New to the Group? Introduce yourself here.



  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Stopping in to say howdy, as I'm new to the group. I was diagnosed with T2D several years ago, and have been on a roller-coaster of denial since. My recent blood-work showed my A1C at 10.5 (wake up call), so I am on Metformin and finally got through the upset stomach and nausea feelings. My eating plan can be compared to Paleo, but a lower carb version. I know it will be a journey and I would like some friends that wouldn’t mind providing support and I will reciprocate.


    Howdy Felicia! Glad you've found us. I can empathize with your travels on the river of denial. Glad to know you were able to overcome the uncomfortable gastric issues associated with taking Met. For some, taking the extended version of Met has helped them to avoid and ease this unfortunate discomfort.

    This is a wonderful group, eager to share our experiences and support on what's worked-and hasn't worked for us in the past.

    Best wishes on your journey towards reaching your goals, and finding success!
  • joyce325
    joyce325 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, New to the group. April 17 during a dr visit I found out I was diabetic. Finger prick showed bg at 277 and they called to tell me my A1c was 11. I was not very active but I am determined to change that. Started walking half mile a day, now walking 1 mile a day 5-6 days a week. No weight loss yet but my bg was 157 when they checked this week. Metformin 2x's a day. I now have a meter to check it myself. No bread or soda's and limited starches now. Hoping to do better and get ideas from others like me. I go to the diabetes class May 13 and heard it was very helpful. :flowerforyou:
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Joyce, Welcome to our group!

    It's great you've taken a proactive approach to your diagnosis by making a few changes and adopting healthier eating and exercise habits moving forward. An initial diagnosis for many people can be an overwhelming emotional experience at first.

    By testing blood sugars before meals and again 1.5-2hrs. after meals, you'll learn what affects the food choices you've made had on your blood sugars-and if these results are meeting your blood sugar management goals.

    So glad to hear you've enrolled in a diabetes education course. As you've heard many newly diagnosed diabetics find the classes to be very beneficial and hope you find the same experience too.

    This is a wonderful group, very knowledgeable and supportive eager to help and share their experiences on what's worked and what hasn't worked in the past. Managing this condition can be-and is-frustrating at times as each of us is unique in our approach. Unfortunately, one size doesn't fit all.

    Thanks for sharing your introduction. Wishing you all the success you deserve as you journey forward! :drinker:

  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    I'm new the the group, MFP and diabetes. I was diagnosed April 24, 2014. I was at the urgent care for another reason and he checked my blood sugar and it was 411. My A1C was 11.4. My blood pressure was 153/110 and pulse was 122(resting). Back in January 2014 everything was okay with my blood sugar. My mom has had diabetes for almost 20 years so I know a little bit about it but it's a whole new ballpark when it's you. My mother has to inject insulin many times a day. I loved fast food, junk food, etc. Now I need to start taking care of myself. I'm only 39 and have a 20 year old daughter. I've started eating a little better in the past two weeks or so. I've lost 7 pounds already and many more to go. I need more motivation to work out.

    I was tired, hungry and thirsty all the time prior to the T2 diagnosis. I didn't contribute it to the diabetes. I was very busy. I could definitely tell the difference in my energy level since I've been on the medication and eating less! The tired and hungry just became normal for me.

    I'm on Metformin twice a day/500mg and Glipizide once a day/10mg. I'm also on Lisinopril once a day/20mg and Metoprolol once a day/50mg for my blood pressure. The doctor also said take a low dose of aspirin once a day. I would like to get my weight down and get healthier and get off these meds. I'm testing at least 4 times a day and watching how different foods affects my body. I'm also going to a 3 part diabetes class sponsored by Merck. (Which I've gone to before with my mother but I need a refresher!)

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I live in Southern California and frequent Disneyland at least once a month with my daughter.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Amber!, welcome to MFP and this great support group too.

    Many people (myself included) learn of their diabetes diagnosis while seeking out treatment for another condition needing attention.

    An initial diagnosis brings with it a wide range of emotions when it hits. The good news is this condition is manageable and this requires some time, a lot of patience and persistence too along with adopting healthier food and lifestyle habits.

    I've found the myfitnesspal program to be a powerful tracking tool to help me make healthier food choices by tracking the carbs I eat.

    As type 2 diabetics, we're carbohydrate intolerant. By logging and pre-planning my meals along with testing before meals and 2hrs after, I quickly learned to reduce portion sizes and oftentimes eliminate some food choices altogether to help me reach my blood sugar target goals.

    Each individual is unique when attempting to self manage this condition. Unfortunately one size doesn't fit all.

    It's great you're already feeling the positive affects from taking your meds along with making healthier food choices. Enrolling in those 3 part diabetes education classes will be very beneficial as a refresher. is a great site, designed to help and answer questions to the newly diagnosed and those needing a re-fresher too. is also a great site designed to offer nutritional help when counting carbohydrates and other macros too.

    Our community is very knowledgeable eager to help, support and encourage as you journey forward.

    Wishing you all the success you deserve!

  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Thank you Bob for all the information and websites!
  • Annie_8107
    Annie_8107 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am Annie! It looks like I joined this group awhile ago, but I kind of fell of MFP. Long story short, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in April of 2011. I was in denial about that for quite awhile and therefore my diabetes worsened very quickly. I go in cycles of getting it under control, then losing control. My last A1C was 5.5 which I was really proud of, but with life, things keep getting in the way. I joined a gym and have seen results with exercise, but my eating remains horrible. Basically I became a type 1.5 and take a lot of medicine to control my diabetes. I'm on the Levemir Flexpen 80 units. Humalog shots when my glucose gets above 120 using the sliding scale, 500 metformin, and 50mg Januvia. I want to back off of that and the cholesterol and blood pressure meds. I started out just on a little of metformin and ended here. I want to really get a hold on my eating. I think the meds would lesson if I could combine the exercise AND healthy eating. I just need support. I am an emotional eater and need to get it under control. thanks for reading! I love this site when I actually get the time to use it!
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Annie, welcome back!

    I can relate to the same emotional roller coaster ride you describe when initially diagnosed, along with experiencing bouts of periodic diabetic burnout over the years too since my diagnosis. During these times I try to remind myself that perfection doesn't exist, dust myself off and move on.

    This tracking program has been an invaluable tool, it's helped me break through my old eating patterns. With a lot of time, patience and determination, you too can make healthier food choices by adopting new habits one step and one day at a time. This program really does work when applied correctly and consistently.

    Best wishes the success you deserve on your journey!
  • Becci1956
    Becci1956 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi My name is Becci and I am 58 yo, I was diagnosed with T2D in April 2013, about a month prior to having a hip replacement, at this stage I was 107.5 kilo in weight (236 pound). This was scary as I was told the T2 could make it harder for the surgery to heal. I started to change some of my diet to the correct foods I should be eating to help myself. I had my operation and all went well. Once back on my feet, I started to go for small walks. In July I was walking 750 meters, every week I tried to increase this. In August I was invited to go to a T2 Diabetes Group run by University Queensland at Meadowbrook. I thought to myself I need the help so what have I got to lose. It was an 8 week course – 1 hours of discussion on nutrition and Diabetes and 1 hours for exercises with University students run by fully qualified Physio, Nutritionist, Psychologists, Doctors etc. I completed my 8 week course and my weight had dropped to 97.8 kilo (215 pounds). I was asked if I wanted to keep going to the exercise classes, which I did till the end of the year, when they broke up for Christmas / New Year break.
    My husband had now started to walk with me each day, and we had increased our walks to 2 – 3 km a day – 5 to 6 times a week.
    In the November 2013 I decided to have a look at some of the local gyms, and I signed up for 1. This was a huge step for me. I must admit I was so scared to go to the gym, but my husband and I did. I started out only using a treadmill and I seemed to go okay on that, so I moved on and tried a few other things.
    Early 2014 we decided to speak to a Personal Trainer at the gym and decided to try a weekly session to see if that would improve things. Well we have been doing that for about 15 weeks now and my weight has been falling and I now weigh 87.4 kg (192 pound). I have dropped from approx. 45% body fat to 37.76% body fat at the end of 12 weeks. I now use the treadmill for 20 minutes on cardio, and do weights for a minimum of 30 minutes, then 10 minutes stretching at least 4 times a week. I have dropped at least 2 dress sizes – wow, I never thought I would get to this.
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,702 Member

