Form critique thread, post your videos here.



  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    So I tried that hip stretch out last night........that may be the closest I've ever gotten to a religious experience! :laugh: Seriously, I'm pretty sure some of those muscles have never been stretched in my life.

    Interestingly enough, I'm already doing a lot of what's recommended in the limber 11 series including the foam roller and lacrosse ball work and the glute and piriformis work because that really helps with the sciatica issues, but I saw a few other ones that I definitely think I could incorporate.

    Also, thanks for the bench video Dope, that actually helps quite a lot and I think I've got a good idea of what I need to do for my bench next week. :flowerforyou:
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member

    Well ya'll, it's PR's from now on with DL (not that the bar was set too high to begin with). This is relatively heavy for me, I have never repped 215 lbs. before and hope to continue the up swing!

    All critiques welcome.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Just wanted to update and say thank you for all the help and input.

    I managed 1 rep at 80lbs for my OHP and 1 at 125lbs for my bench this week. Keeping my elbows tucked on the OHP was a little trickier, there seemed to be some stability issues there that I'll need to work on. Also noticing some serious tightness through my biceps and forearms this week so I'm going to work on getting that out during my deload next week.

    After adjusting my form a little bit on my DL I suddenly felt that glute activation I keep hearing everyone else talking about :laugh: . My glutes were completely exhausted by the time I hit 145lbs but my back felt much better so I think that's going to improve now.

    I've been working on that deep glute/hip stretch Dope recommended all week along with a lot of work with my foam roller and lacrosse ball. My hips have never felt so limber, it was honestly awkward during my squats because I felt like I wasn't stable, but I managed to get well below parallel all the way up to 2 reps at 125lbs before I felt like I was toast and then did some practice ditching out from under the empty bar to try to get used to that.....

    Anyways, just wanted to say thanks again for all the tips and suggestions as they have been incredibly helpful and I feel like I'm going to start seeing a lot of progress now that I've gotten some of those details under control. :drinker:
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member

    Today's DL. I feel like my grip was limiting my lock out abilities especially rep 4. At what point would one switch to alternate grip?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member

    Today's DL. I feel like my grip was limiting my lock out abilities especially rep 4. At what point would one switch to alternate grip?

    If I remember, I think I switched to mixed grip around 225x5.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    3rd set. Recent 3rm at 90kg. All time PB is 95kg.

    I hate bench press.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member

    Today's DL. I feel like my grip was limiting my lock out abilities especially rep 4. At what point would one switch to alternate grip?

    Reps are getting better every time Smitty, nice progress.

    As for the grip, I don't think there's any real rule. I started using mixed grip pretty early as my grip SUCKED! I also spent a decent amount of time doing things like bar holds and dead hangs at the end of my workouts to help my grip.

    Just the volume of barbell training was the biggest help though, things like doing bent over rows instead of pendlays, and holding my last deadlift reps for an extra 5-10 seconds all work to strengthen the forearms/grip.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    At what point would one switch to alternate grip?

    I haven't switched yet but I'm only pulling 280x5. I started using chalk @ about 225.
    Whenever you think your grip is the limiting factor is when it's time to switch. I have been holding my last rep as long as possible in an attempt to increase grip strength and delay switching.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions y'all, as well as the encouragement.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member

    3rd set. Recent 3rm at 90kg. All time PB is 95kg.

    I hate bench press.

    I don't see anything really wrong with your form. Hard to tell how your grip width looks but bar path looks good, setup looks good, form stays solid throughout. Looking a little lean there, maybe add more cheeseburgers to your diet? ;)
  • t00fan
    t00fan Posts: 7

    First time uploading video for critique. Here's a video of me doing squats. It's my last set of 5x5 at 175lbs. Things I'm looking for:

    1. Am I breaking at the hips correctly.
    2. Am I going low enough.
    3. Am I leaning too forward (might be hard to see at that angle)

    Anything else that would be helpful. I will try to get a better angle if it helps.


    Needs more depth but otherwise fine.

    How about this one guys? Hopefully a tad bit better....

  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I think most of it looks great. IMHO, I think you should straighten up your back. Not necessarily the angle but the posture. Your back is a little rounded and you're looking down.

    You're getting away with it fine now but when the weights get heavier, you might tend to lift your butt up first and end up doing a good morning lift and possibly pull a muscle. Looking up and having straighter spine will help combat that IMHO
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member

    I was directed to this forum by this thread:

    So here I am posting my squat form videos. I was doing squats this way for forever: Uploads/20140725_153814_zps6851d275.mp4.html?filters[user]=135154491&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1

    (My arms are up holding an imaginary bar, when I actually squat I do use weight)

    This is what I've been instructed is the correct form: Uploads/20140725_153844_zps68ed01ed.mp4.html?filters[user]=135154491&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0

    - I don't want an injury so am looking for additional feedback. It feels weird but not bad/harmful.

