2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Chloe - I'm not sure why you are sweating, at all, what you're eating just now! Baby is growing and is going to work HARD on building his calories, now....he wants to be chubby and plump coming out, so that's 1 lb per week of BABY-growth....which means you can afford LOTS of tasty treats! heck....settle down for a month and enjoy what your body CRAVEs! I promise, it's short-lived and FLEETING!

    jenomaha - nice plan. I'm cutting back on carbs this week, for sure.

    I've upped my protein which made a HUGE difference (I know, d-u-h, right??) in my appetite yesterday. In fact, I had a <1,000 calorie day, yesterday, even though I lifted at lunch! I'm aiming for another <1,000 calorie day, today.

    And then, whether it's 1,200 or 1,400,daily, for the rest of this week, I'll AT LEAST feel like I paid my penance Mon/tues for my (last) weekend overindulgence!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies! I've managed to get through half my week pretty well. I set my alarm to get up and run this morning, but I haven't slept well the last 3 nights. Sunday and Monday I was hot and last night Daphne woke up twice. So when my alarm went off, I turned it off. Eric left early for PT and I snuggled and watched cartoons with my kiddo. I'm gonna miss her in South Beach.

    I've been logging less. I started reading the book my sister recomended to me, "Thinside Out: How to Have Your Cake and Skinny Jeans Too". I'm about 20% done and it's like I know this stuff, but reading it is pretty eye opening. The frist chapter started out with some amazing studies and statistics about dieting. It's made me realizing I've pretty much "been on a diet" since I was probably 12 and if I just listened to my body more than micromanaged everything that went into my mouth, I may be better off. So I've been logging some, not logging some. My sister hasn't logged in a couple weeks, nor weighed, and she feels like she's lost some weight. Soooo...we'll see. It's kind of nice not logging all the time.

    I've only lifted once and am going to try and get up and run in the morning. We'll be walking lots in South Beach and if my shoes fit in my one carry on, I have plans to run. But mostly, I just want to try to be more mindful of eating over the next few weeks. Well maybe not 100% mindful in South Beach.... :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    The f*cking links around here are NOT working....I keep getting 'site down for maintenance'.

    I back-door-ed it to get here.

    Anyway, good luck with the "not logging thing", Better Balance....that's where I *hope* to get, one day, but that day isn't here, yet!

    I got my lifting in-and-done today. I'm off to an after-work function. And then my husband comes home from his 3-day conference, so I get to see him - YAY!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    SOUTH BEACH BOUND!! We leave in the morning and won't be back till Monday afternoon. I'm taking Tuesday off too. See you all next week!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! It's been a busy week, so just a quick check in.

    Chloe--I'm right there with you on not wanting to eat much except the stuff that's no so good for you. We're in the home stretch at least!

    Jen--glad you had fun working the Mud Run, and sounds like you have a great plan for finishing out your 30s!

    Ashley--have fun in South Beach!

    Beeps--I've had a ton of problems with this site too :grumble: nice job on your lifting!

    I got a decent workout this morning, but I've definitely been slacking this week. I just have no motivation to workout. I wouldn't worry so much if I was eating better, but I've had a bunch of meals out already this week and have plans for dinner out the next three days. My weight has been pretty steady, but I know it's a slippery slope when I stop making an effort to get in daily workouts and to stay within my calories....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Jen, that is such great news, I am very happy for you and glad you're getting some awesome opportunities and pursuing your passion.

    Beeps, I have been getting weird errors here too, mostly for logging meals/food.

    Ashley, I think there is something to what your book is saying, I never paid attention to calories or anything, it was only after MFP and I wonder if it messed me up a little. I think it did a little, instead of eating what I want and just paying attention to my body, I am hyper-aware of calories and macros and weight fluctuations. But I wasn't really healthy before, smoking, eating a lot of junk, never exercising. there might be a happy medium somewhere, but I am still on my journey!
    My friend saw Sheryl Crow at a benefit fashion show and said she looked like me. Now, I know I am not as fit and low-fat as Sheryl Crow but I think she looks strong and it's flattering to be compared to her.
    I want to try and find some bikini pics now, so I can see that I actually do look better now than I did 10 years ago, I think it would be helpful for me to see how far I've come, really, even though the weight is minimal...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    ....there's a REASON this is called "not that heavy girls", lol

    Because, let's FACE it, we are NOT THAT HEAVY!

