Daily Check In Thread



  • helen2307
    helen2307 Posts: 18 Member
    Have just done W7 D1 and I'm sooo pleased. :happy: Have done it before but had to stop for a little while so took it slow and before I knew it I was up to week 7. Looking forward to doing the last week and then maybe working towards 10k.
  • dauvis
    dauvis Posts: 57

    My last run was crappy and before that I didn't run for almost a week bc of a cold/injury/snowstorm. Tonight I just wanted to get my full 30 minutes in.

    For the past few weeks, after 20 minutes I've been taking a couple minutes walking break to catch my breath. I was fine with it -- knew it wasn't ideal but preferred being able to finish strong.

    Walked for 5 minutes tonight to warm up and then just... kept going. I didn't stop once.

    For 35 minutes straight.

    When my app told me the 30 was up and to cool down with 5 minutes of walking, I decided to just... keep... going. I felt great. My breathing was calm, my body wasn't sore or tired or dead, everything just clicked, so I ran right through the warm-up.

    And.. I went 3.2 miles : )

    I could cry with happiness right now. When I was in middle school we were doing fitness testing and I was humiliated because I chose the half mile for the running portion of it and I couldn't do it at all. Since then, I've always avoided running because obviously I couldn't do it. But I can! And I did! I just did it!!!!

    My first ever 5K is next Sunday, March 2nd. I can't wait.

  • Just finished Week 2... I can't wait to start Week 3 on Monday.. Signing up for a 5K somewhere in the mid-to-late April range, still need to check. I like that added accountability.
  • GrindingSalt
    GrindingSalt Posts: 68 Member
    W9D3..... done : )

    30 minutes. 3.05 miles. Gorgeous day in NYC and I'm so happy! I DID IT!!!!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I've been mostly lurking in this group (there is tons to read) but thought I would poke my head in and say I just finished wk5 day 2. Exhilarating! But I am shaking in my boots at what lies ahead.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Just ran for 30 minutes (aka W9) no problem! Feeling amazing given I just started running after seven months off. :smooched: :smile:
  • BrendanScrote
    BrendanScrote Posts: 61 Member
    Done W8D1 today running for 30 minutes !!!

    I'm still incredibly slow and the weight loss has slowed right down but happy with where I am :)

    Well done everyone ....

    Quick question .... Are there different versions of C25K? I see people on week 9 & 10 but my program finishes with a 40 minute run in W8D3 ... any thoughts ?
  • dauvis
    dauvis Posts: 57
    W9D3..... done : )

    30 minutes. 3.05 miles. Gorgeous day in NYC and I'm so happy! I DID IT!!!!

    Congrats :drinker:
  • dauvis
    dauvis Posts: 57
    Done W8D1 today running for 30 minutes !!!

    I'm still incredibly slow and the weight loss has slowed right down but happy with where I am :)

    Well done everyone ....

    Quick question .... Are there different versions of C25K? I see people on week 9 & 10 but my program finishes with a 40 minute run in W8D3 ... any thoughts ?

    Yes, there are different versions of the program. I think the original is the one that ends week 9 with 30 minute runs.
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Been poking my nose around this thread for a little while. Thought I'd check in :) Finished W3D1 of C210K yesterday, W3D2 is tomorrow. I graduated C25K back in May 2013... So glad I decided to start running again.
  • mema_king
    mema_king Posts: 52 Member
    W7/D1 completed. So pleased to have gotten this far.
  • apparatus195316
    apparatus195316 Posts: 79 Member
    W4D3 is tomorrow - and I'm getting my jogging stroller in the mail today, woohoo! Taking the wee one with me is going to make this a helluva lot easier.

    Am I the only one who has made it this far in the program without any weight loss or change in measurements? :P
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    Congrats everyone! I love reading these updates. Great motivation and perseverance!

    W7D3 for me tomorrow (today is a rest day). Ready to rock it!!
  • ceruleanskies
    ceruleanskies Posts: 29 Member
    I graduated from the C25K in October 2013 and ran my first 5K right after, but I've taken a break from running since then as the weather grew cold and snowy and I couldn't run at the park anymore. I've missed it a lot, though, so last week I got an indoor track membership and restarted the program - I finished Week 2, Day 1 today! I'm looking forward to having my endurance back and running some more 5Ks when the weather gets nicer. :)
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    Congrats everyone! I love reading these updates. Great motivation and perseverance!

    W7D3 for me tomorrow (today is a rest day). Ready to rock it!!

    Yay! Just ran W7D3 last night!

    Today is rest day, then onto W8D1 tomorrow! 28 minutes of running...man oh man.
  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member
    W9D3..... done : )

    30 minutes. 3.05 miles. Gorgeous day in NYC and I'm so happy! I DID IT!!!!

    Congratulations! Awesome job.

    I finished week 1, then had to take a week off because the kids were home sick, so I was a little leery about starting week 2 this morning. I considered redoing week 1, but in the end I went for w2d1 and I'm glad I did. I did it! Yay!
  • raelorien
    raelorien Posts: 71 Member
    Got off track for a couple of weeks but am getting in gear. My first 5K (I'll do run-walk) is in 11 days.
  • TheKatatron
    TheKatatron Posts: 43 Member
    Hello, everyone! My first post here. Completed W4D1 today!
  • luciafernanda
    luciafernanda Posts: 34 Member
    I completed W4D1 yesterday!! And I struggled through week 3 (did it six times!) so I was nervous about W4. But I did it :D I hope I can do it again haha.
  • Yesterday I completed W9D2 and I got injured :frown: I really want to cry...