


  • G_RRR
    G_RRR Posts: 53 Member
    Congratulations blondie__0x!!! Today I also completed the 8 week program (in 9 weeks actually, I took 1 week vacation) :wink: I will continue running 30 minutes next week and will check other apps as well. Probably I will run an official 5k run last week of June, I'll be checking options too!!
    Great job everyone!!!
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Life got in the way this past week, haven't done c25k since last Sunday. But today I completely nailed w4d3. So ready to move on to week 5!
  • jlm0710
    jlm0710 Posts: 11 Member
    LaraeTX that is what happened with me last week. I went 6 days in between my runs. I was glad to finally go on Saturday! I had the opportunity to go again last night so I did. Who knows what the rest of the week will be like. Next run W8D2!
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    W5d1 was tough, very hot, no breeze. 90+ degrees.
  • Sinyo254
    Sinyo254 Posts: 10
    Hey guys, just started c25k last week and will complete week 2 day 3 tomorrow and so far so good. Anyone else at the same stage we can be friends and motivate each other. I would also like to know from the seasoned c25kers, what exercise did u do on your days off or did u just rest.
  • Sinyo254
    Sinyo254 Posts: 10
    Hey guys, just started c25k last week and will complete week 2 day 3 tomorrow and so far so good. Anyone else at the same stage we can be friends and motivate each other. I would also like to know from the seasoned c25kers, what exercise did u do on your days off or did u just rest.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Hey guys, just started c25k last week and will complete week 2 day 3 tomorrow and so far so good. Anyone else at the same stage we can be friends and motivate each other. I would also like to know from the seasoned c25kers, what exercise did u do on your days off or did u just rest.
    It totally depends on your fitness level. I'm involved in a challenge on here, so it has me doing 90 minutes of strength training/week. I'm horrible at getting strength in, but this has helped. I usually focus on upper body on the days I'm not running.
  • blondie__0x
    blondie__0x Posts: 31 Member
    Hey guys, just started c25k last week and will complete week 2 day 3 tomorrow and so far so good. Anyone else at the same stage we can be friends and motivate each other. I would also like to know from the seasoned c25kers, what exercise did u do on your days off or did u just rest.

    On my "off" days from C25K I still jogged to work on my stamina. In addition, I also alternate between yoga and pilates dvds, and lifting 5lb weights.
  • Sinyo254
    Sinyo254 Posts: 10
    Great advice guys from next week il try and incorporate some kind of strength training, was thinking of using Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones. Anyone tried it before
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Great advice guys from next week il try and incorporate some kind of strength training, was thinking of using Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones. Anyone tried it before
    The only thing I've done of hers is 30 day shred. As much as I like it, I won't incorporate it in my running training because it left me unable to move!! LOL
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    Hey everyone, just finished W6D3 and I really had to push myself to finish. How did you all get through W7?! I trust the plan (it's got me this far!) but I'm a bit daunted by 3 long runs a week from now on, especially as I struggled a bit today. How did you all find the transition to long runs?
  • Sinyo254
    Sinyo254 Posts: 10
    Great advice guys from next week il try and incorporate some kind of strength training, was thinking of using Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones. Anyone tried it before
    The only thing I've done of hers is 30 day shred. As much as I like it, I won't incorporate it in my running training because it left me unable to move!! LOL
    I've also done 30 day shred and the pain did not equal the gain. Even the thought of it gives me chills haha. Week 2 Day 3 today I'm actually excited
  • blondie__0x
    blondie__0x Posts: 31 Member
    Great advice guys from next week il try and incorporate some kind of strength training, was thinking of using Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones. Anyone tried it before
    The only thing I've done of hers is 30 day shred. As much as I like it, I won't incorporate it in my running training because it left me unable to move!! LOL
    I've also done 30 day shred and the pain did not equal the gain. Even the thought of it gives me chills haha. Week 2 Day 3 today I'm actually excited

    I used Denise Austin's 'shrink your fat zones' 21 day pilates challenge & liked it (plus I lost of few inches), but I've never tried Jillian Michael's programs.
  • jlm0710
    jlm0710 Posts: 11 Member
    Another horribly busy week and went almost a week in between runs. I finally got to go today. It felt great! I ran a different path today and it really helped. The trail I was doing before, I think I kind of outgrown. It is about .75 miles around and running around the trail 4 times gets to be a little much. This new trail is a straight path, so I just ran and turned around after 20 min. I liked the change and my time was much faster because of this. W8D3 tomorrow!!!
  • Sinyo254
    Sinyo254 Posts: 10
    Just competed Week 3 and surprisingly im looking forward to Week 4, running 3 mins seemed daunting but came through it great, i am hoping for the same with the 5 min run. Throughout my route i have to go up two hills and thats what poses the biggest challenge.

    Sidenote: I am using the 10k runner by skylabs and i am loving it, it's so simple and straightforward

    Hope all you guys are doing great, love hearing your stories
  • G_RRR
    G_RRR Posts: 53 Member
    C25K works!!! I ran this weekend my first official 5k race! 35:48
    I will continue running 3x weekly and looking forward the next local 5k race already!! :happy:
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Laura and I'm new to this group. I did c25k a couple years ago and loved it. I processed to the point i could run 6-7 miles or so without stopping (at least 10k) within 6 months time. Then I got lazy and gained some weight bank and went back to my sedentary lifestyle. This spring I wanted to make some positive changes and my hubby and I wanted to get into shape so we started up again. He has never been a runner. I had to start at the bottom again. All i can do is work at getting bank to where i was a year and a half ago. We started sometime right before Easter I think. We've repeated a couple weeks and now we are into the longer runs toward the end. Today we were scheduled to do the 25 min run for week 7 but ended up going for 28 so we could finish the lap we were on. At this point its easier to increase in distance rather than time just because we're slowpokes. All in all I think I'm actually a smidge faster than the first time I did this program. And its great having my hubs do it with me. We also have a 5 year old who jogs with us 2 days a week (we go 3-4x a wk total so its easier for us to move up to the next level than it is for her.) So that's all about me and where I'm at in this process. I'm planning on a 2.5 mud run in August with a coworker and a 5k with the hubby in September.
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    I started the C25K in March and only got about two weeks into it when I developed bursitis in my left knee and stopped running. For a while even walking was painful. This week I finally thought my bursitis had healed enough and I was tired of sitting around so I started again. Last night I did W1D2 and afterward I felt great! No pain at all and I didn't really even struggle with the breathing or the short runs. I am really excited about making it work this time.

    My company has a 5K in October and this year I plan to run the whole thing!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Yay for starting again MamaGab92! Good luck. I'm sure you'll be ready for running the whole thing by October. The first time i did c25k i had never been a runner and began in mid Aug and ran my first 5k Dec 1st and that included a lot of weeks i repeated before graduating to the next level. My 2.5 mile mud run is still 6 weeks away and i can do 2 miles already, its the obstacle courses i have to work at. Have fun!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    My hubby and i just finished the last session of c25k, a very nice milestone to hit on my birthday of all days! However we are slow because, face it, jogging ain't easy when you're 300 lbs. We typically jog a mile in 13-14 mins. We're getting faster but that's not what i worry about. Increasing in distance and stamina is out primary goal, and speed will come in time. Especially as we she'd those pounds. So we figure when we can run 45 mins without stopping we'll be 5k ready. Today we did 2.33 miles in about 32 mins. The hubs wants to be at 3 miles by his birthday, 20 days away. No problem. Our next jogging day is Wed and we plan to do 8 laps at our park (a lap is 1/3 mile) so that will put us at 2.66 miles. Can't wait!