2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    it is a VERY cute bump!!! Can't wait to see the beautiful baby that's inside!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks for the cute bump pic! you look happy! all boys for our preggo NTH Girls!

    Jen, you are strong! My goal is to squat 115. Can I ask regarding building up to it, would you try to just do one rep at the heaviest and then lower the weight if you couldn't complete the set? I just remember plateauing and not sure how to progress. and, Jen, I am in a Contracting Officer Representative training, it's a government role that requires certification so it's sort of intense. I am tired!

    Here's the breakdown for the goals, which I am sure everyone is killing it:
    Better_Balance: 10,000
    Jenomaha: 8,750
    ChLoE1130: 14,000
    Beeps2011: 9,300
    Shander7: 9,500
    RisOnTheRun: 13,370
    caitlinashe51: 8,800
    kclynch: 9,800
    Lynn5cmu: 8,400
    ramalem: 10,500
    DeterminedGir: 9,800
    Asjerven: 9,100

    Let me know if I missed you or got it wrong, I am pretty tired, as I mentioned. I have had a couple of low-cal days so I can have 1500 today and tomorrow, so I just need to be good:) go Rams:)
  • Tribesmama
    Hi ladies any chance i can bomb in your challenge. Reading your posts you all seem to be organised and gettinf results. Good job to you all (even if there are treat days, we all need them).
    Can i ask , are your calorie goals you eat before you add your exercise calories or after?. I find most days i struggle to get to 1200 never mind eat back couple hundred exercise calories.
    My goal isnt so much to lose weight(always a bonus tho) as to lose inches and fit into my jeans. Iv been doing insanity for 5weeks and im bigger than i was to start, the only place iv lost inches is my waist nothing from hips and thighs , and these are my big areas . Im needing to figure out how to trim down so frustrating .
    Thanx for the ramble lol :)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sorry ladies, this was not my week to be amazing. I only logged one day. I'm just trying to get back on track with work. I stayed at the school until 6:30 one night and 7:15 another! One morning I got up at 4 to make stuff. I love my job though. This 3 day weekend is what I need to be caught up at work and get my house in order. Next week I will be in the star hale gee and check in.

    Ris- Love it! I gained much more than you by 33 weeks! But my weight did slow down in the third trimester. I think one week it actually dropped.

    Ram- I can't see your pics :-( but I am sure you are beautiful and have I said congratulations yet?

    Jen- you are STRONG! That is awesome!

    Beeps- I love your PMS posts. I started my first week of school and my friends are still teasing me because I was so grumpy. I didn't eat much this month, which unusual. Hope you are recovering nicely.

    I feel like I am missing some of you but I am sure you all are rockin it and I WILL make myself check in more at lunch next week. I need you girls to push me to meet my goals. I am so close to being out of the 130s!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Recovery is WAY harder than I thought....my eye really wants to spend most of the day closed. The eye drops STING so much it has me crying for 5 minutes afterward. And, of course, you can't swipe your eye, wipe your eye, do anything....I'm DREADING this Thursday!

    Anyway, 9,866 calories for the week. Not bad for the first week after vacation. But, I'll do better this week - I think I only got a BRONZE star for week 1....

    Amy, thanks for organizing this challenge. Because I NEED IT.

    I did do month-end tape measure for August and my belly-button waist was up 2 INCHES!! Hopefully some of it was period bloat, but unsure. Anyway, I'M TOTALLY COMMITTED to getting THAT off for September and to dump down 5 lbs (although I haven't weighed since early August, so I really don't even know what I weigh....). I won't jump on the scale until I take my gym pass of hold - which won't be until I can lift come later September.

    2" is TERRIBLE. I'm totally grossed out by that. Boooooooooooooooooo.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Ramalem - gorgeous! glad the day went well

    Ris - loving that baby bump, so cute!

    Beeps - I'm so sorry to hear about your eye, hope it gets better soon

    Amy - I looked into the Female Fitness Bible as well and will be starting that this week using the gym at my husband's work, thanks for sharing

    Right now my current challenge is simply to lay off the bread, pasta & sweets. I have been eating very badly lately and my belly is getting awfully puffy. I also start logging again tomorrow so that will be my other challenge.

    My kids go back to school tomorrow at a new school. We went to a Parent's night/open house last Thursday and they are really excited so that is good. After I drop them off in the mornings I will be continuing to temp in the accounting office of a fitness center up the road from their school and then I go to my other job the next town over, then I come back and get them at after school care and then we have all of our activities. It's going to be crazy. I signed up for three dance classes a week. I will be doing Jazz on Monday nights and ballet on Tuesdays & Fridays. I was not able to take tap again because of a schedule conflict with one of my oldest daughter's martial arts classes, but that's okay as I am happy to be back in Jazz again. We are going to be doing a Broadway style dance this year which is my favorite.

