Welcome! Say hello....



  • mawmonamission
    mawmonamission Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I just turned 30 in January. I'm single mom to 2 kids and I have struggled with my weight up and down as long as I can remember. I have finally decided to stop making excuses and get off my butt to make the necessary changes. I am active on MFP with an open diary and workout at least 5 days per week, so feel free to add me. I am definitely looking for motivating friends and I will reciprocate the effort!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Lorraine, Lynn, Jenni, Aaron, and doinitonmyown!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I have posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0) On a side note, this weekly challenge will wrap up in two weeks and I will be posting a new spreadsheet so keep an eye out.

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • mawmonamission
    mawmonamission Posts: 16 Member
    I added myself to the spreadsheet. I just started a page on Facebook and I am running challenges there as well. :) Gonna be fun to keep up with is all! and very motivational!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    My name is Dani. I am 34 years old. I am a mother of 2 boys (3 1/2 and 1) and work full time. I have been on MFP since Jan 2011. I joined shortly after giving birth to my first son.

    My battle with health started right after college. I had no idea how to be healthy on my own. It was easy when I was in high school, I was one of those people who could eat anything and never gain. In college, it was easy to make good choices because we had a lot of healthy options. After graduating, I found out the reality that healthy food cost more and it is very tough to cook for one person. Needless to say, I lived off of crappy unhealthy food and take out for the first year after graduating and gained 10 lbs. By two years after graduating I was up 30 lbs and at my highest I weighed ~215 lbs (I don't know for sure because I refused to step on a scale). I started doing weight watchers on line in 2006 and got down to 170 ish and maintained there until getting pregnant with my first son in 2010.

    While pregnant I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It was the slap in the face I needed to get healthy. Type 2 diabetes runs in my family. I lived the life similar to a type 2 diabetic and then it went away. I don't want to have to deal with that if I can avoid it. So I joined MFP. I managed to get down to 153 (goal weight is 148) before getting pregnant with my second son. My second son was born March 2013. 1 year later I am stuck at 162 ish and really want to get the rest of this weight off in 2014.

    I am looking forward to getting to know some other 30 somethings and sharing this journey!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Dani!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I have posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0) On a side note, this weekly challenge will wrap up in two weeks and I will be posting a new spreadsheet so keep an eye out.

    Good luck on your journey!

    On a side note, Dani here is one of my original my fitness pals. She may be new to you all but she is an OG in my book. So glad you are going to be putting in the work with me this spring. :happy: :flowerforyou:


  • dodiem29
    dodiem29 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've joined mfp a long time ago but just started to use it these last few days. The groups and message boards are so overwhelming. So much good stuff to read but worried it will consume me.

    Anyways I'm a 36 year old from southern BC. I have about 20lbs to lose and hoping to find te motivation I need here
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group dodiem29!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I have posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0) On a side note, this weekly challenge will wrap up this week and I will be posting a new spreadsheet this weekend so keep an eye out.

    Additionally, I have started an April miles tracking thread that is open to edit for all.

    Good luck on your journey!


  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    Jitsuda, 32, originally from Bangkok but living in Jackson, MS now.

    I have been active on MFP since August 2013 and have had great results. Thanks to motivation from the on-line community.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Hey all!
    My name is Tiana. I am a single mom, of an almost 10 year old, who just turned 30. I have been trying to lose weight for such a long time but kept losing motivation. I think turning 30 has kicked everything into high gear. It might also help that I am dating a 26 year old who can eat 3x more than me and not gain a single pound (kinda hate him for that lol). I recently just set a goal for myself: Once I lose 25 pounds I am going to reward myself by finally doing a plus sized style pin up shoot I have been thinking about single I had my son.
    I also need to lose weight because I have had obstructive sleep apnea since I was 22 (or that is at least when it got bad enough I finally got tested) and Pseudotumor Cerebri (PTC-- http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pseudotumor-cerebri/basics/definition/con-20028792 ) I am always tired and have horrible head aches due to both illnesses.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Tiana and Jitsuda!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I have posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0) On a side note, this weekly challenge will wrap up this week and I will be posting a new spreadsheet this weekend so keep an eye out.

