Chat thread



  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    So I'm debating whether to add accessory lifts this week on non-SL days. I'm not sure I'll get 3 SL days in this week with the holiday, but I would mainly do it because I'm taking about 2 weeks off running now that I finished my 10k yesterday (woot!). I was in some pain yesterday (mostly just uncomfortable and made walking hard) but I'm not worried about the hip flexor or it band because I know how to roll and stretch to work those out. My ankle bothered me again so I'm going to check out some inserts to see if they help.

    Now off to see what kind of accessory lifts I'd want to do...

    edit: word. I'm still tired even though I slept over 10 hours after that 10k!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    So I'm debating whether to add accessory lifts this week on non-SL days. I'm not sure I'll get 3 SL days in this week with the holiday, but I would mainly do it because I'm taking about 2 weeks off running now that I finished my 10k yesterday (woot!). I was in some pain yesterday (mostly just uncomfortable and made walking hard) but I'm not worried about the hip flexor or it band because I know how to roll and stretch to work those out. My ankle bothered me again so I'm going to check out some inserts to see if they help.

    Now off to see what kind of accessory lifts I'd want to do...

    edit: word. I'm still tired even though I slept over 10 hours after that 10k!

    What kind of things are you looking to improve on? I would first focus on areas you feel are your weak point. I know I have issues with glute activation so I've added glute/ham accessories to help. That would be my general suggestion.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    So I'm debating whether to add accessory lifts this week on non-SL days. I'm not sure I'll get 3 SL days in this week with the holiday, but I would mainly do it because I'm taking about 2 weeks off running now that I finished my 10k yesterday (woot!). I was in some pain yesterday (mostly just uncomfortable and made walking hard) but I'm not worried about the hip flexor or it band because I know how to roll and stretch to work those out. My ankle bothered me again so I'm going to check out some inserts to see if they help.

    Now off to see what kind of accessory lifts I'd want to do...

    edit: word. I'm still tired even though I slept over 10 hours after that 10k!

    What kind of things are you looking to improve on? I would first focus on areas you feel are your weak point. I know I have issues with glute activation so I've added glute/ham accessories to help. That would be my general suggestion.

    Thanks jstout, I'll probably work on core work. I noticed I wasn't keeping my core tight enough last week during ohp and it was throwing me off.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    So I'm debating whether to add accessory lifts this week on non-SL days. I'm not sure I'll get 3 SL days in this week with the holiday, but I would mainly do it because I'm taking about 2 weeks off running now that I finished my 10k yesterday (woot!). I was in some pain yesterday (mostly just uncomfortable and made walking hard) but I'm not worried about the hip flexor or it band because I know how to roll and stretch to work those out. My ankle bothered me again so I'm going to check out some inserts to see if they help.

    Now off to see what kind of accessory lifts I'd want to do...

    edit: word. I'm still tired even though I slept over 10 hours after that 10k!

    Great job on the 10k!

    On days when my SL workout has bench press and my hubby isn't with me, I do more accessory work. OHP and bench are my weakest, so I do a lot of tricep work-close Grip bench, lying triceps extension, assisted pull ups/chin ups, seated rows, dips and whatever else I feel like throwing in.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I'm in an odd mood for it being Monday morning and knowing that I have a shyte ton of stuff going on this week. Especially now that my AC broke last night.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So I'm debating whether to add accessory lifts this week on non-SL days. I'm not sure I'll get 3 SL days in this week with the holiday, but I would mainly do it because I'm taking about 2 weeks off running now that I finished my 10k yesterday (woot!). I was in some pain yesterday (mostly just uncomfortable and made walking hard) but I'm not worried about the hip flexor or it band because I know how to roll and stretch to work those out. My ankle bothered me again so I'm going to check out some inserts to see if they help.

    Now off to see what kind of accessory lifts I'd want to do...

    edit: word. I'm still tired even though I slept over 10 hours after that 10k!

    Great job on the 10k!

    On days when my SL workout has bench press and my hubby isn't with me, I do more accessory work. OHP and bench are my weakest, so I do a lot of tricep work-close Grip bench, lying triceps extension, assisted pull ups/chin ups, seated rows, dips and whatever else I feel like throwing in.

