MARCH 2014 - Move Your @ss Challenge



  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,411 Member
    10.25 miles walking and cycling

    TTD: 290.88 miles

  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    This is my third 50 hour work week in a row, and my first week of two-a-days at the gym, so it's been pretty rough on my body. My legs are still not recovered from that hill in my 5K a week and a half ago. I've struggled with shin issues since high school and thought I was ready for it, but clearly I was not.

    So, all of that complaining was to say I only managed 1.5 miles walking/jogging yesterday before I had to stop from the pain. This weekend can not come soon enough. I'm so ready for a day to not leave my bed.

    Have you been fitted for proper shoes? When I first really started running back in 2003, I ran 2 miles one day and my shins hurt SOOOOOO badly, I could barely walk for 2 weeks. I went to the doctor, who sent me to a running shoe store. They fitted me for shoes (after watching how I walked/ran on a treadmill), and I've never had shin issues since... the shoes were expensive (and I needed to add some more supportive inserts), but well worth the $. As I got stronger and more used to running, I was able to progress beyond needing the inserts, etc.
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Adding 4.77 miles

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    3/26 - 2.69 walking

  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    A couple of nice long walks yesterday. But the exciting news is that I was picked in the lottery to run the New York City Marathon this year. I am beyond thrilled!:happy:


    Congrats! I'm from NYC and lived by Central Park right where mile 23 goes into it. I loved to go out and watch. And we could see the race from the windows at work two blocks from my apt. It's inspiring to watch.

    Dave, thanks for posting those shin warmups. I get some shin splints once in a while, but it's a vast improvement since I got fitted for shoes.

    3.2 miles today. Did a few intervals of running. Getting a massage tomorrow so she can fix any damage :bigsmile:

  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Here we go again - another month, another 1000 mile target

    01-03: 38.05 miles
    02-03: 37.16 miles
    03-03: 46.56 miles
    04-03: 48.35 miles
    05-03: 50.37 miles
    06-03: 40.33 miles
    07-03: 46.03 miles
    08-03: 67.13 miles
    09-03: 35.12 miles
    09-03: 16.84 miles
    10-03: 45.19 miles
    11-03: 46.16 miles
    12-03: 28.15 miles
    13-03: 34.21 miles
    14-03: 38.30 miles
    15-03: 35.12 miles
    16-03: 30.10 miles
    16-03: 11.49 miles
    16-03: 10.14 miles
    17-03: 36.95 miles
    18-03: 47.02 miles
    19-03: 44.24 miles
    20-03: 43.22 miles
    21-03: 37.30 miles
    22-03: 14.35 miles
    22-03: 22.69 miles
    23-03: 20.48 miles
    23-03: 15.11 miles
    23-03: 15.41 miles
    24-03: 41.52 miles
    25-03: 40.41 miles
    26-03: 45.26 miles
    27-03: 41.30 miles
    March Miles: 1169.93

    YTD Miles: 3379
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,854 Member
    Exercise total for

    Thursday 3/27

    (Exercise bike 33.62 miles & walk 1.5 miles)

    **total 35.12 miles for today

    ***829.25 miles done **GOAL REACHED and 4.25 miles over....:happy:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    A couple of nice long walks yesterday. But the exciting news is that I was picked in the lottery to run the New York City Marathon this year. I am beyond thrilled!:happy:

    SAWEEETT!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Walters - I love the pic. :laugh: :laugh: You are getting really close to your goal. Keep it up and you'll make it this weekend. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Took my bike in for a tune up. I finally wore out the cassette. At least I'm not breaking them like DCMAT. I didn't get stranded or have to walk my bike home. :laugh: :laugh: As long as I have to replace the cassette, I'm going to switch from a 28-11 to a 32-12. It's an older Trek so I've got a three gear front and a nine gear cassette. Going to the 32-12 should make it climb really well for things like Going to the Sun road. Then I'll use my Focus with a two gear front and a 10 gear cassette for touring. I'm excited to try it out. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Walked 5.03 miles today

    138.15 miles walked to date
  • pigote
    pigote Posts: 615 Member
    Thur 3/27

    5.4 Miles walking today = 33.6

  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Getting closer - but not sure if i will make it!

    March 27th - cycled 15 miles
    March Total - 139.2 miles
    To Go - 20.8 miles
    Goal - 160 miles
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 934 Member
    .. adding 8 running miles covered over the last few days ...

  • Beckyannm1971
    I had to change my name a bit, From Beckyann1971 to BeckyannM1971. Just the "M" is different. If it's okay to keep going I got 13.22 miles today. I have added a bit of biking along with my running, it's been very little walking, just warm ups and cool downs.

  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    4 miles away from my goal!! I love the stationary bike and treadmill at the really adds the miles. However, I will be so glad when the weather finally gets warm so I can get these miles in outdoors!

  • avisitant
    avisitant Posts: 38 Member

    15-Mar: 5.3 mile - walking
    16-Mar: 6.5 mile - walking
    17-Mar: 3.1 mile - walking
    18-Mar: 5.1 mile - walking
    19-Mar: 5.1 mile - walking
    20-Mar: 4.6 mile - walking
    21-Mar: 5.2 mile - walking
    22-Mar: 5.5 mile - walking
    23-Mar: 4.6 mile - walking
    24-Mar: 4.6 mile - walking
    25-Mar: 3.6 mile - walking
    26-Mar: 4.3 mile - walking

    MTD 127.8 / Goal 125!

  • commit1440
    commit1440 Posts: 456 Member
    3/27 - 10 miles (bike trainer & walk/jog)

    March total 141

  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member

  • CeeCeeMee
    CeeCeeMee Posts: 356 Member

  • apeydawn423
    apeydawn423 Posts: 118 Member
    3-26 5.32miles walking
    3-27 5miles walking

    MTD: 90.58
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