2 week challenge



  • sukhi4
    sukhi4 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All; I just joined this group. Seems like you all having fun challeging your calories.
    I been eating healthy from almost two months. I was suger and carbs addict and finally no suger for me.:wink: Still having challege with carbs. I Lost about 7 pounds in 2 months, feels great... I finally fit into 3 blazers which been hanging in my closet for years!
    Drinking alot of water and green tea. Please give me ideas on loosing my muffin top :embarassed:

    Beeps, can you please enter me into weekly Star challenge 5600/weekly

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I have been drinking every night, too, and I think I need to cut that back to 3 nights per week, well, starting next week!
    Date night sounds, fun, Ashley, enjoy!

    welcome, sukhi, 5600 a week is only 800/day! Seems awful low for most people...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    I am having a pretty good week so far. Have gotten all my running in except Tuesday when I was cold all day and felt like a slug. I did go to the gym and had a great workout though. I had an awesome 5 mile tempo run on Wednesday and averaged a 9.5 min mile!! I have been trying to eat more; the moderators on Eat, Train, Progress recommended 1415 calories and a different distribution with a lot more protein. I have not hit the calories or even close to the protein yet this week though...
    I am going for a long run tomorrow - the weather has been perfect for it in the high 50's/low 60's and Sunday it is supposed to jump to almost 90! I may also go to the gym Saturday afternoon depending on what else gets done around the house. We are going to take the puppy to the beach on Sunday and let him run around like a crazy boy :laugh:

    Beeps - how was the gym? Did it feel wonderful to be back?
    Better - what kind of work do you do? I want to go to a tree reception, it sounds fun but I have no idea what it is :smile:
    Sukhi - welcome! I am pretty new here too

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    had a good work-out...

    I feel like I am getting to a "place" where I can simply acknowledge that I am looking good, feeling good, and not needing some MAJOR overhaul - which is actually its OWN type of SUCCESS! BOOM!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    I feel like I am getting to a "place" where I can simply acknowledge that I am looking good, feeling good, and not needing some MAJOR overhaul - which is actually its OWN type of SUCCESS! BOOM!
    I want to be at this "place"!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hey ladies, I had a busy week. My eating was not so great this week, but I am hoping to keep it together this weekend so I can fall within 500. That means about 1200 today and tomorrow.

    Thurs night I went to dinner with a friend from Georgia. I had two beers and We split nachos. I don't know if it was the spicy nachos or the beer but my stomach was hurting when I woke up. I didn't feel like jumping around with T-25 so I got on the elliptical instead. I was pretty proud myself :happy:

    Beeps- that is a good place to be. Stay there, you look amazing!

    Amy- where did you get that formula? I read it wrong the first time and got just over 700, realized my mistake and ran it a few more times, just trying different goal weights and exercise amounts.

    Ashley - hope you had fun last night. I think 3 pounds in 9 weeks is doable, much better then my 10+ pound goal....which I've excepted isn't going to happen! I haven't lost anything yet, but at least I FINALLY stopped gaining!

    Shan- how did they come up with 1415 and how much protein? Just curious.

    Happy Weekend! I am off to workout!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Just popping in to report my results from the star challenge I was 579 over last week. I am pretty happy about that.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Chloe - that's a great result!! SILVER for you, my dear!

    I get a GOLD star for last week....I actually was doing very well and then I just ate too much this weekend. That is the bad news. The good news is that all the JUNK food has been cleared out of the pantry (2 kids going into braces this week/month!) and I won't be buying anymore.

    Can't get to lifting today because I have to sit at orthodontist for 2 hours while my son gets his braces on. But, I am going to do an UGIFIT workout in my office!! (Somehow I forgot about this.....but, I'm remembering it NOW and when I CANNOT get to the gym to lift, I AM going to do this weight-bearing stuff right in my office just the same.)

    Continue to report in for the *star* challenge, please!

    How *did* your Week 1 - April go?!?!?!?!
  • sukhi4
    sukhi4 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ladies.. I had 1255 cal yesterday (most junk food) that was bad. my body needs to work extra hard to loose half a poud so I am trying to really cut down calories. I sit pretty much all day at work and keep gaining fat with 1100 to 1200 calories per day.
    Weather is finally starting to get nice in Toronto... looking forward to buring some calories outside :) Today is nice, will go for a jog
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was crazy over-2000 so no star for me. I want 1600 average this week. I am going to try and drink only 3 days per week, I think that will help a lot. We went out last night and I feel a bit hung over today.

    So, goals for me are getting a star each week, getting 5 workouts each week, and drinking only 3 nights each week.

    kc, that formula was in my new workout book, Rusty Moore's "Visual Impact Frequency training". We will see what the scale says this week, but even on the weeks when I was going over by more than 100 each day I was maintaining. I am ok with maintaining while I am doing this workout, then I will try to lose a little fat the two weeks before events.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey all. I had a pretty good weekend. Drank a little more than I should have; what else is new? :drinker: I eneded up 263 calories over which I am okay with. We went out to a fancy dinner Friday so I had over 2500 calories that day. I had a higher calorie day Saturday too in addition to Tuesday. But I got a lot of workouts in including a 3 miles run Saturday, and walking at the zoo, pulling Daphne on the bike, and working on my deadlifts Sunday. I had some low net days and some high net days. Realistically, I need to only have 2 "cheat days" a week. If I drink or eat out more than that, I just need to make sure it fits in my calories. I know I will continue to eat out and drink wine so I just need to balance it with lower days and/or extra exercise. I got 6 workouts in last week so I am happy with that.

    We have a lot going on this weekend: book club Friday, wine party Saturday, and CycLOUvia Sunday (they block off streets to only pedestrians....we go and usually find somewhere to have a drink and/or food along the way.....). We don't have anything going on this week though, so I need to balance out my weekend with good eats and minimal drinking during the week.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    sukhi & shanaber - welcome to the group

    Beeps - what is an UGIFIT workout?

    asjerven - I also over drank last night at Sunday dinner & am feeling pretty lousy today, but I have been getting progressively better so should be okay for my jazz class tonight

    chloe - congrats on the silver star

    kc - good for you for still working out when feeling gross

    That's all I can see for now. I did manage to get in all my workouts last week. I had an awesome group workout with some of my fellow Mudderella team members yesterday. We set up some circuits in the upstairs room at the library in my town & did that alternately with some sprints & hill repeats outside around the town, tons of fun & a great workout!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I was 576 over....late night thin mint cookies killed it! I made a great workout plan for the week, then slept in and missed the first one! Oh well. Happy Monday!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies! Just checking in with my star challenge results. I was only 200 calories over my goal, not sure where that puts me Beeps? I'm happy with my first week of April, could have done more on the workout front, but still glad I was only 200 calories over for the week.

    Better - sounds like you have a lot going on! That CycLOUvia sounds super fun.

    Abi - way to go with the workouts.

    Kc - Thin mints (or any Girl Scout cookies) are the devil.

    That's all I can see for now.

    So in other news, I wanted to make the formal announcement that I am pregnant - due November 20th. We had our first ultrasound today and everything looks good so far! Going to keep up with the workouts as much as I can for as long as I can. Have a great rest of the week ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    So in other news, I wanted to make the formal announcement that I am pregnant - due November 20th. We had our first ultrasound today and everything looks good so far! Going to keep up with the workouts as much as I can for as long as I can. Have a great rest of the week ladies!

    Congrats! I can't believe noone called you out for your calorie increase like I did in a private message. :wink: That's awesome. Was the ultrasound awesome or what?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    sukhi - you put an avatar up, and I'll add you to the *star* challenge?!?!/ Okay, deal?!?!?

    UGIFIT.com is the first in-office weight-training system I bought!! (If I was to "buy" again, I think I'd choose one with those flexi-bands, instead....) It works in a pinch! Get a 30-minute work-out in, all of it resistance training (I have the 10 lb squishy medicine ball....), and as much "cardio" as you want (I dumb my cardio piece down and focus on good form with the weight, instead!).

    how come you guys don't know what *star* you're gonna get?!?!?!? Literally, every "report" I print has, right at the bottom, how the *star* system works! PAY ATTENTION!!

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Better - I know, I was surprised too. And yes, it was totally amazing and totally surreal.

    Sorry Beeps, mind is elsewhere today. :laugh:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Congrats, Rama:flowerforyou:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    I had a good week and was under my goal by only 60 calories so I think that makes me platinum :bigsmile: I am still struggling to eat the correct break down; 1415 calories and the macro breakdown of 120g Carbs, 55g Fat and 110g Protein. I did get in all my workouts during the week, ran a nice long run on Saturday and went to the dog beach on Sunday, but I didn't get into the gym on Sunday as I planned.

    KC - the Eat, Train, Progress moderators didn't explain how they arrived at the numbers above. I had asked them for some advice to help me get back down to my goal weight given my level of training and activity. I have been stuck here 7-8 pounds up for almost 4 months. The calories are close to what my average calorie intake were that I provided them, but now I won't be eating back any exercise calories.
    Also those thin mints will get you every time - my husband put them in the freezer and now every time I open it there they are calling out to me. I have ignored them so far and hoping maybe he will eat them before I have a chance to :tongue:

    RA - Congratulations! Is this your first?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Ohhhhhhhhhhh, ramalem, HOW did I miss "the announcement"?!?!?!?!?

    Okay, okay, okay, you have a *pass* as to WHY you haven't MEMORIZED the chart that is easily visible every single week........


    November 20 is a LOVELY month to give birth....how do i know?!?!?