Chat thread



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I was lucky and found a pair of a model from last year in my size that was 30% off! Only cost me 115$ or so with taxes. (Also, if you find a model you like, there is always internet to try and find better deals than the stores) :)

    We have a lovely 0 with a -6 windchill here today. It's... still kinda chilly :/

    I hear ya on not wanting to eat below 1500. It took everything i had to drop to 180 in early january and then I stumbled and regained like 12lbs in 2 months because I was so sick of calculating everything and just went on a junk food rampage. I'm gonna take a more conservative approach from now on. It does seem like the scale is everyone's Nemesis here. I say as long as you feel good about yourself, you shouldn't let a number dictate anything for you!
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Although I don't like cardio, I wish it would be different. I wish I would like to run. I mean it's supposed to be cool, relaxing, you can do it everywhere (almost) etc. I tried to run a couple of times (c25k) but I never actually came to that point where I was able to enjoy it. It's just that I am so damn unfit. This week I have vacation and planned to go to the gym as often as possible and work on my cardio skills :-D but honestly after lifting yesterday and cycling about 13km outside later I felt pretty stiff today. My quads are super hard, dunno, how is it called? How are you guys handling that? I knowledge that some of you run on their lifting free days...

    @katerina congrats on your calluses :-D
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Although I don't like cardio, I wish it would be different. I wish I would like to run. I mean it's supposed to be cool, relaxing, you can do it everywhere (almost) etc. I tried to run a couple of times (c25k) but I never actually came to that point where I was able to enjoy it. It's just that I am so damn unfit. This week I have vacation and planned to go to the gym as often as possible and work on my cardio skills :-D but honestly after lifting yesterday and cycling about 13km outside later I felt pretty stiff today. My quads are super hard, dunno, how is it called? How are you guys handling that? I knowledge that some of you run on their lifting free days...

    @katerina congrats on your calluses :-D

    Oh, I actually don't like to run yet, lol. But, as with a lot of things, I find that giving it a go and trying to do it more leads to eventually growing to like it! If I can somewhat avoid the crazy nose irritation I tend to get at the end of the season maybe, just maybe, I can start enjoying myself.

    I would call your tightness issue DOMS. (Delayed Onset muscle soreness). Dynamic stretches, foam rolling and moving are all ways to make it more bearable. As you get used to lifting/biking/doing whatever activity that causes them, they won't be as bad. I'd suggest to do some yoga today, get back to the grind tomorrow, that way you stay active and you work on mobility while not exerting yourself too much. Also, walks are formidable for leg DOMS ^^
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member

    Seven Day Weather forecast. Canadians check this out. You will relate. Non Canadians check it out! It will help you to understand what we are going though. Maybe you will all get a giggle, and believe me we need a giggle. It is funny because it is true!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    Seven Day Weather forecast. Canadians check this out. You will relate. Non Canadians check it out! It will help you to understand what we are going though. Maybe you will all get a giggle, and believe me we need a giggle. It is funny because it is true!

    This made me laugh so's so true...we are suppose to get plus 1 soon...or so they say...:laugh:
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Although I don't like cardio, I wish it would be different. I wish I would like to run. I mean it's supposed to be cool, relaxing, you can do it everywhere (almost) etc. I tried to run a couple of times (c25k) but I never actually came to that point where I was able to enjoy it. It's just that I am so damn unfit. This week I have vacation and planned to go to the gym as often as possible and work on my cardio skills :-D but honestly after lifting yesterday and cycling about 13km outside later I felt pretty stiff today. My quads are super hard, dunno, how is it called? How are you guys handling that? I knowledge that some of you run on their lifting free days...

    @katerina congrats on your calluses :-D

    Oh, I actually don't like to run yet, lol. But, as with a lot of things, I find that giving it a go and trying to do it more leads to eventually growing to like it! If I can somewhat avoid the crazy nose irritation I tend to get at the end of the season maybe, just maybe, I can start enjoying myself.

