Form critique thread, post your videos here.



  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member

    I decided to move forward with the weight increase. Today 185 lb. I tried to not let the weight surprise me, I kept my mind on not falling forward. I engaged my lats, and attempted to move my butt back on the descent to miss my knees. I only hit my knees once. I know there are still flaws, however, the weight was easy and I was very comfortable...for once.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member

    I decided to move forward with the weight increase. Today 185 lb. I tried to not let the weight surprise me, I kept my mind on not falling forward. I engaged my lats, and attempted to move my butt back on the descent to miss my knees. I only hit my knees once. I know there are still flaws, however, the weight was easy and I was very comfortable...for once.

    That looks great, Smitty. I think you've got the idea. You're pulling on the bar with your lats before the bar ever even starts to move. Helps keep you from being surprised by the weight by staying tight. Also makes the movement easier as you noted. Less energy wasted by trying to "catch" yourself and via poor leverages.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Dope, I understood that I needed to find a better leverage point, so I moved even closer to the bar before I pulled. My shins were actually touching the bar before I took my grip (lightly but still touching). It seemed to make for an easier pull and actually allowed me to engage my lats. I didn't want to share that tidbit before the critique as it may have been an issue to some (I'm really not sure what protocol is on shins before the pull, I believe Ripptoe says "almost touching the bar") In summary, as said before, this time felt different, very relaxed. I hope I can repeat this in the next session.

    Thank you.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    How close the shins depends on length of foot really.

    The mechanics of it, you being balanced on your foot (heel only is not balanced neither is forefoot only), the desire to have the bar track straight up and down over that balanced position, usually means the bar is directly over middle of foot, so some space to the shin. Then when you bend the knees for starting, they touch the bar.
    I think that's what you got, because if you stood straight legged and shins touched bar, you'd never be able to bend the knees.
    At that point its straight up and down, merely getting knees out of way at correct time.

    Kind of like OHP, getting nose out of way going up and down. I've tapped it a few times coming down, glad that didn't happen on way up.

    I did nail my kneecap once coming down on DL at new higher weight near end, and it was jacked up for couple weeks. At least on way up it seems to be only skin lost.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Dope, I understood that I needed to find a better leverage point, so I moved even closer to the bar before I pulled. My shins were actually touching the bar before I took my grip (lightly but still touching). It seemed to make for an easier pull and actually allowed me to engage my lats. I didn't want to share that tidbit before the critique as it may have been an issue to some (I'm really not sure what protocol is on shins before the pull, I believe Ripptoe says "almost touching the bar") In summary, as said before, this time felt different, very relaxed. I hope I can repeat this in the next session.

    Thank you.

    Sounds good to me. Closer to the body is going to be better leverage and allow for more weight for sure. At extreme maximal efforts I'm dragging the bar up my thighs to the point that it pulls out my leg hairs. No joke, I have two distinct lines on my upper thighs where I am missing hair. It's kinda funny looking.

    Personally, I get down into position and then roll the bar into my shins just before I pull. Some people set the bar away from their shins a bit, and then when they get down into position, their shins touch the bar naturally. Either way is fine, I just found that I am more consistent the former way, as the bar sometimes rolls around a little after each rep (I apparently didn't build my deadlift platform perfectly level).
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Thanks guys. I do need to work on getting better leverage on OHP, I am finding it easier the closer I get to hitting my nose ha.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    After recent discussions I've had re rotuines/form etc, I thought I'd post a squat video. This is the last set and the 4th rep was a grinder so I didn't go for the 5th. I'm feeling better about reducing my forward lean but I can see it creeps back in when I get a bit fatigued.

    In looking at the footage I'm questioning the depth, though it feels like parallel, and looks like it in the mirror. I cant go any lower without buttwink so I might have to widen my stance if you all think I'm not going deep enough.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member

    It's private so we can't view it.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Big PR. Gone from 300 to 370 in 2 months. Looks like I need to go slow and get used to the added weight. I am strong enough (I had another 20 lbs left) but I am not used to walking out or descending with that much weight. Never thought that would be my issue.

    Anyway, please take a look and see what's wrong. I don't think I made depth.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    sorry, fixed now.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Big PR. Gone from 300 to 370 in 2 months. Looks like I need to go slow and get used to the added weight. I am strong enough (I had another 20 lbs left) but I am not used to walking out or descending with that much weight. Never thought that would be my issue.

    Anyway, please take a look and see what's wrong. I don't think I made depth.

    Beastly, that looked hard as hell. No parallel but pretty close.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    After recent discussions I've had re rotuines/form etc, I thought I'd post a squat video. This is the last set and the 4th rep was a grinder so I didn't go for the 5th. I'm feeling better about reducing my forward lean but I can see it creeps back in when I get a bit fatigued.

    In looking at the footage I'm questioning the depth, though it feels like parallel, and looks like it in the mirror. I cant go any lower without buttwink so I might have to widen my stance if you all think I'm not going deep enough.

    Not qualified to give form advice but will say, forward lean when fatigued...I feel ya
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    Big PR. Gone from 300 to 370 in 2 months. Looks like I need to go slow and get used to the added weight. I am strong enough (I had another 20 lbs left) but I am not used to walking out or descending with that much weight. Never thought that would be my issue.

    Anyway, please take a look and see what's wrong. I don't think I made depth.

    I'd take it a bit slower. I got hurt doing a similar push when I went from 365 to 455 too quickly. Set me back a year.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Big PR. Gone from 300 to 370 in 2 months. Looks like I need to go slow and get used to the added weight. I am strong enough (I had another 20 lbs left) but I am not used to walking out or descending with that much weight. Never thought that would be my issue.

    Anyway, please take a look and see what's wrong. I don't think I made depth.

    I'd take it a bit slower. I got hurt doing a similar push when I went from 365 to 455 too quickly. Set me back a year.

    Agreed, you are looking to compete in a powerlifting meet if I remember?

    Cutting weights high just to get more lbs on the bar isn't going to help you in the long run....strong squat but that won't pass in any meet,.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Big PR. Gone from 300 to 370 in 2 months. Looks like I need to go slow and get used to the added weight. I am strong enough (I had another 20 lbs left) but I am not used to walking out or descending with that much weight. Never thought that would be my issue.

    Anyway, please take a look and see what's wrong. I don't think I made depth.

    It's really hard to critique a 1RM, as form will usually break down. Unfortunately, you were shy of depth on that one.

    Re walking out with that much weight - you can practice walk outs with 100 - 110% of you 1RM - just un-rack, walk out, stand for a minute, then re-rack.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    After recent discussions I've had re rotuines/form etc, I thought I'd post a squat video. This is the last set and the 4th rep was a grinder so I didn't go for the 5th. I'm feeling better about reducing my forward lean but I can see it creeps back in when I get a bit fatigued.

    In looking at the footage I'm questioning the depth, though it feels like parallel, and looks like it in the mirror. I cant go any lower without buttwink so I might have to widen my stance if you all think I'm not going deep enough.

    You are a bit shy of depth. I would try widening your stance and focus on keeping the hips open (keep your knees out - but start at the hip joint if that makes sense). Not sure if you are breaking at the hips first - looks like you are doing it at the same time as you are bending your knees - you should break at the hips just a fraction before you bend your knees.

    Your forward lean looks fine to me - you are doing low bar and there should be some. Can you take a video directly from the side so we can see the bar path.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    After recent discussions I've had re rotuines/form etc, I thought I'd post a squat video. This is the last set and the 4th rep was a grinder so I didn't go for the 5th. I'm feeling better about reducing my forward lean but I can see it creeps back in when I get a bit fatigued.

    In looking at the footage I'm questioning the depth, though it feels like parallel, and looks like it in the mirror. I cant go any lower without buttwink so I might have to widen my stance if you all think I'm not going deep enough.

    You are a bit shy of depth. I would try widening your stance and focus on keeping the hips open (keep your knees out - but start at the hip joint if that makes sense). Not sure if you are breaking at the hips first - looks like you are doing it at the same time as you are bending your knees - you should break at the hips just a fraction before you bend your knees.

    Your forward lean looks fine to me - you are doing low bar and there should be some. Can you take a video directly from the side so we can see the bar path.

    Just wanted to add --- film it from the side and right at knee height if at all possible. Would also be beneficial to get one from the front (facing your knees) if possible. From the back if not. Would be good to get a better idea as to how your knees track and what happens at the ankles.

    Agreed regarding the forward lean -- I don't see it as being problematic.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Big PR. Gone from 300 to 370 in 2 months. Looks like I need to go slow and get used to the added weight. I am strong enough (I had another 20 lbs left) but I am not used to walking out or descending with that much weight. Never thought that would be my issue.

    Anyway, please take a look and see what's wrong. I don't think I made depth.

    I'd take it a bit slower. I got hurt doing a similar push when I went from 365 to 455 too quickly. Set me back a year.

    Agreed, you are looking to compete in a powerlifting meet if I remember?

    Cutting weights high just to get more lbs on the bar isn't going to help you in the long run....strong squat but that won't pass in any meet,.

    I concur. When I switched from conventional DL to sumo DL, I picked up 125 lbs in a week (275 to 390). That was due to much improved mechanics. I rolled with that and spent many days limping around because my hip flexors, knees, lower back, you name it, were very unhappy. Spent 6 months working on form and staying right @ 400 for 1RM. No real injuries, just had to let my form catch up to my newly found mechanical advantage. Now my 1RM is progressing nicely again.

    But my squat was seriously lagging. For squat, I was right at or inside shoulder width stance and was progressing fine, but way behind my DL for 1RM. I would get stuck in the hole. Form was good, no real issues, just stuck in the hole. Three weeks ago, I switched to a sumo squat stance, not extreme width but wider than shoulder width. That's where the 70 lbs came from. Better mechanics. But I can tell I need even more flexibility in my hip flexors to consistently make depth. And I am not familiar with the new form requirements yet either.

    So, I left my 5/3/1 weights alone and will work on form and depth for a cycle or two and see how I do. I have a feeling 405 lbs is no longer a long shot for my October meet. And DL is progressing nicely towards 500. Now if I could just get a good bench number. I need a lot of help with bench. Been stalled for a while.

    Thanks for the help. If you sumo squat, tell me how you hit depth.

  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    You have a vid of your sumo dead style? I'd like to look at it. Been toying with that idea too.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    You have a vid of your sumo dead style? I'd like to look at it. Been toying with that idea too.

    Here's a 4x365 with ok form:

    Here's my last 1RM (455) with less than stellar form: