Form critique thread, post your videos here.



  • robabob3
    robabob3 Posts: 79 Member
    Hey, guys been lifting for a little while, but pretty much got my technique from watching other people.

    So I thought its probably time to get my form checked on same of the main lifts, here's a quick video of me doing some deadlifts, I'm considering upping the weight but would prefer to get better form first please give me some tips and advice thanks.
  • crossroad2012
    crossroad2012 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! I have been having trouble recently with my dead lifts. At the gym I was able to lift 185 1x5 without to much trouble. Since getting my home set up I haven't even been able to get 180 up more than 1x3. I am wondering if this has anything to do with my form...could you please check? This bar is also thicker than the one I was using at the gym, so if you don't see a problem with the form then I know it must be my grip strength. Thanks in advance!
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Form looks pretty good to me. I'm not an expert, though.

    As for the difference in performance, it might be the gym bar and weights weigh less than the ones you are using at home. I bring this up because you mention your bar is thicker. I have 2 oly bars. One came with the weight plates I bought as a set and it weighs 32 lbs. One is a nicer CAP bar that weighs 42 lbs. Big difference. And my plates? One of the 25 lbs plates weighs 22 lbs, the other weighs 23 lbs. So, if I had 185lbs of plates on the bar using the set I bought, it would actually weigh 166 lbs. Yikes.

    I do like using the cheapo bar when I do rack pulls because it bends a LOT when you get a lot of weight on it.

  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Hey, guys been lifting for a little while, but pretty much got my technique from watching other people.

    So I thought its probably time to get my form checked on same of the main lifts, here's a quick video of me doing some deadlifts, I'm considering upping the weight but would prefer to get better form first please give me some tips and advice thanks.

    What is that? 225lbs? Looks easy. But at the same time, it allows you to get away with some mistakes.
    1) Is the bar immediately goes away from your shins on the way up. The further away the bar move away from your body, the more stress you put on your back
    2) You round your back from the get go. You should really straighten up your spine. You'll use your posterior chain much more correctly and stress your back less.
    3) I also wanted to make sure you brace your core before you lift and lift the bar with your legs first vs your back. From what I see, you make a decent move on the 1st lift but as the reps go on, you bend down less and start doing more of a straight legged dead vs a true dead. Putting more stress on your back.

    The video above is decent. As it shows a good spine angle and she uses her legs first and I guess has a decent hip drive to lock out.
  • crossroad2012
    crossroad2012 Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to look :happy: It's funny you mention your bars having different weights. My son and I were both saying that the bar felt heavier when we were loading it in the truck, but chalked it up to feeling weak because it was so early. Now I am curious how far off my weights are from what they say. Looks like I have something to play around with tomorrow!

    Thank you for the video Jeff. It was very informative as well :smile:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Hi! I have been having trouble recently with my dead lifts. At the gym I was able to lift 185 1x5 without to much trouble. Since getting my home set up I haven't even been able to get 180 up more than 1x3. I am wondering if this has anything to do with my form...could you please check? This bar is also thicker than the one I was using at the gym, so if you don't see a problem with the form then I know it must be my grip strength. Thanks in advance!

    Looks fine to me. Thicker bar taxes your grip more. So if you failed because your grip was slipping, that makes sense. Switch to mixed grip? That will help a lot.

    If you failed for something OTHER than grip, then check the weight of the bar/plates is my guess. If the bar is thicker it could be heavier maybe.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi, I'd love any feedback on my squat form. Thanks so much. =)

    ETA turn down the volume to avoid loud nelly furtado :wink:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Hi, I'd love any feedback on my squat form. Thanks so much. =)

    ETA turn down the volume to avoid loud nelly furtado :wink:

    Need more butt wiggle before you unrack the bar.

    But seriously, it looks mostly fine but it's hard to tell from the angle. A shot directly from the side, around knee-height is usually pretty good.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Hi, I'd love any feedback on my squat form. Thanks so much. =)

    ETA turn down the volume to avoid loud nelly furtado :wink:

    Looks good. You seem to have a low bar squat technique. But to nitpick, the 1st set I can see you rocking forward on your toes then back on your heels. The 2nd set you are more on your heels the way I'd prefer. Over all the form/depth looks good
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Thanks you all! Lucky for you all I trimmed off a few minutes of butt wiggle :tongue:
    I actually just switched to low bar, and the first time I really did almost fall forward. I didn't notice it in these sets though so thanks for pointing that out. I'm always struggling to get good form checks, lots of times the bars will block my hips so I can't tell exactly if they are below parallel.
    Ok thanks again for the feedback. Going to keep working on them, and upping the weight :smile:
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Back in the weight room after a 6 month hiatus. Please review my squat video below please. It already appears to me I have some unnecessary movements/wiggles going on. But I would like to get to the heart of my form issues before the weight gets heavy. Thanks all.

    All Gut, Some Glory
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Hi, I'd love any feedback on my squat form. Thanks so much. =)

    ETA turn down the volume to avoid loud nelly furtado :wink:

    Take this with a grain of salt, I think your form looks good, straight to the point no bull. I wish my form was like that ha.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Also, please check deadlift below. Right off I see the bar path is not plumb. Please critique. Thanks folks.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Back in the weight room after a 6 month hiatus. Please review my squat video below please. It already appears to me I have some unnecessary movements/wiggles going on. But I would like to get to the heart of my form issues before the weight gets heavy. Thanks all.

    All Gut, Some Glory

    I don't see any real problems. I would just caution you on your wrists, they are bent back pretty severely. This can cause a lot of wrist pain eventually, especially as the weight gets heavier. Ideally you want to have your wrists as straight as possible. Watch this video:

    Starting about 6 minutes in or so there's talk about hands/wrists and positioning. Worth watching.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Also, please check deadlift below. Right off I see the bar path is not plumb. Please critique. Thanks folks.

    I don't really see anything overtly wrong, you're keeping a pretty neutral back, your hips aren't shooting up before the bar moves, your arms are vertical. Kinda hard to tell since your movement is so fast (I'm assuming this is really light for you). I think video at a more maximal weight would show form degradation better. Everyone has great form at warm-up weights ;) But yeah, looks like a good starting point. Just make sure you're staying tight from start to finish. BEFORE the start even. Work on building tension before the bar even starts moving. Not as important now but as the weight gets heavy it will prevent form breakdown.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Also, please check deadlift below. Right off I see the bar path is not plumb. Please critique. Thanks folks.

    Seems okay. One thing I notice is when you lift the bar, you should be leaning back a bit and then shoot your hips though. Sorta like lifting the bar and having is scrape your shins on the way up. It's hard to tell where the bar is as the plate is in the way
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Thank you all. My biggest concern from my own review was the squat motion. I have seen many others squat with no frills. I can see some extracurricular movements that I believe need to be eradicated. It is great to hear that there is nothing egregious about either lift. As Dope said, however, the true test will be when work weight becomes relatively heavy.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Halp plz.

    I've been able to put some weight on my squat, but I'm not happy at all with how it looks. This is my third set of a 5x5, 115 lbs (heaviest weight I've squatted to date). I'm clearly dropping my chest.after I finish the decent. I'm not sure how to fix this. Also, I'm clearly struggling to get out of the hole. I was watching a guy squat, I dunno, 400 lbs? today, and he was exploding up. I want to do that. Tips?