    I've considered adding in some extra tricep work as well..was looking in the mirror while I was in the car friday and didn't like what I saw....:grumble:
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    I'm in an odd mood for it being Monday morning and knowing that I have a shyte ton of stuff going on this week. Especially now that my AC broke last night.



    exactly my thought this morning when my alarm went off. Argh, I am soooo bad in getting out of bad in the mornings, I hate my life and everything in this moment :-D

    Luckily we have a short week since the next weekend it´s easter weekend. But I will miss my first workout because we go to denmark to the legoland for two days. And sunday/monday we go camping, just bought a place and a trailer (my man´s comment: Now we are real boeotians :-D) But as bad as that sounds, it´s actually great. We are directly besides a lake and there are lots of kids and entertainment things for them...Looking forward!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I'm in an odd mood for it being Monday morning and knowing that I have a shyte ton of stuff going on this week. Especially now that my AC broke last night.



    And this is why I did not go to work today! I'm calling it a mental health day. Mostly it's because two days ago it was 80 degrees and sunny and beautiful out. Today it is 39 and gray. Will be for another few days. I've decided I need time to mentally prepare myself for this.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Damn, only hours after I showed off how I am not craving sweets etc. my hormones are kicking big time.

    Within what felt like minutes my whole forehead is sprinkled with spots and I feel like eating junk the whole time is the best idea ever. It´s been a while that my pms hit me like that, arrrghhh, halp!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Congratulations Leadfoot!! How exciting!

    Neon, Hormones suck!

    My goldfish has been sick for a long time and all attempts to cure him have failed so last night I put him out of his misery and into the freezer (cold blooded, sleep, easy death for a fish.) My son handled it well but I feel blah today. He was the last one. The other two didn't last long but we had Legolas for 4 years. Those petstore goldfish don't last long. Apparently a goldfish could live for 30 years!! Sigh. Bad time on top of my weekend sugar overload. I would probably be feeling blah because of the sugar anyway. I definitely don't feel like working out. Watching tv and stuffing my face yes…I guess if I don't want fittree to put me in the garbage I better get over it!!
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Oh, that´s sad :-( I wasn´t aware that you you do this with fish. But good to know, we have an aquarium as well.

    I think fittree would understand if you were a bit whiny today but start pulling yourself together tomorrow again - we are just human (say the women who sits drooling beside her daughters easter basket e_e)
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    As you said Neon we are only human but leave that sugar alone it will make you feel like crap!

    Yes, a bit of water in a plastic bag. I put the bag in another bag you can't see through so they don't get scared and gently put it in the freezer. They gradually cool down and go to sleep like fish in an outdoor pond in the winter.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    jap, I only took one mini egg and fled the scene :-D But I am having thai food soon - can´t resist. But since I make two portions now out of one, it´s always fine...

    Ah, thanks for the info, that´s really good to know, I think I would have just taken the fish out and put it in the freezer :embarassed:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    my gym visit yesterday was short and half hearted. arm hasn't been feeling too bad so I did some squats (just the bar), press (bar), bench (bar) and curls (10kg bar).

    last night it was sore again.

    I was v careful to keep straight wrists with the squats but suspect they are the culprit.

    I can't even lift a jug of water or drain a pan of peas.

    guess I should phone the doc...
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Lydia, sorry to hear that your wrist is giving you issues. Have you ever considered wearing a wrist wrap? I wear one for some extra stability due to some structural issues in my wrist. I've been there with the not being able to lift things like my coffee mug or even reaching into a back pocket. When mine is bad, I have difficulty rotating it palm side up (supination). Hope you are able to get it all sorted with the doc. Rest and avoiding what I consider "trigger" exercises or grips helps. I'm the one person who never does bicep curls.....mostly because I can't.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I have thought about it yes just need to source one! Thanks :-)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    This is how I have felt all week.....starting on 2000/day next week!

  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Get well soon, Lydia!

    Oh, I envy you! @jstout :-) but great for you!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    This is how I have felt all week.....starting on 2000/day next week!


    That's how I feel all the time.
  • caseys29
    caseys29 Posts: 63 Member
    So, this girl I went to high school with friended me on Facebook the other day. She was the only girl on the wrestling team back then and has always been a beast in a small package. I was checking out her videos and there's one of her rack deadlifting 405 pounds twice. She looks like she weighs maybe 130 and I think she's around 5'6. The muscles in her back, shoulders, and arms look amazing while she's lifting it. She's like the poster girl for "heavy lifting won't make you bulky."