What did you conquer today!



  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Today I made 15,302 steps! That's 10.42 kms., That's 6.47 miles! Yahooo!
  • Peppah7
    Peppah7 Posts: 64 Member
    Great job guys, keep em coming!

    Today, Friday is usually a "rest" day for me, but as my trainer suggested I started the day with 10 burpees!! Here in my office at 8:00 am! I actually remembered to do it today.

    Yesterday we had some severe weather, heavy rain/thunder storms. Class was cancelled, but I made myself pull out a DVD & did the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred at 9:00 pm. I was after all dressed & with my gym shoes on! Got me sweat on & burned a few cals to help me keep within goal.

    Wishing y'all a great wknd!
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    Today, Friday is usually a "rest" day for me, but as my trainer suggested I started the day with 10 burpees!! Here in my office at 8:00 am! I actually remembered to do it today.

    WTG Karen! I absolutely HATE burpees! lol "jumping" isn't something that is conducive to having had a couple kids :noway: and being 54 - lol
  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    Today I made it through my gym workout, although a bit low on energy. Could it have been too much sake last night? Oops. Probably. :smile:
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    So today I conquered that Monday morning feeling by simply 'getting on with it', like an annoying chore that had to be done I got up and put my walking trainers on and grabbed the dogs lead so that I had to walk him. Really I wanted to stay home and potter round the house again because the end of last week was physically and mentally tiring, and I felt I deserved a day off, but I didn't succumb.
    Can I say that I feel better for getting on and doing it? Well, no not really but I am rather proud of myself for doing it anyway. Tomorrow will leave no time for exercise so Wednesday will be the next thing to conquer as I need to do one of my longer walks to make up for tomorrow; I think I can do it, wish I had some of you lot to come and chat to me and we could do it together.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    So today I conquered that Monday morning feeling by simply 'getting on with it', like an annoying chore that had to be done I got up and put my walking trainers on and grabbed the dogs lead so that I had to walk him. Really I wanted to stay home and potter round the house again because the end of last week was physically and mentally tiring, and I felt I deserved a day off, but I didn't succumb.
    Can I say that I feel better for getting on and doing it? Well, no not really but I am rather proud of myself for doing it anyway. Tomorrow will leave no time for exercise so Wednesday will be the next thing to conquer as I need to do one of my longer walks to make up for tomorrow; I think I can do it, wish I had some of you lot to come and chat to me and we could do it together.

    awesome! Just gettin it done is the most difficult part sometimes.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    Nothing too exciting, so far. While waiting for a break in the thunderstorms for a walk, I am doing those crappy jobs around the house like plant housekeeping and cleaning the china cabinets. I think a mani/pedi are in the works too. The old me would have sat around on a rainy day off, and battled with eating all day. I know now that I just need to keep my hands busy and they stay out of the fridge. I actually forget to eat sometimes because my stomach doesn't always remind me.
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Yay. Smoothies and cereal bars done. Today I conquered my urge to be exceptionally rude to some rather spoilt and pretentious 11 year olds and just carry on, even when they declaimed their smoothie to be absolutely disgusting and 'I'm going to be sick now'. I have decided to be stronger next year and just say no when they ask me to do it again, its something I don't enjoy, they don't appreciate and one of us can walk away - so I will.

    Now, tennis, dry laundry, a single glass of pink wine left from Sunday for just this moment, ooh and some left over strawberries from the smoothies.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I conquered dried mangos today - there is a 2 lb bag 'hiding' in my cold storage pantry and I came across it looking for something else and managed not to dive into it!!! Yay! Too many carbs if I get started in that.