I'm starting stage 1!



  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member
    twinmom823: Stress can be one of the most important factors! Hope your super efforts are soon rewarded by losses - both on the scale and in inches!! Hugs..

    redlipstickly: I know what you mean by feeling like a superhero!! When I finish my workouts, I am like "YEAH" until the NO-Loss on the scale makes me sad. :P
    Barbell complex was really super fun and tiring, after the regular lifting. Quite challenging, so I will stick with it.

    sunshine -Howz it going? I know you are having a rough/busy week.. Hope it gets better soon!

    I did Stage 2 B2 yesterday. I cut out rest times between supersets and between D1-D3. So I was able to get it done faster. I also added circuits to the end as part of HIIT.

    I run on non lifting days, so I think I will follow up the regular lifting with 15 mins of circuits or barbell complx workouts in stg 2.

    My gym does not have a squat rack - So I will stick to dumbbells and I like branching out on diff exercises in diff stages in NROLFW. So I think I will stick with this program. Lets see!

    Deficit DL and bulgarian split squats were very challenging. They left my butt really sore today - so I guess something is working :P
    Still no loss on the scale. But I am losing inches steadily. I don't want to cut down more on the food side, so may b I will try restricting my carbs a bit.

    Everyone, have good workouts!! and a wonderful weekend
  • kiwibandit
    kiwibandit Posts: 15 Member
    i'll join too. today is my 2nd workout.
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    Just finished stage 1.

    deadlifts - 3 sets of 8 - 115, 120, 120
    barbell shoulder press - 3 sets of 8 - 65, 65, 65
    widelat grip pull downs 3 sets of 8 - 110, 110, 110
    lunge - 3 set of 8 @ body weight due to recurring injury
    swiss ball crunch 3 sets of 15 holding 30lb plate

    Squat 3 sets of 8 @ 60lb (thought I would be higher weight but still trying to tweek form.)
    pushups 3 sets of 8 (regular pushups)
    barbell row 3 sets of 8 75lb, 75lb, 80lb
    step up 3 sets of 15 holding 30lbs
    prone jack knife 3 sets of 15

    Been enjoying reading everyones progress. Stealing some ideas here and there. Next I have the AMRAP workouts then on to stage 2.
    @Maya I will be looking forward to seeing how you make out with strong lifts.
    @twinmom - wow, your workouts are killer
    @msnmov - losing inches steadily is fantastic. I will take that over the scale anyday.
    @red - will be looking into tabata for stage 2. thanks for the tip
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everybody,

    so yesterday i had my Stage 2 workout A3... unfortunately after 2 days of Insanity workout, my knee was hurting so i had to do only half way squats with 45lbs, and every other workout that didnt include my legs. It was frustrating because I really like those stage 2 workout As...

    I left the gym super upset feeling like a little weak girl, but well, im hoping for saturday or sunday i will be ready. i might do workout A again all the exercises with proper form and then workout be and such.

    good news! im going to disney after memorial day weekend, that means, right after finishing my stage 2. so as you can imagine, im super excited and crunch time, bikiniggedon for me!! lol
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Pudding1980: My gym has removable weights that can be added to the stack of weights on the cable machines so that you can go up in smaller increments. Does your gym have anything like that?

    Hmmm, not sure. I will definitely look tomorrow. I also need to see if there's a cable I can use for one of the moves in Stage 2, as I start that on Monday.

    I did my AMRAPS this week. It went okay but not as well as I had hoped. I will be honest and say I didn't care as much as I do about putting in the effort for the heavier lifts. I just want to keep on going and not "waste time" with the AMRAPS.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Souds like yall are kicking *kitten*.....alasin - i cant believe your numbers....mnsmov, good deal on your inches! Red yore headed for bikini heaven not bikinigeddon lol. Maya, thx for tips on pushups :) what is barbell complex did i miss something?

    Had a perfectly horrible week, with either kid-oriented or work related obligations every single night. Someone brought in a decadent chocolate cake from dessert deli....and mothers day. Only got 2 NROL4W in, but did do the HIIT x2. I'm going to consider this week an off week and officially start stage 2 on Sunday. Those lunges with the forward press were hard, matter of fact the B workout was all a challenge. Except the ab work, better find a way to ramp it up.