    My name is Alice and I was diagnosed in august 2012 with type 2 and a hba1c of 10+. I joined MFP immediately. Some people on my FL pointed me to some research from Newcastle University which helped me enormously.

    Their paper contends that true type 2 (as opposed to adult onset type 1 or other forms) is caused by excess fat in the liver and pancreas, and all symptoms can be reversed by losing enough visceral fat. This has been the case for me. After losing 10% of body weight I was given license to experiment with reducing my metformin (originally prescribed 2000 mg daily) due to improved hba1c. It took me another year to lose another 10% of body weight. By this time, my hba1c was 4.9 and I was only taking a single 500 mg tablet every other day. Was instructed to stop medicating completely at this point.

    My first hba1c after 4 months without medication was 5.0. Very chuffed about that. Hoping my story offers encouragement to others.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi My name is Becci and I am 58 yo, I was diagnosed with T2D in April 2013, about a month prior to having a hip replacement, at this stage I was 107.5 kilo in weight (236 pound). This was scary as I was told the T2 could make it harder for the surgery to heal. I started to change some of my diet to the correct foods I should be eating to help myself. I had my operation and all went well. Once back on my feet, I started to go for small walks. In July I was walking 750 meters, every week I tried to increase this. In August I was invited to go to a T2 Diabetes Group run by University Queensland at Meadowbrook. I thought to myself I need the help so what have I got to lose. It was an 8 week course – 1 hours of discussion on nutrition and Diabetes and 1 hours for exercises with University students run by fully qualified Physio, Nutritionist, Psychologists, Doctors etc. I completed my 8 week course and my weight had dropped to 97.8 kilo (215 pounds). I was asked if I wanted to keep going to the exercise classes, which I did till the end of the year, when they broke up for Christmas / New Year break.
    My husband had now started to walk with me each day, and we had increased our walks to 2 – 3 km a day – 5 to 6 times a week.
    In the November 2013 I decided to have a look at some of the local gyms, and I signed up for 1. This was a huge step for me. I must admit I was so scared to go to the gym, but my husband and I did. I started out only using a treadmill and I seemed to go okay on that, so I moved on and tried a few other things.
    Early 2014 we decided to speak to a Personal Trainer at the gym and decided to try a weekly session to see if that would improve things. Well we have been doing that for about 15 weeks now and my weight has been falling and I now weigh 87.4 kg (192 pound). I have dropped from approx. 45% body fat to 37.76% body fat at the end of 12 weeks. I now use the treadmill for 20 minutes on cardio, and do weights for a minimum of 30 minutes, then 10 minutes stretching at least 4 times a week. I have dropped at least 2 dress sizes – wow, I never thought I would get to this.
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Welcome Becci!

    Glad to know your surgery went well. You're truly an inspiration. I commend you for taking your diagnosis seriously from the start by making changes to your lifestyle habits along with seeking out help from University Queensland at Meadowbrook and its programs.

    You clearly have an take charge approach and attitude, and have made significant progress and many changes in a short years time. It's wonderful you have your husbands support and encouragement in your corner too.

    You'll quickly find this group very supportive-and from many areas surrounding our globe too, eager to help and share their experiences and impressive knowledge. If you haven't already-have a look at the various threads posted and ask questions.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences since your diagnosis along with your wonderful success.

