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  • Hello just 40 and new here!
    want to loose some weight for a regular bmi < 25
  • tamio9
    tamio9 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello there..
    I turned 40 last Oct and it bugged me for awhile and now I am like who cares!! But I need to lose 60 pounds! I have found that it is so much harder now than even 5 years ago to get it off.
    I looking for a group that understands how I feel and has either been there done that or is going through it now!!
    I am a high school teacher that teaches tech class so I do a lot of sitting, so I set my alarm on my phone to get up and walk for 5 min every hour, I walk 15 min before school starts and 10-15 min on my lunch, been doing this for 4 weeks now.... only lost 2.5 pounds....I feel discouraged every day.... but I am still going strong..
    JAXXISMYBABY Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all. I am 46 years old, mother of 4 kids ranging from 29 to 3 years old.
  • shrutfiord
    shrutfiord Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone. I am new to the group. I have been away from MFP for about 2 years and had gained about 20 pounds. Now I am ready to start being responsible again and start tracking food. It has always been the only thing that works for me. I have never been one to join groups, but thought it would help me be accountable. I am a mommy and wife. Own my own business. Currently I am in physical therapy, so I do not actually "work out." But hopefully soon I will be able to. The highest I have been at is 187. My goal is to get back to 160.
  • Hi everyone,

    Not sure if I fit into this group. I am a 48 year old female who has been struggling with perimenopause symptoms for the last year. I gained weight and had all the "lovely" symptoms to go with it. Hot flashes, night sweats, sore breasts, poor sleep, etc. It sucked! I started Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hugely expensive!) last August and all of my symptoms except the weight gain have subsided. Thank God. So since I feel "balanced" and I found a great workout program that I look forward to, I thought I would try to get the weight off. I just get so frustrated that I often give up, feel it's useless and have some chocolate (emotional eater!!!). I could really use some support. Did I come to the right place? Thanks for listening. Feel better already!

    I'm right there with you. I too am a 48 year old female who had been struggling with pre-menopause craziness. I've been 'thinking' about losing weight for some time and during that time it just kept piling on. I would workout only so I can stuff my face. It doesn't help that I am living with a teenager who is physically fit and can eat whatever he wants. In any case, it wasn't until I went to the doctor and found out I have high blood pressure that I realized all is not right. She wants me to drop the weight and see if it is the cause of the high blood pressure. So here I am!

    I will say, that with in the past two weeks of counting calories I'm way more conscious of what I eat. I really hate to think of how many calories I was consuming prior to tracking. Well no looking back now, time to face forward and get with the program. One good thing, I've always been pretty active, so now to just step it up a notch or two.
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hey There, Well I am starting to use myfitnesspal once again. I am 42years old and I need to lose between 40-50lbs. I had never struggeled with my weight until my 30's after I had a complete hysterectomy, now it seems almost impossible to lose weight. So I know what I need to do and I know that it is going to take a lot of dedication, commitment and very hard work, which I am willing to do.. I just cannot face another summer of feeling to ashamed to put on a pair of shorts. I am excited to join this group and can't wait to hear about everyone's success stories...
  • mosy04
    mosy04 Posts: 16 Member
    :smile: HYA everyone i am 58yrs young and have Alzheimers but still want to join in Helping me lose weight will be great thanks everyone :flower for everyone
  • Hi everyone! I just turned 46 in February. I'm really trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle. Hopefully we can get through this thing together. Oh yeah, why did I have to find out about night sweats on my own, just out of the blue??? Someone should have given me a heads up on that one. :grumble: Thankfully, I found a supplement on Amazon that seems to help out a lot!
  • busybarbie
    busybarbie Posts: 20 Member
    Hi I am a 48 yr old busy mom of two wonderful boys.. I work in a food service business for public schools I am what the kids call the lunch lady... on weekend my family loves to eat out... before when I was younger when I set my mind to lose weight I lost now it just does not I want to lower my bp.. it has been a little high lately.. in the evening I have sweet craving... I stop drinking soda pops tha was hard its been 2 months nothing but water or tea..i hope I can find motivation which from time to time I lack of...
  • MzNurse6870
    MzNurse6870 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello! My name is Tiarra . I am 43 yrs old mother of one son. Looking to be fit and healthy this year.
  • weight_dreamer
    weight_dreamer Posts: 2 Member
    :happy: Hi ! My name is Maria I am 40 yrs old, I have 4 kids 22, 17, 6, & 5 yrs old. I have been over weight for to long and want to make a change.
    I started my weight lost goal on Dec.31 2012 I weight at the time 275 lbs today my weight is 192.4 my goal is 150 or 140 lbs my height is 5'6" .
    It's starting to get tought on me now but I'm tring my best to keep it together I know I am close to my set goal but my mind say go go go but my body is say no no no
    I log in everthing I eat and weight-ins on my fitnesspal app every day which I can say was my #1 help to lose so much weight and water intake on a next app.
    I want realy to lose these 52 lbs