    Did 8.2mph intervals!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    PS I started HRT over the last 2 weeks feel totally bloated, and even got a period this week for the first time in like 5 years! Gonna see how it goes though not ready to throw in the towel yet.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    3A1 is in the books and while it wasn't complicated it is a long workout. Took me about an hour and twenty minutes. Of course I did spend some time watching Ken Jennings on Jeopardy so that may have had something to do with it. The long breaks make the work out manageable. At first I was all "my god you want me to sit around for damn near two minutes? This is insane!" But then the planks rolled around and I realized if I hadn't had those long breaks I wouldn't have made it through. Then the Body Weight Matrix. I thought "Oh girl you do Tabata this will be a breeze" It was not a breeze. It was a hurricane. I made pretty good time. 2:24 and 2:08 and that was with me taking moments to rub my legs and give them heartfelt apologies. I also thought that I would be able to throw in a barbell complex at the end (someone asked what a barbell complex was and it's a type of tabata that uses barbells 8 moves 4 minutes to get them done) Honestly with this level of work I think this is going to be the stage where I start to see my mid section really change. I mean if this stage has intervals and the body matrix I don't see how I can stay squishy middle girl. Also to give myself hope for the future I bought shoes(these ones: http://www.6pm.com/steve-madden-madame-black?utm_term=SKU-8231051&utm_campaign=product_page_badge&utm_medium=socialearned&utm_source=pinterest&mr:trackingCode=A9D7A302-3A48-E311-AA52-BC305BF0C9A4&mr:referralID=NA ) because my feet have always been skinny and so they should be rewarded. Right?

    Maya: welcome to the bikinigeddon survival team. we're happy to have you
    Sunshine: I think it's great that in spite of your hectic week you managed to lift twice and do two hiits! That's more than I see a lot of people do when they're not having a good week.
    Pudding: I didn't do the AMRAPS either. I knew I was stronger. I didn't need some special workouts to prove it. I'm so excited for you to start stage two. I can't wait to hear what you think
    Alasin: congrats on finishing stage one! You put up some really great numbers
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member

    Maya: welcome to the bikinigeddon survival team. we're happy to have you
    Sunshine: I think it's great that in spite of your hectic week you managed to lift twice and do two hiits! That's more than I see a lot of people do when they're not having a good week.
    Pudding: I didn't do the AMRAPS either. I knew I was stronger. I didn't need some special workouts to prove it. I'm so excited for you to start stage two. I can't wait to hear what you think
    Alasin: congrats on finishing stage one! You put up some really great numbers

    ^^^YES :)
    @red - You are so gonna rock your goal!

    Leg Day yesterday~ My glutes are on fire!
    10 min fat burner program level 11 on stairs
    TRX Single Leg Lunge/TRX Single Leg Squat (Back to back is killer!)
    Plea Leg Sled 180# added to machine/Hamstring Prone Curl 55# (was still sore from deadlifts last week!)
    Lunges with barbell 50#/Inline Pulley Squats 150#

    then ended with 5 min cooldown on tredmill

    I talked with my boss/trainer and she gave me the suggestion to up my calories from 1400-1600 to 1600-1800, go 40/40/20 on carbs/protein/fat and stay there for 2 weeks, then drop down to 1250 calories to see if the scale will move at all! It's just to jump start my body...I don't know, I'm willing to try it. It's TOM right now so I'm a bloated hormonal mess lol!

    Gonna get in bicep/tricep workout today with my co-worker :) Hope everyone has a killer weekend!
  • Hey all!

    Just checking in quickly to see how everyone is doing, and it is great as always! I'm laughing out loud here with Red's description of Stage 3. Looking forward to move on, but I still have one week of Stage 1 to go!

    @Sunshine, bad weeks happen and there's nothing wrong with taking it easy! Hope you have a relaxing weekend and that next week is easier :)

    @Twimmon: Yup, with the amount of activity that you do, I'm sure it is a good idea to eat more than 1400 calories! I don't know about going down to 1250 afterwards... I, for one, cannot function on 1200 at all; even 1300 is too low! Get headaches and feel generally completely s**ty... But I'm crossing my fingers for you for the scale to budge, keep us posted on the results :)

    From my end, it was great to have my boyfriend with me last time. But poor him, he had been one year away from the gym and forgot that you're supposed to slow down when coming back. He has killer DOMS now and is waiting the pain subside a bit. It's taking the whole week! I'm heartbroken but I won't be the one saying anything like "told you so", haha! Monday he'll probably join me again :)

    My knees are still acting up. It's really getting on my nerves :( It looks like runner's knees by the symptoms, and nobody seems to agree on what is the proper treatment for that. I'm willing to bet that there's some serious muscle imbalance going on, and together with my flat feet and my love for the treadmill, can't be good.

