May Challenges



  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Enjoy your week-end getaway in Canada. It's the beginning of a new season and continued weight loss. Losing a little every week is the way to go.
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Holly, everything should work out better for you now. You sound ready and committed to doing the right thing for yourself. This is a great support group. Give it a chance, don't put too much pressure on yourself, just do the best that you can.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,143 Member
    Hi all My Fitness Pals! (Can you imagine me, your resident Sloth using that word - fitness? Yuck, it sends shivers down my spine!). :noway: Reporting in as it is the middle of the month. Good news, have walked 7 times so far this month so if I can carry on from here MAYBE I will reach my goal of 15 walks this month! Comment to self: "maybe" doesn't register. ... WILL does though!

    Welcome all our new challenge members :flowerforyou: It's kinda fun to see everyone's goals and progress, we may all be at different levels, but we all have the same desire to improve.

    Tomorrow will be a walk day but the weather report is not too promising, rain and thunderstorms , but I will walk between the raindrops! Cheers, Marian
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Glad to see you here, Holly! You'll get the exercise bug like the rest of us!

    I did over 18,000 steps total today and almost 5,700 cardio steps! My job often requires a lot of walking and my office is about two blocks away from the main office. In addition, they have closed the main entrance, so now I have to walk another block to get in the building. So, since I'm going that far, I simply added an additional block so that I walk on the sidewalk and not under the construction or through a parking lot!

    I did the recumbent bike this evening and then forced myself to go home and get some laundry done!

    Got an "all's well - don't come back" from the eye surgeon today. I'm at 20/30. Considering my whole life I was at 20/850 that is pretty good! He gave me a prescription if I want to get contacts or glasses to get to 20/20, but I'm pretty happy as it is. First time in 58 years that I could see without glasses or contacts! Of course, I do need reading glasses, but who at our age doesn't have "short arms?" :glasses: Cataract surgery is wonderful!

    Oh, I lost 100 pounds today! The first number 1 on my scale isn't working. I'm weighing in at 90 lbs! Are scales like the internet? If it says it, it must be true!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Cool beans Charlie about the eye sight. So glad the surgery worked well for you. Your walking is very impressive. It almost overwhelms me but it gives me hope to also reach those levels. You look so slim in your new picture.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member

    Oh, I lost 100 pounds today! The first number 1 on my scale isn't working. I'm weighing in at 90 lbs! Are scales like the internet? If it says it, it must be true!

    :laugh: :noway: :bigsmile: :huh: :laugh:
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    I have decided to make a couple of small changes this week. After my exercise class I am drinking water instead of coffee w/cream during our social hour. (After exercising for 30 minutes, we have coffee, tea, water and some even have cookies, and then sometimes we go for lunch :noway: ) My other change is a "to do" list. I have listed some jobs/chores and hope that accomplishing them will result in me sitting less (so far I have procrastinated, I'm very good at that) :laugh:
  • jjjbkkkk
    jjjbkkkk Posts: 14 Member
    So I noticed on the home page there was a link on the right to an article for a short exercise routine you could do without equipment, etc. I was wondering if anyone else if following any of the fitness routines on myfitnesspal and if so where they are. I tried some of the ones in this particular 15 min set (hard on my knees....) --did anyone else give them a try? I wanted to ask the poster how to figure the calories burned by her routine, but could not see any way to do so.

    Anyone following short 15 min or less cardio or strength routines (with video preferably)???
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Alexandria, Those are good ideas. It's also good that you are in a group to exercise. Don't you find that motivating?
    A "To Do" List is a great tool to get things done. When I think it, they don't happen. When I type/write it down, I'm more apt to do accomplish what has to be done.

    bebop22, I look forward to an answer. It would be helpful to follow MFP's suggestions (of course for when my ankle is no longer broke.)

  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    I am in an awesome group. We belong to a recreational center for age 50+. The exercise group is just one of the activities they offer but we are amazing in that we are also social within our group. I HATE exercise but I LOVE it when I am with this group; everyone goes at their own pace/ability. I go twice each week. I also volunteer at our local hospital twice each week so I manage to keep active. Lots of walking.
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Well I'm just trying to think of ways to "sit" less. Dr. Oz said that the worst thing you can do for your health is to sit!!! OMG, I'm in trouble.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,143 Member
    DH got me out for a walk today (destination walking for bacon and eggs at our local greasy spoon ) - yeah, I know I shouldn't let food be my motivator, but hey, I'm not perfect! It is a long weekend here and as we didn't make any plans as we thought we would still be very involved with MIL's house sale, I am hopeful to walk all 3 days! Yes, your resident sloth really said that!

    So, I have now walked 9 times this month so my target of 15 walks for the month of May is looking a lot better than this time last week. Hope you are all well!
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Late to the party. My goals for the rest of the month will be to control my bread addiction (which means cold turkey), and to exercise at least 30 minutes every day. I need to get some discipline back into my life.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I have returned after a "far too long" spell of not following a my program. I am committed to losing this unwanted weight once and for all. I would love to meet some folks that are invested as well in losing.

    My goal is to be as close to 155 lbs. by January 2015. I'm going to strive to lose 1 to 1.5 lb. a week Looking forward to success for all of us!!!!!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hey! It is so great to see so many new faces!!
    Welcome :flowerforyou:

    Last evening my knee and leg started hurting :cry: which means I must cut back on walking. For those of you that don't know my history here is a short version: I was in a terrible car wreck almost 21 years ago - my DD and I were hit by a drunk driver head-on, then his pick-up flipped on top of our car.
    Long story short both of my legs were crushed. I have had multiple leg surgeries in the past 20 years, so when my leg starts hurting I take it very seriously.

    I am going to continue walking - just cut back on pace and the number of steps. In fact I am not going to try to get to 10,000 steps at this time. I was doing very well at 6000 + so that is where I am going to be for a while, then we will see. But, I will not rush it all.

    Of course I am going to continue with my food - there is NOT a reason to stop that! :bigsmile:
    So my new challenges will be:
    1. Eat healthy, stay around 1200-1300 calories
    2. walk when I can
    3. Sunday is going to be a rest day from walking - but not from correct eating.

    We will be going down to the lake later. We took the 5th wheel down two weeks ago and haven't been back :noway: I need DH to check a couple things then we will come back as the wind is blowing 30 mph with gusts. Hopefully, I will get down there this week.

    Our 5 yo grandson went to the grocery store with me yesterday - I have forgotten what it is like to shop with a 5 yo. He was very well behaved but just didn't want to linger as much as Grandma, so I didn't get everything on the list, but did get what we needed.

    Tomorrow is his graduation from preschool so I will be going. It should be fun.

    Enough talking & rambling by me, so I will say "See you later!!"
    Remember we are Onward & Downward in our journey! :smile:
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Reba, I was aghast when I read what happened to you all those years ago. Thank goodness you made a miraculous recovery. Just do the walking that you can handle. Enjoy your grandson's graduation. Thank God you are able to attend.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    So many of you are struggling to exercise whilst suffering with injuries and ill health, it makes me feel inadequate because I have nothing to stop me - no excuses. I admire you all so much.

    Tried a spin class for the first time ever last week, and enjoyed it so did it again on Saturday - it was a lot harder, probably because I had a better idea what to do, so worked more at it. Haven't done any running since last report so nothing new there. My weight has gone down a little, but I can't show it on here because my scales went a bit funny a few weeks ago, and I put the new results on here. Changed the batteries a few days later, and I'm still chasing the new figure!! Still, the measurements are going in the right direction so that's OK.

    Press ups now up to 8 although I only managed 6 when showing off to the trainer at the gym - but that was after a hard session. Feeling a bit lazy today but have to do something as spent the last 2 days lying in the sun - a rare occurrence here - so I always make the most of it when it is out.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I don't have anything holding me back right now either. I know what it is like and am grateful that I've gotten beyond those problems. Reba, I know you are doing a great job. Do not overdo. 6000 steps is about 3 miles a day. That is very good. Heck, if I were in pain, I would be having trouble doing 2000.

    So, since I don't have anything holding me back right now and the weather has been pretty nice, I'm on my way to achieving all my goals for May. Since I got back from vacation on the 12th, I have walked 60.2 miles. 27.9 of those have been cardio. I had two days with over 9 miles in total steps and one day where I did 6 cardio miles. I just can't seem to walk enough, but I do want to slow down some. Don't want to hurt anything or wear out. But, I think back to the years of pain and gasping and it is so "freeing" to just walk forever. Anyway, the walking goal is already achieved.

    I might not make the 185 goal. I did hit 188.5. So 3 1/2 pounds in 11 days. That is pushing it!

    Actually, I'm thinking of upping my calories a little. Go from 1200 to 1504. I have been refiguring my TDEE etc. and think I need it for a metabolic boost and also for a digestive boost (yes, that old problem -- I think I need more food just to push it through), My plan is to take the extra calories in mostly fruit/fiber. If it doesn't work, I'll nix my goal, but it is worth a try. I'm going to try 1504 for 5 days a week and even up one day to over 1800 and one to over 1600. I have enough exercise goodness knows and I haven't been eating them back much at all. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

    I did lunchtime walks a few times last week and this week the weather looks like it will be good to get out and walk at lunch, so I'm good hitting the twice a week mark on that!

    2/3 through the month. Everyone is doing so well! It really helps me to have the support and to have some accountability.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hey, everyone, where do I go to get the graph that tells my % of fat, carbs & protein. I know I have seen it but now I can't find it :noway:

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Hey, everyone, where do I go to get the graph that tells my % of fat, carbs & protein. I know I have seen it but now I can't find it :noway:


    The only place I have found is on my phone. Go to the nutrition selection, then you can tap the circle for the piechart, or the list for the.. ummm.. list :)