Check in Apr 1-10



  • fionauu
    fionauu Posts: 52 Member
    April 2
    Green: Yes
    Total: 2/30

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 2/30

    1 hour of intense zumba on the xbox demolished so many calories i was way below my calorie intake allowane :D
  • Everyone is doing so great! Proud of each and every one of you guys :)

    April 2

    Green: surprisingly yes

    Blue: yep

    Well, I was doing good all day until dinner time. Had an intense argument which rarely happens, but every one has a spat with their loved ones once in a while. Anyway, after making up, oy yoy yoy. I didn't feel like eating the dinner I had made so I starting eating peanut butter instead to get my minimum cals to be healthy. Well, I felt super sad so I started drinking. After happy alcohol kicked in, then I ate semi bad food until quite frankly passing out.

    Not my best day for sure, but my good behavior previously in the day saved me.
  • ktaylormusic
    ktaylormusic Posts: 151 Member
    April 2



    How much easier it is to be active now the snow's (almost) gone! My 9 year old is full of spring fever too so we've been out bike riding and now she's got jump rope fever! I've been joining her instead of "mum's a bit tired" or "I'll just watch today". WOW there's a workout. Here I go.... "Strawberry shortcake sugar on top, who's your boyfriend I forgot? A... B... C... D...." My daughter thinks it's so funny that I go around the alphabet over and over without stopping: "You don't have a boyfriend mum!" Too true. :)
  • miridai
    miridai Posts: 303 Member
    April 2nd

    Green Day: Yes (a trampolining day)
    Total: 2/30

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 2/30

    @R_Queenie don´t worry, bad days happen, important is to get back on track right away on the following day :flowerforyou:

    @Jbharwood thank you :flowerforyou:

    @FunkyGranolaT no pasta challenge? wow :noway: good luck with that, I wouldn´t survive without pasta from time to time :flowerforyou:

    @k80flec thank you and good luck with the new fitbit goal :flowerforyou:

    @MelissaPhipps great NSV, congrats :flowerforyou:

    @Chevy_Smart great to see you back :drinker:

    @kawookie I´m sure you did the best to estimate your intake, no reason to doubt it :wink:
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 363 Member
    April 2nd

    Green Day: Yes
    Total: 2/20

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 2/20

    Yesterday was another GREAT day!! Today however, will be a challenge. Tonight is the annual "Ladies Go Wild" night for the Ladies Axillary. Its a comedy night at a very popular Italian Restaurant. It will be a limited menu and I dont know what is on it. I have cut back on just about EVERYTHING today, (no feta, no pistachios, no afternoon snack) in an effort to make more calorie room for dinner tonight. I am pushing back my breakfast until later in the day and that might help me to drop another snack. I am hitting my water hard. As it stands now, I have 940 cals for dinner (didnt get a work out in this morning :ohwell: ) I wont eat the bread, and I am unwilling to drop the $$ for alcohol. I will try and make the best choice possible for dinner....

    And then... tomorrow I have a wedding...:sad:
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,027 Member
    April 2
    Green: YES
    Total: 1/25

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 2/30
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    April 2
    Green: Yes
    Total: 2/27

    I actually managed to stay under on a rest day for a change. Yay!!!
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    @K80flec - You have kept a great thing going commenting... it is a neat thing here! :smile:

    @melissa - Great to meet you too!
    All the credit goes to Kawookie however for her unselfish effort

    @scherzie - Great job

    @R_Queenie - Thanks so much - That 99 calorie thing was in reaction to MFP just switching from "You are great" to "You are rotten" with one calorie. I love the way fitbit does it a lot better!
    Super smart way to recover - Oatmeal is a "go to food"!

    @rfstepp29 - This is a real supportive place - keep up the great work!

    @michellenel - That Green machine is a machine!

    @kawookie - You have captured the "spirit" - We all know when "green is green" - (Dig your new Avatar!)

    @Fionauu - Yes.. I too am a "water chugger"

    @iwanttobe - Great story! :-)

    @ktaylormusic - Isn't it great when we can get back having fun with our kids!

    @Miridai - Great to be back - keep bouncing! :-)

    @funkygranola - Way to navigate the obstacles ! :-)

    @bruce - Go for it

    @twijourney - green! yes - and thanks for the welcome back!
  • amina429
    amina429 Posts: 48 Member
    April 2
    Green: Yes
    Total: 2/18

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 2/20

    Good luck everyone!
  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    4/2- Green - yes
    Blue- yes

    @ktaylormusic- What a touching moment to have with your daughter. I'm sure it means the world to her that you can play with her. Jumping rope is tough!

    @twijourney- rest days are killer, they really take some will power and planning to stay green for me.

    @funkygranolat- sounds like you have planned ahead for tonight's dinner as much as possible. Have a great time and I'm sure you'll do fine!

    *******************spreadsheet updated******************
  • BuffySlays2000
    BuffySlays2000 Posts: 65 Member
    April 2
    Green: Yes
    Total: 2/26

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 2/30
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    2nd: Green: Yes (a Chevy Green - minus 42)
    Total/Goal: 2/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 2/25

    A quick walk into town for some groceries (12 months ago I'd have taken the car and it's only 2/3 of a mile each way), a Thighs, Bums and Tums class, followed by a 2 2/3 m walk to the sea fromt - I was worn out LOL (edited to add) and I got my 15K steps 'just'

    @MelissaPhipps - \o/☆•*¨*•☆\o/ - an amazing NSV

    @Chevy - WoW to the 22k FitBit steps - that's a long way. I must admit I've been a bit absent lately - but I seem to have recovered some of my mojo.

    @R_Queenie -'fail' is such an ugly word - so emotive - I so wish we could find another word. That's my challenge to folks!!

    @kawookie - you're developing an instinct for green/not green - trust yourself.

    @fionauu - an hour of xbox zumba is impressive

    @iwantobeasuccess - \o/ for coming in green

    @ktaylormusic - what a lovely anecdote - and a memory for your daughter to cherish (and skipping clocks up the exercise calories).

    @miridai -just love your commitment to the trampette!!

    @funkygranola - hope the forward planning paid off and the wedding was fun.

    @twijourney - fab result for a rest day.
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    April 3
    Green: Yes
    Blue: Yes
  • Mrslaura12
    Mrslaura12 Posts: 15 Member
    april 3rd
    green yes 3/20
    water yes 3/30
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Aptril 3rd

    green yes 3/20 - And.....Wait for it - I did it "My Style" :smokin:

    water yes 3/30
  • Scherzie
    Scherzie Posts: 1,190 Member
    April 3

    Green: Yes
    Total: 3/30

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 3/30
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member

    Green: Yes
    Total 2/28

    Blue: Yes
    Total 3/30

    Love to hear how others deal with day to day challenges (weddings, lunch outings, life dramas). So many good strategies!

    so clever. "My" way. :bigsmile:
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    April 3

    Green: YES
    Total: 3/28

    Blue: YES
    Total: 3/30

    Another good day! Just taking it one day at a time. ????
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member

    Green: Yes
    Total: 3/28

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 3/30

    Well, I did a strength and a cardio video (each a little over a half hour) after dinner tonight. This is the last week of the Walking Dead challenge (go team Carol!) and I'm a little concerned that I might turn into a slug when I lose the excuse of having to work out otherwise it negatively impacts the team. I don't know why working out feels like drudgery sometimes and other times I'm fine with it.

    NSV: I finally got around to tallying up my March miles and I managed over 152 miles in March. :drinker:
  • ktaylormusic
    ktaylormusic Posts: 151 Member
    @kawookie: awesome mileage!

    @funky granola: hope the ladies' night and wedding were a blast! great planning ahead, there

    APRIL 3

    GREEN: Yes, 3/25
    BLUE: Yes, 3/30
    This challenge is REALLY helping me drink up. I have this glass 2 cup measuring cup and a funky metal straw and just knock back 2 of them before I leave for work and try to drink water at work but never do (it's all about coffee at work), and then drink 2 more of them in the evening. Working so far.

    Didn't QUITE make my 10,000 steps today but within a 100, so I'll call that 10,000, Chevy-style :)
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    April 3
    Green - yes

    After getting a steroid shot for my inflamed sinuses/bronchi yesterday, I was afraid I'd blow it today, but it turns out that when you fill & plant a 24 cu. ft. raised garden bed, you burn quite a few calories. Good thing I like growing my own veggies. I already had lettuce & peas growing in the small bed and they are coming along nicely. Today I put out basil, cauliflower, broccoli & spinach. Next weekend I'll put out my cucumbers, squash & potatoes. (And my potatoes are late going in, but they didn't mind last year so...) Sometime in early May, I'll put my tomatoes & peppers outside. They do not like cold AT ALL.
  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    Green- Yes
    Blue- Yes

    I accidentally had a 1000 calorie breakfast with my instructor after boot camp this morning. I was the only one that showed up to class and was intimidated at first by the 1:1 session but she worked me really hard. Not 1000 calories hard though!
    So luckily the thunderstorms cleared this afternoon and I was able to walk myself out of the Red Zone. 17,000 steps today!

