Chalene PiYO



  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I hope you stick with it.

    Me too :bigsmile:
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I hope you stick with it.

    Me too :bigsmile:

    I've got my eyes on you! You know i'll be back :):glasses:
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I hope you stick with it.

    Me too :bigsmile:

    I've got my eyes on you! You know i'll be back :):glasses:

    Yes, if you see my exercise posts to my wall start to decrease, kick my *kitten*! :)
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Wanted to give my thoughts to the CHX fans on this program.

    Today is "Rest" Day, but I'm going to do some treadmill cardio, probably just a fast walk.

    I have completed the following workouts:

    Align: The Fundamentals
    Define: Lower Body
    Define: Upper Body

    Align is approximately 40 minutes of Chalene working you through the poses. Make sure you keep the remote nearby because you will be in a position with your head down and she'll show you the modified and experienced versions and some of the movements require some coordination. Transitioning here is haphazard to me and I was a little annoyed. It's not a formal workout though, so that might be why. I would track it as calorie burn because you ARE working. When you get to to the PiYo Flip and handstand crouching be prepared to hit the "slow" button.
    Intensity Level: 2/5

    Define: Lower Body is listed on the pamphlet as a 25 minute workout, but it was closer to 20. At the end of the video Chalene says "blah blah, moving on to Upper Body next" so it seems that she knows the 2 workouts can be done on the same day but that's not how the schedule is written. I went on to do some walking afterward to get a few steps on my FitBit.
    Be prepared for warrior stances, down dogs, and a few tricep pushups.
    Intensity Level: 2/5

    Define: Upper Body is listed as 35 minutes but it is actually closer to 20. My recommendation is if you have the time or want to do the combo to put Upper and Lower together in the same day and either rest or do some cardio the next day.
    Intensity Level: 2.5/5. ...Freaking Tricep Pushups

    Sweat is listed as 35 and I tracked 37. Today is the "day after" and I am SORE! Like seriously. A zillion sets of tricep pushups and pushups at the end (or you can hold in plank), Down dogs, Chatarunga, Plank leg lifts, warrior poses, squats, walk ups and downs, omg dying... then she puts in some of her modified burpees*. Make sure to have a towel!! Next time I may do this in my shoes b/c my feet were really slipping. (Or I need a "work" kit with my yoga gloves/socks/powder.)
    Intensity level: 5/5.

    Pretty common to Chalene the warmups use about the same motions. She does not teach you the "PiYo Cross" in her Align video and I still am trying to figure this out. I actually feel like I'm working out with Leandro from BBL during that part of the warm up.
    Also, it doesn't seem like there is much "cool down," but since it's a low impact workout that might be why.

    I won't be doing a new workout until Wednesday (7/23) which will be "Core." I'll keep you ladies updated.

    *Yes, I said burpees. The workout is listed as low impact. These are not low impact. You could probably do them the way Donna does them in CHX or you could simply do a sumo squat.

    All in all, even though many people are saying it's not interesting I'm enjoying it very much. Flexibility and leaning out are my goals with this program and it's only 2 months long. These may make some really good a la carte workouts (stand alone).
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Today was Piyo - Core.

    Core is listed at 30 minutes and keeps it at just that. Including a minute or 2 of my own stretching at the end I came up at 32 minutes.

    Core has some weird movements that you may want to watch first before doing the video.

    Standing type crunches. This is really a balance exercise, so grab a chair if you need to.

    Roll up -to- side plank -to- side bend -to- PiYo Pike and back to laying, then repeat.

    And finally the one I had a hard time with because of the knees was a knee side plank with knee bends and kicks. Once you do it you'll understand. I recommend folding the mat some for extra cushion.

    I have to say this one so far is a "least favorite."

    Intensity level 3/5.
    You won't be sweating, but it's difficult to do some of the moves.