    Additionally, I have started an April miles tracking thread that is open to edit for all.

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • JessicaCFulkerson
    JessicaCFulkerson Posts: 8 Member
    Hi , My name is Jessica I am a mom to 4 very active kids 3 big fur babies , I just joined and ready to go . I actually have a goal of 80 lbs but right now I am just focusing on the first 20. I am a huge carb and sugar junky . This morning has been emotional as I am drinking my last pepsi:( good thing my husband works for a a water company , to bad I hate water .

    But seriously I know This is a good start , I look forward to getting to know all of you and getting more active 2014 Has been huge life changes for me and my family ,getting active getting out debt. Now only if I can remain active I start school 2 months to finish my bachelors , I work Part time as a travel agent from home . I have also started homeschooling my 2 youngest. MY head spins just thinking about it !!!

    I will be doing the Walk at home Dvds and turbo fire and zumba. Hopefully we will be getting out and doing some hiking and and bike riding as soon as the weather gets warmer!

    I would love to connect with anyone !! Thanks for the support and Nice to meet you all !
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hallo, hallo.
    I'm Lizz. I'm 31, single, live in the States, and am a part-owner of a coffee shop. I lost 30+lbs with MFP a few years back but have slowly gained again. I'm working on getting back into shape, so I stop hurting all over at the end of every work day. Ha! So feel free to add me as a friend. I feel very motivated by everyone here.
    Thank you so much!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Jessica and Lizz!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I will be posting a new weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. Our first 12 week self challenge just wrapped up this past week. :0)

    Additionally, I have started an April miles tracking thread that is open to edit for all.

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 31 years old (almost 32 though). When I was younger I seemed to have no problems staying thin, even though I ate a pretty unhealthy diet a lot of the time (Fast food, snacks, sodas, etc.) Of course, it wasn't like I didn't eat fresh fruits and veggies at all, but being young and on a small budget I ate what I could afford. But I still was a nice size 8, with lots of energy to spare.

    By the time I hit my late 20's, not only was the weight packing on, but I started having some health issues as well, such as migraines, acid reflux and gallbladder issues. The gallbladder issues actually landed me in the ER, and it was some kinda awful pain.

    So my goals here aren't only to lose weight but to also monitor my food intake/nutrition to help with the other health issues as well. I find that tracking what I eat helps me figure out what foods trigger my problems. Of course, by eating healthier, the weight loss is a nice benefit of that. And I'd just LOVE to get back down to that size 8 I was when I was younger! :)
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hi peeps!
    I'm Lizz, from Virginia. I'm 31. I used MFP a few years ago to lose 30+ lbs. My weight's been creeping up the past couple years, and this winter was the worst. Haha. Summer is coming. Last year, I had trouble keeping up with my friends whenever we did outdoorsy stuff like hiking or biking. Also, swimsuit season is approaching. @_@ I need new friends on MFP, so please add me.
    H: 5'4"
    W: 151
    GW: 130
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group DellaWiedel!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I have posted a new weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. Additionally, I have started an April miles tracking thread that is open to edit for all.

    Good luck on your journey!


  • ffmedjoe
    ffmedjoe Posts: 4
    Hello all. My name is Joe and I'm from WI. I have been on MFP for a while but haven't taken it seriously. A couple of weeks ago I decided to go for it. When I got married 7 years ago, I weighed 190. Now it's around 260, So i'm going to the gym and eating right. (Although MFP yells at me telling me I don't eat enough!) Hopefully i can be down to 230 by september.
  • rubystar2
    Hi All,
    Just starting to really use MFP, I have around 26kg to lose. Almost one week in and feeling fine.
    I am looking for friends to keep me motivated!

    Oh and im 33 and from Victoria, Australia
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Joe and rubystar2!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I have posted a new weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. Additionally, I have started an April miles tracking thread that is open to edit for all.

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • madube84
    madube84 Posts: 135 Member
    Hey All! I am Nobu. I live in NYC and will be turning 30 next month! I have been using MFP on and off, but would like to stick to it this time!
    I would like this year to be the year I achieve my best body thus far with some hard work in the gym and discipline with the diet.
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