    This is my first time in a group any help will be great :happy:
  • Traciaq
    Traciaq Posts: 29
    Hi All, new-ish here downloaded app 6 months around same time I joined weight watchers, hit a wall in ww so decided to cancel and here I am =) have some to go, trying to get my fabulous back. slowly making my way through C25K anyone please feel free to ad me I work from home and am here often =)
  • scispence
    scispence Posts: 117 Member
    Hi!:wink: I'm Karen from Vancouver, BC, I'm a 42 year old chemistry teacher and mom to one son (12). I've recently put on about 15 lbs, in addition to the 15 that have crept on over the years. I'm brand new to MFP and I'm hoping it will make a difference. So far (2 days!) I've logged everything. We'll see how I do after spring break is over and I'm back to work. My top two motivations are to fit back into clothes that I love and to not have my flab get in the way when I do yoga (that sounds really weird, but it actually hurts).
    I've also joined the LNS (late night snacking) fighters group, as that is my abosolute kryptonite!:frown:
  • tattsb4u
    tattsb4u Posts: 30
    Hi, I am Vicki....41 and newly married (first time). I would love to lose at least 30 pounds...and ever since I hit 40 it seems to be so much harder. Looking for support and motivation...more friends the better! Add me if you would like. Looking forward to this new journey :flowerforyou:
  • khobbs72
    khobbs72 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning all! I am 42, well in a few weeks anyway. I have two children, a daughter who is 18 and a senior and a 16 year son who is a sophomore. I have been married for 19 years. I also have one dog. My goal is to lose about 60 pounds and I did pretty good on the program last year when one of my friends was getting married but fell off the wagon when it got close to the ceremony and never got back on. I have struggled with my weight since my son was about 1 and I had my gallbladder removed. I am looking for friendship and support on her and think this is the perfect group for me. So I look forward to our journey together.
  • jenm0611
    jenm0611 Posts: 13
    Hi All, I'm Jenn, I am 42 (43 in August) and I have gotten to the point where I try to get ready for work int he morning WITHOUT looking in the mirror, which is virtually impossible in our bathroom. I look at my reflection and honestly get sick to my stomach. I have raised two beautiful girls (they are 18 & 20), so it is just my husband and myself at home. I know that my husband USED to very proud of what I looked like and now he tries not to say anything but he will make simple statements like "your t-shirt is a little too tight in the back" or "I just don't want people making comments about you behind your back". I know he loves me no matter what I look like but I also know how he used to look at me...."back when". I have not been able to do any exercise at all since January because of a car accident and back injury and I have put on 20 pounds as a result. I don't want to be "that woman" in walmart or the grocery store who is buying the right kind of food but is sagging and bagging in clothes that look like they came out of her little kids closet. My doctor has said "no exercise" so I am going to try to do things like yoga to help...We have a boat and I want to be able to wear a bathing suit with pride again
  • Ysmir
    Ysmir Posts: 828 Member
    New to the group, and not quite 40. I'll be 39 in August so I think I'm closer to this group than the 30 somethings! I want to be fit by the time I turn 40. I have given birth to and am currently raising three beautiful children. I love them all dearly, but my daughter is my inspiration. She's ten, and she and I are as close as can be. She wanted to go walking, or biking, or running and I was an obese 37 year old smoker with 25 years of solid couch jockeying experience. Well I kicked the smoking habit, and added more weight for the trouble. Now that I can seriously and confidently say that I will NEVER pick up another cigarette, it's time to lose the "smoking weight", and then all of the "lazy weight" too. Feel free to add me to your friends list.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I'm Paula, 44, looking to lose a couple more pounds then maintain. I am an intermediate Martial Arts student with a blue belt in Korean MA. I lift weights, as best I can with a rangy build, with my wonderful DH also. I have 2 boys ages 14 & 20. I started to have trouble with my weight going up when I moved from LA to TX. I think it's part cultural and part medical. I had active Celiac disease until I was 33. It took awhile to figure out how to keep gluten from my diet. Gluten makes me lose weight, but NOT in a good way, so now that I'm totally gluten free the weight is going up! I started my own diet at 157 but couldn't seem to get lower than 153. I'd like to weigh 145. It's good to hear about dieting from women my age who have had children and are in, or going into, menopause!
  • Wonderwomantam
    Wonderwomantam Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this group. I am 45, from Ohio and am one year away from the empty nest. I do love my daughters but I am also enjoying this new time taking care of myself. I have taken care of everyone else for so long, that I had neglected taking care of my own health. So here I am! I am working on being a "Fabulous" 40 something! :wink: Friend me if you like!
  • cantina920
    cantina920 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I'm Tina. I turned 40 back in September. I'm determined that this will be my best year yet!

    About 6-7 years ago, I lost about 40 pounds through ELEM- eating less and exercising more. What a concept! I told myself I'd NEVER let myself get back up over 200 again. Fast forward a few years, and not only did I get back up over 200, but I was halfway to 300! On December 31, 2013, I started to ELEM.....again! With the help of a friend (and accountability partner), I have lost about 35 pounds. I am almost back down under 200, but I still have about 40 pounds to go. The MFP app has really helped me keep track of my calories.