    Chalene is VERY encouraging in this video, true to her usual. She tells you you are strong, beautiful, etc. It was nice.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Me again. Comin' atcha with the DRENCH review.

    Since I've been putting Define: Upper and Lower together as one workout I thought I'd Fast Forward a month to a workout you don't do until week 4.

    Listed at 45 minutes, it actually is closer to 50. If you are in a time crunch, that can be life or death.

    Sun salutations, down dogs, beast pose to PiYo kick thrus, bowlers lunges to kicks and side bends. Tricep pushups, some crazy side plank to twist.

    Omg. I had just over 45 minutes since the gym has a class scheduled at 11. I could not complete the entire video.

    Intensity level 5/5.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member

    Oh boy, something to look forward to lol. I have to say Core is my least favorite so far too but that isn't surprising because most ab/core workouts in any program are my least favorite, but it probably just means I really need those workouts. :laugh:
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member

    Oh boy, something to look forward to lol. I have to say Core is my least favorite so far too but that isn't surprising because most ab/core workouts in any program are my least favorite, but it probably just means I really need those workouts. :laugh:

    You know - a lot of the moves are heavy Core moves. Planks, side planks, V-sits, bicyles, etc. But my "core" doesn't hurt. My glutes on the other hand feel like the day after you do those bowling lunges in PUSH.
  • SusanJenai
    SusanJenai Posts: 85 Member
    Hey Lovely Ladies,

    Make sure you go to Chalene Johnson's or Piyo Facebook page and enter the Piyo Challenge (if interested)!! Winners will be in the Piyo infomercial :love: :noway: :happy:
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    PiYo: BUNS Review:

    Listed at 25 minutes, actual time closer to 30. You do get your heart rate up, as with any leg workout.

    Warm up is the same as other videos with the squat/arm circles, lunge backs, and PiYo curl things that make you look like a werewolf mid-change.

    Workout: Lots of squats and lunge backs with floor touches. Don't be surprised when she decides to throw in wide leg burpees.

    Chalene loves her bowlers' lunges.

    It doesn't require a mat, however there are some positions on the knees where I had my mat below my knees. Maybe I'm just getting older but for some reason I can't do just a towel like she suggests.

    This workout has the knee to elbow in plank to leg sweep to leg extension move. KILLER. I had to rest a few times on both sides.


    Intensity: 4.5/5 (because my lower body hurt!)
  • SusanJenai
    SusanJenai Posts: 85 Member
    Omg...I had know idea Piyo is that intense! Im scared! :noway: :noway: :noway:
    PiYo: BUNS Review:

    Listed at 25 minutes, actual time closer to 30. You do get your heart rate up, as with any leg workout.

    Warm up is the same as other videos with the squat/arm circles, lunge backs, and PiYo curl things that make you look like a werewolf mid-change.

    Workout: Lots of squats and lunge backs with floor touches. Don't be surprised when she decides to throw in wide leg burpees.

    Chalene loves her bowlers' lunges.

    It doesn't require a mat, however there are some positions on the knees where I had my mat below my knees. Maybe I'm just getting older but for some reason I can't do just a towel like she suggests.

    This workout has the knee to elbow in plank to leg sweep to leg extension move. KILLER. I had to rest a few times on both sides.


    Intensity: 4.5/5 (because my lower body hurt!)
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Omg...I had know idea Piyo is that intense! Im scared! :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Some of the videos are not that intense, but this one was pretty tough. I'm having a hard time with the transitions because you aren't always able to look at the screen and there isn't a "warning."

    There is a countdown timer per section of video above the actual workout countdown clock, but it doesn't go per side or anything.

    It was great b/c I could really feel my quads engaging today. It's a new feeling and I rather enjoyed it.
  • SusanJenai
    SusanJenai Posts: 85 Member
    Awesome! I'm starting somtime in August as soon as I finish CLX / LFL :-)
    Omg...I had know idea Piyo is that intense! Im scared! :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Some of the videos are not that intense, but this one was pretty tough. I'm having a hard time with the transitions because you aren't always able to look at the screen and there isn't a "warning."