    Anyways, my plan of action now is: taking longer breaks in between the workouts if I have any pain, changing the treadmill for the elliptical machine (which I hate, but I'll just suck it up), warming up with glute bridges, and switching the lunges and step ups for isolation machines (one-sided leg curls, one-sided leg extension and kick backs) with 1-2 extra sets for my weak leg. I'm also going to try doing the Bulgarian split squats (body weight only) already, as it seems like my balance when on the left leg is pretty ridiculous!

    Other than that, I wanted to mention that I decided to buy new lifting shoes: brand new pair of Chuck Taylor All Star :) My boyfriend checked my deadlift form and told me I was lifting my heels when going heavier, probably because my quads are stronger than the hams and glutes. It also made me realize that my running shoes were throwing me off balance, and it was time to get some proper shoes for my lifts!

    Cheers to all, have a great weekend!
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Hi girls and happy Monday!
    @redlipstickly.. that workout 3A1 seems like I thought, way too long. no way I can go through that.

    This weekend was kinda hard because 1) knee still troubling me, only when doing squats! ANNOYING, I love squats!! and then I feel like the rest of the workouts are useless coz I can't do anything with my legs... and 2) I went to JCPenney to get a swimsuit for next week Disney trip...OMG... those mirrors are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad, I swear I felt like a FAT COW, worst day of my life. I saw every single bit of fat in my body I hadn't seen in YEARS. OMG!!! from then on, my mood has been the worst. I feel I've worked SO HARD since January and no change, or worst yet, I looked WORST...

    After a lot of self talk and my cousin and friends assuring me that is the mirrors fault, and I do look better and they do notice the difference. I'm back on my hopes of summer bikinnigeddon... but I promised if by Friday I still look that bad, I might get... a.... one piece :(

    Oh and Saturday I couldn't workout, car/family scheduling problems, so I was already upset. But Sunday I went in, head up high and boom, knee pain when squatting, so I did a mix of my Strong Lifts 5x5 and NROL4W workout A and I BROKE MY DEADLIFT PR. First of all, I don't know if you guys noticed but I HATE deadlifts, I could never see the point, I was stuck at 65lbs. After much reading I realized I was doing it all wrong, with the preloaded bars instead of with Olympic bar, so my ROM was messed up. So I went for it with the Olympic bar and I deadlifted 95lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's a 30lbs difference! best feeling ever. It felt just hard enough to do my 5reps (only 1 set)

    @catdevrandom... i'm also planning on buying new lifting shoes, and high knees socks, I want to have better form as i'm switching programs and SL5x5 seems to increase weights rather quickly. let me know how do you feel lifting with your new shoes
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    3b1 was finished on Sunday and that work out is loooooonnngggg. It took me well over an hour and i didn't even do the intervals. I was just too bored by the end. Doing 3a2 tomorrow. With all this work I need results like visible results in squishy middle land. My measurements actually went up when i finished phase one. If phase three doesn't give me results I'll be following Maya over to strong lifts.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I did the AMRAP workouts for both workout A and workout B because I felt it was too short a session with just one of them. I also don't really enjoy high rep workouts so I wanted to get it out of the way. I was shaking pretty badly though coming out of the gym so I think I got a good workout in!!
    I also tried the front squats from stage 2 just to give myself an idea of what is coming. I used just the bar and I was surprised that I was able to squat with it but I found the hand position awkward. From the book I thought that the bar would just roll onto my fingers but it didn't and I had to kind of jerk it out of the palm of my hand. Did anyone else find this? Also, when I was pushing the bar up for the shoulder press it was rubbing off my throat so I will have to sort that out. Don't want a rash from the bar on my neck!

