Running Goals for 2014



  • HappyRunner34
    HappyRunner34 Posts: 394 Member
    I have a 10 K run this weekend: Go Sub 51:00 minutes
    Half Marathon in mid-Feb: Go Sub 1:55
    13 K Trail Race in California in March Goal - Have a frickin' blast!
    30 k Race in March: Sub 3:00
    Marathon in June: Sub 4:00 hours

    ..and whatever else may come along! :)
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    How did I miss this?

    These are realistic goals I am looking to accomplish in the year 2014:

    My number one goal is to run injury free (I'm currently on a 3 year injury free streak).
    Continue with a yearly mileage of 2000+ miles

    Everything else:
    5:10 50k
    Sub 4 marathon (PR is 4:13)
    Sub 1:50 half (PR is 1:55 racing after my highest mileage week ever on untapered legs! I know it's close!)
    Sub 1:20 15k

    Finally tackle the shorter distances (been years since I raced them):
    sub 50 10k
    sub 23 5k
  • guerin
    guerin Posts: 6 Member
    New to the group. Happy to have found it.

    2014 goals:

    10k in 49:59 (PR 51:20)

    20k in 1:49:59 (PR 1:53)

    21k in 1:59:59 (PR 2:03)

    marathon in 4:30:00 (PR 5:14:00) This needs a miracle lol
  • txguard61
    txguard61 Posts: 51 Member
    1. Keep my weight around 175 lbs.
    2. Be able to run with the 3:40 pace group at the next Houston Marathon.
    3. Break 1:40 on my half marathon.
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    My goals for this year:
    1. HM PR, signed up for one in April. My first (and only) one was really slow, so hopefully I've got a shot at it.
    2. 10k PR. I ran one last weekend and wasn't even close (cold, windy weather + hangover) but will do 4-5 more throughout the year.
    3. Beat my best 5k time from last year.

    Overall, just stay consistent. That has always been my problem before. Something happens and suddenly it's been 2 months since I ran. I may do a local sprint tri also.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Just two:

    Brighton Marathon - I don't care about the time but I want to run it all and finish feeling good.
    Rat race dirty weekend: 20 miles this year instead of last years 13
  • 1) Run a sub 20:00 5K (and I did that today after 12 weeks of training!)
    2) BQ and PB at the Ottawa marathon on May 25, 2014 with a time of sub 3:15.
    3) Reduce my body fat from 19.7% to 16.4% while maintaining my current lean muscle mass.
    4) Run the NYC marathon or the Hamilton Road2Hope marathon on November 2, 2014.
  • hjr9779
    hjr9779 Posts: 3 Member
    My goals are really simple as I would like to consistently run no less than 3 days a week....four would be ideal but I play other sports so it may not always be plausable.

    I would like to run my first 8K, 10K and Half Marathon! Woohoo!

    After I do those things then I want to work on getting faster but that may be a 2015 goal as my half isn't until November.

    Baby steps to health
  • VCYoga
    VCYoga Posts: 13 Member
    Happy to join : )

    1. Run my first 10K in April
    2. Run my first 1/2 Marathon in June.
    3. Run my first 5K fun run with my husband in July.
    4. Log 20K a week
    5. Log 1000K this year

    Increasing my pace will be a work in progress for 2015. The end of 2013 saw my first 10K run so i'm just starting to enter the longer distances.
  • DavidHusky
    DavidHusky Posts: 112 Member
    1. No injuries
    2. Finish the Twin Cities Marathon on 10/05 in under 4 hours
    3. Run a 5k (shortest I've done is 10k)
  • A few years ago I was running 2:50 min marathons. . .then tore an ACL and MCL :/ . . . .I think it is time to get that speed back and lose the weight that came with the injury. My goals for 2014 . .. .finish a half, finish a full, get back to 150 lbs.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    1. Injury free (and therefore keep up the cross/strength training)
    2. Sub 1:40 half (1:39:59 would be ok with me!)
    3. Either my first 70.3 or get my marathon time to 3:45
    Next up is a half on 4/27 which my father, sister, brother and husband are also running. Therefore, less about time, more about the family racing :)
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    My goals for this year:
    1. HM PR, signed up for one in April.
    2. 10k PR.
    3. Beat my best 5k time from last year

    One down! Had my 10k PR on Saturday - 1:09:33. Still slow, but getting better!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    1) Break 24:00 in a 5K

    2) Finish a half under 2 hours (my stretch goal is 1:50)

    3) Finish my first full marathon! (My goal is 4:10, but I just want to finish for my first)

    I have others, but those are my biggest.
  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    Nice goals, everyone! I'm training for my first 50 mile trail race. Yikes! Also looking for a marathon PR this year--under 4 hours.
  • zemli
    zemli Posts: 4 Member
    I'm hoping this is the first year in a while, I can run injury free!!!

    I'm running my first Ragnar (trail run in Zion)! I'm just looking to finish that.

