Form critique thread, post your videos here.



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member

    Managed to tweak my back coming out of the hole. Input is appreciated.

    I could not tell - do you take a big breath and tighten up before your squat? Did you lose air at the bottom - you seemed to do a little double bounce in the hole.

    I do take a deep breath and tighten my core, but my descent was a little too quick and uncontrolled, hence the bounce at the bottom. I think that pulled my spine out of alignment.
  • angelskwats

    The bar looks a bit low on you - or at least not on the 'shelf' of your traps. You look to be a bit uneven/wobbly and your hips are come up a bit too much compared to your shoulders (most on the 4th rep) - which is not a big deal now but may become one as you get more weight on the bar. There are a few other things, but I would like to see you play with the bar position first as well as to see a video from the back and the front to see if you are uneven (and too see how much your knees are coming in). You can PM me if you are not comfortable posting that.

    This is a good video re bar position -

    To be honest, I would keep the weight as is for a session or two.

    When you re-rack - do it the same way you unrack - with both feet parallel and not split.

    Thank you sooo much! I noticed too that my hips come up way earlier than my shoulders, will work on that. The bar was definitely low after I watched that video, that's probably why my wrist is hurting a bit :( I'll try to find that shelf on my next workout. Will also keep this weight and get a different angle. Thanks again for your input! :smile:
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone. I 'm new to weightlifting and I would love some critiques on my squat form. This is only my 2nd week doing stronglifts 5x5 and I just wanna know if my form is right so I can progress properly :smile:

    I did low bar squats @ 65lb (baby weight :laugh:) and this was my last set. Idek what happened on the last rep, haha! Thanks in advance!

    You need a tighter setup and for the time being you need to slow down your descent. While there's nothing inherently wrong with a fast squat for a rebound out of the hole, your technique needs to be dialed in to utilise it. With a tighter setup and a controlled descent (along with the bar positioning tips Sara mentioned) you'll be in a better position to avoid that forward lean and hips-faster-than-shoulders ascent.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Managed to tweak my back coming out of the hole. Input is appreciated.

    I could not tell - do you take a big breath and tighten up before your squat? Did you lose air at the bottom - you seemed to do a little double bounce in the hole.

    I do take a deep breath and tighten my core, but my descent was a little too quick and uncontrolled, hence the bounce at the bottom. I think that pulled my spine out of alignment.

    When you descend too quickly (and this comment is also leading on from n3ver3nders to Angel), you lose tightness in your core, which may have been an issue for you. As to the actual squat form, it looked pretty solid - juts keep that tightness throughout.
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    First time posting here and feeling a little weird about it but I need help with my squat.

    I have pretty much zero ankle mobility on my right food and that can't be changed. I've been lifting for two months now and my squat has progressed the least. I started with goblet squats, which you can see at
    I don't seem to be able to do regular squats, I can't even get halfway down. So I tried squatting to a bench instead ->

    I always thought my form on the goblet squats was alright but there does seem to be a little back rounding at the bottom. And I definitely cannot go any further down. On the bench, I've noticed that I slump a bit at the bottom so I'll try and eliminate that. I'm also starting to wonder, though, if my body just isn't made for squatting properly and I should work on getting to heavy step ups instead (can't do lunges or Bulgarian split squats). Any input will be highly appreciated :)
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    First time posting here and feeling a little weird about it but I need help with my squat.

    I have pretty much zero ankle mobility on my right food and that can't be changed. I've been lifting for two months now and my squat has progressed the least. I started with goblet squats, which you can see at
    I don't seem to be able to do regular squats, I can't even get halfway down. So I tried squatting to a bench instead ->

    I always thought my form on the goblet squats was alright but there does seem to be a little back rounding at the bottom. And I definitely cannot go any further down. On the bench, I've noticed that I slump a bit at the bottom so I'll try and eliminate that. I'm also starting to wonder, though, if my body just isn't made for squatting properly and I should work on getting to heavy step ups instead (can't do lunges or Bulgarian split squats). Any input will be highly appreciated :)

    What is the cause of your ankle mobility issue? Injury I assume? Some PT and stretching work can make worlds of differences in this area. It might take time but unless your ankle is completely fused or something you should be able to make improvements.

    If it is truly unsolvable or you don't want to work on it, you could always put something under your heels to elevate them which will help immensely. A lot of people will use a 2x4 or some plates (like a 10 or 25lb plate under each heel). That will help a lot. Maybe combined with the above might get you into a comfortable place.

    Without some level of ankle mobility it's going to be pretty hard to squat correctly. For example, in your goblet squat video you are leaning wayyyyy far forward to balance yourself, which is probably putting a lot of strain on your back and is making the exercise much more difficult. Your torso should be much more upright and the DB should be dropping basically between your knees, not way in front of them. But this is going to be near impossible without more ankle mobility.

    Same thing on your bench squats, you are basically just flopping backwards onto the bench and then using momentum to throw yourself forward and stand back up. If the bench weren't there you would be falling on your butt, you are so off balance due to lack of flexibility in your ankles.

    Long story short, unless someone has some really clever ideas I think you're going to really struggle unless you can solve or bandaid your ankle issues as I described above.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    First time posting here and feeling a little weird about it but I need help with my squat.

    I have pretty much zero ankle mobility on my right food and that can't be changed. I've been lifting for two months now and my squat has progressed the least. I started with goblet squats, which you can see at
    I don't seem to be able to do regular squats, I can't even get halfway down. So I tried squatting to a bench instead ->

    I always thought my form on the goblet squats was alright but there does seem to be a little back rounding at the bottom. And I definitely cannot go any further down. On the bench, I've noticed that I slump a bit at the bottom so I'll try and eliminate that. I'm also starting to wonder, though, if my body just isn't made for squatting properly and I should work on getting to heavy step ups instead (can't do lunges or Bulgarian split squats). Any input will be highly appreciated :)

    Same problem, screws still in ankle and the way the bones set reduced mobility.

    Heels on lift as mentioned above, perhaps slightly farther apart than you would normally do, unless you already have wide stance, and as wide pointed toes with knees following as you can get.

    This all combines to make the ankle not have to bend nearly as much.
    Also means you really remove much quad involvement, but perhaps that's OK. I actually wanted it for some balance.

    After you think you have it comfortable - video from behind to confirm there is no shift in balance to the other side because of still hitting a problem. I gave myself achilles issue prior to discovering how bad issue above was, when the weight near the bottom of squat shifted a lot to the left. Wasn't visible in mirror enough to really catch it as torso stayed in same plane, but shift in knees was bad news.
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    Thanks for the feedback!

    There is literally zero mobility in my ankle in that direction and very little in the other one. It's due to a congenital issue and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it unfortunately.

    I already use a wide stance and point my toes outwards. I've tried elevating my heels for the goblet squat but that didn't help. I'll see if it's better for squatting to the bench. I can do bodyweight squats in high heels but elevating the heels so much for heavy squats seems dangerous...

    Maybe I should try Bulgarian split squats again as well. They always hurt my knees but I'm not sure how much that was caused by weak muscles.
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member
    Stick with the vertical shin box/bench squats - try advancing to squatting to something lower than the bench over time. Elevating the heels probably isn't going to make much difference if you've got very little ankle mobility but try it just to rule things out.

    Back to box squats, slow them down a bit and try to do them with the lightest touch onto the box as you can, that way you'll avoid any back compression once the weight starts climbing. If you can progress to a box under parallel, you can do a 'westside' style low bar squat without a box. It's not ideal (because that style of squat is better for someone squatting in a multiply suit) but it's better than nothing
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    Thanks as well to n3ver3nder.
    Elevating my heels did not make noticeable difference. I did try Bulgarian split squats, however, and while they reduced my legs to jelly, they also felt much more natural somehow than regular squats or box squats. And my knee was fine with them this time. My gym also doesn't have any boxes or steps so I don't have access to anything lower (or higher) than the regular bench. So I think I'll stick with Bulgarian split squats at least for now. Once I'm stronger, I might give regular/bench squats another try.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    DL form check please.

    1x355 (warmup for 480 PR)

    1x480 PR

    Then I went crazy and did 5x330 and 3x370 after the PR. This is the 3x370

    Those last 3 were tough.


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    DL form check please.

    1x355 (warmup for 480 PR)

    1x480 PR

    Then I went crazy and did 5x330 and 3x370 after the PR. This is the 3x370

    Those last 3 were tough.



    Looked pretty good Tom, especially for a PR. Just be careful, it looks like your right arm is bent. Can be risky for a bicep injury. Make sure it's fully locked out, if it's not.
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member
    DL form check please.

    1x355 (warmup for 480 PR)

    1x480 PR

    Then I went crazy and did 5x330 and 3x370 after the PR. This is the 3x370

    Those last 3 were tough.



    Have a watch of this, it should help with your hip positioning. Also take the slack out the bar before you pull, don't jerk it off the floor, should help with the cat-backing that's going on.

    Well done on pulling a PR though!
  • angelskwats
    I posted a video here a few weeks ago, took some advice, and worked a bit on my descent/tightness. Is there anything else I need to work on?

    Aaaand deadlifts.. HALP ????

    Appreciate any help! PS sorry about the lighting
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    The bar looks very low on your back for the squats.
  • angelskwats
    The bar looks very low on your back for the squats.

    Hi Tom. I'm doing low bar squats. Is it still too low? I've been experimenting with bar placement for a while, and I actually think I found the "shelf" on my back.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    The bar looks very low on your back for the squats.

    Hi Tom. I'm doing low bar squats. Is it still too low? I've been experimenting with bar placement for a while, and I actually think I found the "shelf" on my back.

    I think the placement is fine, but you need to pull your shoulder blades back more. You don't have to draw your arms in super close, but your traps look relaxed.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I posted a video here a few weeks ago, took some advice, and worked a bit on my descent/tightness. Is there anything else I need to work on?

    Aaaand deadlifts.. HALP ????

    Appreciate any help! PS sorry about the lighting

    What happens when you try to squat with a slightly wider stance? I'd be curious to see the squat with about 6-8" additional width.

    I don't think your bar placement is problematic at this point provided you don't feel like the bar is going to roll down your back.

    With deadlifts it doesn't look to me like your glutes are firing aggressively. I would think about firing your glutes into the bar to lever the bar up, rather than thinking about pulling the bar up.
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member
    I posted a video here a few weeks ago, took some advice, and worked a bit on my descent/tightness. Is there anything else I need to work on?

    Aaaand deadlifts.. HALP ????

    Appreciate any help! PS sorry about the lighting

    Regardless of what you do with stance width I'd like to see your knees out more on the squat. Make more room for your hips in the bottom and you won't have that rock forward thing comign out of the hole.

    Deadlifts look fine, be more agressive like SS suggests. As soon as the bar passes your knees really cue an aggressive lockout. And get some weight on the bar, those looked easy enough I'd label them 'casual'.
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member

    Squat 197.5kg/434lb x3

    Always helps to have a fresh set of eyes on your lifts, any thoughts?