    Red, you are not selling me on stage 3! I haven't really looked ahead at the workouts but it sounds painful.
    Maya, congrats on your deadlift. That is amazing to go up by so much. :drinker: :drinker:
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Ooops :( sorry about that. The work out is long but I think and really really hope that this is when things get serious and you really start to see your body change. Idk. I'll let you know in two weeks. But you should definitely do it.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Oh don't worry, I am not backing out! let me know how you get on, knowing that it is hard and boring will just mean that I am prepared for it! :smile:
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Well i did make the very serious mistake of working out without music when I did the b workout. The a workout was long but it was bearable with music playing. Plus i was complaining that the a workouts were too short to possibly be effective. I can't really complain now.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    3A2 is done! I decided randomly to see if Pandora had a workout station. They did. It was the most amazing playlist and made my workout so much fun. I gave this workout all I had and feel really good now. Got the body weight matrix down to under 2 minutes and felt like wonder woman. Tomorrow I'm taking progress pics. I might even post them here because I think I'm smaller in the middle but I trust you guys honesty opinion
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Go redlipstick!
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Sorry for being MIA - we had guests over and had some serious over eating over the last couple days and cleaning up the mess the kids made!

    I did get all my planned workouts in and felt good. I am 2 workouts away from ending stage 2. This stage went by really fast!!
    Since I got my ankle hurt - I did not take a break after Stage 1. Rolled onto stage 2 instead. After this stage I will take 1 week complete off from lifting.

    Stage 2 has been making me stronger, and FSPP and split squats are still tough. Although I increased weights and moved from DB to oly bar for the split squats.

    This is TOM week, so I am not measuring - I dont want to get demotivated. I guess I will measure after this week finishing last A and last B workout and my week off :)

    Maya - you are having awesome results!! Congrats!
    Red - Apart from being too long, how do you like stage 3?
    I do run on non lifting days, so I am not sure whether I should be cutting down on running or cutting my workout shorter leaving the HIIT at the end.
    Lets see. I saw some changes in my arms and back this time, and like the definition my arms are getting. I always have had flabby jiggly arms and it is firming up now!! :) But for the scale everything else is improving

    Will post my workout stats afterwards!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Wow great work everybody, sorry I haven't been here - for some reason it's tough to post with my iPad and the hard computer has been in the hands of the kids.
    DouMc glad you're on board and changed your mind about am raps....

    Red, that's great news about pandora gonna check it out! Congrats on stage 3 , glad your sticking with it. This lifting thing is like half mental mind games, eh?

    Maya congrats on your PR awesome that's so great!

    I got some weight lifting shoes too - Nike - feel ALOT more stable at the gym. Highly recommend for anyone who hasn't done it yet. :)

    Mnsmov anxious to see your stats!

    Pudding I loved am raps - it was like oh this feels fine, then later you're like omg I'm so sore.

    Did stage 2 b tonight, considering this my first week since last week only got 2 lifts in due to all that evening busyness.

    Dead lifted 105/10 reps felt proud. Those prone Cuban snatches are awkward. Got 100 lb lat pull down 6x, progress.

    Did a 2.5 mile run at 10 min mile pace yesterday psych.

    Finally home lidocaine on my lower back yawning my head off lookin forward to a dead sleep tonight :))
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    After many days off due to life I have completed the first AMRAP workout. Thanks to all of you for the encouragement on completing stage 1. I just got caught up on reading how people are doing with the next stages. Yikes. If you guys can do it in I shall also press on. :smile:

    AMRAP squats - 52 @ 40lbs
    AMRAP push ups - 30 modified
    AMRAP barbell row - 65 @ 35lbs
    AMRAP step ups - 40 per leg @ 20lbs
    AMRAP prone jack knife 31
    AMRAP seat row 40 on level 6 of total gym
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    @ sunshinelively You are getting some high numbers on those weights. I am curious if the weight lifting shoes are making a big difference on form for things like squats. I still feel like I don't have it quite right. Maybe I should try the board trick.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    @ sunshinelively You are getting some high numbers on those weights. I am curious if the weight lifting shoes are making a big difference on form for things like squats. I still feel like I don't have it quite right. Maybe I should try the board trick.

    thanks alasin - love your user name btw - slowly improving.

    i had been wearing running shoes, since i would go running after. plus it was my only pair of gym shoes. but i noticed they were spongy and hard to balance on so i got some cross trainers which have almost no padding. your foot is much more stable for things like squats and deadlifts. i would definitely recommend!
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    OH WOW everybody, great work! honestly I can see how lifting has changed all our lives for the better, the feeling is so amazing that I really can't believe I didn't start it earlier.