    That's all I can see now, have a great week everyone!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Abi, the dancing sounds like fun and a good way to get exercise. I am not coordinated, a have no rhythm at all! I haven't been able to start the female fitness bible, but I am glad it was able to give you a plan!

    Unfortunately, I took my dad to ER Sunday, The only bonus was no drinking at the Rocky Mountain Showdown and all the stress of the week I came in at 8905, well under my 9100 goal. So for a super horrible, stressful week, I get a platinum star:noway:

    WHo else has their score for the week?

    Beeps, I don't even know what color your star is, sorry, gotta look it up... Do you have to have more surgery Thursday!?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Way too much to respond to, but I read everything on the way back from NC yesterday. We had a nice weekend. Of course ate and drank WAY too much, but still had fun. I actually only drank more than I intended (resulting in lots of fuzziness and a hangover the next day) one night, so that's not terrible. My Mom and I tend to drink TONS of wine, every night we're together, so we only did that once. I didn't log Saturday or Sunday and just went and back logged Friday, and I ended up at an estimated 11,598 net for the week, and that is with estimate 2500 calories both Saturday and Sunday which may be somewhat accurate. I snacked a lot Sunday and drank a decent amount of wine considering cocktail hour started a little before 5 and we didn't go to bed till 1am. I did get a hike in with everyone Saturday. I was sort of hoping for a little longer and more strenuous, but my parents are in their mid 60's. In good shape, but probably not wanting something nuts. We also had Daphne in her backpack, so carrying 25 pounds of baby makes things a bit harder. My Mom and I also walked about 45 minutes Sunday, hangovers and all. My proudest moment from the weekend were yesterday. I came home, unpacked us, took a 2.7 miles stroller run and had an unwhichfrom Jimmy John's instead of my usual French bread sub and ended up under calories despite having curly fries for lunch.

    Less than 4 weeks till South Beach. I am motivated. We head to St. Louis this weekend and then I think we have a couple free weekends which means I need to focus on more activity and less booze on those weekends. I didn't drink anything yesterday and I don't intend to drink anything till at least Thursday, maybe even wait till Friday. Have a great week ladies!
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am just checking in here to say that I am back from a truly wonderful honeymoon in Spain and Portugal. I did manage to work out the first week a few times in Barcelona, but haven't done a single exercise in the last 1.5 weeks, so the last 3 weeks have been the laziest for me so far this year!! I am little nervous about returning today. I think soreness is on the menu for sure, but I think that I will be so glad that I did it! Oh, and gained freakin 5 lbs. Now I some calorie deficits to do too!

    1. Get back into my exercise routine: 3x per week lifting, plus 1-2 cardio or yoga, etc
    2. Calorie deficit to shed a few pounds. Surely some of my work cloths are going to be tight and I hate that!!

    Good luck on all of your goal ladies!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I failed the challenge this week miserably, I was over my goal by about 800 cals. I am blaming on this giant cookie cake we had leftover from my husbands bday last weekend, needless to say it is gone now and I don't think he really at any of it.

    My big goal this week is to control my sweets intake. I have been eating way too much chocolate, ice cream, cookies, etc. I really need to get it back under control. So that is going to be my main focus for the week.

    I have still been going strong with my morning walks, averaging about 18 miles a week. That is pretty much it though, since I tweaked my neck a few weeks ago I have been nervous to do anything more. Especially since my sleeping positions are so limited as it is I don't want to risk making it worse.

    Ris- you look adorable!

    Better- you got this for South Beach just stay focused on the goal!

    Amy- hope everything is ok with your dad!

    Abi- I right there with ya with the puffiness! Lets do this together!

    Beeps- good luck with your recovery!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I was 261 over my goal for the week. I was pretty close to my goal every day, but then on Saturday night, after I had closed my diary, my husband came home with a piece of chocolate lava cake, and of course I had to eat it while it was warm. It was well worth it, but it did put me over for the week.

    My two-week yoga pass expired yesterday, so I need to get back to motivating myself to work out. My legs are pretty sore from lifting over the weekend, so I think I'm just going to ride the bike tonight, and then try to get up and run tomorrow morning, and lift on Thursday. Unfortunately it's starting to be darker in the mornings which is making it a lot harder for me to get up early, although I know I need to take advantage of the morning daylight while I can.

    Amy—I hope your dad is okay!

    Chloe--sweets are tough. I have no willpower so I just can't have them around. And great job on the morning walks! 18 miles a week is impressive.

    Lamb--welcome back! Glad you had a great time on your honeymoon! I'm sure you'll be back to your usual exercise routine in no time.

    Ashely--sounds like you had a fun weekend! That's great that you got in a good hike and a stroller run.

