how much weight have you gained



  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    Congrat meghan! On staying under 30 and you new little bundle!:)
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I read a couple articles that indicated maternal fat gain takes place earlier in pregnancy and pretty much tops off by 20 weeks. The remaining weight gain in the second and third trimesters is baby, blood, placenta, fluids, etc. I thought that was interesting and it helped me chill out a bit!
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    My doctor actually just told me this yesterday. She says anything you gain after 20 weeks should come off pretty easily--most are stuck with what they gained up to 20 weeks.
  • Nikusz
    Nikusz Posts: 69 Member
    found this chart regarding what grows when there's also a table (in kg)
    I ---- II
    0 ---1.0 --- 3.4
    0 -- 0.3 ---0.6
    Amniotic fluid
    0 --- 0.4 ----1.0
    Fetal total
    0 ----1.7
    0.3--- 0.8
    0.1 ---0.3
    Blood volume
    Extracellular fluid--- 0
    Maternal total

    these were from some obgyn textbook.
    there is one more chart here
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Well that's good news considering I gained less than 5 lbs up to 20 weeks!
  • katsmith924
    katsmith924 Posts: 2 Member
    This is my third pregnancy and I have had extreme experiences both ways. My first pregnancy, I was over-stressed and only gained a total of 15 pounds and was 30 pounds lighter within a week of delivery. My second pregnancy, I was so scared of depriving myself & the baby, that I gained a whopping 65 pounds and struggled to get the weight off and couldn't maintain my pre-pregnancy weight afterwards. I dropped down to an unhealthy weight and then climbed right back up.
    This pregnancy, I have tried to limit myself to only gain about 20-30 pound total since I was a little heavy when I got pregnant. But with 7 weeks left, I have already hit the 30 pound mark and am now struggling to maintain my current weight and not get any bigger.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    That IS super interesting about the fat stores being built up in the first 20 weeks! My son I was pp weight at 20 weeks and gained 23 lbs after that, lost the 23 lbs within 8 days of birth. My daughter I have no clue as i was afraid to step on a scale until I was 2 months pp. 20 weeks with my daughter I was up 10 lbs, and gained 36 more after that... 2 months pp I was only down 22 lbs, but I could have been eating crazy while BFing. I was so upset when I did my measurements recently and realized my butt was up 2" already! I was horrified, but if that's the fat stores and if I eat reasonable maybe that's the only inches on my butt I'll have to lose I guess I'll count myself lucky. Will be trying to keep my cool about the weight I've put on and the future weight I put on. I couldn't believe with my son I put on 6 lbs in the last two weeks alone! (when he went overdue!) It's amazing how quickly it can happen and how quickly or not quickly it can come off. Every pregnancy (even for the same person) is so different!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Height: 5'2"
    starting: 154.4 lbs

    10 weeks: 154.4 -1.2 pounds
    15 weeks: 151.8 -2.6 pounds
    20 weeks: 152.5 + .7 pounds
    22 weeks: 154 +1.5 pounds (darn you Halloween candy cravings!)
    23 weeks: 155 +1 pound
    24 weeks: 155.6 + .6 pounds
    25 weeks: 155.8 + .2 pounds
    26 weeks: 157.2 + 1.4 pounds
    27 weeks: 158.9 + 1.7 pounds
    28 weeks: 161.6 + 2.7 pounds (Thanksgiving got me!!)
    29 weeks: 163.9 + 2.3 pounds
    30 weeks: 166.8 +2.9 pounds
    31 weeks: 170 +3.2 pounds
    33 weeks: 174 +4 pounds
    34 weeks: 178 +4 pounds
    35 weeks: 180 +2 pounds
    36 weeks: 182.4 +2.4 pounds
    37 weeks: 183 + .6 pounds
    38 weeks: 183.4 + .4 pounds
    39 weeks: 183.8 + .4 pounds
    40 weeks: 184 + .2 pounds
    41 weeks: 184 no change

    Gave birth on Sunday 2/23.

    gained 28.4 pounds
    3/2 : 168.3
    3/5 : 165

    lost 19 lbs since giving birth
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    Height: 5'2"
    Conception: 211lbs
    BFP: 209 lbs
    10 weeks: 203 lbs
    15 weeks: 200 lbs
    19 weeks: 199 lbs
    21 weeks: 202 lbs
    22 weeks: 202 lbs
    23 weeks: 201 lbs
    24 weeks: 203 lbs
    25 weeks: 205 lbs
    26 weeks: 204 lbs
    27 weeks: 204 lbs
    28 weeks: 206 lbs
    29 weeks: 205 lbs
    30 weeks: 207 lbs
    31 weeks: 208 lbs
    32 weeks: 206 lbs
    33 weeks: 205 lbs
    34 weeks: 207lbs
    35 weeks: 211lbs

