July workout check-in thread - Don't July about your PR



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Today I got to do my favorite types of cleaning, and my favorite types of jerk! lol

    2 hang clean + 1 jerk, work up to aheavy "set" did 90ls, (barely) missed the 2nd clean at 95. I most likely had the jerk tho.

    EMOTM x5 of that at 90% of heavy weight (went with 80)

    Then 4 rounds of
    OHP x3 (75, 75, 77.5, 80 (this was my 3RM at the beginning of the program I believe. Wasn't *too* much of a grind!)
    pull-ups + dips

    Finished with 4 rounds for time of
    - prowler run x60m (2 rounds at 25lbs, 2 rounds at 15)
    - 10 pike presses
    - 10 burpees
    - rest 2 min

    My shoulders are DONE and my legs were burning at the end there. O_o
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    This week is a no-go for me (damn deadlift and my lower back got effed. it seems better than yesterday now. Sore and tight but not as injury-like as yesterday).

    So I'll be the personnal cheerleader for everyone!!!

    Yay Krok!! Good job on the jerk.. lol! (flag the pompoms!!)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Them oly lifts and their awesome names :P
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    They were named by the bros yo!!!!!
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    You all amaze me with what you do!!

    I need to check in with you guys more and I am going to try and push myself more.
    squat 5x5 110 my legs were shaking on the last rep but felt good. will go up to 115 on Thursday
    bench was a fail at 70 4,4,5,5,5 but I know i will get it next time, so happy that I could even do it! I am stronger than i think i am.
    row 5x5 at 80, I may stick with this one though for one more time. Don't want to stray from form to much.

    I am also doing strong curves gorgeous glutes. Its the lower body only program.
    today was week 5-8 workout C
    barbell glute bridge 105x3x10
    barbell zercher squat 45x3x10
    dumbbell back extension 20x3x10
    side lying hip raise 12 on each side

    My glutes are feeling it now! Love it!
    Before starting SC I couldn't feel my glutes fire and now I can feel them with everything, its amazing what a difference it has made in my progress.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    @gen My back was tight and stiff feeling as well. If you can, get a couple massages and have them focus on legs and lower back. It felt amaaazzzziiiing. I still wake up tight and stiff in the back sometimes, but not sore now.
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Well, I've been MIA for a little while but it looks like everyone's doing great! Had to take some time off due to some sort of pinched nerve right next to my shoulder blade. Happened last week during deadlifts on my third rep at 185 pounds. Had the weight up and was at the top of the lift, did a mental check of my shoulder position to make sure everything was correct, and then all of a sudden it felt like someone stabbed me in the shoulder with a sharp object. Tried another one and it hurt like hell so I quit. At first I thought it was a muscle tear but now pretty sure it's just a nerve issue. I've been able to keep up with my other workouts in the meantime.

    So last night was my first attempt at lifting in a week, and it wasn't too bad.

    squats - 3x5 at 135 pounds. Just can't seem to progress on these, maybe because I'm only lifting twice a week and doing too much other stuff??
    bench - 3x5 at 100 pounds (deload from 110)
    rows - 4,4,4 at 110 pounds. Was afraid these were going to aggravate my shoulder, but felt fine.

    But, crap...now I'm sore today!!! I hate taking time off! :grumble:
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    you and me both @jcdoerr. I've only been lifting 1 or 2x a week lately.

    So I did A tonight and upped my squats and bench and rows for the first time in probably a month :blushing: I've been taking it slow to try and control the raging lifting hungry that I get.

    So I've been doing SL for just about a year now (next week I think). Yes this seems like a long time but there were breaks in the fall and over the holidays and I still made progress (when I was eating more than I should have been). I've been starting to think about moving onto an intermediate program. My only condition is time because I have less and 1.5 hours when I do go to the gym, so the more "condense" (for lack of better word) the better. Guess I have a lot of research to do. I don't know my 1 rep max and Wendler being 4x (I know it can be 3x but that sounds like a lot into 3 workouts) it doesn't sound like its for me. off to google...

    p.s. the rerun of the crossfit games were on today and man are those women like she-hulks. not my style but man are they strong...some guys were standing around in awe/scared at the gym haha
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    All of your workouts are impressive and intimidating--I need to actually look up some of what you are doing since I don't know what it is. I can safely say I think I will enjoy regular lifting. Last night, I reviewed some form videos before bed and wrote out my workout for today. I felt like a "real lifter." After work today, there was no hesitation, puttering around doing other stuff, or excuses, I WANTED to do my lifting.