    Abi--that's great that you're able to fit in a few dance classes even with your crazy schedule!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Back to another week! I will post scores tonight for those who have weighed in:wink: sort of punny...
    Who wants in the challenge again this week? Is your goal new/different?
    I will stick with mine, 9100 and will log cardio but not weights to affect the net. which is kinda bad, because lifting makes me hungry but cardio seems to curb my appetite...
    This week, well, maybe I will get in a run tonight and a couple of sessions lifting with the FFB (female fitness bible) is my shorthand.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks for the well wishes about my dad, I think he will be ok as far as the hospitalization, he just needed some fluids and rest. We'll see the oncologist today about future treatment.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I'm in for the STAR CHALLENGE for the duration. Same calories this week....should be able to hit them because i have an extra fast day in there.

    Abigail - thanks for the FULL REPORT on what dances, etc. I've been toying with taking some tap-dance classes. Likely in a couple more years when my kids are firmly in their teen years and don't want me around, anyway.

    Took my son to his new junior high this morning....it was pretty traumatic for him! He isn't in a class with his best friend and my son does NOT adjust to "new situations" very well. So, I cried all the way back to my car, because I know he is struggling, and all those tears just hurt my eyeball, which is already super-hurt everytime I put in the damn eye drops I have to put in. Ugh.

    Anyway, I know my son will be just fine. I think it's actually good that he and Nolan are split up this year (well, they have math and science together!), because they can find some new friends and grow individually. So, yes, it's all good....but, no parent likes to see their kid hurting.

    My 2-week goals:

    1. under 9,000 calories per week;
    2. walk 6 hours per week;
    3. sleep 7.5 hours per night; and
    4. try showering. Bathing just sucks when you have to do it everyday - my hair is long and thick and this is just awful.

    Oh, and I want to survive Thursday's surgery....I'm WAY nervous about it, now - was better last week when I didn't KNOW what was going to HIT ME!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies, I SUCKED last week - was 1,430 over calorie goal and really didn't workout at all. I am absolutely DETERMINED to get back into it this week. 6 weeks until Jamaica, I'd really like to see some differences before I go.

    Chloe - great work on keeping up with the walks. It started raining here yesterday, so I didn't get out this AM...

    Amy - so sorry to hear about your Dad. Thinking good thoughts for him and you.

    Lamb - so jealous of your Honeymoon, hope you had a fantastic time.

    Ris - I hear ya on the daylight. It's getting harder and harder to get up early, even my dog won't get up.

    Beeps - Sad about the kiddo. I was the same way in Jr. High and HS, had a tough time with new changes/situations. I ended up ok ;) Hope the eye heals quick! Thinking good thoughts for your surgery!

    I am definitely in for the Star Challenge this week. Might be a struggle as I have a lot going on after work this week that involves not eating so healthy, but I am going to try and get runs in during lunch and get a solid start on NROL4W. I am going to keep my calorie goal the same this week and then really try and reduce it next week. My calorie goal is 10,500.

    My 2 week goals:
    1. Keep calories under 10,500 (this week only)
    2. 3 days of cardio
    3. Start NROL4W (get at least 2 days in)
    4. If it's not raining, get out and walk 30 min+
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Put me down for 9500. It's going to be tough, but I can do it! Especially since it's only Tuesday and we already accepted an invite to my brother in laws for barbeque tonight. What goes good with bbq? Beer...... And my ongoing struggle continues..... socializing, food, drink and fun vs. weight loss..... We also now have a couple coming in town the week before South Beach. I'm just going to enjoy my friends and family and do the best I can!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    aw, Beeps, that is tough. They say parenting is like having your heart walking around outside your body, and it seems so true. I get so worked up about bullying, my heart just breaks for those kids and I don't know what you can do for them?! I hope your son can make some new friends at his new junior high, but that seems to be a tough time for everyone. I still have friends I made in junior high, I think it's like war when you form close bonds with those who help you survive:wink:
    And the surgery, that sucks they couldn't have done it all at once and just be done with it.
    Oh, and Beeps, I had you down for 9300, was it supposed to be 9000?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Amy - I should be down for 9,300 - that's true. I'm aiming for 9,100 per week, but gave myself a 200 calorie "buffer", just to keep trying to be "nice" to me (and not "punishing").


    PS - my son had a GOOD DAY! He likes his homeroom teacher, they had hot dogs for lunch, and they just did a bunch of "team-building" activities ("just dance" video game, potato sack races, tug-of-wars, etc.). He got a school T-shirt! He's just fine....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I'm glad your son had a great first day, sounds like a fun school!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    ...well, I think "orientation day" (which was today, for grade 7's) WAS FUN! But, the real work is about to start....he is in "advanced placement", which means he does BOTH grade 7 and grade 8 studies for science and math. He'll have HOMEWORK like he won't believe!!!!!