    We tweak because we want certain body parts to be more satisfying....but, nobody around us is saying, "hey, PUDGE-CHICK, come on over here..."
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    TGIF! The scale is being nice to me which I hope will give me strength going into the weekend not to blow it. I have been good with the 1500 hundred per day but I haven't been leaving a lot left over and so I still need to keep it under control and not ruin whatever deficit I have going now. Also, I only got two workout this week.
    My dad went back to the hospital, it's the low-blood pressure and racing heart, they don't know what causes it but he went to a different hospital this time and they won't even let him out of ICU until his blood pressure is up without meds. I think it is ok, he is well cared for and maybe he can rest and get some strength back.
    I have some fun plans for the weekend and hope to keep them-facial/spa and lunch tomorrow for a friend's bday, then zoo and oktoberfest Sunday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    enjoy your weekend, Amy! And, keep those calories under control!

    I got my lifting in-and-done.

    I had my daughter's birthday supper last night - first of many since we're having soooooooooooo much company over the next while!

    I'm watching my calories very closely, but am managing quite well - not feeling hungry, seem to be controlled....an average day is 1,400, a low day is 1,200, a "pop-up" day is 1,600. Since my maintenance number is 1,900+, I'd say I should be moving bodyfat off pretty consistently over the next few weeks! BOOM!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Poop. Bad calorie night last night. And then month-end photos/measurements today. Photos look okay - WHEW!

    Measurements are "good enough", except my belly-button waist which is up 2" - likely due to last night's salty-binge-y night. Yuck.

    Anyway, I'll post a pic a little later on....gotta enter my stats, first!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    This is *why* for ME, focus on weight-lifting is more important than focus on cardio:


    ^^^ 21 months of heavy-lifting free weights - THAT is the picture on the right-hand-side.

    On the left-hand side is me, after 25+ YEARS as a cardio-gym rat.

    Yes, I still do SOME cardio, but my exercise-focus is on lifting heavy free weights.

    And, yes, I'm "busy" like everybody else. I am 44 years old, a professional career-woman with more than 20 full-time years invested in my profession. I am a wife, mother of 3, volunteer, but I choose to take care of myself and as I come upon nearly 2-full-years focused on weight-lifting (instead of cardio), I'm very pleased with my progress.

    Oh, and I'm 5'9" tall....for all you stats people!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    What a difference, fabulous! I want to join and keep my calories in check to prevent not gaining weight during holidays and to lose 5 lbs that are hunting me for months...;0)
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Jen - very exciting news about all your new opportunities, way to go!

    Amy - hope your weekend was fun & that your dad is doing ok

    Beeps - thanks for the reminder about weight training, with my schedule being what it is I need to prioritize & it has been weights over cardio & as always looking awesome - both your body & your eye!

    I am totally going into detox mode tomorrow morning. I just got home this afternoon from a ladies' weekend away with my sisters, some girlfriends & a few of our moms. Once a year in the fall we go up to my parents camp which is on a lake here in NH not far from where we all live. There are no husbands or kids just lots & lots of food, alcohol, scrapbooking & chick flix. I love it! But now I must pay the price for it. I feel gross. Oh well. Also, I need to figure out what's next as far as the exercise piece goes. Due to time constraints I think I have to go back to working out at home & I usually do best with some sort of DVD program so I am looking into those now. Right now it's a toss-up between Insanity & Tapout XT.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Report in for *star* challenge, week 5, please! I think I got a *PLATINUM* star this week - will double-check my math!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Well this weekend was eventful!! My cousin went into labor Friday night which is 8 weeks early! We had no clue what was going on for a while, they were trying to stop the contractions, which they did for 24 hours, but her little baby decided she wanted out! My niece, goddaughter, was born yesterday morning at 4:01 and is a pipsqueak at 4lbs 4oz! She's doing well, has some tubes in her nose to help make sure she gets enough air to inflate her lungs fully, but she doesn't need oxygen, they are just using room air. They of course whisked her away to the NICU to make sure she was ok, and today my cousin finally get to hold her baby! She and I thought the baby would come a few weeks early, but not 8! So crazy.. I'm happy that both of them are well, and hopefully after 2 weeks, once she his 34 weeks, the baby will be able to come home! I got to meet her yesterday and she is beautiful. Full head of dark hair, and very feisty! She kept on wanting to grab the tubes and wires when they were giving her a check-up :) She's going to be just like her mom!

    I didn't do any crazy stress eating which is good!! I ended up with a PLATINUM star this week! I finished the week with 9211 calories. Hopefully I can do the same this week!

    I hope you all had fabulous weekends!!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning gals - no star again for me this week, weekend totally did me in. I just can't seem to keep myself in check over the weekends. I'm not really sure at this point what will motivate me to be better or do better, except for staying home :) Really though, I do feel like the logging consistently during the week and counting EVERY little morsel that goes in my mouth might have a little (or a lot) to do with why I binge on the weekends.

    Beeps as always, you continue to be an inspiration. I don't have nearly as much going on as you, and still find it hard to make it to the gym and commit to making myself a priority.

    Abigail - sounds like a really awesome weekend! I am interested to hear your thoughts on what you go with for DVD workouts.

    Welcome Bikini!

    I've officially got two weeks until Jamaica, and have decided that I am going on South Beach diet phase one for the next two weeks (perhaps minus a Saturday). It's always worked for me in the past, and honestly, never felt super deprived. The only thing I really start to miss is fruit, and if that does happen, i'll add in some berries or something to tide me over. I'm also going to take a break from logging, but will definitely still be checking in!

    Have a great week ladies.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    9,409 calories for the week, that is a *PLATINUM* star for me!

    shander - CONGRATs on your PLATINUM STAR, and congrats on your new baby niece - she sounds GORGEOUS!

    My 2-week plan:

    1. ~1,400 calories per day....there will be higher days (planned events) and lower days (to make sure I have enough calories for planned events).
    2. weight-lifting M/W/F
    3. cardio on Saturday

    Back to basics....because, it is *working* for my bodyfat loss!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was 800 over on cals-not sure what color my star is but I do think I get one, which is nice!
    I will still keep it on 10,500 for the week but Satirday is my friend's wedding and I am eating in San Fran on Sunday so we'll see how it goes, but I find it hard to login. I didn't see a big jump up on the scale over the weekend. I weigh in Mondays and Fridays. Yesterday I did have 4 beers and popcorn with the Breaking Bad finale, so good! I am sad it is over:sad:

    My dad was moved from ICU to oncology but he needs to maintain his potassium levels, they think that might effecting his blood pressure and heart rate.

    Beeps, you look great! The transformation is really impressive!

    I am going to try and get in a couple of workouts, I brought a bag today and I have no plans this week. My husband is out of town starting tomorrow. And heck, if they shut the government down I have an unpaid vacation and nothing but time to hit the gym:)
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Amy—I hope your dad is okay and is feeling better! And glad to hear the scale is being nice! I’m in the same boat with the if they shut down the government tomorrow. I’m already planning my workouts!

    Beeps—you look amazing! That is definitely good motivation for me to get back to the weights, I’ve been slacking lately. And great job on the platinum star!


    Abigail—sounds like a fun weekend! I’m sure you’ll feel a lot better after a few days of healthy eating and exercising.

    Shannon—that is an exciting weekend, glad to hear your niece is doing okay! And great job on your platinum star!

    ramalem—weekends are hard. I definitely do better when I log over the weekends, as much of a pain as it is, but I also estimate a lot. The key thing for me is just to go in with the mindset that I can’t go crazy just because it’s the weekend, and that seems to help. You’ll find your motivation, just stick with it!

    I was 1,031 over my weekly goal, so I think that’s a bronze star. I was pretty good most of the week, but I had a super high calorie on lunch on Wednesday (my portabella burger came breaded, deep fried, and covered with cheese and my small milk shake was still 800 calories) and I didn’t adjust the rest of the week to make up for it. I generally try to check the menu before I go out to lunch and pre-log my calories, but I didn’t do that this time. Next time I won’t make the same mistake!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    bikini - welcome, this is a great group

    shander - congrats on the baby niece, that must have been really scary, glad she is doing well

    ramalem - good luck with South Beach

    beeps - great 2-week plan, sticking with the basics & keeping it simple always a good idea

    amy - I am also sad about Breaking Bad being over, but I am super excited Walking Dead starts up again

    amy & ris - good luck with the impending shutdown, hopefully it won't last long and you can get in some extra workouts with your time