    Workout A:
    Squat 55lbs, 5x5
    Bench 50lbs, 5x5
    Row 50lbs, 5x5

    Then I played some type of kick/dodge/base/jumping ball with my 4 yr old niece. She refers to it as "Princess Sparkle Ball." :smile:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    first day in a while that i've doubled up cardio with the workout. i ended up just repeating the weights from my last workout b apart from the ohp, but seeing as how i went into it straight off my bike from a 15-mile ride . . . and i set new personal records for speed at both my 'outwards' and 'homewards' landmarks . . . i don't feel too sad about that. plus, i kind of forgot to eat today, so by that point i'd only had about 800 calories in for the day.

    anyway. enough excuses.

    squats: 5x5x75. they were hard work, but my form felt good.
    ohp: 5x5x45, plus i think i did try 1x4x50 before deloading, plus i think at least one extra set at 45, to make up for stepping backwards.
    deadlift: 1x5 sumo at 40, just because and as warmup (forgot you don't warmup for dl). then 1x5 regular deadlifts at 70. i was using the weird wavy 20lb bar that i call the baby bar, was why i couldn't make up my mind about which type to do, i guess. and i had 25lb plates on it, which are still a bit low compared with the big honkin' 35 and 45 ones.

    ohp was the neat one. not a big weight boost, but as i say i think my blood sugar was probably where i didn't want to push it too hard. and last time was such a mess, 45 may actually be my legitimate current weight. anyway, i somehow suddenly clued into this idea of doing the whole press from my glutes. doesn't sound very intelligible, and i was actually calling it 'angry bum' to myself for each rep, which makes even less sense. but it worked. i actually kind of forgot about everything south of that zone, just kind of thought of letting the weight come off my shoulders and just drop straight down onto my glutes, and the bar just went up so much more easily. it was cool.

    i'm looking forward to next time with that one. and then when i was done i went and sat in the hot tub, got into the pool until they threw me out (swimming lessons in progress) and ate a doughnut.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Was in a great mood, then some **** happened and I didn't get to see my girlfriend tonight as planned so I'm pretty bummed out. Good thing is I didn't get all "eat-y" over it.

    Anyway, this is from this morning.
    Squats: 145lbs 5x5
    Bench: 110lbs 4/3/4/3/3
    Row: 90lbs 5x5

    Blah blah blah, saying thing, saying things.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    @canadianlbs: LOL I laughed at the donut thing :) Great job!!
    @suremeansyes: sorry about your plans getting messed up. Hope today is better!
    @bruerin: haha Princess sparkle ball that's the cutest thing ever!! Glad you are liking your new lifting program. It's easy to fall in love with!!! :)
    @jcdoerr: pinched nerves suck!!! hope it doesn't bother you again.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Haven't logged my workouts in a few days; my parents came to visit from Las Vegas. It was great to see them, but it took me away from my usual schedule. MUST NOT DEVIATE FROM THE PLAN!!!! lol, I kid.

    7/24 - Wendler's Week 2
    OHP - warm up + 55lbs x 3, 60lbs x 3, 65lbs x more than 5, can't remember but I wrote it down somewhere at home!
    Did accessories, too, and also can't remember what I did, but I wrote it down in my notebook which is at home.

    7/27 - Wendler's Week 2
    Deadlifts - warm up + 130lbs x 3, 150lbs x 3, 165lbs x 5 or more, can't remember, it's written down, blah blah blah same with the accessories.

    7/29 - Wendler's Week 3
    Bench - warm up + 70lbs x 5, 80lbs x 3, 90lbs x 7
    Squats - warm up + 130lbs x 5, 150lbs x 3, 165lbs x 8
    Upright rows @ 55lbs - 7, 8, 10
    Bent over rows @ 55lbs - 10, 11, 15
    Plyo squats - 3x10
    Reverse lunge w/ kick - 3x10

    Today, 7/30, will be some HIIT sprints just so I can burn a little extra to make room for the cheesecake. It's National Cheesecake Day and slices are 50% off at Cheesecake Factory today and tomorrow.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Workout A today. I think I need to keep my Bench weight the same the next time, as it took a lot of rest for me to complete them, and they were getting ugly. Row felt weak at first, but got better, so I'm not sure whether or not to add or maintain next time.