    Kawookie- amazing mileage!!! I hardly see you as lazy and I know you'll keep it moving without the Walking Dead Challenge.

    MelissaPhipps- hope the steroid clears it up for you and your garden sounds so cool!

    ****************************spreadsheet updated***************************
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    For the culmination of the walking dead challenge we were asked to do a fitspo. I figured since I have been involved with this challenge for almost as long as I've been on MFP, you all might want to see my before and in-process picture.

  • April 3

    Green: tee hee, yes

    Blue: as blue as the sky

    I was so unmotivated yesterday. I've been feeling so poopy and down. Too much stress at work and home and blah blah blah.
    But you know, I'm tired of being fat and I know I can look super hot in another 60lbs or so. You pounds aren't going to come off if I sit on the couch and mope so away I went. Not full speed or enthusiastically, but I did my weight lifting and took the dogs (my kids) for a walk in the park. Today, I'm almost half a pound lighter. Little victory to add to my soon to be milestone.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    April 3
    Green: Yes
    Total: 3/27

    It was a gym day and I SO love my Zumba class! Who knew I would start looking forward to exercise? I'm actually still riding the endorphin high today. :bigsmile:

    @kawookie - You look amazing! I know what you mean about the exercise sometimes feeling like drudgery. I've always taken to working out in "spurts" throughout my life. I definitely think the secret is determination and finding something you enjoy. On Zumba days I enjoy it and on treadmill/strength training days I'm determined to get it done. lol

    @Jbharwood - Great job walking out of the red zone and kicking boot camp butt!

    @MelissaPhipps - I would love to have a garden out back. I'm totally jealous! Hope you are feeling better!

    @iwanttobe - Every little bit of effort takes you one step closer to success.

    @ktaylor - great use of "Chevy style"!
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    April 4
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 4/20
    Blue: Yes
    Goal: 4/30
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,027 Member
    April 3
    Green: YES
    Total: 2/25

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 3/30
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    3rd: Green: Yes (with 57 to spare)
    Total/Goal: 3/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 3/25

    A day spent in the car as I travelled 2 hours each way to visit my mum in her nursing home. Managed 2.36 m on the exercise bike before I set off. After the visit I went for a walk round a park and I've got my 15k steps target - pretty pleased with myself!! Tried a new chicken dish for dinner - really enjoyed it -as did my son - hubby is off enjoying Polish treats in Gdansk

    @Chevy - and what style - *laughing* :laugh: :laugh:

    @Scherzie - off to a good streak for April ????????

    @kawookie - fab NSV with the miles. I know what you mean about the 'drudgery' - some days can start slowly/sluggishly - but you are outstanding at pushing through that if your logging is anything to go by!! You look so much happier and more confident in your fitspo. ☆•*¨*•☆

    @ktaylormusic - I concur - judicious use of the 'Chevy' rule ????????????????????????

    @MelissaPhipps - what an amazing selection you've managed and plan to plant out. Aren't veg from your own just wonderful tasting. The steroid doesn't sound too pleasant an experience - I hope it has the desired effect. :happy:

    @Jbharwood - I love the idea of an accidental 1000KC breakfast - the good news is that you had all day to work at the exercise add back - disaster would have been supper!! :laugh: :laugh:

    @iwanttobeasuccess - we all have days when we have to give ourselves a stern talking to - so well done one your victory - getting up and moving when you didn't feel motivated ????????

    @twijourney - fab job in supporting and motivating within the group ????????

    edited for spelling - predictive text Aaaarrrggh!!
  • BuffySlays2000
    BuffySlays2000 Posts: 65 Member
    April 3
    Green: No :sad:
    Total: 2/26

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 3/30

    @kawookie - You must tell me more about this Walking Dead challenge. R_Queenie had mentioned something to me but I never got around to checking it out.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Apri 4
    Green - yes, Chevy style.

    Everyone is doing so well this month so far. I am proud of all of you and proud to be in this challenge with you. Tomorrow I am walking a 5k to benefit Autism Speaks. My goal is to finish in 45 minutes. Watch this space to see how that goes. I am going directly from the 5k to a Cub Scout event so I will be moving my body all day tomorrow. Fun times.
This discussion has been closed.