Carb Counting



  • GlucernaBrand
    It sounds like you're happy with your meals Marie. A red vest on a cold winter day is a great idea to perk things up! ~Lynn /Glucerna
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am making my protein shake with Almond coconut B lend milk now taste pretty good too.
  • dontwishforit_workforit
    I tried the blackberries/banana/protein powder smoothie today. Ew, ew, ew! I settled for milk, a banana and a good chunk or two of honey peanut butter. It was very high in calories (631), carbs (61) and sugar (40!!!) so I won't be doing that again.

    Whitman's boxes of chocolate were buy one, get one free the other day.... I currently have a 171 2-hour BS was a result. Oops :( However, I am back to good food and did a gym run at 6 a.m. this morning. Did the 30-minute circuit at Planet Fitness, and grudingly did 25 minutes on the arc trainer. It was 45 degrees on my way to work last night (versus the 8 degrees just a few nights ago!) so I am hoping the nice temperature will carry out tomorrow and we can have a family walk and take the dogs to the lake for a walk (it takes about an hour to complete at a slow pace).

    I am considering making some tofu-spinach lasanga. I made it once a long time ago, so hoping I can sneak it in for dinner tomorrow night (my wife abhors the idea of tofu and won't eat spinach in any way). After two meals of turkey goulash (holy pasta carbs) I need to try and lighten it up!

    Hope everyone else is doing well and rocking the numbers! :)
  • dontwishforit_workforit
    I am making my protein shake with Almond coconut B lend milk now taste pretty good too.

    I have tried coconut water and found it repulsing. I have never had almond milk, but I have had soy milk and enjoy it. Is almond milk similar?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Don't wish for it I have never tried soy milk and this is only the second time to used almond milk.
  • Darlekins
    I am making my protein shake with Almond coconut B lend milk now taste pretty good too.

    I have tried coconut water and found it repulsing. I have never had almond milk, but I have had soy milk and enjoy it. Is almond milk similar?

    Cocout water is repulsive. Coconut milk is delicious however! The coconut/almond blend is very good. i think it's creamier than straight almond milk. i would say that soy milk is similar to almond milk. I can't do soy, so almond milk or almond/coconut is a good replacement when I'm not being decadent with straight coconut milk or heavy cream
  • dontwishforit_workforit
    I have heard of coconut milk, but after the water (thank goodness for freebies) I ran far, far, far away to the hills! I will have to look into it then, since I kind of miss milk (only use it when baking, rare, and for the occasional bowl of cereal).
  • GlucernaBrand
    I've found that each of the different types of 'milks' have a unique taste and texture. There can be a difference in nutrition make-up of the different milks, so be sure to read the food label for calories, protein, fat content and of course carbohydrate. Then choose the one that fits your nutrition needs, and of course one that you enjoy! ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • phenom0217
    phenom0217 Posts: 8 Member
    I am making my protein shake with Almond coconut B lend milk now taste pretty good too.

    I have tried coconut water and found it repulsing. I have never had almond milk, but I have had soy milk and enjoy it. Is almond milk similar?

    i think almond is better - i use silk unsweetened vanilla almond milk for my shakes
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    1 cup of almondcoconut milk with 1 T. of peanut butter, 1 scoop of Jay Robb vanilla protein shake 1 banana was made in Heaven for me.
    LOVE IT>
    marie..................................What is your favorite shakes if you drink them?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am trying to stick with ABD this week so far Ok.
    Breakfast................... 2 eggs 2 slices of bacon over a bed of lettuce and a sprinkle of cheese 1 T. of Blue cheese dressing coffee.
    Lunch I don't think I had lunch
    dinner Jay robb milk shake with 1 c of almond coconut milk. Banana

    Fell good to be back on it.

  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Marie, that protein shake sounds pretty good! I'll have to try that combination.

    I've been meaning to mentioned awhile back about ordering a device that thinly slices veggies, etc. I wondered if it arrived, how well it works, and what you've made with it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Retiree that noodle making gizmo work pretty good. But I have not used it in a week or so. does Zucchini! and onions real ood.

    I have been reading and using some of the southbeach Diet on this site. found some new ways of fixing thing

    Quite interesting.......... Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    retiree I like the noodle maker real well. I have not used it in a week or so .but does a petty good job on Onions and juccukini
  • GlucernaBrand
    I really like hearing about the different foods you're trying Marie. Have you tried radishes with the vegetable slicer? ~Lynn /Glucerna
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    no not yet.
    plan on making oven fried chicken tonight with almond flour.

    I love her site
  • GlucernaBrand
    It's great you're finding recipes you enjoy! ~Lynn /Glucerna
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello everybody

    I have not gone anywhere just trying to et my life together.
    Anybody remember the core plan From WW. That is what I decided to used for a few weeks and see how my body react to it. the low carbs was not helping me. and there is a lot of information on the internet about it.
    I am not counting carbs just fiber. I am eating the good carbs I just love my breakfast. One of my childhoods deliet only I think it might have been on biscuits I was born in the depressing remember taking our lunch to school wrap in a newspaper tied with a string Hard times.But We ate better than the kids now a days.

    My breakfast this morning ......nature own 100 % wheat thin bun for 5 grams of fiber
    .....2T natural peanut butter
    .....1 banana.......2 grams
    For a total of 9 grams of fiber and around 500 calories. , TMy blood sugsr was 60 this morning. I am eating lots of beans fruit and veggies will increase my calories. But I am just going to wait and see how it is in a couple weeks See you tomorrow

    See you in the morning to tell you how my day went. Take care.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning carb counters

    Whatever kind of carbs you are on. . I am on the high fiber one, However I gain 3 lbs. this week. I blame it all on overeating the nuts. Won't buy them anymore. Will just used peanut butter. But today is a new day . the first day of the rest of my life And I am going to make it count
    Hope to see better luck next week.