    Best wishes to both you and your husband. Well done!
  • savvy_jess
    savvy_jess Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! My name is Jess. I am 32 years old and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes Feb 27 of this year. I have been on and off fitness pal for a while now and this is the first time I've joined a group. I have lost 40 lbs since Christmas and so far have been managing my diabetes well. I am taking metformin 500mg twice per day and so far this has been a good dose for me. Sad to say that the diagnosis is what I needed to get my butt in gear and give up the sugar. I am happy to report that I no longer have cravings and can put food down. I look forward to learning more about managing diabetes and meeting some new friends.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Jess!

    Glad you've found us. This is a very active group of veteran T2D's along with newly diagnosed members too. It's a community eager to share their knowledge, support, experiences and encouragement.

    Many of us find when diagnosed to be a blessing in disguise. Myself included.

    Congratulations on your weight loss progress along with your other accomplishments too. is a great site designed to help in gaining a better understanding of this condition we share.

    Wishing you the continued success you deserve!

  • vivlady9
    vivlady9 Posts: 2
    Hi – I’m Vivian, or just Viv, I’ve been T2 since 2003 but have struggled with high sugars since my teen years (1980’s). In present time I would have been diagnosed as Type 1 and ½ - but that was then and this is now. Luckily I've only had a few minor complications. I travel a lot for work and lately have been having difficulty managing my numbers just because of sheer laziness. I think I’m in a burn-out mode and need something to restart my motivation. I’m on Janumet and recently started Invokana – a great combination which is helping a lot. I’ve done every (and I mean every) diet program out there and have been doing WW for 20+ years. Still not a lifetime member, but I love the camaraderie and support even if the eating program itself could be enhanced. I exercise quite a lot and would like to lose about 30 more pounds. I’ve been tracking on this site for one week now and the food tracker is great – having the sugar count in addition to the carb count is awesome! It was a massive wake-up call to see how much of my carbs came from sugar, despite the fact that I was pretty much in my carb range. Once I dropped the sugar count my numbers improved immediately. Live and learn! I also love the ease of the food tracker - it's the best one I've seen by far.
  • kmouse2
    kmouse2 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone I am new to this group - I found out that I have Type 2 Diabetes in Jan 2014. I am on Melformin 500 mg 2x/day. I have also changed what we eat, but have to be careful on what exercise I do. If I do too much I am down for days - so it's been a struggle losing the pounds. My name is Rose and I live in Shawano WI - I am 57 years young - I have 2 grown kids and 2 fur kids. I am married to a wonderful man going on 36 years this year. My user name kmouse2 - the k is for my last name - mouse (because I collect stuffed and animated mice - I don't care for the real thing) - the 2 is for my 2 kids. Up until 2010 I was a skinny lady and my over all health was very good - then in May of that year a tree fell on me and broke my back so that took a while to heal. In 2012 we took a trip to Hawaii and I fell and broke my ankle In 3 places(it was only our second day there). So I haven't been able to do much - which resulted in a mega weight gain along with all kinds of health issues and Diabetes being one of them . So now it is time for me to get healthy and get all of this weight off so I can return to being the skinny- healthy lady again. I really am not happy with all of this weight and health issues- plus my son is getting married next year in September and I want to look good at his wedding. So I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone and will do my best to offer encouragement and support. Looking forward to working with all of you - My journey has just begun.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Hi everyone I am new to this group - I found out that I have Type 2 Diabetes in Jan 2014. I am on Melformin 500 mg 2x/day. I have also changed what we eat, but have to be careful on what exercise I do. If I do too much I am down for days - so it's been a struggle losing the pounds. My name is Rose and I live in Shawano WI - I am 57 years young - I have 2 grown kids and 2 fur kids. I am married to a wonderful man going on 36 years this year. My user name kmouse2 - the k is for my last name - mouse (because I collect stuffed and animated mice - I don't care for the real thing) - the 2 is for my 2 kids. Up until 2010 I was a skinny lady and my over all health was very good - then in May of that year a tree fell on me and broke my back so that took a while to heal. In 2012 we took a trip to Hawaii and I fell and broke my ankle In 3 places(it was only our second day there). So I haven't been able to do much - which resulted in a mega weight gain along with all kinds of health issues and Diabetes being one of them . So now it is time for me to get healthy and get all of this weight off so I can return to being the skinny- healthy lady again. I really am not happy with all of this weight and health issues- plus my son is getting married next year in September and I want to look good at his wedding. So I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone and will do my best to offer encouragement and support. Looking forward to working with all of you - My journey has just begun.

