2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Amy - is it possible for you to determine "when" (during a day), you are REALLY hungry, and try and tailor your calories for that time of day??

    For me, I'm REALLY hungry at supper-time/nights. There, I said it. It is what it is.

    So, I try and save ALL my calories for supper-time/nights. Then, I can eat 'em up, without fighting my own natural rhythm.

    If it turns out you are hungry after working out, can you eliminate some other times of day that you would normally eat, and try and stuff THOSE calories into the time period after you work-out??
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Amy--great article! For strength training, I usually log it as "circuit training." I have no idea how accurate it is (I don't think I burn as many calories as it says I do), but I generally shave off a couple of minutes when I log it to compensate a little bit. And good for you for logging the binge! It's hard to see those numbers add up, but I think being honest with yourself is important. There's no need to beat yourself up, but at the same time I find that holding myself accountable makes it easier for me to get back on track.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Great article & posts, thanks Amy & Beeps

    As usual I am way behind & have barely logged. I do not think I am that far over in calories, but the types of food I am eating are not good and it is starting to show. Also, I am not getting in enough exercise & I am way stressed out. Juggling two jobs & the kids new school & activity schedule has been tricky. I am sure I will get used to it. I just need to plan better and make sure I pack lots of healthy food so I am not running through drive thru's or eating convenience food items. They are bad news.

    Enjoy the weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I thought I might try the gym today. Instead, I'm going to take advantage of the beautiful weather and just go walking outside some more....the gym is supposed to wait one more week, anyway. Not sure I'll make it until then (rain is supposed to come by Tuesday), but I don't need to tempt myself, today!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, the total is in and I really wasn't too far from the bronze star, but I fell short-1525 over!
    I got a jog around the lake in the drizzling rain, it felt pretty good.
    I think you are right Beeps, I need to save some cals for after workouts.
    This week, I will keep my calories at 9100, I will plan better. I might not be able to get many workouts anyway.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hi All!!

    Amy - That's not too bad!! I get those binge days every now and then, but I bet your metabolism is just revved up after lifting!! Good job logging the binge though!

    Beeps - Don't go to the gym too soon! you don't want to hurt your eyes after surgery!! That's great that you figured out how to make your calories work for you and saving them for when you know you like to eat!

    Abigail - I'm sorry you're so stressed!! I hope things calm down a bit for you

    Ris - Getting closer and closer for you!!

    Ashley - I think I'll be busy until February unfortunately!! Finishing getting my cousin ready for her baby who will come end of October/mid november (she's not exactly sure when she got pregnant...) then my sister's bridal shower & prep til Nov 1, then her one with her in laws in Long Island in December & holiday festivities and then her bachelorette and then her wedding Feb 1!! Busy busy season!! I hope your's slows down sooner :)

    Jen - Nice to hear from you!! :)

    I survived the parties!! I think I got most of the food in there, I over estimated some of the calories to make up for what I missed. I actually did pretty well for the week though!!!
    Goal - 9500
    Actual - 9697
    Star - Gold

    This week I have to do a little more calorie saving because it's Wine Night Thursday!! The menu looks delicious and I'm very excited for it!!

    Happy Monday :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I had a GREAT CALORIE week last week, came in at 9.670 (budgeted for 9,800) so that is my FIRST PLATINUM * in the Star Challenge!

    Report in, ladies! (I got your, Amy - here's hoping for a better week this week.)

    Shander - I've got you down for GOLD * this week.

    I'll report the results, formally, as more women log-on.

    I did hills on both Saturday and Sunday - got my heart rate nice and high. Did 'em for 2 hours, each day! My eyeballs survived that just fine!

    Thank goodness, because, internally, that gave me the GREEN LIGHT to go ahead and have sex so hubby and I indulged on Saturday afternoon (kids were out of the house, lol).

    I feel MUCH BETTER NOW, lol.

    Meanwhile, I got my period this morning???? I had a full-blown period come down the night before my first surgery, meaning it's only been 2 1/2 weeks??? Why would I be getting a period??????

    I don't think it is "stress" because I've been walking everyday to try and keep that managed and I, frankly, don't feel 'stressed' right now.

    Anyway, HATE that this is happening. Terrified it's a "sign" of early menopause - which I'm not ready for....
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!

    I had a really good week last week as far as calories and my goals were concerned. I came in almost 800 calories under goal (thanks to a pretty intense hike I didn't plan on taking). My goal was 9,856 and I was at 9,023. Platinum star for me! That really allowed me to be flexible over the weekend and enjoy some wine/beer with football! I also made it to the gym 5 days last week and did three days of lifting. Really hope I can keep my momentum up for this week!

    Too much to catch up on, but congrats to everyone who met their goals. Have a busy morning, but I'll check back in later.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Great job on your stars!

    I had a decent weekend. Friday I was under calories, even with a bottle of red in there. Saturday I did not log as I planned on not doing. I drank beer most of the late afternoon into evening at which point I switched to wine, but I didn't eat a ton, and did some walking. Yesterday I was a little hungover (mostly just tired) but walked to and from the coffee shop, to and from the grocery, and even lifted! I feel ok today. A little bloated. I got a quick run in this morning before I had to take Daphne to the dr. She has hand foot mouth and even thought she's no longer contagious, I had to have a dr. note saying that's what she had and that she could return to day care.

    I hope to keep up with better eats this week and have another nice mellow Friday night. (I made homemade chicken noodle soup and we watched a movie and went to bed around 11.)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Here's who I have in the *star* challenge:


    I think some of these women popped in here, never to show up again, but I would like to hear from jenomaha + kclynch + Shander (all 3 weeks remain blank! for you three), and Risonthe Run for week 3.

    Then I can post the 3-week results.

    Week 4 runs Monday, Sept. 16 - Sunday, Sept. 22....GREAT job so far on the *star* challenge, ladies! Keep up the good work!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I get a bronze for this week. And it showed up on the scale this morning for sure! I think baby boy went through a growth spurt or something this week. Plus my insane craving for cereal and ice cream....not necessarily together, but I am not totally opposed to that idea :wink:

    Anyways trying to get back on track this week. Starting out today right with a nice walk and yogurt and granola for breakfast and soup for lunch.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member

  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Good job on the star challenge for those ladies that have checked in.

    Better - bummer about the hand foot mouth - been there.

    Current challenge: log all food everyday, get in some form of exercise every day & drink lots of water - keeping it simple for now!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Beeps - Don't forget to add my Gold!! For the other 2 weeks I'd say I was at most a Bronze, but I didn't log since I was on vacation!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! Sorry it's been a busy day. I was 609 over my goal for the week, so I think that's a silver star? I was pretty much on target all week, but then there was a lot of unhealthy eating over the weekend. My family all came in for my baby shower so we went out to eat a bunch, and I didn't make the greatest of choices (lots of things with cheese, which I haven't really been eating much of lately in my effort to reduce my dairy intake). I did manage to squeeze in a few workouts at least.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I went back and updated....see if I got it right this time, ladies!!

    Abigail - I like the "keep it simple" plan!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Here's my 2-week goals/plan:

    1. walk as much as I can until Friday, when I can:
    2. LIFT WEIGHTS! Ease back into it, on Friday, so that DOMs isn't too bad, so that I can:
    3. ATTEND CARDIO-STEP CLASS, on Saturday.
    4. eat ~ 9,600 calories this week. (I budgeted for 9,800 for the *star* challenge.)
    5. weigh myself - likely Saturday morning before cardio class, but maybe even on Friday (if I fast on thursday, this is a *good* idea).

    I hope I don't have "scale-shock" when I actually step on the damn thing!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am UNDER!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I made horrible food choices this weekend. We celebrated my daughter's birthday this weekend. Tonight we are going to get ice cream at Coldstone.

    2 week Challenge
    1. Check in here twice a week- stress relief and support - LOVE IT
    2. Reduce processed junk - IE FOOD PREP
    3. WORKOUT- I HATE HATE HATE my now saggy *kitten*!!!!

    Seriously? Whose butt is that??? (Me, when I look in the mirror)

    Beeps - Glad you are feeling good!

    Ashley- That's great that you walked to the store and lifted yesterday even though you felt hungover/bloated

    Abigail- Nice and simple

    Ris- Sounds like you had a great week!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Kelly, you're funny! I feel that way about my mid section. Although if I'm dehydrated, I like it a lot better. :smile:

    Great goals everyone! I guess I'm just going to try to:
    1. Stick to good eats and logging all days but one. This week it will be Saturday.
    2. Get my 3 lifts and 2 runs in as well.
    3. Limit alcohol during the week and try to keep it reasonable on Saturday (we have friends coming in town and staying with us)

    Ate pretty well yesterday. Although I came home around 6 and plopped down on the couch and started snacking. Nothing terrible; just some cheese and crackers. But when the weather starts getting cool, and it starts getting dark earlier, I tend to have the desire to just sort of want to come home from work and be lazy sometimes. Typically that's some of my most productive time: running, walking, prepping dinner, etc. Anyways, I rallied and went for a nice cool walk and made a yummy dinner and was under my calories.

    Woke up and lifted this morning. Subbed Bulgarian split squats for deads today and I already feel it. I'm off tomorrow, so you all have a great couple days!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    1 completely out-of-the-blue TOM + 2 previous-fasting-days + 15 days of low-cal = HUGE UNEXPECTED UNCONTROLLABLE BINGE-FEST last night.


    But, I *still* logged it! 2,156 calories yesterday - for a scheduled 1,400 calorie day.

    My god, if I EVER get another period, after 2.5 weeks, I am going to friggin' go MANTAL, for sure!