    I would call your tightness issue DOMS. (Delayed Onset muscle soreness). Dynamic stretches, foam rolling and moving are all ways to make it more bearable. As you get used to lifting/biking/doing whatever activity that causes them, they won't be as bad. I'd suggest to do some yoga today, get back to the grind tomorrow, that way you stay active and you work on mobility while not exerting yourself too much. Also, walks are formidable for leg DOMS ^^

    Yes, that's what I also hope for, first getting used to it and then even liking it, that would be awesome :-) allergies? That's mean!

    Oh, the doms I have to google, thanks! I was thinking about starting yoga, it sounds like it's a good thing to do on the off days, plus I would like to get my old flexibility back - at least as far it can go. Can you recommend a "program"?

    Jap, the cycling was already very bad, yesterday, but the walking today killed it. Ouchie! And all that stuff for one bite of a snickers :laugh: (at least 200 something calories feel like that)

    Damn, you poor women in the snow! :noway: and they say northern germany has ****ty weather...
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    Not even posting this in the workout thread.. did a wee bit in the gym last night but very half heartedly with my arm (even went on the dreadmill for a few minutes!).

    Fricking tendonitis.

    and life getting in the way physically and mentally.

    Your normal programme will now resume ;)
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    In the tinyest of tiny noticeable results, I've noticed MUCH more definition in my legs, and my biceps feel much firmer than they ever have. I feel like there is POWER in my legs when I go roller blading. I was checking all of this out in the mirror yesterday and my husband was laughing at me because I said "What?? I've never had muscles before!!"
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member

    Not even posting this in the workout thread.. did a wee bit in the gym last night but very half heartedly with my arm (even went on the dreadmill for a few minutes!).

    Fricking tendonitis.

    and life getting in the way physically and mentally.

    Your normal programme will now resume ;)

    Tendonitis sucks big time!!
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    Although I don't like cardio, I wish it would be different. I wish I would like to run. I mean it's supposed to be cool, relaxing, you can do it everywhere (almost) etc. I tried to run a couple of times (c25k) but I never actually came to that point where I was able to enjoy it. It's just that I am so damn unfit. This week I have vacation and planned to go to the gym as often as possible and work on my cardio skills :-D but honestly after lifting yesterday and cycling about 13km outside later I felt pretty stiff today. My quads are super hard, dunno, how is it called? How are you guys handling that? I knowledge that some of you run on their lifting free days...

    @katerina congrats on your calluses :-D

    I have been running - or I should say slogging - for over 10 years and I still don't really like it. I feel bizarrely compelled to do it nearly every-day and feel great afterward but I don't *like* it. I kept waiting for the day when I would. Eh. But I still do it. I run on lifting days and sometimes on rest days, but only because I have been doing it so long. If I was starting out I would take it super easy and stretch out the c25k (like repeat all the workouts) on lift days and take rest days as rest.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Although I don't like cardio, I wish it would be different. I wish I would like to run. I mean it's supposed to be cool, relaxing, you can do it everywhere (almost) etc. I tried to run a couple of times (c25k) but I never actually came to that point where I was able to enjoy it. It's just that I am so damn unfit. This week I have vacation and planned to go to the gym as often as possible and work on my cardio skills :-D but honestly after lifting yesterday and cycling about 13km outside later I felt pretty stiff today. My quads are super hard, dunno, how is it called? How are you guys handling that? I knowledge that some of you run on their lifting free days...

    @katerina congrats on your calluses :-D

    I have been running - or I should say slogging - for over 10 years and I still don't really like it. I feel bizarrely compelled to do it nearly every-day and feel great afterward but I don't *like* it. I kept waiting for the day when I would. Eh. But I still do it. I run on lifting days and sometimes on rest days, but only because I have been doing it so long. If I was starting out I would take it super easy and stretch out the c25k (like repeat all the workouts) on lift days and take rest days as rest.