    Squat - 5x5x60
    Bench - 5x5x75
    Row - 5x5x75
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i am a reckless and wicked woman. and i'll be sorry tomorrow.

    i worked out on a rest day. and not only that, i worked out in a new rec centre and while wearing semi-fancypants out-for-dinner clothes. a silk shirt with buttons on it yet, and a pair of pants with a belt. my son's long-ago little-league ballplayer belt, as a matter of fact.

    i met a friend downtown for dinner and walked home from there, and on the way i passed a rec centre i've never scoped out . . . i went upstairs telling myself i just wanted to check out their racks (ahem), but, then, well . . . they had three of them, and a whole bunch of benches and bars . . . and i was all full of dinner and all. i mean, what would princess sparklepants do?

    so. i assume that it counts. workout a:

    bench: 5x5x55. still starting strong and finding the last set doable but much more difficult than the first one.
    rows: 5x5x75. check that out :D i may have gotten past my row hangup by *****ing about them out loud.
    squats: 5x5x80. personal record on that.

    i also did a set of deadlifts at 55, then another set at 75. i know i know i know i shouldn't, but it was just so tempting and they weren't even that hard. and i can always take two days off in a row. the 75 was a personal best too.

    walked the rest of the way home afterwards, probably two or three miles that are mostly uphill. it's probably going to be the long walk that will kill tomorrow.

    ** a little bit silly tonight. please ignore according to preference.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Last one for July!

    Workout A (Thurs)

    overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 105

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 65

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 80

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 150

    squats 5 X 5 - 155

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 15 - 40

    flys 5 x 8 - 40
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    @canadianlbs: LOL!!!! I wish i could have seen that. Hilarious!! Great workout too! I guess its the spirit of princess sparklepants that got you through it. :)

    @perseverance: great job!! wow!

    My back is back (haha!) 95% I would say. Thank god. I can't wait for Monday to go back to the gym!!!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Maaaan today was a tough one!

    Snatch pulls (basically a deadlift and then a hip extension paired with a slight jump and a shrug) 5x5 (worked up to 105)
    Snatch balance (a wide grip push press mashed with an OH squat) 5x3 - kept it at 85

    Then front squats

    with 2 min of handstand work in between each set

    Just for giggles, here's my last set of that:

    I forgot to tuck my shirt in but eh >_> And that depth is terrible, even though I'm pretty sure I could feel my calves touching my butt, and my arms might've been a bit too wide on the wall handstand.

    Finished with 4 rounds for time of
    - front rack walking lunges x12/leg
    - push-ups on barbell (had to end on the floor cuz the flimsy 10lbs plates were bending)
    - power cleans x6

    bar was 75 on first round, 65 rest of the way, took about 23 minutes to complete. I'm done.

    Not to self: focus on wrist mobility/strength and single leg work in the future. The lunges were pathetic.

    **Dang, hit post too fast... link incoming!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    @krokador - wow. i liked the handstands, but i was also just watching your nice form with the squats, so thanks. admiring your beautiful straight back. handstands . . . i used to do those when i was a kid, all day long. one of those what-the-heck-happened things.

    @gen2703 - you must feel so ready to go, now you're better. how long were you resting it?

    @perseverance - those numbers are really inspiring. especially the bicep curls - wow. i've got a (maybe, we'll see) ambition brewing in the back of my mind to be able to clean whatever i ohp, so it's of interest to me.

    @navygrrl - i feel you about the bench press. 'getting ugly' just about sums it up. looking back i seem to have been sitting at 55 on mine for a while, but i do feel like *up until* the ugly shows up, i'm okay. so i think i'm thinking i'll focus for a while on just kind of pushing the 'ugly pointer' later and later in the process, if you get me. when i get to the end of all the sets without seeing it, then i'll probably add my next 5lb.

    i got woken by a nasty call from someone at revcan, basically our irs, at 7:45 or something, so it may be a good thing i did my gym time yesterday. going to take my stress out for a ride, and probably spend the rest of the day on administration of my own life.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Yesterday was workout B for me~

    Squats: warm up, 3x5@100, 2x5@105
    OHP: warm up, 3x5@51
    DL: warm up, 1x5@115

    I've been kind of stuck on 100-105lbs for my squats. Any tips on how to break through to a stall/higher weight? Thanks! :flowerforyou: