New to the group, check in here



  • timeforjodi
    timeforjodi Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Jodi and I'm 46. I've been married for 20 years to my wonderful hubby. We have 2 sons (13 & 14). I have tried several times to lose weight through deprivation but it was short lived. I now realize that I have to make it a lifestyle change and not a diet. Looking forward to this group and finding motivation and support.
  • Midlife_Crazy
    Midlife_Crazy Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! Obviously, I'm new to the group (lol), and am 42. I have a grown daughter, 22, whose advise I am following to become more social on MFP to help stick to my goals. :) Been a bit of a yo-yoer over the years, and with my last bad relationship (and dissolution of it) managed to pack on more weight, despite efforts to the contrary. Finally, I have my focus back though, and am ready to do this thing right. I want to be able to live life to the fullest again, without being hampered or embarrassed by weight issues. I want to be me again. So here I am. 40's are going to be Fabulous for us all!
  • live68
    live68 Posts: 9
    Whew! I'm a mess! Lol I need some friends, I seriously don't have any! That's a little of my problem cuz it doesn't give me the choice of working out with friends.

    Anyway, I'm 45 and I have two adult children (22, 20). The boys live with me and their dad and I are divorced. I've gained 20 pounds since retiring from the military and would love to get back in shape!
  • Ldysw357
    Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello ladies. I am 44, married for 25 years and have two kids (23 and 18). I am post menopausal due to a hysterectomy back at age 28 and stopped taking the hormones years ago due to the weight gain. Suffered through the hot flashes etc and now actually do pretty well with those symptoms. I never have lost the weight though and actually gained more. I lost 20 lbs last year and quit, but maintained and am now down another 10....only 50 more to my goal, lol. I am in the process of becoming an empty nester and dealing with that and learning to be on my own as my hubby works out of state and is only home 1-2 weeks every couple of months. I am now trying to get into a habit of going to the gym and exercising (something I really haven't done much of before) and am feeling it! Really wish I would have done this when I was younger and it didn't hurt as much, lol. Anyway here I am now and am happy to be here. Happy to help and support y'all anytime :)
  • SeekingMJ
    SeekingMJ Posts: 2 Member
    Howdy! My name is Melissa and I will be 44 in May. I am good at loosing weight but am horrible at keeping it off. I am hoping to find the support to succeed in both. I just started a new job and it have to walk several blocks from the parking lot to the building and it is on the second floor, so I am taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

    I am currently heavier than I ever have been, have fibromyalgia, migraines and high blood pressure. I need to make a change. :)
  • Trysta
    Trysta Posts: 24 Member
    Good morning!
    I'm also new to the group. 41 and married, with two boys ages 10 & 12.
    In my mind, I know the healthy options for eating, and the balance of exercise to aid in weight loss... it just seems I don't implement the right choices when it comes to me & my weight loss.
    I'm looking forward to the motivation & accountability groups & friends may bring =)
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I am 39 today, but my 40th birthday is tomorrow :tongue: I have lost 35 pounds so far but still have a way to go, so I wanted to join a group that is active for support and motivation.
  • looklucklove
    looklucklove Posts: 128 Member
    Hi all.... I'm 40, but not feeling so fabulous! I'm hoping that losing a few pounds will increase my self confidence somewhat. I am married with two kids (8 and 4), and I work full time.

    And I really want to eat the ears off my daughter's chocolate bunny right now!
  • moondancer2010
    moondancer2010 Posts: 281 Member
    Hey all. I'll be 41 in July but not feeling fabulous. Working on it, but I seem to lose and gain the same 5 pounds. So I'm finally trying to get serious about this and lose the 35-40 pounds that I want gone.
    I am mother to one moody, gothic, unique 16 year old and have been with my SO for 12 years (maybe some day we'll actually et married, lol). He has a wicked sweet tooth, which does not help me with my journey. I am hoping that with some help from friends I can lose the weight. I work full time in research, teach hoopdance, and have 5 cats as well.
  • tinaharris374
    tinaharris374 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, my name is Tina and I'm working on getting my sexy back.. 40+ and working on fabulous...
  • lmjblues
    lmjblues Posts: 117 Member
    Hello. My name is Lisa. I joined this group last week, but never really introduced myself. I'm a 45 year old, mother of 3 grown children. I'm also a grandma to one 6 year old boy. :) I'm a very active person... I run, I spin and I'm a coach of a running group that meets a couple times a week. I've gained 20lbs over the last 5 - 8 years... I'm blaming it on "the change". It's just done the slow creep on me and it's been very difficult to get it back off!! Determined this time. Been adjusting my carb intake a bit, trying to find my sweet spot. It's very obviously, to me, that the carbs do affect my weight these days. Another benefit of getting older. But, I don't like to go too low on the carbs because then it feels like it affects my workouts. Sooooo... trying to focus on GOOD carbs and couple them with protein to balance out the meal. So far so good.

    Anyway... glad I found this group!

    Let's do this!

  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Hello. My name is Lisa. I joined this group last week, but never really introduced myself. I'm a 45 year old, mother of 3 grown children. I'm also a grandma to one 6 year old boy. :) I'm a very active person... I run, I spin and I'm a coach of a running group that meets a couple times a week. I've gained 20lbs over the last 5 - 8 years... I'm blaming it on "the change". It's just done the slow creep on me and it's been very difficult to get it back off!! Determined this time. Been adjusting my carb intake a bit, trying to find my sweet spot. It's very obviously, to me, that the carbs do affect my weight these days. Another benefit of getting older. But, I don't like to go too low on the carbs because then it feels like it affects my workouts. Sooooo... trying to focus on GOOD carbs and couple them with protein to balance out the meal. So far so good.