    Welcome Rose! I was diagnosed last month. I also take Metformin but I take Glipizide along with it. I also take two pills for my blood pressure. You've had a couple of terrible mishaps! I look forward to working with you too!
  • kmouse2
    kmouse2 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks amberj32 - I look forward to working with you too - the more we learn the better our health will become - at least that is what I am hoping.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Rose, very cute avatar!, reminds me of the countless hours I spent watching Tom and his adversary Jerry.

    I'm familiar with Shawano, as I conducted business in the past with clients in your area. Congrats on your upcoming 36th wedding anniversary. Wonderful. It's great you've started making changes too.

    Sorry to learn you've suffered through some life changing events as a result of your injuries-they can happen so quickly in a moments notice too.

    This is a great community with first hand knowledge living healthy and successful lives with a common goal of better blood glucose management. Unfortunately one size doesn't fit all when it comes to managing type 2 diabetes. Each of us reacts differently to the food choices we make. Each of us has different blood sugar target goals we're aiming for, and each of us is treating this condition with different glucose lowering medications.

    The good news is by using myfitnesspals' powerful tracking program you'll quickly learn to make healthier food choices. As type 2 diabetics were carbohydrate intolerant. Finding what choice works best for you can only be found by eating to your meter. Testing before meals and 2hrs after-you'll learn if you haven't already how that choice meets your goals. is a great site designed to help answer any questions or concerns you might have managing this condition.

    Wishing you success on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

    Hi everyone I am new to this group - I found out that I have Type 2 Diabetes in Jan 2014. I am on Melformin 500 mg 2x/day. I have also changed what we eat, but have to be careful on what exercise I do. If I do too much I am down for days - so it's been a struggle losing the pounds. My name is Rose and I live in Shawano WI - I am 57 years young - I have 2 grown kids and 2 fur kids. I am married to a wonderful man going on 36 years this year. My user name kmouse2 - the k is for my last name - mouse (because I collect stuffed and animated mice - I don't care for the real thing) - the 2 is for my 2 kids. Up until 2010 I was a skinny lady and my over all health was very good - then in May of that year a tree fell on me and broke my back so that took a while to heal. In 2012 we took a trip to Hawaii and I fell and broke my ankle In 3 places(it was only our second day there). So I haven't been able to do much - which resulted in a mega weight gain along with all kinds of health issues and Diabetes being one of them . So now it is time for me to get healthy and get all of this weight off so I can return to being the skinny- healthy lady again. I really am not happy with all of this weight and health issues- plus my son is getting married next year in September and I want to look good at his wedding. So I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone and will do my best to offer encouragement and support. Looking forward to working with all of you - My journey has just begun.
  • wipackrfan
    wipackrfan Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Shelly and I am new to myfitnesspal. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in February. I have lost 16 pounds since then. I am joining myfitnesspal to have something to track my food and exercise to hold myself accountable. I've been doing pretty well with food but need to move more. Hoping to find more great information here!! :smile:
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome Shelly!

    Congratulations on your progress so far. This is a wonderful community eager to share our support, knowledge and experiences on what works for each of us and what hasn't worked for us in the past. If there is anything consistent living life with a type 2 diabetes condition, is that it presents itself for each of us inconsistently.

    I've found the myfitnesspal tracking program to be an invaluable tool towards better blood sugar management. When applied correctly this program really does work!

    Many newly diagnosed individuals find enrolling in a diabetes education course recommended by their healthcare provider to be very beneficial.

    Have a look around the various threads posted and ask questions when you find the need seeking help and advise.

    Wishing you the same success I've enjoyed by using myfitnesspal as a result.