


  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    Hi Abobo08, this evening I am on 9 nights. Yay!

    Even though you had a setback it was not a habit breaking one as you consciously thought about it and are remedying it.

    Keep going - you know you can :smile:
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Day 9 done!!! Tonight was crazy busy and then I took the kiddos for a walk. It helped not to have time to snack.
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Climbing into bed, just finished 10 days of no snacks between dinner and bed! It has been crazy at work - 12 hour days and that's helped. And so have all of you! I have to go back in tomorrow early so am logging tonight now.

    @MarktheBark - just keep going, a misstep or two, or a bad day once in a while is no big deal. Each morning is a new day, yesterday doesn't matter. And generally I find it's best to weigh just once a week. The day to day fluctuations can drive you crazy. I try to weigh first thing Saturday. But do what works for you.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    I agree that not following the goal for one day is no big deal. What's important is continuing to try. I think my success after dinner is already becoming somewhat of a habit. I go for hours without thinking about food - which is miraculous for me. Now I just have to quell the new overeating I do during the day to compensate.

    I've been on a plateau or gaining a few pounds for months. I've got a lot of rolls and bulges to lose, and this challenge is a help to getting rid of them. I feel more in control of my eating, which is a great feeling!
  • _Clarana_
    _Clarana_ Posts: 73 Member
    Wanted to check in but internet on my phone wasn't co-operating :( woke up and ate at 1am and 4am. FML. Is there anyone who would be up for a text/what'sapp/email buddy system? Cos I need help >.<
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    I weigh myself more then once a week just because I'm kinda obsessive, but I limit it to 2-3 times only in the morning when I get up. I also don't sweat the little fluctuations. I also only track once a week. I do Fridays as weekends are my weakness and then I have the rest of the week to get back on track if I have a bad day.

    @ anamonacc - I would but I have gotten better at sleeping and only wake up during the night for the cry of a child lol. Have you tried planning in a small snack b4 bed. Something health. maybe you need to have something so that you are not hungry during the night? or put tape or large note on the fridge so that you are conscious of the eating. I struggle every night unless I am on the run. but I have found that I just keep drinking water and I can control the mindless snacking if I take the time to drink a entire glass of water first.
  • MarkTheBark
    MarkTheBark Posts: 8 Member
    Even though I did eat shortly before bed last night it was within the calorie count for the day.

    @gxmiller31 - I do usually only note 1 or 2 weight ins during the week. But I'm kinda like @jafray4. I like to see the incremental progress.

    Day by day.
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    Had a great night last night (6-25-14)!
    I'm up to 4 nights! Slowly but surely making my way to a week. Have a great day everyone!
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words y'all, back on track!

    Here are the latest check-ins:

    10 days: gxmiller31
    10 days: jhloves2kni
    9 days: jafray4
    9 days: kitten349
    8 days: sispry1
    5 days: equallyyoked
    4 day: rlstepp29
    3 days: spogna
    1 day: Bo
    ?: markthebark
    ?: monique3677
    Redo: anamonacc


    Miss you guys! Come back and join our challenge!

    ?: hungry_annie
    ?: dankas001
    ?: belle_reve9
    ?: loanaevans
    ?: miniapplecoco
    ?: IvorEdward
    ?: Sarah_SweetPe
    ?: bblumenberg
    ?: jrsygirl109
    ?: mshea62
    ?: princessaclar
    ?: HeidicooksSup
    ?: tashatp22
    ?: queenkori t
    ?: hanan20142015
    ?: kornishpiskie
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    Checking in on night 10. Really lacking energy today. Really wanted to binge so had some sweet cereal for tea. Staved the sugar craving but I need to look at my diet tomorrow as I'm not usually this lethargic. Off to bed now to avoid temptation.
  • maryoracle
    maryoracle Posts: 62 Member
    Hi everyone, I am new here, have been on this weight-loss program for 3+ weeks now. Hardest thing for me is the temptation to eat sweet foods in the evening so my cut off time has been 10pm. However if I wake up in the middle of the night and stay up for about half an hour, I am so hungry that I want to eat breakfast. What to do?

    Also the plateau - sticking pretty much to my calorie goal but no weight loss for the past week. I know I can add exercise but I fear if no weight loss in another week I will give up. Mary
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    @Kitten Great idea to check what it is you are eating. You're probably not eating enough or lacking some nutrients. Or I discovered (the next morning) why I couldn't resist my craving the night I broke my 11 day streak - many women can prob relate but oh yes, every month, the day or 2 before, I get intense sweet cravings. :ohwell:

    Welcome maryoracle! I suggest you either go back to bed hungry (I do self-talk, like I tell myself, in a few hours, I'm gonna get to eat so go back to bed!) Or if you must eat, others here have suggested having healthy snacks nearby so you eat that and go back to bed. Someone has also noted the weight/scale issue. While for some it is encouraging to see the incremental progress, I'm in the camp of feeling very discouraged when I don't see weight loss (esp after lots of effort) so I think weighing yourself less often may help if you're like me. Just my thoughts!
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    I was OK with after dinner snacking last night but feel less positive since the scale showed a four pound gain today! I usually only weigh once a week, but I'm going to keep weighing in the morning in hopes the four pounds is a fluke, or water weight, or something. Success is very motivating to me; failure to lose weight, especially an unexpected gain, throws me off. So I'm struggling to relax and get a better attitude towards this weight loss project.
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Finished day 11 tonight! I almost picked up a chip and ate it, but thought, whoa there big fella! That would be mindless snacking. So the good news is I THOUGHT about it! Sure, I have room in the calories for it, but I WANT to make it through 21 days. And I will! One day at a time. Best of luck to you all, keep your goal ever shining before you.
  • equallyyoked
    equallyyoked Posts: 16 Member
    didn't eat last night. also am up late now and going straight to bed after this post so looks like i will make it. So glad that kitten found her fitbit! Keep it up everyone!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    day 10 was a success. last night wasn't very hard for me because again we were on the run, took the kids to the zoo for the evening. I did want to snack on something right before bed but then I just crawled in to bed to prevent me from snacking.
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    Last night was a success!

    I'm up to 5 nights! Feeling pretty good.
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Gxmiller got me through last night!!! As my mind was intensely focusing on snacking on some healthy yet unnecessary kale chips, his post came on and bam, my mind refocused on watched TV rest of the night w/o snacks! woot! Thanks, G!

    Here are the latest check-ins:

    11 days: gxmiller31
    11 days: jhloves2kni
    10 days: jafray4
    10 days: kitten349
    10 days: sispry1
    6 days: equallyyoked
    5 days: rlstepp29
    3 days: spogna
    2 days: Bo
    ?: markthebark
    ?: monique3677
    Redo: anamonacc


    Miss you guys! Come back and join our challenge!

    ?: hungry_annie
    ?: dankas001
    ?: belle_reve9
    ?: loanaevans
    ?: miniapplecoco
    ?: IvorEdward
    ?: Sarah_SweetPe
    ?: bblumenberg
    ?: jrsygirl109
    ?: mshea62
    ?: princessaclar
    ?: HeidicooksSup
    ?: tashatp22
    ?: queenkori t
    ?: hanan20142015
    ?: kornishpiskie
  • slspry1
    slspry1 Posts: 27 Member
    sorry been away nights 9 and 10 complete tonight will make 11
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    Just checking in. Had a good day today. Settling back down. Won't be checking in tomorrow night but won't be eating either as I'm at a concert. Hope you are all doing well.