2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Welcome Jane.

    The *star* challenge is pretty easy - you tell us what your calories are, for the week, and if you hit your calories, you get a PLATINUM star. If you go over by 1-500, you get a GOLD star. If you go over by 501-1,000, you get a SILVER star. If you go over by 1,001-1,500, you get a BRONZE star. No star if you eat 1,501+ too many calories (for the week).

    The challenge runs Monday - Sunday, so let me know what your weekly calorie goals are, and I'll plot you into the *star* challenge.

    PS - some of the posters here are pregnant, so you will see that there calorie-alottments are much higher than those of us trying to lose bodyfat.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - glad to hear the surgery went well. Also, I share the same problem with squats. They only seem to work my quads which are already pretty good. I have a really hard time targeting my glutes, so I have to find alternate exercises to get the job done. My favorite is a single leg deadlift with a kettlebell. I did them Thursday and I was crazy sore in ballet class the next day, but at least I know it's working!

    Welcome Jane! This is a great group, you will definitely get some motivation here.

    Amy - glad you were at least able to get some running in, hopefully you can get some lifting in next week. I did twice this week, but it was not the plan I had. I had to work out at home Monday so I did not have equipment and I was really short on time Thursday so I barely got anything in. I did not get much cardio in except for waling the dog. I forgot to log the last couple of days, but am pretty sure I was under, which I have been every day this week so that is a success.

    I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Abigail - yep, single-leg deadlifts are a main-stay in my workout routine!

    On top of the *star* challenge (which will help me manage my calories in), I'm entering another 11-week challenge. So, I took my "before" photos and measurements, today. My hips/bum are UP....more than when I took that measurement last week. So, BOOOOOO, because I actually did MORE "damage" on vacation than I had anticipated. Plus, the lack of lifting is certainly sending my butt back to HUGE-land. Ugh.

    Anyway, challenges couldn't have come at a better time....I'm totally going to KILL this thing when I can get back to t he gym. In the meantime, THANK YOU for the *star* challenge, because I really am monitoring my calories in consistently, now.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Let's just make tomorrow a new week for the star challenge and Beeps, if you want to keep track, cool, if not, that's ok-I will keep track of myself.
    This week= silver star for me (9100 goal, 9896 actual)
    I will go for 9100 again
    try to workout 4 times this week, too.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hey ladies!! I'm back from vaca and back into the star challenge!! I will be going in for 9500 again.. not sure what my total was last time, too much crazy food in Disney :)

    Glad to see everyone is doing well!! Very happy that your surgery went well Beeps!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey chicks. I had a great weekend in St. Louis and didn't log a thing and don't really intend on it. I didn't eat a ton, but I know I was way over on calories due to rich foods and lots of wine. I'm exhausted as we got home and imediately had to leave to go to a bar and be in my brother in law's music video. We drank beer, split a burger, got home later than intended, had another beer and was up to late. I'm beat. 2 weekends in a row of traveling will do that. I am so looking forward to my Wednesday off.

    That being said, I'm not gonig to go back and log the weekend. I am actually thinking about breaking from logging for a bit. My sister (she's on MFP too) just read Thinside Out and loved it and is going to quit logging and weighing for a bit. It sounds a little refreshing. I've been pretty bummed about my weight; I've not seen any significant loss all summer. Most of it is my diet and I know what I need to do to fix that. So I'll see. I still plan to fast most days till lunch and continue to try to watch the booze. (I have not done will with this lately). This weekend we have no plans, so I'm going to try to rest and not drink much and just have a good weekend. I'm going to continue with stronglifts 3x a week and get at least 2 runs in.

    I'm ready to get back on a normal schedule! Have a great week ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh, I forgot to tell about my class I took my friend teaches: Dailey Method (similar to Pure Barre). It was a good class and my abs and hip flexors are still sore. Like under my ribs especially. Nothing else was really sore, and considering it really was a total body workout, I think that says a lot about areas that are lacking. So another of my goals is to focus on my core more than throwing in 100 cruncehs or some crocs at the end of strength training. Must. Do. Planks. Class also made me realize I do miss group fitness. And that I have lost a ton of flexibility. I may need to start doing some yoga again.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I did 9,817 calories this past week. I think I might have to adjust my "star" challenge calories to 9,800 - for the last 2 weeks, even with very strong diet control (i.e. no binges!), I don't seem to be able to slide under that.

