Daily Check In Thread



  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I don't like getting wet which is why I didn't really want to run in the rain Tuesday night. I was also just getting over a bad cough and didn't want to relapse by getting wet! I am getting out tonight......hopefully! There is heavy rain in the forecast, but I checked the time line and it's not supposed to start until sometime after 7. That should give me enough time to get home and get my run in this evening.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I did it! W3D1 completed! I do have a couple of complaints about the program I had to switch to. It doesn't tell me my speed, it doesn't tell me my distance, it doesn't tell me my calories and I have to crank the volume to hear it!

    The second 3 minute run was easier as I slowed down. I've got to remember to slow down when I am running!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    W4D1 today and it was a bit rough. For some reason, my heart rate wasn't recovering as quickly as it has been. I made it through, but it felt a lot harder than anything I've done before, even though I've run a few 5 minute cycles in a row before just messing around on my own. Any thoughts?
  • acidstained
    acidstained Posts: 35 Member
    Week 8, Day 2 tonight. Enjoyed the run and didn't have any problems finishing it. Felt fine the whole time. Only one more 28 minute run before the final week. I won't be at 3.1 miles in 30 minutes, though, so I think I'm going to start running by distance instead of time until I do my first 5k in July. After that, I'll start the C210k program.
    I think you mentioned stomach issues before, but could you describe it a bit more? NIce job on moving on to week 8.

    It kind of feels like when you eat something that doesn't agree with you - stomach pain, discomfort, grumbling, etc. It isn't a very fun feeling, to say the least! I've done some research on it and found that it is extremely common (Google "runner's trots" if you're not familiar) and usually diet/hydration related. I've been tracking when I have stomach issues and when I don't, so I can go back and see what the cause might be. I thought I might have figured it out, but the fact that I felt fine on my run tonight ruined my theory. Back to the drawing board!! :sad:
  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    Graduated a few weeks ago but all biz this morning as ran 4.4 miles. Was gonna do 3.5 but kept going to next corner / next tree / next car until I got to the hill up to the house. Longest before today was 3.1 / 5k. And no stops or walk breaks :d
  • sappy42
    sappy42 Posts: 65 Member
    W7D1....not the best run, not the worst. Need to go to Fleet Feet to have my gait analysed and ask for proper breathing tips, I don't know how to not do chest breathing. Speed is increasing and I can push myself a little more to get through the slight inclines, but regulating my breathing has probably been my biggest challenge. I have NO clue how to do "tummy breathing"...
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Question - First of all, I was fitted for proper running sneakers. Know my question is this. I am finding that when I get home from my run, my back is aching somewhat. It's not that bad, but it's enough to notice and bother me slightly. Could my sneakers not be the right ones? It's been to long for an exchange policy (plus someone get them for me at a cheaper rate so I gave no receipt) and I cannot afford to get a new pair! Any suggestions as to what might be causing it and anything I might be able to do?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I am finding that when I get home from my run, my back is aching somewhat.

    Possibly core strength, or it may be that you're tense.

    As far as tension when running is concerned, try to keep your arms going back and forth, not across your body. I've been noticing a lot of newbies out recently who twist at the waist and that's very inefficient as well as putting stresses on your muscular system. Also, if you do fel your shoulders hunching, then take a deep breath to relax them. Fingers loose, don't clench your hands.

    As far as core strength is concerned, on my off days from C25K I swam, cycled or did bodyweight training; press ups, mountain climbers, box jumps etc.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I did W9D3 extended to a 5K so that I could participate in the virtual 5K (you still have time to post, including Sunday!).

    I ran 38 minutes and definitely could have pushed myself harder during the whole programme, but I'm not stopping here so it's no biggie. My time was around 47 minutes, which is a lot slower than many others, but the main thing is to do the full distance and with time increase speed.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    W1D1. I'm starting again.

    Last year I had nearly completed the program when I got a pretty bad respiratory infection that I used as an excuse to quit. I didn't find the motivation to start again until last night. It was a lot easier to get going this time. My first time around on C25k I couldn't even finish all of the intervals. I probably could have done w3 or w4 last night, but I feel that starting over is just the best plan for me.

    One change that I'll be making this time around is that I'm not going to sign up for a 5k until I finish the program. Last time I did that I felt under prepared. This time there's a lot less uncertainty and doubt that I can do it.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I am finding that when I get home from my run, my back is aching somewhat.

