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Men on a Mission thread



  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Alrighty men,

    We had 4 updates this week and Jason is once again just blowing the doors off this thing. Simply amazing job buddy.

    Welcome back to Tim J. We will do this thing together. I have found some of my lost mojo and sending all the good vibes your way that I can. Summer in the Pacific NW is almost upon us so we can shake off those gloomy months of crappy weather and get back out there.

    Dave had a little stumble this week but I have no doubt that will be reversed next week.

    This was my best week in a long while and I hope it is just the beginning.

    Here is the chart guys. Have a great week.

  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Last week was a crazy week and I forgot to post. This next week I won't be able to post since I am going to Lubbock to pick my daughter up from finishing her first year of college. Only 3...4? more to go!

    JJHnIOWA Posts: 48
    My weight loss has completely stalled, eating way to much at night time again.

  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    BJ Broxton

    SW : 340+lbs Not sure the exact weight as I went past the scale limit
    GW - 200 lbs
    LWW : 05/08/14 -305.6 lbs
    CW 303.6
    Loss -2lbs
    JJHnIOWA Posts: 48
    You sound like me.

    Everything was pretty easy until i hit 260.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in LWW = 204.5
    CWW = 203.0
    Loss = 1.5
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good afternoon Men,

    Woo Hoo, a week where no one post a gain!!! Fantastic!

    I would like to welcome BJ to the thread. BJ, feel free to post a little something about yourself and everyone else feel free to give a warm welcome. Huge congrats on being this week's top gun in the weight loss too. Also, just posting your update here in the thread is perfect. No need to pm me.

    We all have stories of how we got to where we are. Those that are "friends" of mine know my story from the "About Me" portion of my page. I've gotten to know some of you pretty well. That is what I like most about MFP. I've met a few and am looking forward to meeting some more.

    I had a decent weight loss a couple of years ago and have unfortunately gained most of it back. It is on it's way out again. Looking forward to my weight lost ticker to steadily increase.

    Jason, you are not the biggest loser this week but you are still going in the right direction. You have been on fire and I am inspired by it.

    Dave, I knew you would quickly get rid of the weight you gained last week. Nicely done!!

    Taco, as soon as you get back settled in, I'll be expecting to see your updates.

    Again, if there is someone any of you think could benefit from this thread, send them the info like I dtd for you and invite them along. I can handle a few more names on the list without a problem.

    Here is this week's chart.

    JJHnIOWA Posts: 48
    Thanks for the kind words as always Tim.

    Yeah, i was cruising till about 2-3 weeks ago, seems to be a struggle now. Not sure why, just seem hungrier lately.

    Good job to everyone. To the new guy, this is a great support for each other here.

    Let's keep shedding some pounds for the summer men!
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    Hi all!
    I am a 37 yr old father of 3 and husband to a great woman, just trying to get into shape and in better health so that I can enjoy some outdoors with my family. Like I had previously said I know my weight was as high as at LEAST +340lb (my scale only went to 338). I really got tired of "breaking a sweat" just walking around the store. Not to mention my blood pressure and sugar I know was out of whack. I mean when you can take 1 bite from a piece of bacon (or just smell it for that fact) and you can feel your BP rise, it is time for a change. My first goal (and it is a huge one for me) is to get below 300lb! I realize to most 299-298lbs is still a lot but to me I ould feel like I accomplished something huge. Kind of at this moment feels like it is taking FOREVER to reach it too!
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    Ok when you hit bottom, there is no where to go but up right?

    I hit 340 Sunday, which is only 3 pounds short of my highest recorded weight ever. So, I tuned up my bicycle and will be riding it or walking to work from now on. If that doesn't work, I will get my gym membership renewed.

    As Tim D mentioned a couple of weeks ago, summer weather is coming so time to get out and move. Let's do this.

    LWW 337
    CWW 340
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    BJ Broxton

    SW : 340+lbs Not sure the exact weight as I went past the scale limit
    GW - 200 lbs
    LWW : 05/15/14 -303.6
    CW -296.8
    Loss -7lbs
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    LWW = 203.0
    CW = 200.8
    Loss of 2.2

    Great job this week BJ!

    I've had two good weeks, now I'm not sure how the Memorial Day weekend will go...
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    LWW = 203.0
    CW = 200.8
    Loss of 2.2

    Great job this week BJ!

    I've had two good weeks, now I'm not sure how the Memorial Day weekend will go...
    Same to you! I know how you feel about the long W/E.....I almost feel like starving myself so I can prepare for the extra lol. We will be at my parents for a few days and not in our own "place of diet". So I know my sodium will most likely be high. Uhg
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    I think I have my macros figured out finally..... balanced carbs and protein and keep the sodium as low as possible......which is so difficult (the sodium)
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great week. This week is the best turnout we've had in a while. I hope this continues and even look forward to a few more joining.

    First, I want to welcome one new member to the thread. Ffgjosh (Josh). Josh and BJ had a fricken awesome week. 6.8 and 6 pound losses. Dave and the other Josh had a really good week also. The two Tims are kind of behind the 8 ball this week. I don't know what the hell happened to me. If I was a betting man, I would have put money on me losing at least 1.5 pounds this week. I had a really great week exercising and burning calories doing all sorts of remodeling projects at my daughter's house last weekend. Been doing pretty good on my eating too. Looking forward to trying to make it up on next week's chart.

    Holiday weekend coming up. These are sometimes my downfall but will try and keep things in control. I hope you all have a Great Memorial Day weekend.

  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    It is possible with all the exercise and activities you are holding water weight?
    I hope everyone is having a great week. This week is the best turnout we've had in a while. I hope this continues and even look forward to a few more joining.

    First, I want to welcome one new member to the thread. Ffgjosh (Josh). Josh and BJ had a fricken awesome week. 6.8 and 6 pound losses. Dave and the other Josh had a really good week also. The two Tims are kind of behind the 8 ball this week. I don't know what the hell happened to me. If I was a betting man, I would have put money on me losing at least 1.5 pounds this week. I had a really great week exercising and burning calories doing all sorts of remodeling projects at my daughter's house last weekend. Been doing pretty good on my eating too. Looking forward to trying to make it up on next week's chart.

    Holiday weekend coming up. These are sometimes my downfall but will try and keep things in control. I hope you all have a Great Memorial Day weekend.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    BJ,I think that is very likely. That is why I am not kicking myself too hard. I had a good week and I know it. We'll see what the scale says next week.
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    I will most likely "plateau" soon...seem to be a trend in my weight loss. I will drop quite a few pounds then a plateau....all of a sudden I will lose 5-6 lbs lol. I am just ecstatic about breaking 300lbs.
  • Ffgjosh
    Ffgjosh Posts: 15
    Hello everyone my name is josh. I'm 22 years old at my heighist weight was 370. I decided that I wanted to lose weight and after help kids in my same spot... I am a proud member of beardteam USA. I went to the comp in in New Orleans I was 365. I told my self there that this was my last fun weekend for awhile and when I got back I was going to start project 365( lose 115 pounds in a year) and weigh 250 by October 25th 2014 so that being said.

    Lww 315
    This week 309
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    Nice work Josh!!!!! Welcome to the group!