    Yeah, I feel like this will be my future if I ever get myself to run :-D how did you get yourself into running if you never liked it?

    But you are right, I was overdoing it. That's why I took the day off yesterday, I just needed the rest.
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    Although I don't like cardio, I wish it would be different. I wish I would like to run. I mean it's supposed to be cool, relaxing, you can do it everywhere (almost) etc. I tried to run a couple of times (c25k) but I never actually came to that point where I was able to enjoy it. It's just that I am so damn unfit. This week I have vacation and planned to go to the gym as often as possible and work on my cardio skills :-D but honestly after lifting yesterday and cycling about 13km outside later I felt pretty stiff today. My quads are super hard, dunno, how is it called? How are you guys handling that? I knowledge that some of you run on their lifting free days...

    @katerina congrats on your calluses :-D

    I have been running - or I should say slogging - for over 10 years and I still don't really like it. I feel bizarrely compelled to do it nearly every-day and feel great afterward but I don't *like* it. I kept waiting for the day when I would. Eh. But I still do it. I run on lifting days and sometimes on rest days, but only because I have been doing it so long. If I was starting out I would take it super easy and stretch out the c25k (like repeat all the workouts) on lift days and take rest days as rest.

    Yeah, I feel like this will be my future if I ever get myself to run :-D how did you get yourself into running if you never liked it?

    But you are right, I was overdoing it. That's why I took the day off yesterday, I just needed the rest.

    Hmmmm, I started running when I quit smoking and it was a really effective thing to do with my nervous, detoxing energy. I was also recovering from EDs and (pre-kids) running kept my metabolism high enough that I could eat and drink whatever and not gain weight.

    Since having kids and developing undiagnosed Hashimotos, running is probably the only reason I weigh 220 pounds right now and not 320 pounds. But there are some really great mental health benefits to cardio exercise, I think, and thats why I slog away on long runs. This winter was hard and I am sure that running kept more serious depression at bay for me. I am active with biking and hiking as well, but theres really nothing like a run to clear my mind, boost dopamine and make me feel good about myself even if the rest of the day was crap. :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    See, I feel I get just as much endorphins and mental benefits from walking at a solid pace with music in my ears and some fresh air to breathe. Without the awful runny nose or cough I seem to be very disposed towards when I run for longer bouts outside. Haha. But I've found those symptoms are mostly coming along towards the end of summer, when I usually suddenly decide I wanna go for a run. So maybe if I start early this year I'll avoid it? *fingers crossed*

    Biking is one of those things I'm afraid I'll never get back into. I had a pretty severe crash when I was about 19 and I've been a nervous wreck on wheels the minute I go downhill ever since. i want to get back into it, but if I take my bike out more than twice a year, I feel like it's an accomplishment :/
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    See, I feel I get just as much endorphins and mental benefits from walking at a solid pace with music in my ears and some fresh air to breathe. Without the awful runny nose or cough I seem to be very disposed towards when I run for longer bouts outside. Haha. But I've found those symptoms are mostly coming along towards the end of summer, when I usually suddenly decide I wanna go for a run. So maybe if I start early this year I'll avoid it? *fingers crossed*

    Biking is one of those things I'm afraid I'll never get back into. I had a pretty severe crash when I was about 19 and I've been a nervous wreck on wheels the minute I go downhill ever since. i want to get back into it, but if I take my bike out more than twice a year, I feel like it's an accomplishment :/

    Walking is good too. I think everyone is really different when it comes to physical activity. Like, I love weightlifting, but its not the rush for me it seems to be for others. I got hit by a car on my bike when I was 19 - I still have hip pain from it almost 20 years later :(. I bike slowly for transportation. I think spandex-y or mountain-y fast riding would make me super nervous.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member

    Seven Day Weather forecast. Canadians check this out. You will relate. Non Canadians check it out! It will help you to understand what we are going though. Maybe you will all get a giggle, and believe me we need a giggle. It is funny because it is true!
    OMG, this was hilarious , :laugh:
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member

    Seven Day Weather forecast. Canadians check this out. You will relate. Non Canadians check it out! It will help you to understand what we are going though. Maybe you will all get a giggle, and believe me we need a giggle. It is funny because it is true!
    OMG, this was hilarious , :laugh:

    And that is why when I was deciding on college back in 2008 I chose not to apply anywhere above D.C. and I will stick by that rule unless someone pays me a boatload of money to go north. But they don't have things like gumbo and fried chicken (good fried chicken) up there so I'm probably good.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member

    Seven Day Weather forecast. Canadians check this out. You will relate. Non Canadians check it out! It will help you to understand what we are going though. Maybe you will all get a giggle, and believe me we need a giggle. It is funny because it is true!
    OMG, this was hilarious , :laugh:

    And that is why when I was deciding on college back in 2008 I chose not to apply anywhere above D.C. and I will stick by that rule unless someone pays me a boatload of money to go north. But they don't have things like gumbo and fried chicken (good fried chicken) up there so I'm probably good.
    I do not blame you. I have 1.5 yr left from grad school, and my hubby and me constantly daydreaming /talking about moving to BC province the moment I graduate. Maybe because I did't grow up in this climate, but each passing year I am getting more and more depressed at the winter. This year was especially bad, and it is still freezing outside and it is April already :(
  • TGDMJNoles
    TGDMJNoles Posts: 26 Member
    Geez…I get depressed and have seasonal affective disorder and I live in Florida.

    I simply can't imagine living anywhere north of where I am in the Panhandle. It gets too cold for me here much less DC or *gasp* some place like Canada.

    We vacation in Jamaica in winter so I can be warm and happy for a week anyway.

    I seriously don't know how you northern folk survived this winter. For us, I do believe it is finally over. We had a bad one for Florida. I'm sure you all are rolling your eyes. LOL.

    I'll say it…I'm a whiner when it comes to the cold.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Geez…I get depressed and have seasonal affective disorder and I live in Florida.

    I simply can't imagine living anywhere north of where I am in the Panhandle. It gets too cold for me here much less DC or *gasp* some place like Canada.

    We vacation in Jamaica in winter so I can be warm and happy for a week anyway.

    I seriously don't know how you northern folk survived this winter. For us, I do believe it is finally over. We had a bad one for Florida. I'm sure you all are rolling your eyes. LOL.

    I'll say it…I'm a whiner when it comes to the cold.

    My brother lives on the FL border with AL and says he has finally been on his boat recently but wore jeans and a jacket. But man when the weather there is nice, its gorgeous. Definitely nice to visit him and his condo on the water...(*goes off dreaming of the beach*)

    And those northerners visit Florida in the winter (at least by my brother)
  • TGDMJNoles
    TGDMJNoles Posts: 26 Member
    Geez…I get depressed and have seasonal affective disorder and I live in Florida.

    I simply can't imagine living anywhere north of where I am in the Panhandle. It gets too cold for me here much less DC or *gasp* some place like Canada.

    We vacation in Jamaica in winter so I can be warm and happy for a week anyway.

    I seriously don't know how you northern folk survived this winter. For us, I do believe it is finally over. We had a bad one for Florida. I'm sure you all are rolling your eyes. LOL.

    I'll say it…I'm a whiner when it comes to the cold.

    My brother lives on the FL border with AL and says he has finally been on his boat recently but wore jeans and a jacket. But man when the weather there is nice, its gorgeous. Definitely nice to visit him and his condo on the water...(*goes off dreaming of the beach*)

    And those northerners visit Florida in the winter (at least by my brother)

    We definitely get snowbirds here for the winter.

    It was 79 degrees and mostly sunny today…just beautiful.

    I live about 20 minutes from the Alabama line and about 40 minutes from the beaches.