    Possibly core strength, or it may be that you're tense.

    As far as tension when running is concerned, try to keep your arms going back and forth, not across your body. I've been noticing a lot of newbies out recently who twist at the waist and that's very inefficient as well as putting stresses on your muscular system. Also, if you do fel your shoulders hunching, then take a deep breath to relax them. Fingers loose, don't clench your hands.

    As far as core strength is concerned, on my off days from C25K I swam, cycled or did bodyweight training; press ups, mountain climbers, box jumps etc.

    I do move my arms back and forth, but they are coming up and across my chest, not at my side. My roommate who is a runner (and went with me the first couple of times) told me to do that.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I am finding that when I get home from my run, my back is aching somewhat.

    Possibly core strength, or it may be that you're tense.

    As far as tension when running is concerned, try to keep your arms going back and forth, not across your body. I've been noticing a lot of newbies out recently who twist at the waist and that's very inefficient as well as putting stresses on your muscular system. Also, if you do fel your shoulders hunching, then take a deep breath to relax them. Fingers loose, don't clench your hands.

    As far as core strength is concerned, on my off days from C25K I swam, cycled or did bodyweight training; press ups, mountain climbers, box jumps etc.

    I do move my arms back and forth, but they are coming up and across my chest, not at my side. My roommate who is a runner (and went with me the first couple of times) told me to do that.
  • greentree0
    greentree0 Posts: 40 Member
    W6D2 completed. No more walking breaks from here onwards. (Which is a little terrifying!)
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    W6D2 completed. No more walking breaks from here onwards. (Which is a little terrifying!)
    Nice job! It's actually a relief once you get into the rhythm.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    W7D1....not the best run, not the worst. Need to go to Fleet Feet to have my gait analysed and ask for proper breathing tips, I don't know how to not do chest breathing. Speed is increasing and I can push myself a little more to get through the slight inclines, but regulating my breathing has probably been my biggest challenge. I have NO clue how to do "tummy breathing"...
    If you place your hand below the belly button, you should breath so far "down" that you feel your hand moving up (if you're on a bed) or forward (if you're standing). When you're breathing "into the chest", the ribs expand very clearly, but when you're using the diaphragm you're expanding the volume "into the abdomen" and the ribs will stay quite put where they are.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I do move my arms back and forth, but they are coming up and across my chest, not at my side. My roommate who is a runner (and went with me the first couple of times) told me to do that.

    Sounds like you're adding a lot of tension and rotational stress then.

    My hands end up running to just in line with my shoulders at the forward part of the motion, anything more than that and I can feel the twist in my trunk, which is taking efficiency away from the run.

    Notwithstanding that, I'd suggest something like You Are Your Own Gym which is pretty good for core work.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I will try keeping my arms beside me tonight when I go for my run and hope that helps.
  • michielyn
    michielyn Posts: 47 Member
    I finished W4D1 yesterday, I felt so good about it. I want to run everyday, and I am resisting that urge. When do people start running 4-6 times a week?
    I did it! W3D1 completed! I do have a couple of complaints about the program I had to switch to. It doesn't tell me my speed, it doesn't tell me my distance, it doesn't tell me my calories and I have to crank the volume to hear it!

    The second 3 minute run was easier as I slowed down. I've got to remember to slow down when I am running!

    Great job!

    I have to remember to slow down too.
    W4D1 today and it was a bit rough. For some reason, my heart rate wasn't recovering as quickly as it has been. I made it through, but it felt a lot harder than anything I've done before, even though I've run a few 5 minute cycles in a row before just messing around on my own. Any thoughts?

    Running too fast? Sometimes I have the same issues when I didn't eat so great the night before or wasn't really hydrated. Or sometimes I just have a bad run.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    When do people start running 4-6 times a week?

    I ran five days per week when I was ramping up on a 10K improvement plan, I was knackered and ended up missing several training sessions before racing so wouldn't really recommend it. I'm on half marathon training at the moment and only run four times per week.

    More days is feasible if it's only short runs, 3-4km, but 5km very day is quite demanding even on experienced runners.

    Quality is more important than quantity in this sense; long slow run, tempo run, interval run and recovery session with cross training.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    W3D2 done. I still need to remember to slow down during my 3 min run. I'm more winded after the first one then the 2nd. I know I'm doing that one slower as I could have kept going today.