19.7% to 16.4% while maintaining my current lean muscle mass.
    4) Run the NYC marathon or the Hamilton Road2Hope marathon on November 2, 2014.
  • hjr9779
    hjr9779 Posts: 3 Member
    My goals are really simple as I would like to consistently run no less than 3 days a week....four would be ideal but I play other sports so it may not always be plausable.

    I would like to run my first 8K, 10K and Half Marathon! Woohoo!

    After I do those things then I want to work on getting faster but that may be a 2015 goal as my half isn't until November.

    Baby steps to health
  • VCYoga
    VCYoga Posts: 13 Member
    Happy to join : )

    1. Run my first 10K in April
    2. Run my first 1/2 Marathon in June.
    3. Run my first 5K fun run with my husband in July.
    4. Log 20K a week
    5. Log 1000K this year

    Increasing my pace will be a work in progress for 2015. The end of 2013 saw my first 10K run so i'm just starting to enter the longer distances.
  • DavidHusky
    DavidHusky Posts: 112 Member
    1. No injuries
    2. Finish the Twin Cities Marathon on 10/05 in under 4 hours
    3. Run a 5k (shortest I've done is 10k)