    Amy, I'll go back and see who's in the challenge and report results - no trouble!

    Better - glad you had a great weekend. I'll scratch you *off* the challenge, even though I know you're with us in spirit!

    Welcome back, shander! I'll make sure you're totals are in.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies! Didn't quite do as well with the challenge as I would have liked - over by 810 calories giving me a gold star for the week. It's becoming painfully obvious that working out is the only way I will be able to keep my calories in check - I can't be trusted to eat less than 1,400 a day on my own :) The booze over the weekend just killed me, went out to a show with my friend on Friday night and drank WAY more than intended and did the same thing at a wedding on Saturday night.

    Welcome back Shander! Hope you had a great vacation.

    Better - I feel you on the dissapointment with weight. I know what I need to do, and I'm just not doing it. What is thinside out? Sounds interesting!

    I just for some reason can't get motivated to workout or eat better, which is ridiculous! I'm hoping that since I don't have much going on this week after work and I have Friday off, it will give me the time to get back in the gym. I'm also contemplating doing South Beach phase one for the 2 weeks before my vacation - for some reason I do better in crunch time. The only thing that worries me is not being able to keep that "quick loss" off.

    For this weeks star challenge I'm lowering my calories back to where they should be at 9,856. Even though we aren't necessarily doing a 2 week challenge with this thread, I'm wanting to at least get these goals written down so that I can feel accountable. I've decided that if do meet star challenge every week and meet the below goals I'm going to incentivize myself with this really cute lace top I found at Anthropologie (yes, I'm resorting to rewards for myself haha).

    1. Lift 3 days, cardio 2 (or more) days
    2. Water, water, water
    3. Calories at or under 9,856
    4. Walk the dog 30 minutes+ daily

    Have a great day/week ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    For those of you in the *star* challenge, please let me know what *STAR* you received in Week 1 (reporting in on Sept. 2).

    Please let me know what *STAR* you received in Week 2 (reporting in on Sept. 9).

    The weeks run Monday - Sunday, so we are now into Week 3 of the *star* challenge.

    Note: I've changed up my calories to 9,800 (I did aim for 9,300 for the first 2 weeks of the challenge, but that didn't happen).
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Beeps I had bronze week 1 and gold week 2
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    About the book; my sister says:

    "So you may have noticed that I haven't logged any food in awhile. I promise I'm not totally going rogue, but I am taking a break. I just finished a book that you absolutely MUST READ! It is by Josie Spinardi and it is called "Thinside out. Have your cake and skinny jeans too." It is almost like she was in my brain when she was writing this book. Basically it is a look at binge eating, which doesn't completely apply to me but some of the concepts of negative food relationships due to dieting for DECADES (!!!) definitely do. She has a concept that she calls "gasping for food"--basically when you restrict certain foods, all you want are those foods. By opening yourself up to the idea of eating whatever you want as long as you're hungry and only eat till you are satisfied, the "gasping for food" goes away. She encourages true hunger directed eating like naturally thin people do--rather than eating just because you have calories left over, or eat more because you burned 900 calories running. etc."

    I think I'm going to check that book out.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Sounds really interesting, I might have to read it!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Week 1-platinum star
    Week 2-silver star

    I am going to stick with 9100 per week.

    Ashley, that makes sense, I think, and when I was "naturally thin" I didn't count calories. I did eat what I wanted, when I wanted but I just didn't care about food and there wasn't all these dinners out and such-I worked nights and went to school and was hardly ever at home and always broke! I don't think I can go back to that, because when I don't log, I gain. Also, skinny fat looks better at 20 than at 30. Also, I can eat like I used to, I don't even want fast food everyday. So I just want to find some new happy relationship with food (and alcohol)!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I totally want to move to "intuitive" eating, again, as well. But, while I'm trying to lose bodyfat, for me, I HAVE to count calories!

    Since I hope to have my "transformation" complete by end of 2013, that then gives me the opportunity to move into/through maintenance while practicing induitive eating!

    Thanks for the chart numbers, ramalem and Amy - I've inserted them into the STAR CHALLENGE chart and I will update, again, for Monday, Sept. 9th report-in, once more of the ladies have given me their stats!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I did not do well with logging last week so I need to get back into it this week, however I am pretty sure I stayed within my calorie goals. I think that was because I did not go anywhere or do anything. Seriously when I shop I stick to my list and I don't keep crap in the house, but if I go to someone's house or to a party, out to eat, etc I absolutely lose it - no self control whatsoever.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I logged yesterday! I am 100% committed this week to counting and rockin the star challenge. I am in the longest slump ever and I fear I was never see the 120's again. I got T25 and did the first workout Sat and planned to hitting hard this week. I thought I would follow as is for a week or two and hopefully add some strength in. Then I didn't sleep Sun night or again last night. I know I sleep better when I workout yet I can't workout because I am sooooo tired. Like I'm talking 4 or 5 hours. Stupid stress. Lol.

    beeps- your enthusiasm is awesome and totally motivating. I think you have already done wonders for your body and can't wait to see what you do next.

    Abigail- I am addicted to chips. Anytime we go anywhere and there is chips, yikes!

    Ashley- there have been times when I am in a better place mentally, workout regularly and can get away with not logging. I will throw in the occasional log, just to see, and I am doing ok. It just depends I guess. I do see the importance of taking breaks though. I know a lot of skin jimmy fat girls and your right, Amy, as they age, watch out. Especially in the lower half.

    That's all I see, but I will check in more ( I know I keep saying that!) oh, one more thing. You know how people lose weight and lose boobs? I swear, 4 pounds heavier, my boobs have shrunk. I think it is the lack of upper body. The slump ends now!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Well, I ended up logging all of yesterday. And I think I'll keep it up for now. And even try to log weekends except maybe when I am out of town or have other all weekend events in which I know logging will only dissapoint me. So that's that.

    Ate well yesterday and lifted this morning. I swapped out squats for 1 legged deads, not with heavy weights, and only 4 sets of 8 each (instead of 5x5). That is a move I really struggle with so I think it will be good to incorporate it 1-2x a week. I also did some ball balances (per my old PT) and some planks. And now I'm hungry. Amy, I'm with you; lifting makes me hungry!

    I'm off tomorrow. In addition to getting organized around the house, I'll be getting some workouts in. Can't wait.

    Kelly, I haven't seen 120's since June I think.

    Abigail, I'm with you. If I have a party, or at friends for the weekend, I just eat whatever. I mean I don't stuff myself till I can't move typically, but I eat things I normallly wouldn't. And drink a lot. I think that's okay sometimes. If we eat the same boring things all the time, we'll just binge at some point inevitably.

    Beeps, I think I am the same. I really do need to see the number on paper. Many days if I don't do cardio, I REALLY have to keep it in check in order to stay within my calorie goal. Throw in the weekend, and I REALLY need to watch it during the week.

    Amy, I hear you on logging. And the skinny fat too!

    That's all I can see now. Well I feel like I have a little renewed motivation, so hopefully I'll have a good weekend. We have guests in town next weekend, but they're not coming till Saturday which means we can have a mellow night next Friday too. Then we're off to South Beach!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Just a quick check in. I was 37 calories over my goal last week, so I'm taking a pregnancy-modified platinum star (I'm giving myself a platinum for coming within 100 calories, otherwise I get too tempted to go under my calories, which I'm trying not to do). Last week I had a gold star.

    I'd also love to be able to control my weight without logging, but I feel like I've gotten so dependent on it that I don't know if I could do it anymore. For most of the day I just eat when I'm hungry, but at night--when I have a lot more options--I definitely tailor my dinner based on how many calories I have left rather than just hunger. I think I would do okay without logging if I avoided things like desserts and pizza (i.e., things I would eat even if I wasn't hungry because they taste so good), but it's too easy for me to overeat when I have stuff like that.