    Any thoughts or advice is appreciated.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member

    I wanted to post an update here. You folks have been instrumental in my success thus far. It's week 12 for me in SL5x5 and I went ahead with a little 1RM action a week early.

    I did hitch in the middle of the rep but tried to remain upright and kept pushing til the finish.

    As always, critiques are welcome if not desired. Thanks ya'll.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member

    I was directed to this forum by this thread:

    So here I am posting my squat form videos. I was doing squats this way for forever: Uploads/20140725_153814_zps6851d275.mp4.html?filters[user]=135154491&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1

    (My arms are up holding an imaginary bar, when I actually squat I do use weight)

    This is what I've been instructed is the correct form: Uploads/20140725_153844_zps68ed01ed.mp4.html?filters[user]=135154491&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0

    - I don't want an injury so am looking for additional feedback. It feels weird but not bad/harmful.

    Any thoughts or advice is appreciated.

    Neither one of those is 100% correct, you're only really doing half squats (need to go a lot lower). But as a general form analysis, the first one is pretty good. In regards to your second video, some people (like me) have to squat a lot more upright due to bodily proportions (tall torso) but it does not appear to be the case for you. Doing it with actual weight would be clearer.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member

    I wanted to post an update here. You folks have been instrumental in my success thus far. It's week 12 for me in SL5x5 and I went ahead with a little 1RM action a week early.

    I did hitch in the middle of the rep but tried to remain upright and kept pushing til the finish.

    As always, critiques are welcome if not desired. Thanks ya'll.

    Forms not bad, you obviously fell forward at the bottom but that tends to happen when you're pushing the limits. Definitely try to avoid doing that but you still pulled it off. 225 is serious weight for week 12.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Thanks Dope, you have been particularly helpful to me!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Thanks Dope, you have been particularly helpful to me!

    Of course. Keep up the good work, your squat will probably pass mine in a year at this rate. No joke!
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member

    I was directed to this forum by this thread:

    So here I am posting my squat form videos. I was doing squats this way for forever: Uploads/20140725_153814_zps6851d275.mp4.html?filters[user]=135154491&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1

    (My arms are up holding an imaginary bar, when I actually squat I do use weight)

    This is what I've been instructed is the correct form: Uploads/20140725_153844_zps68ed01ed.mp4.html?filters[user]=135154491&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0

    - I don't want an injury so am looking for additional feedback. It feels weird but not bad/harmful.

    Any thoughts or advice is appreciated.

    Get a video with the bar on your back. An air squat and a barbell squat can have quite different mechanics.

    Here's a basic check list of what a 'correct' squat should look like.

    -hip crease below knee line (otherwise it's too shallow)

    -weight centralised over mid foot throughout the whole lift

    -knees tracking out and not collapsing in

    -'proud' chest and tight upper back

    The majority of people will improve their squat by addressing these issues.
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member

    I wanted to post an update here. You folks have been instrumental in my success thus far. It's week 12 for me in SL5x5 and I went ahead with a little 1RM action a week early.

    I did hitch in the middle of the rep but tried to remain upright and kept pushing til the finish.

    As always, critiques are welcome if not desired. Thanks ya'll.

    Can you shorten those saw horses? Banging off them was at least part of the reason for your forward lean. Also contributing to the problem is your elbow position. Whilst having the elbows high helps to create a 'shelf' for the bar, it also lends itself to a collapsed chest position, which brings the weight forward causing forward lean.

    Next thing is your head position.
    Looking down causes forward lean and a loss of upper back tightness. You want to be looking ahead/ever so slightly down, not down to the degree you are currently.

    Lastly, work on improving your setup. Get tight under the bar before unracking, then take only 2-3 steps back before setting yourself.
    For me this is unrack > one foot straight back for distance from rack > other foot back to position of squat stance > first foot slightly out to position of squat stance. Then glutes locked, knees locked, big breath in, brace myself and begin to squat.

    Watch this video from my last comp to see what I mean about unracking:

    (I'm still actively working on the elbow position)
    At no point do I look down, because this loosens your upper back. At 225lb you're unlikely to feel a difference but in a few more months when you're pushing 300lb+ it'll make a big difference. Best to iron it out now.