Week 1 Day 1 Challenge



  • ericarfloyd
    ericarfloyd Posts: 93 Member
    I'll have to do all three sets when I get home tonight! Thanks for posting in advance tomorrow and Wednesday's exercises! I just wish the group messages would feed to our home page feed so we don't have to keep checking back!
  • arb7722
    arb7722 Posts: 6 Member
    Done! I did one set during each commercial break while watching a TV show. It was perfect since each set took about 2 minutes. I had to switch to knee pushups halfway through the second set, but I finished.
  • akkeat
    akkeat Posts: 5 Member
    Check! I did one set with about 5-7 minutes of walking just to get things going. Did that three different times during the day. Gets that blood pumping after sitting at a desk all day.
  • jojosboys
    jojosboys Posts: 20 Member
    Day one challenge COMPLETE!!
  • will do it tonight once the kids are in bed
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    DONE!!! Woohoo!!!! I'm pumped! :tongue:
  • 2Bhealthier2
    2Bhealthier2 Posts: 128 Member
    Done, and sad to say did the wall pushups. When my lower back/hip stops hurting will try the knee.

    I also did 2 hours at the gym, also talked a lot to my friend. Did treadmill and 8 different weights so really good workout day.

    Great job everyone!
  • Day 1 Challenge Complete!!!
  • Today's challenge= done! And, if I'm not mistaken, this burns about 250-300 calories, right? :D
  • Going to do this and yoga and 7 minute HIIT workout like we do sometimes in gym at school! I am 170 pounds does anyone know how much this burns!???????
  • Goodness...just completed the the workout...kinda laughed saying thats nothin!! Well im out of shape and that little bit kicked my butt...looking forward to more!! :grumble:
  • joansteph
    joansteph Posts: 22
    I only burned about 75 calories doing day 1 challenge. If you add the daily challenge of 10,000 steps then you could burn about 300 calories. It all depends on your fitness level weight and age.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Week 1 Day1 Challenge completed! Did wall push-outs for first set, than did knee push-ups...hubby says I didn't go low enough, lol.

    Then my kids tried to plank with me, so holding that 20 seconds while laughing was an extra core work out!
  • Day 1 Challenge completed- had to do all knee pushups because I was sore from doing a lot of bicep and tricep weights yesterday.
  • CarlottaJarratt
    CarlottaJarratt Posts: 5 Member
    Completed Day 1 Challenge - plus 35 minutes on the elliptical and 9 holes of golf - walking. :wink:
  • sure2014
    sure2014 Posts: 18 Member
    I did 110 jump ropes and 25 squats
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    Did today's challenge + an arm workout + playing with the dogs. Heart rate was up during that 45 minutes
  • kschick46
    kschick46 Posts: 12 Member
    Day 1 challenge completed! I also managed to get my couch to 5k walk/jog done tonight. Feeling great but glad tonight's workout is over...:happy:
  • tinuz
    tinuz Posts: 1,123 Member
    Done.......BRING EM ON!!!!!!!
  • KoiKitten101
    KoiKitten101 Posts: 26 Member
    I unfortunately did all mine together, once I got to the planks during the first round, I decided I wasn't getting off the floor after that, till all the planks were done.

    I did a normal set of squats, one set of squat jumps, then the last set i did half squat jumps and normal squats. For some reason the squat jumps seemed easier till i got half way through.

    I was not able to do push ups, So I did a modified version.

    Completed all exercises.