    This week I did another Stronglifts 5x5 workout, mostly because I was short-ish of time and knee problems, and honestly I just wanted good/short lifts and go home. And well, I had to go down on the weights for my squats to 25 but with better form, though I guess I didn't have that better form, it seems I went TOO low on the squats this time and omg, my lower back was hurting, therefore my barbell rows were a disaster. I left a bit upset tho accomplished that I did the chest press with 50lbs (5lbs increase), that's good to be my 2nd time ever doing it. Feeling bad *kitten* about those.

    I read about shoulder dislocation helping on the lifts, too late because I had already done my lifts, but it seems to do the trick unlocking those shoulders, mine are all kinds of wrong I think lol. I will do it before my lifts and hope it works with posture while lifting especially those barbell rows.

    I also did T25 after SL5x5 mostly because I wanted a day off the next day, I was sore but nothing I couldn't take, my lower back hurting but I know is not injury, probably bad form, and my body is TIRED. So I decided to continue lifting lower or not at all the rest of this week, at this point I'm done with NROL4W, I don't even want to go to stage 3. I want all my main lifts, and shorter more effective workouts. I will focus in cardio to try and reduce that belly fat (my nemesis lol)

    Since I didn't have a rest week between stage 1 & 2, I know now that my body is NEEDING a break now. My mind is saying keep going, but my body is saying: I NEED A BREAK. It comes at a great time, going to Disney next Monday-Wednesday, so I will take the week off, my own way, probably lots of stretching and low impact cardio when I come back and I'm getting ready, aka preparing a new schedule of workouts to do more lifting, less cardio. lifting days will be StrongLifts+Strong Curves.

    On that note, I bought the book ladies!! Strong Curves!!! I love it, it's like 1200pages in my Ipad but I'm like a kid at a candy store, don't know where to start. lol. Once I'm done reading the book and preparing my workout schedule, I'll share with you for all your suggestions.

    I will try to add a progress pic also, of my journey so far and will be my Before pic for my new workout schedule for the next 12 weeks. Can't wait to see more results :)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Everyone is doing great. Its so inspiring to read this thread and hear how you are all getting on.

    Red: I always bring my music to the gym but the speaker on my phone is broken so the sound is really bad and I can't hear it over the crappy music that the stupid boys are playing! :explode:

    Sunshine: those shoes sound good. I would like to get something like that but unfortunately funds are low at the minute. I considered doing it in my socks but to be honest I don't really feel like my shoes are impacting on my lifting. Maybe if I tried without them though I would change my mind!

    Alasin: those stats are great. Well done!

    Maya: Enjoy disney. Im not jealous, not even a little bit...

    I did stage 2 workout A1 today. Omg, those static lunges nearly killed me! Just looking at workout 2 and im not really sure what the difference is between the static lunge and the bulgarian split squat. Am I missing something obvious?
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    ok girls, as promised, my progress pic.. it took me hours to upload, so bear with me... i really needed to see this pics side by side, I might not be where i expected to be, but I'm making slow steady progress...

  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    @doumc... i think the difference is in the form the foot is resting on the bench behind, but i also dont think there was much if difference between the two, both were equally hard.

    and it's my first time going to disney, i wasnt particulary excited but my baby cousin loves it, and just going through the website and the rides and the shows, and her excitement, im super excited now hehe. not so much for the 4hrs driving by myself tho, i guess thats why i'm taking it easy now, need to be rested. now that i know how to post pics, i can share some of my trip maybe :)
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Maya: You are doing SO well! Look how far you've come in just five months! That is crazy amazing. I never want to see you doubting yourself again! I mean SERIOUSLY!!!! I wish I could properly drop a F-bomb on here. You've made such amazing progress and I'm so very very proud of you! **** YEAH GIRL!!! with all the asterisks it's just not as satisfying.
    mnsmov: Even though these workouts are long they are challenging. I hated the breaks at first but I recognize that if I didn't have them I wouldn't make it through the workouts and wouldn't be able to increase my weights the way that I have. It's definitely a full body workout and while I don't have the DOMS that I did when I first started stage one I definitely am sore when I roll out of bed every morning and I'm sleeping like a log at night.

