


  • ReikaValtryst
    Hi everyone!

    I have had this app downloaded on my phone since last year and just now found the motivation to actually do it. I suppose it is better late than never, right?

    I did my first run this morning. I had my dog, Mokka with me to make sure I didn't quit in the middle of it! Boy did my legs burn and I was just jogging! Long ways to go but it feels great to get day one done!
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    I started on Monday. Last night I did W1,D2. So far I have made it through about 3/4 of both workouts without any problems and then I find myself really having to push myself mentally to finish during the last 1/4. I am proud that I made it through both workouts without stopping early or walking when I should be running, but it wasn't easy by any means. Lots of repeating to myself mentally "just one more step, just one more step". I'm trying to ignore the workouts in the weeks to come and just focus on right now. This is such an uphill battle.

    One thing I have noticed is that my lungs aren't bothering me as much as they did before I officially started and tried to run. I feel like they are slowly getting in better shape. I am frustrated that I was hungrier yesterday and ate all the extra calories I earned from running. :-(
  • missybraden
    missybraden Posts: 10 Member
    Just finished W1D3, did D1 last Sun and D2 on Tues. Whew - who knew 60 seconds of running would feel like so long???? I think Week 2 will be ok if I can just find a way to do all of them downhill, hahaha. Good luck to all of you and thanks for the inspiration.
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    Congrats to ReikaValtryst, MamaGab92, Missybraden, and all of the others above who have just started or a bit further along!! I start next Monday, 3/31.

    Look forward to reading your continued posts!
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 74 Member
    I completed week 5 day 2 again today. My heart rate has come down and is now staying in the high 160's. I'm trying week 5 day 3 again tomorrow. What I found out is different C25K programs have varying programs - crazy, but true. My week 5 program is quite different than a friend's week 5. All that counts is we keep going. I just want to make it to the end before June. My ultimate goal is to be able to run outside this summer.
  • gzoesch
    gzoesch Posts: 7 Member
    Finished Week 1 yesterday. First time running in probably 5+ years! It's been going well so far, today I pushed myself to go a little faster then I have the previous runs. Feeling pretty accomplished... and excited to do next week! Does anyone do cardio heavy workouts on off days? I don't want to over exert myself since I've been inactive for a number of years. I want to be able to maintain, but also take advantage of my current enthusiasm! Any thoughts?

    Happy running!
  • Lau_uk
    Lau_uk Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone! I completed wk 5 day 2 today. It's definitely stepped up a few gears.

    Having just peeked at day 3 I'm not looking forward to it!

    Fingers crossed its easier than I am anticipating

    Good luck!
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend! Would love to know how your runs went.

    I initially said that I was going to start today, but I've decided that Tues, Thurs, Saturdays will be much better for my schedule.

    So, I'll report by tomorrow night (Tues) as to how it went for W1D1.

    Have a great week everybody!

  • Lovenestwesr
    I'm sore after W1D1 yesterday! I'm pretty excited, though, my 5k is booked for June 1. I actually registered in january, but did a 12 wk walking workout to condition before starting the C25k. in the past 4 wks, I've been walking 5k distance 3-4 times a week, but at 4 mph. I'm really excited to be running again (have done 10k runs in the past) and excited to be part of this community!
  • gzoesch
    gzoesch Posts: 7 Member
    Started W2D1 today. Not gonna lie, a little more challenging! I pushed my speed up a bit on my last run and tried to keep up that pace during running sections of today and I fell a little behind. I had to slow down and walk a couple of times a little before my cue to walk. Have other people had this problem? Anyone repeat weeks that they haven't mastered before moving on? Still feeling motivated. Today was a challenge (was exhausted after work!), but I felt so good after dragging myself in.

    Happy running!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Started W2D1 today. Not gonna lie, a little more challenging! I pushed my speed up a bit on my last run and tried to keep up that pace during running sections of today and I fell a little behind. I had to slow down and walk a couple of times a little before my cue to walk. Have other people had this problem? Anyone repeat weeks that they haven't mastered before moving on? Still feeling motivated. Today was a challenge (was exhausted after work!), but I felt so good after dragging myself in.

    Happy running!

    Well done. You may not have conquered it the way you wanted too, but you attempted it and won. I will be starting after Easter, have too many things going on, plus its still cold in the mornings (preferred time to exercise). I will be focusing on weight training (upper and lower body) until then.
  • missybraden
    missybraden Posts: 10 Member
    Up to W2D1 - 90 seconds is tough. Going out soon to do W2D2. If I have to, I will repeat this week and maybe add some shorter runs to build up.
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    Week 1, Day 1 Complete!!! WooHoo... feels good! Got to waddling pretty good. Of course, that familiar feeling in the shins and ankle were there... but not too bad.

    I'm excited to be back outside with my ol' pal Robert Ullrey! http://www.c25k.com/podcasts.htm
  • kniemeier1
    kniemeier1 Posts: 15 Member
    I am working on Week 3. I've done it for about two weeks now. I'm thinking next week, I will try moving up to week 4!
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    I was pretty disappointed with my run last night. I did week 1 last week and it was challenging, but I was able to do it with few problems and felt good at the end of the week. I didn't get any workout in over the weekend between bad weather and not feeling good. So last night I decided to do W1,D2 again rather than move on to week 2. It was way worse than last week.

    FIrst of all, my knee started hurting almost immediately. I couldn't run one minute at a time. But I didn't want to quit. So I did the entire workout changing the 60 second run to 30 second runs and walking 2 minutes instead of 1.5 minutes between. I did tons of stretching afterward. Later at home I was able to stand on my knee and cook dinner without any problems. Then this morning when I woke up I could barely stand on that leg, my knee was bothering me so much. Are you kidding me?? I took ibuprofen and the pain has largely subsided for now.

    I've read on here that you need to learn the difference between injury pain and out-of-shape discomfort. Well, I can't tell that. I am so used to finding excuses not to exercise that I don't want to let myself quit when my knee hurts. But on the other hand, I don't want to seriously damage my knee and ruin my running future. I have so many people telling me how running is bad for your knees, especially when you are older (I am 47). I don't want to believe them.

    Hoping I am able to run again tomorrow...
  • Lau_uk
    Lau_uk Posts: 12 Member
    W5 D3 just kicked my backside! It's going to be my nemesis!

    Anyone else cracked it yet? Seems a big jump from W5 D2 - think I might have to add in day 2 1/4 - 2 1/2 - 2 3/4 lol
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 74 Member
    Ugh - I'm right there with you. This is my third week of W5 D2. Just this week I started adding a minute to each run but I haven't cracked W5 D3 yet. Honestly, I feel once I conquer W5 D3, I will be able to conquer running the entire 5K. My heart rate is coming down much quicker and my highest heart rate is no longer in the 180's - I am making progress!

    I've stopped (given up) at this point before - let's help each other get over the hump!!
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    Completed W1D2! Felt real good. It snowed 8 inches Wednesday night here in Denver. Thought I'd have to go to the gym and hit the treadmill, but the sun melted most of the snow by the time I got home from work. The wind chill was a little bit nippier than I thought! Glad Spring is here.
  • TerryEden
    TerryEden Posts: 76 Member
    Completed C25K - W1D3 Felt good. Started out with 30 min of FitStar's Chest, Shoulders & Core workout and then went outside for my C25K waddling on a beautiful Colorado Spring day!

    How's everyone doing? Please post your stories... motivates me to go again.
  • Lau_uk
    Lau_uk Posts: 12 Member

    Hearing me lose against W5D3 day after day may just fill you with dread of getting there!! :)

    And to make it worse it was pouring with rain!