    Anyway... glad I found this group!

    Let's do this!


    Hi Lisa. This sounds alot like. I've active and the weight has just creeped and creeped to where now I am right at about 30 lbs over. I feel like I need to cut back on calories, especially processed and carbs to lose it but then I feel like I am tired alot. How do we balance this out - lol. I am having pre-menopausal symptoms so I just started on progesterine cream once a day and a weight loss supplement geared for menopausal women. So we'll see how that works. Now I'm dealing with some major allergy issues and I need to get those under control so I can feel up to working out. It seems there is always a sabotage!
  • Callidreamr
    Callidreamr Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Everyone. My name is Noelle. I am 46 years old, married for 27 years with 3 grown children. I joined this group to interact with women in my age group and similar fitness goals. My goal is to lose at least 10 pounds in the next few months. I recently started the Happy Hormones, Slim Belly Diet by Jorge Cruise. It's basically a carb cycling diet. I'm looking for a lifestyle change to my eating because as we get older, it's not so easy to drop the pounds. I have been somewhat consistent with my workouts, but I know I could always do more. I use The Firm, Turbo Fire and Zumba workouts. I have to mix it up or I will get bored. I've tried the gym, but I'm not sure if its for me, so I haven't actually joined one.

    Let's keep each other accountable! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • ginalovefire
    Hi all! New to the group just a few minutes ago. My name's Gina, I'm 42, 43 is in 2 months. I'm hoping to be looking back at the midpoint of my goal weight by my birthday in July.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone, feel free to friend me!
  • Jmama37
    Jmama37 Posts: 1
    Hello Everyone, My name is Jennifer and I turned 40 in March. Last year I lost over 40lbs but I have gained most of it back, very frustrating, but I am not going to let it get me down. I am married with 3 daughters,all still in school and I am in school myself! Still trying '40' on, not real comfortable in it yet. Excited to meet people to give and get support.
  • tspills2
    tspills2 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new to the group. I'm looking for support in my venture to lose weight and get healthy. I'm 48 and live in CA.
  • ceemaw
    ceemaw Posts: 306 Member
    Hi! I'm a 41-year-old mother of two (my daughters are 2 and 4), married to an amazing, supportive, and naturally slender man. :) My goal is to lose 50 pounds or so; I've lost 14 so far and hope to reach my goal by my 42nd (Douglas Adams!) birthday in September. I work full time during the day and my husband works nights, so it's been really hard for me to find time for myself - and this was a very convenient excuse for me to not exercise for a few years. I started trying to lose weight in earnest for the first time in my life at the beginning of this year. I started logging my food intake, working out 5-6 days/week (twice weekly with a trainer), and making a point of being more active every day, even outside my workouts (I got a Garmin Vivofit recently, which reminds me when I'm being still for too long). The weight is coming off slowly and I have to remind myself that it took me 5 years to pack it on, so of course I'm not going to lose it all in a few months (in a healthy way). I've been a vegetarian for about 24 years and generally have a healthy diet, but my foodie husband (who does most of the cooking) loves to make things taste delicious by using ridiculous amounts of fats (now that I'm actively trying to lose weight, he's really cut back on that and makes a point of cooking with my goals in mind). I've never been a big joiner but am finding that having buddies on here has been really helpful and inspirational. It helps me to be held accountable and check in with people - feel free to add me if you like!
  • Blueafro72
    Blueafro72 Posts: 2
    Hi, I just turned 42 last month and I'm working on regaining my motivation again. Last year my 8 year old really picked up with soccer and I slowly left my healthy and fit lifestyle to now where I'm complete out of shape and unhealthy. Today is my 3rd day on Ian Smith's 'Super Shred'... I am not following it 100% but I'm staying within the MFP daily calories. I thought I knew a lot about health and fitness but compared to what I've been seeing here, I know NOTHING! ... For my fitness, I'm doing some walking, some C25K and some strength training. Hoping the combination will result in me reverting back to the days of the healthy, fit me. Anyway, hoping to get good motivation from this group and lead a better life.
  • chubbyyummymommy
    chubbyyummymommy Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    My name is Wanda and I'm looking to for people that are like minded in wanting to better themselves through healthy life style and exercise. My struggle is that I'm a VERY emotional eater. Add a sexy, healthy, whole foods, no oils, vegan husband with three kids ages 5, 4, 1 and you have a perfect stage for eating my emotions...which I surely do. I'm a stay at home mom and I love it! My goal is to stay motivated enough to workout and eat healthy, thoughtful meals. To take care of myself and stop being ashamed of my body. I want to win this battle and have my achievements be something that I can point to and say "see, I did that and I crushed it!". I'm 40 and about to turn 41 in July. I want to reach 42 with a new out look on life.
  • hummingbrdhrt
    hummingbrdhrt Posts: 67 Member
    Hello Fabulous Forties,

    My name is Dana. I'll be 48 years old very soon. I'm looking forward to getting to know other women close to my age who are working toward wellness. I have about 110 lbs. to lose. I'm currently using 1460 as my calorie goal and am physically active (45-60 minutes) 4 or 5 times a week. I love riding my bicycle and hiking. I'm also currently taking the "Guns, Buns & Abs" 30-day challenge for some strength exercise.

    I look forward to being a part of the support and friendship of this group! :)