2 week challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    Looking awesome Beeps! Love the red shoes and lips!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Cute dress Beeps! spanx are amazing :)

    Shanaber - at least you weren't at the Giants/Nationals game, that one went 18 innings!

    I had a VERY busy weekend that I had not planned on having. I was hoping to catch up on sleep, since I didn't get much at all last week, but, hubby and decided to make our last Ikea trip and just start putting together furniture. We got two out of three Ikea dressers built and the crib built. I am exhausted. It's a good marriage test - putting together Ikea furniture with a pregnant, hot and tired wife. We made it though!

    This week I have little/nothing going on after work, so hopefully I can get some walks in and clean up the house a bit. We were watching my parents two small yappy shelties for 2 weeks while they are in Hawaii and they are finally coming home today, THANK GOD.

    That's all I have for now, work is calling. Have a great Monday ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Went to a playoff game last night that went to extra innings. I am not a huge baseball fan but it was fun and the crowd was so into it - how could you not have a good time :laugh: It was really hot so we went a little late after the sun went down and it was so much better. It also meant we ate dinner at home and we took a large bottle of water with us to share which saved a ton of money and kept us out of the long lines!
    Have a busy weekend ahead - hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

    We always stay when it goes extra innings, too! My husband calls it "free baseball":)

    Beeps, you look amazing, I love the dress! I bet you look like the model from that angle:wink:

    I got way over-served on Friday, I felt so awful, I came back Saturday and lay around. No work outs. and I forgot to log a bunch and so I will have to go "no star".

    Today is my husband's bday and we are going out for dinner.

    I should be able to pick up on the workouts this week, starting tomorrow. I still haven't decided about the home gym...

    Ram, glad you survived the furniture test! You are braver than I am! I don't think I will ever again purchase furniture that needs assembling:noway:
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - love that dress, you look fantastic!

    Quick check-in on the star challenge - stopped logging around Thursday & totally blew it over the weekend so no star for me. However, I ran a 5K on Saturday morning in just under 28 minutes, yay! I am pretty sure that was a PR for me so that was good. Now I just have to crack down on the eating. My pants were awfully tight this morning. :(
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I was out in the field all morning and just getting into the office, so quick checkin.....

    Weekend was busy as usual. We had friends in Friday night, so I was up too late. Saturday we did an art fair (so some walking) and that night had a boring work party. I was in bed by 11. I couldn't even stay awake to watch KY pull out a win over SC! Sunday we did coffee, I grocery shopped, and then made Eric pasta for lunch and a TON of burgoo (meaty stew for those that have not heard of it) so spent a fair amount of time in the kitchen. It's really yummy. Can't say it's the healthiest as it has about 6 pounds of meat (beef stew meat, Boston butt, and chicken legs) but it's perfect for this time of year. Otherwise, I pretty much relaxed Sunday which is exactly what I like doing. So the only working out I did over the weekend was walking slowly at the festival. Oh well..... However I walked about 3.5 miles for work this morning, so I'm off to a good start this week! :smile: I am finding I value downtime more than workout time on weekends these days. I figure I'll only be pregnant for about 14 more weeks. so I should enjoy my time. :smile: This week I'll be missing my pilates class as I have a night meeting, so will need to make that workout up somehow. I did okay foodwise last weekend. My dessert I made is gone and so are the icecream sandwiches, so desserts should be less this week.

    Alright, better run. Have a great week ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,975 Member
    You gals are awesome on the ego! Thank you.

    I got my lifting in and done, today. Even on five hours sleep....

    So, my ONL.y challenge has to be fixing whatever is f*cking up my sleep! It is starting to become habitual.....which sucks.

    Good sleep before everything. No liquid after six pm, to start. And i am going to start taking magnesium pills in the evening. And, to bed at ten pm. The end.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- I didn't realize magnesium pills are supposed to help with sleep? I take two a night to help with digestive issues- that I unfortunately have always had, but these couple with eating healthy have really helped keep me regular....sorry TMI

    Ashley-Definitely use these last weeks to rest up!

    Abi- Nice job on the 5K!

    Amy-hangovers are the worst.

    Ram-Thankfully the only baby furniture that had to be put together for us was the crib, and Mike did that all on his own while I was at work....putting furniture together is the awful, I remember a couple years ago getting drunk in our garage while putting together our patio furniture

    I am still doing good with eating. I didn't even log this weekend, but I really didn't eat bad. I started and ABs, Buns and Guns challenge on October 1. It basically is squats, push ups and leg lifts laying on your back....it builds throughout the month. I think by the end you do like 50 push ups and 300 squats. But, I've been doing that, some PiYo and I did run yesterday. But, I am in a real workout slump. This morning all I did was the challenge. I need to figure something out.