    There is a countdown timer per section of video above the actual workout countdown clock, but it doesn't go per side or anything.

    It was great b/c I could really feel my quads engaging today. It's a new feeling and I rather enjoyed it.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    PiYo: Strength Intervals Review:

    Listed as 25 minutes. Fairly accurate. I thought I was going to die by 14.

    Today was my first round of this video.

    Cardio is UP UP UP in this. Lunges, Slowwwww lunges, Squats and sloooowwww squats. Bowlers lunges (of course!) That ski move she uses in TF and she also does the speed skater moves.

    Burpees (yep).

    Beast mode to runner's lunges and more beast modes.

    They list towel and water as needed, but I was using my mat at the end for the Down Dogs and Beast Modes.

    Intensity 5/5.

    After reading this I would say the strength is very lower body heavy. Didn't notice or think about it while mid-workout.
  • FunSizedK
    FunSizedK Posts: 144 Member
    Are all the videos 25 mins are there any longer ones?
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Are all the videos 25 mins are there any longer ones?

    Align - The Intro DVD is around 40 (you really only do this once)

    Drench - 48
    Core - 30

    Buns - 25
    Strength Intervals - 25

    Define Lower: 25
    Define Upper: 20
    After the first week I put Lower and Upper together as one workout. Lower is better first since it has a nicer warm up and upper doesn't have as involved of a warm up (but it does still have one).

    Hardcore on the Floor - ?? (Misplaced my DVD!)

    Just because they are short in time doesn't mean you aren't getting a great workout.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member

    Just because they are short in time doesn't mean you aren't getting a great workout.

    For sure!
  • FunSizedK
    FunSizedK Posts: 144 Member
    im all for short workouts!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Review: PiYO - Sculpt

    *Requires a CHAIR
    *You're gonna want that towel you never bother with

    Sculpt is listed at 30 but was just under.

    Warm Up is different for this one than in some of the other videos. She does the shoulder drop move CLX ladies will be familiar with.

    Since this video didn't have a name like "Death" or "HaHa Sucker!" I thought it might be um... easier. It was NOT.

    Working Warrior poses
    Down Dog Splits with Crying Face Makers
    Bowling Lunges with I Can't Feel My Legs sequencing
    Pushups with Make Your Arms and Your Neighbors Jelly (Pyramid Sequencing)
    Tricep Dips with Tony Horton's Devil Laugh Theme Song (if you've done P90X you will think Chalene is channeling him)
    And to wrap it up, Chair Bridges Until Your Hamstrings Cry

    I may have interpreted the names wrong, but it's hard to know what they say with sweat running into your eyes, down your chest, and onto your mat.

    Intensity Level: 5/5
  • SusanJenai
    SusanJenai Posts: 85 Member
    Review: PiYO - Sculpt

    *Requires a CHAIR
    *You're gonna want that towel you never bother with

    Sculpt is listed at 30 but was just under.

    Warm Up is different for this one than in some of the other videos. She does the shoulder drop move CLX ladies will be familiar with.

    Since this video didn't have a name like "Death" or "HaHa Sucker!" I thought it might be um... easier. It was NOT.

    Working Warrior poses
    Down Dog Splits with Crying Face Makers
    Bowling Lunges with I Can't Feel My Legs sequencing
    Pushups with Make Your Arms and Your Neighbors Jelly (Pyramid Sequencing)
    Tricep Dips with Tony Horton's Devil Laugh Theme Song (if you've done P90X you will think Chalene is channeling him)
    And to wrap it up, Chair Bridges Until Your Hamstrings Cry

    I may have interpreted the names wrong, but it's hard to know what they say with sweat running into your eyes, down your chest, and onto your mat.

    Intensity Level: 5/5

    I start Piyo today! What week are you on?