    Lots of fluctuations, I can't wait to see the bubs estimated weight next week.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Height: 5'2"
    starting: 154.4 lbs

    Gave birth on Sunday 2/23.

    gained 28.4 pounds
    3/2 : 168.3
    3/5 : 165

    lost 19 lbs since giving birth

    Congrats on your weight gain, loss, and new baby! I love your pic and all the info it gives in a creative way!
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    starting weight - 208
    current weight 30 weeks - 218


    goal is 15 lbs
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    Height 5'2

    SW 124 lbs
    CW at 22 weeks 138

    Net gain 14 lbs :(
  • cnshumate
    cnshumate Posts: 4 Member
    Starting Weight = 146
    Height = 5'4"

    9 weeks = 148
    10 weeks = 147
    12 weeks = 146
    13 weeks = 147
    14 weeks = 148
    16 weeks = 149
    17 weeks = 151
    18 weeks = 152
    19 weeks = 153
    20 weeks = 155.5 - (9.5 gain so far)

    Did anyone else see a major weight jump in the 19-21 week range?
  • vlmcwilliams
    vlmcwilliams Posts: 46 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight: 66kg

    Cumulative total
    Week 1-11: +0.8kg
    Week 12: +1.8kg
    Week 13: +1.6kg
    Week 14: +2.2kg
    Week 15: +2.9kg
    Week 16: +3.3kg
    Week 17: +3.5kg
  • Jssem89
    Jssem89 Posts: 14
    Pre-Pregnancy Weight: 145 lbs / 5'5"

    Cumulative Total

    1-13 Weeks: +3.5lbs
    14 weeks: +4.5lbs
    15 Weeks: +4lbs
    16 Weeks: +5lbs
    17 Weeks: +4.5lbs
    18 Weeks: +5.5lbs
    19 Weeks: +4.5lbs
    20 Weeks: +5lbs
    21 Weeks: +6.8lbs

    Total Gain to Date: 6.8 lbs
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member

    week 4 - 135
    week 6 - 134.4
    week 8 - 135.0
    week 10 - 135.2
    week 12 - 137.2
    week 14 - 136.0
    week 16 – 139.8
    week 18 – 141.4
    week 20 – 144.0
    week 22 – 146.4
    Week 24 – 149.4
    Week 26 – 149.2
    Week 28 – 150.2
    Week 30 – 153.6 (ouch!)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Starting Weight = 146
    Height = 5'4"

    9 weeks = 148
    10 weeks = 147
    12 weeks = 146
    13 weeks = 147
    14 weeks = 148
    16 weeks = 149
    17 weeks = 151
    18 weeks = 152
    19 weeks = 153
    20 weeks = 155.5 - (9.5 gain so far)

    Did anyone else see a major weight jump in the 19-21 week range?

    Yes! I was shocked at the doctor's office at my 22 week weigh in. I went up 12lbs in one month! That is, by far, my biggest weight jump. My second biggest weight jump was at 26 week visit and I was only up 4lbs at that appointment. There were a couple other women on here that also said around 20-22 weeks was their highest gain. I read online somewhere that the baby doubles in size about this time.
  • Hi All

    realised i hadnt checked in since i was 25 weeks! im 32 weeks now and in total am up 15lbs (i was up 12lbs at 25 weeks) this has been higher and lower - it seems to fluctuate depending on the day!

    happy with it over all though as i havent been able to keep active as my hip was sore for a time and i have eaten a lot of chocloate and sweets - its what the baby wants!
  • rfrobertson
    rfrobertson Posts: 19 Member
    36 week doctor check in and I've gained a total of 20lbs. I had a goal of no more than 25lbs so hopefully I'll be able to meet that and lose it all quickly! Some have told me they gained the most the last part of pregnancy but I gained most of mine during the first/second trimester and have only gained a total of 5lbs during my third. I guess I'll see what the next 4 weeks bring, hopefully just a baby and not much more weight!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    at 25+1 I've gained about 13.5 so far.