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  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    well i am officially at maintenance now....eek

    Got on the scale this morning at upping this week by 50 calories and every week until I stop losing...

    I expect come September (after the long weekend) I will go into a cut cycle again to get down to 145....depending on how this summer goes and my bf% testing.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    congratulations Stef! I have to say I found maintenance ghastly. hope you find it a more positive experience!
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    I just walked out of the gym in tears, without finishing my workout.

    This makes me sad for you. You should never feel that way about your gym. I would be just as upset as you. I HATE going when there are people there. And to receive unsolicited advice after REFUSING it. SMH!

    All I can say is to try and shake it off, wear ear buds (if possible), and don't give up. Don't let the bad apples spoil the barrel!
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    well i am officially at maintenance now....eek

    Got on the scale this morning at upping this week by 50 calories and every week until I stop losing...

    I expect come September (after the long weekend) I will go into a cut cycle again to get down to 145....depending on how this summer goes and my bf% testing.

    I am jealous :flowerforyou: I cant wait to reach my goal...even JUST my mini goal.... I feel like I have been 140's forever... I just cant wait to see the 130's (Im 5ft 3in- a short stack) even if my goal is 120's
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    @Hollie, that sounds just awful. I think the earbuds are the best idea. Also master the "F off and die" scowl. Can you change gyms? I liked that suggestion the best -- just because it sounds like the gym doesn't have the equipment that you need in a spacious enough area for you to work efficiently.

    @Stef, congratulations! Now you get to embark on a new adventure, how fun! You will get to see your performance in the gym go up -- I'm totally jealous of that part!
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    @hollie eeeeww, that sounds really bad. I am sorry you have those stupid people around. I have an older guy coming to me sometimes to tell me how or what I could do. He is very nice but still it's already a bit unnerving, especially since he showed me I could do barbell rows for my back when I was doing them e_e (he did them with straight legs, I bend my knees a bit and I guess that's what made it wrong in his eyes). Anyway I think the earbuds are a good start but it will not keep away the dedicated ones. Always a good answer (used it for unwanted parenting advise lot :-D) : "Yes, I know about this opinion, but I don't share it."

    @stef congrats! I wish I were there already... But you worked hard for it, so yeah, awesome!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    congratulations Stef! I have to say I found maintenance ghastly. hope you find it a more positive experience!

    Yah it's been on my mind...I am aiming just for summer now and re-evaluate if I want to lose another 10-15 after I get my BF% done...
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Man I'm not online all weekend and miss out on so many workouts, topics, and the ROLL OVER haha. Hopefully make it at least once, hopefully twice this week to lift. Last week at this gym and job so hopefully I can get around to joining a new one.

    Unfortunately I've been hit with the dreaded check engine light this weekend and thus haven't been able to drive myself anywhere since I got the issue clarified. Now to call and try and be aggressive about the car dealer getting the part in very quickly as I start my new job Monday and HAVE to have a car by then. Also not happy about paying dealer prices, but they at least give me a cheaper loaner car so pros/cons of dealer vs our trusted family mechanic...bahhh.

    Hope ya'll (Americans) enjoyed your long weekends like I did! :drinker:
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Bummer about the car problems. Been there, done that so many times. :(

    I had a nice relaxed weekend, which is good because I start 3 long months of swim lessons tomorrow. I am going to try and stick to my 2k calories, but may up those on an as needed basis. Being in the pool with those kids is exhausting! I have to start eating 800-1000 calories for breakfast and dinner with a 200ish calorie snack at some point between lessons, because I'll either be teaching or driving around from 10am-6pm.

    It's great money, but every August I say I'm never going to do it again! lol
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    I just got back from vacation and read the super nice comments about my run-in with the girl at the gym. Thanks for the encouragement.

    I do want to change gyms -- I've never liked mine, it was just conveniently located. I've been going with a friend to one that is about 10 times better, but it's kind of a drive for me. But after that experience, I'm definitely considering it more. Because who wants to go to the gym not knowing if they're even going to be able to even DO their workout?

    I'm going to either switch to the other, nicer gym, or wait until the one that's right by my house with "Opening soon!" banners opens.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    NSV: So, I did as @llamapants suggested in the May thread and tried on jeans the next size down that have been hanging in my closet...WOOT! They fit. (A couple were tight, but they were the skinny jeans, which is not my favorite style anyhow.) I NOW HAVE SHORTS FOR SUMMER. And more jeans to choose from than just 2 pairs.

    Non-scale Defeat: I now have to begin shaving my legs again.

    I also discovered that BOY did I used to wear a lot of Lucky jeans. (Those are the size 6s. Those will be a while.)
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Diane- congratulations on the jeans. It's like having a whole new wardrobe.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    That's awesome your jeans fit!

    I suppose you could call this a NSV because its intimidating, but I just joined a real legit gym. Some of the members hold world/state/etc. records in powerlifting. But everyone seemed cool and into their own thing and they have plenty of weight equipment including a giant tire, sledge hammer, battle ropes, etc. So if I ever want to be ambitious...haha. There is even a ledge type thing to set up deadlifts so you can load the bar near the ground and then roll it off when you are ready. The owner was really cool and laid back and he tried to convince me that I should compete because it's easy to catch the competing bug around these record holders. His story involved this girl he hired to work the front desk while she was in school who caught the bug and then set the world record for a 303lb (I think) deadlift at either 120 or 130 lbs. Can't remember but that's crazy! But I signed up for a month just to make sure I like it while I get used to my new work commute.

    I wish I hadn't decided to cut back weight for lifting so I could focus on cutting instead because I'd like to go in and show them what I can do :) Happy June!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yah Diane...I don't have any smaller cloths that I used to have...:sad:

    I was overweight for 20 years....:bigsmile:

    But the shopping has been fun...more to come as I don't have any "casual" business attire for summer.

    I own 1 pair of white capris (bought in Feb for my trip) and a new pair of white skinny jeans...

    Lots of T shirts and jeans...plenty of tops but most aren't office on the lookout...

    I personally love silver love love them...

    that being said I am trying not to buy to many things as I am still losing weight...(about 1/2lb a week) while I get up to maitenance..
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    hwilmott that sounds amazing! well jeal! :)
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    @Diane - Congrats on the NSV! I love fitting into my skinnier jeans.

    @hwilmott - that sounds like an ambitious gym, but full of possibilities. Good luck!

    Like Stef, I need to shop for casual clothes for Summer. I have one pair of shorts that fit me.
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    Diane, congrats on fitting into smaller jeans! I'm so envious!

    I've been avoiding buying clothing because I'm currently in a size 10 or 12 but normally wear a 2 or 4. I don't know why I haven't lost very much weight after the baby was born and it frustrates and depresses me that I'm still 40 lb. above my pre-pregnancy weight. I haven't been logging my food but plan to start this month (right after this out of town trip where I'll only be eating in restaurants, ugh). I'm going to blame the lack of weight loss on the c-section.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    I've been avoiding buying clothing because I'm currently in a size 10 or 12 but normally wear a 2 or 4. I don't know why I haven't lost very much weight after the baby was born and it frustrates and depresses me that I'm still 40 lb. above my pre-pregnancy weight. I haven't been logging my food but plan to start this month (right after this out of town trip where I'll only be eating in restaurants, ugh). I'm going to blame the lack of weight loss on the c-section.

    I have no idea how much weight I gained with either of my babies (also don't know how much I weighed when I got married, other than I was a then-size 8, which is probably a 6 or even 4 now).

    But if ONE MORE WOMAN told me how easy it was to drop the baby weight, I was gonna drop her.

    I don't know how old your baby is, and I know it's frustrating, but please be kind to yourself during this time. It's hard enough to go from being a person to an adjunct to HRH. Take it easy and go slowly.
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    Oh, I'm trying so hard to be kind to myself but it's hard!!

    This is baby #8 and with the others, I was back in my regular size pretty quickly, thanks to a decent metabolism and breastfeeding. I know it's not like that for everyone but since it was easy in the past, I expected it to be similar this time. This was the first complicated pregnancy I had and first c-section so I think those issues have had an effect.

    FWIW, Claire is 10 weeks so it's not like the weight has been hanging around forever. I just think it's odd to have not lost a single pound since coming home from the hospital even though I've been working out regularly!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    @rps yes I agree with Diane just be kind esp if she is only 10 weeks...

    And did I read that right

    If it makes you feel better I finally lost my baby weight...he's 20....:bigsmile: you are doing much better than me...:tongue: