Welcome! Say hello....



  • PRguez
    PRguez Posts: 61 Member
    Hello, I'm PR and I'm 37. I have always been slim but since few years ago & with an office job I find it hard to loose the few pounds I gained & my muscles are not as toned as they used to be.

    I am trying to get fit again & to be active which is quite difficult when your *kitten* is glued to a chair most of the day :laugh:
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group PR and Nobu!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I have posted a new weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. Additionally, I have started an April miles tracking thread that is open to edit for all.

    Good luck on your journeys!


    INSPRD2LOSE Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all - Kristal here. Coming up on 32 this month and I've finally decided it's time to get fit. My 20s were fun, but now I need to set an example for a couple of little ones running around. That, and it is time to squeeze myself on to the priority list along with work, husband, home, kids, and all the other STUFF. Before now, I haven't spent a lot of time on this site, so if you've got any tips or tricks, please share! It's a bit overwhelming to start. I work best when I form some quality relationships that are mutually beneficial, super candid, sometimes sarcastic and witty, and always supportive while also realistic. If you do too, add me! Let's DO this!
  • miketau2
    miketau2 Posts: 29 Member
    My name is Melissa Marin and I am 31. My weight has always fluctuated without me really paying attention to it, but now I am past the 200lbs mark and have the choice to start paying attention and taking control, or to buy new clothes. (I have always bought the stretchy cloths, as I love comfortable, but now they are just tight.)

    I am looking for others who can help me, or whom I can help ;-). On my journey I plan to learn new ways of eating and getting back to exercising. If you are similar, please add me as a friend and we can chat.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Kristal and Melissa!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I have posted a new weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. Additionally, I have started an April miles tracking thread that is open to edit for all. More to come in May so stay tuned!

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • josywosy
    josywosy Posts: 49 Member

    Brand new to this group but I've been kicking around on this site for awhile.

    I'm 35 currently living in Orkney but moving back to Wales very soon.

    Feel free to add as I'm on here all the time and happy to give (& receive) support and motivation!

  • Brama23
    Brama23 Posts: 1
    Hi my name is Brynn I am new to MFP and looking for support to stay on track. I live in Las Vegas NV with my hubby and 2 childern, 10 months and 8 yrs old. I am working full time and going to night school so finding the time to exercise has been hard but I am doing it!!! I have lost 5 lbs so far and got about 65 more to go. I want to be healthy and have the energy to hike with my family without feeling like I am going to die!! excited to be a part of the group it looks like there are a lot of amazing people here!!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group josywosy and Brynn!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I have posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. Additionally, I have started an April miles tracking thread that is open to edit for all. More to come in May so stay tuned!

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • shawmutt
    shawmutt Posts: 74 Member
    Hi, shawmutt here. Just poking around different groups and seeing what sticks. I am a 38 year old (wow can't believe I'm that old) husband, father, worker, student, etc. etc. etc.

    I've been through a major yo-yo. I went from losing 40 lbs and running a 5K in less than 28 minutes to packing it all back on and getting winded from a flight of stairs. I've also been nursing an injured shoulder for the past month that just won't get better. If I had a nickle for every time I heard, "well, you aren't in your 20s anymore!"...

    I'm looking around for active groups here to get me more invested in this whole healthy thing. My previous weight loss inspired my wife to take up running, and she just finished an eight mile leg of a relay and looks great...and here I am the fat disgusting husband.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group shawmutt!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    I have posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. Additionally, I have started a May miles tracking thread that is open to edit for all. Dani is working on a daily/weekly strength training challenge for us too. You should join us. :0)

    Good luck on your journey!


  • TheChicGeekDee
    TheChicGeekDee Posts: 8 Member
    Hello. My name is Dee. I am 37 years old and live in the UK. I am Mum to 2 beautiful girls aged 16 & 17 and partner to the gorgeous Harry.

    40 is fast approaching, so I am trying to be in the best shape of my life and to set a good example to my girls. I am trying to loss body fat to help improve a medical condition. I have always been at the higher end of the weight range for my height (5ft 4") with occasional forays into the lower end :smile:

    I am trying to reach 8 stone 13lbs (125lbs) and maintain it. I want this all to be lean muscle. Not asking for much am I?!

    Wish me luck :laugh:
  • tobiasmom
    tobiasmom Posts: 161

    I'm Lindsey, I'm 31, 5'9", and have one son who is 7. I joined MFP a few years ago when I realized I weighted more than I did when I was fully pregnant with my son. Well, I guess I wasn't motivated enough then, because here I am now at 31 and 193lbs. My ultimate goal is to get back down to my pre (and post) pregnancy weight of 145. But it took 6 years to put on the weight, so I'm sure it will take a while for it to come off.

    Last year I did the Curves Complete and lost 18 lbs in 3 months. Had a stressful winter though, and gained it all back.