    The Pandora station pulled me through this workout again tonight. It took longer than it should have because I used the breaks to power clean my apartment. 3B2 is done and my bathroom is clean! I did two tabata complexes instead of intervals and felt like a rockstar when it was all done. Next week is my last full week in stage three and I'm excited to move forward into stage four. I miss the front squat push press. I'm probably the only person to say this but I'll miss doing the body weight matrix at the end of the A workouts. I don't think you do it in stage four. I liked getting my heart rate up at the end of every workout. I'll probably just do my body weight tabata at the end of the A workouts for stage four. Progress pictures will be taken Saturday morning and I'll do my best to slap them together into some kind of organizational something like maya did so I can have you guys tell me whether I'm delusional about the supposed progress I have or have not made. I'm going to work my way through stage four and when it's over take another round of progress pictures and then I think I'll go hop in a bod pod to see what my actual body fat percentage is and not just the thing I cobbled together with my tape measure. Good night ladies!
  • Wow, Maya!! AWESOME job!!!! Congratulations! It's very inspiring!!! :D

    I love to come here to see what you girls are thinking about the next stages and seeing all the amazing progress!

    About the lifting shoes, whoever is considering it, seriously, just do it! It feels so different, so much easier to balance!

    You're all moving forward and I'm still in stage 1, boohoo! Today is my B8 workout, but I decided a few things. First of all, I'm not convinced by my squat and deadlift forms AT ALL. I'm gonna work on those a bit more until I feel convinced that I'm doing them right. Second, my right leg is definitely stronger than the left, and larger too by some 2cm (I thought it was 2cm of fat, but it is not...). I want to do some single leg exercises doing 2 sets on the right leg and 3 sets on the right, but not lunges and step ups as they hurt my knees. I'm thinking two more weeks, including the AMRAP workouts, then rest week, and only then I'll move on to Stage 2.

    I bought the Starting Strength book, not for the program but for all the information on the form. I'm trying to learn a bit more about it and realized that I might not have been doing it good so far, probably largely because of using running shoes for the lifts. Last time I did the deadlift I followed the advice in one video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syt7A23YnpA) and my weights immediately went up 10kg. Crazy difference! I finally felt my hamstrings working and not the lower back so much.

    And about the squats, I think maybe I should do the lower bar version to load more the hamstrings and glutes and not so much the quads, which might be causing my knee pain. So now that my boyfriend is joining me, I'm gonna ask him to film me so that I can figure out my form at last.

    About food, I decided to cut a bit again so I'm back to calorie counting. The two weeks off were great, I was eating about 1900-2000, with some days going up to 2200 (I logged in retrospect just to have an idea of how much I was eating, and not everyday). I noticed that the weight went up about 0.7-1kg and the pants were starting to get slightly tight. It was very interesting to see, though, that the change is also slow on the other way around. Somehow I had that image in my head that I would wake up fat instantly after eating 2200 calories a day, and it is really not like that. There's plenty of time to catch the trend early enough and just cut back a bit, and that's it :) I'm feeling very good about this "discovery". Got me in a much more relaxed state of mind. But anyway, I decided to go back to 1600kcal a day until I reach around 55kg (121lbs, give or take), and then I'll go back up to maintenance. This is in preparation to my going home for Summer break in August (Oh, the tropical beach!!!! YAY!), and once I'm back from vacations, I'll be ready for my first bulking :)

    Cheers to all, keep rocking as always!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Maya your stomach is SHRINKING!! Awesome job in such a short time, too, as red lipstick said. You've gotta feel amazing. Congrats - keep it going. Maybe there's something to this Stronglifts - maybe I'll do it after new rules!

    Catdevrandom, thanks for the reminder about the slow slide up that mirrors the slow slide down. I still haven't figured out the right cals for myself. I went down to 1450 and I just feel so hungry even though I'm hitting my protein and generally eating very healthy. Will give it some more time though. Need to get more disciplined with my eating. Totally agree on weight lifting shoes, too.

    Well ladies I have some news. I did Jillian Michaels hard body, 40 minute HIIT video last night. It was pretty hard, not impossible, felt good. But boom it wiped ^me out fell out like a log, overslept this morning, and still feel wiped out. Didn't feel like going to the gym for the same treadmill interval run, so stayed home and it was like omg. Proves the value of changing up the cardio/tabata/interval run to ^me.

    Not seeing the scale budge in either direction. Took some end of stage 1 pix they are on my profile. I want to see my stomach shrink like mayas!!! :))