    I also plan on trying for the Chicago Marathon lottery. I ran it two years ago. Between my Dad's death and injury, I didn't train the way I would have liked. This year, I'd like to kick it's butt and run a sub 4:00.
  • BartO81
    BartO81 Posts: 10 Member
    Run a half marathon under 2 hours.

    A PR on a 10k.
  • citykat
    citykat Posts: 3 Member
    My current short term goal is to complete the 13 Week Walk/Run Program from the Beginning Runner's Handbook and then run a 10k in under an hour. I will finish my 2nd week on the program this evening and will start the 3rd week on Friday.

    After that I'd like to run the Long Beach 1/2 marathon in October.
  • I just returned from a three month injury layoff, so my first goal is simply to complete my current training program without further hurting myself. ;)

    But, aside from staying healthy, my goals are:

    * break 1:30 at Glass City 1/2 in April
    * run Race to the Moon 5k for the finisher's Moon Pie
    * beat last year's time at the Oak Openings Stampede 25k trail race
    * run Columbus Marathon, either sub-3:15 or sub-3:05 (BQ!) depending on training over the summer
    * most importantly, run Santa Hustle 1/2 with my wife in December.

    The last one is my most important goal, because my wife is just starting to get into running and I really want her to succeed. I am planning on pacing her through the race and I am really excited to do it.
  • I'm registered currently for the Athens (Ohio) Marathon, Cleveland Marathon, Glass City (Toledo) Marathon, and Akron Marathon. I'm also running half marathons and plenty of shorter races this year. I've ran 7 marathons so far, but never 4 in one year. I'm hoping to run more than 4 if all goes well!
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    Ouch...OK here goes....
    1. Average 75 miles a month (currently 52)
    2. Build mileage toward previous long runs of 12 miles
    3. Do my first Spartan Sprint
    4. Run 4 5Ks this year see item 5 and why not more.
    5. Play soccer (futbol for everyone else but the US and Ireland) 2 hours each time - three times a week without injury this year.
    6. Begin training for a HM.

    Should be enough to accomplish this year.
  • TheRunnerDad
    TheRunnerDad Posts: 33 Member
    Setting out to have my mile time back down below 6 minutes by end of summer...and dare I say it...a sub 1:40 half in October?
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    1. stay injury-free

    2. commit to consistent speedwork to increase my pace. I got injured last year and haven't been able to get my pace back.

    3. Run one half marathon per month with at least 1/3 of them being trail runs. Hopefully, PR at least once (1:55).

    4. teach my sons trail running and cross the finish line with my 11 yo after his first half marathon (he can already run 10 miles).
  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member
    50 or 100 mile ultramarathon by end of 2014. I logged 10,000 miles cycling last year, so I am taking at easy this year...
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    1. Complete 4 HM (maybe a 5th, depends on if I get signed up in time or not, race got cancelled so last year has priority over this year).
    2. Get base miles up to 30 MPW...steady.
    3. Sub 02:15 HM time (current PR is 02:34)
    4. Sub 30 minute 5K (current PR is 31:51)
    5. Volunteer for at least 1 race each month.
    6. 1000 miles run/walked this year.

    #4 Done! New 5K PR: 29:20! Achieved on 22 March 2014 at the Bad Dog 5K in Memphis!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1. Complete 4 HM (maybe a 5th, depends on if I get signed up in time or not, race got cancelled so last year has priority over this year).
    2. Get base miles up to 30 MPW...steady.
    3. Sub 02:15 HM time (current PR is 02:34)
    4. Sub 30 minute 5K (current PR is 31:51)
    5. Volunteer for at least 1 race each month.
    6. 1000 miles run/walked this year.

    #4 Done! New 5K PR: 29:20! Achieved on 22 March 2014 at the Bad Dog 5K in Memphis!

  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    Woohoo! Congrats rdhulir!

    I'd love to see more updates as everyone achieves their goals! let's keep this thread going.

    By the way, I didn't really have goals at the beginning of the year but now they are starting to emerge:

    1. Complete my first 50-miler (March 29, in 3 days)
    2. Complete the Pike's Peak Marathon
    3. Break my 5K PR -- 17:49
    4. Break 37:00 in a 10K
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    These aren't really new for March 2014, I'm just getting around to writing out my overall 2014 goals. :)

    1. Complete a marathon: Kona on June 22 is on calendar! Goal is 5 hours.
    2. Stick to my training plan and stay injury-free through the increasing miles.
    3. New HM PR (currently 2:13, would love to get below 2:10)
    4. Run a full mile under 8 min.
    5. Stop being so lazy about my workouts!
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    1. Run More than 7 miles at one time. (That's the longest I've ever gone)
    2. Complete my 1st HM in September
    3. Do a 5k in under 27 mins
    4. Do a 10k in under 55 mins
    6. Get my body fat down to 21%

  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    In order of importance:

    1) BQ of 3:25 in Baystate Marathon (10/19/2014)
    2) Sub-20:00 5K
    3) 2400 miles. I fell behind the pace (200M/month) in March due to travel & illness