    My biggest challenges are fitting in exercise on days that I work (I work 12 hour shifts), and curbing emotional eating.
  • hatake_kakashi
    hatake_kakashi Posts: 14 Member

    My name is Fernando, I'm 34. I wanted to join the group and obtain additional motivation to reach my weight loss and fitness goal. I injured my Achilles tendon from a basketball camp last year, I ballooned from 185 to 217-220 since then. After therapy for 3 months and resting, I hired a trainer to get my confidence back. Now I'm using a work out routine (body for life) to get my old self back and better but it's easier said than done. It's my third week on the program, it's hard but the food habits I developed during my dormant months are making it harder to lose weight.

    I'm here to get support and provide support, I set high standard for myself so I commit to reaching my goals and I hope I can help those around me too so we can all enjoy a healthy and happy life :wink:

  • soxobsessed
    soxobsessed Posts: 130 Member
    Danielle here (aka Soxobsessed) I have been on MFP for almost 2 years, but only just got into the chatting part of it. I am maintaining now and I am very into running and my goal for 2014 is to run at least 1 race a month. So far so good on it. Hope to chat with more of you and any fellow runners
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Danielle here (aka Soxobsessed) I have been on MFP for almost 2 years, but only just got into the chatting part of it. I am maintaining now and I am very into running and my goal for 2014 is to run at least 1 race a month. So far so good on it. Hope to chat with more of you and any fellow runners

    Welcome! I am also a runner and I am also close to maintenance (those pesky last 10-12 lbs).
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member

    My name is Fernando, I'm 34. I wanted to join the group and obtain additional motivation to reach my weight loss and fitness goal. I injured my Achilles tendon from a basketball camp last year, I ballooned from 185 to 217-220 since then. After therapy for 3 months and resting, I hired a trainer to get my confidence back. Now I'm using a work out routine (body for life) to get my old self back and better but it's easier said than done. It's my third week on the program, it's hard but the food habits I developed during my dormant months are making it harder to lose weight.

    I'm here to get support and provide support, I set high standard for myself so I commit to reaching my goals and I hope I can help those around me too so we can all enjoy a healthy and happy life :wink:


    Hi Fernando! Recovering from an injury or illness can be tough. It is amazing how quickly you can lose the mental strength of being an athlete. I find that to be one of the hardest battles. It is so easy to be lazy and say "I can't". We CAN. Welcome to the group!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member

    I'm Lindsey, I'm 31, 5'9", and have one son who is 7. I joined MFP a few years ago when I realized I weighted more than I did when I was fully pregnant with my son. Well, I guess I wasn't motivated enough then, because here I am now at 31 and 193lbs. My ultimate goal is to get back down to my pre (and post) pregnancy weight of 145. But it took 6 years to put on the weight, so I'm sure it will take a while for it to come off.

    Last year I did the Curves Complete and lost 18 lbs in 3 months. Had a stressful winter though, and gained it all back.

    My biggest challenges are fitting in exercise on days that I work (I work 12 hour shifts), and curbing emotional eating.

    Hi Lindsey! Welcome to the group. I definitely understand the struggles of fitting in workouts with a busy schedule. Just remember, 10 minutes is better than nothing. I plan on starting a movement challenge in June with a daily exercise to do, it might be a good way for you to fit in something small on your work days until you figure it out.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hello. My name is Dee. I am 37 years old and live in the UK. I am Mum to 2 beautiful girls aged 16 & 17 and partner to the gorgeous Harry.

    40 is fast approaching, so I am trying to be in the best shape of my life and to set a good example to my girls. I am trying to loss body fat to help improve a medical condition. I have always been at the higher end of the weight range for my height (5ft 4") with occasional forays into the lower end :smile:

    I am trying to reach 8 stone 13lbs (125lbs) and maintain it. I want this all to be lean muscle. Not asking for much am I?!

    Wish me luck :laugh:

    Sounds reasonable to me ;) I can't imagine life with two teenage girls. Girls are so impressionable. I used to work with middle and high school girls and it was always so discouraging how low their self esteem could be and how bad their self image was. I applaud you for wanting to set a good example for your girls!
  • SkinnyMomma02
    SkinnyMomma02 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Im Brandi im 32 mom of two boys 5yo and 12weeks I am active duty coast guard as well is my husband.
  • rayhet78
    rayhet78 Posts: 9
    Hi There! My name is Rayme. I'm 35 years old and live in central Pennsylvania. I joined MFP awhile ago, but just got serious with it again this week. I've downloaded the app and am tracking everything (good and bad).

    I'm a 911 telecommunicator so I work odd hours and spend my whole shift sitting at my console. It makes my journey a little harder for sure but I'm determined not to let it be my excuse any longer. I'm looking for some new friends to keep me on track and motivated.

    Hope to talk to all of you soon!
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