    Edited to add: I think I might take a break from logging. Sometimes I feel like I have done this long enough that its unnecessary sometimes. I know what I should eat and shouldn't.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Hello Monday!

    So to start off, last week is a "no star" week for me. Like Abigail, I quit logging around Thursday and it went a bit crazy from there. I am bloated and ick feeling from all the carbs/grease I ate. I felt good on my run. Came in at 2:59:21 w/ an 11:32 avg pace. Coach had me aiming for 2:50:-- total run time...I told myself I would be happy with under 3 hrs. So it was a win-win for both of us LOL. I cruised through the hills the first 6 miles...didn't even feel them. Then I hit the 1/2 mile hill at mile 9 and choked...then I hit the second 1/2 mile hill at 9.5 miles and really choked (like walked up the hill choked). I bonk'd at mile 13 and felt like I crawled the last 2.5 miles. But overall I am happy with it, I know what I need to work on.

    This week:
    Not going to weigh in for awhile since I am sore and retaining water in the healing process.

    This weeks goals:
    3x runs
    2x strength
    6x pushups
    4x bfast smoothies
    2x salads
    3x yoga sessions

    Calories @ 12,000
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    Wow - not sure I like the new format and it took me a while to find the thread again! I will post the star challenge results tomorrow. Hope you all are having a great week!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Well that took a while to figure out! Interesting new format...

    I got a Gold star last week

    I don't have time to post more right now, hopefully I will have more time around lunch!! I hope everyone is having a great week! Mine started out pretty great! I won an ipad air at work on Monday! Woo!

    Must start work now! Have a great day
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,975 Member
    OMG! Where did "my topics" go?!?!? How do i find my common threads i post on. And now this is page 205? Nobody new will EVEr come here.

  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Yuck....I don't think I like this...
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    You guys, I HATE THIS!!!!!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    This topic takes so long to find, booooo
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I too am weirded out by this! Scale is not friendly today either...
    Chel, your speed is the same as me for my usual jog around the lake-less than 3 miles! I am so slow...
    Chloe, I think I am going to stop logging for October and then, I don't know, I am feeling meh about my workouts too...
    I have a 5k next week so I will stick to my alternating lifting and running when possible, but after that, I don't know...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    I hate the new format - can't find any of the things I used to respond to other than this one and only found it because of the group :\ also where are all of the smiley faces??? We now only get a few to choose from! I am heading out for a run (late) and will try to do some poking around later to see if I can figure any shortcuts on the forums... It should have been better with the update not worse! I was hoping to hear from Kate and Kelly for the star challenge but will go with what I have this afternoon...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    Also they have apparently disabled the feedback option - must have been getting too many complaints!
  • ilyouu7
    Hey everyone! I'm 5'3 and 133 lbs. I'd like to lose 13 lbs and get down to 120. Right now, even losing 5 lbs is hard for me, so my goal by Thanksgiving is to be 125. (Then gain it all back during Thanksgiving) haha. I'm kidding, but I want to be 120 by mid-December, because I will be going on a vacation with my boyfriend during that time. My goals are to eat at least 100 g of protein, workout every day, and eat 80% healthy every week.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    I felt so lost not posting yesterday!

    The day went well and I stayed within my calories (or pretty close to them)...there is a tub of caramel corn sitting in my office and I may have had a few hand fulls that weren't logged. Allergies are bad right now and so by the time I got out of the office, I had a headache which triggered the vertigo which led to nausea and just full flown exhaustion. I did do my push-ups though thanks to hubby getting down and doing them with me :smiley:

    Today I feel better. My throat is a bit scratchy and my eyes puffy but doing ok overall. Had my first occupational therapy session for my elbow that I broke a year ago and that was never set/treated (thanks military)...they said I have "crunchy muscles" which I guess means I have a lot of scar tissue in my elbow joint and for the next month I have to go in and they are going to break down that tissue...I am bruising after todays session. After they break it all down, then they will get it to heal w/o all the scar tissue.

    Today is a 60-70 min run. I am not in the mood but no excuses today. Monday was brutal. I wanted to just sit, but got myself up saying I was going to at least walk. I ended up running hills b/c I crashed on the last hill, coach wanted to get as much hill work in while I was still fatigued and b/c hill work is usually a quicker work out (about an hour) that I wouldn't risk an overuse injury. I as not thrilled...but when I woke up Tuesday nothing hurt, nothing ached...so I guess coach knows what he is doing LOL.

    So far I am behind on my strength and smoothie goals...we will see! It is time to shake this weight...no point in carrying around 12 lbs I don't need to on a run!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,975 Member
    ....i just don't like that a "bookmark" from a "group" does not then show up on my bookmarks! How lame!

    Mabe adding photos will be better, though!