New to the group, check in here



  • sophilyn
    sophilyn Posts: 24 Member
    Hey, checking in here. 46 and serious, finally, about my weight loss. have lost weight plenty of times before but never achieved my goal weight. So, 140, here I come.
  • FlanJamz
    FlanJamz Posts: 15
    For the past year, I've been using MFP on and off, watching my calories on and off, and not taking part in any group support... and I haven't lost any weight. Go figure. Sooooo, I re-tooled my profile, re-upped my commitment and am, this time, serious. I'm a fairly positive person and a good sounding board, so feel free to contact me for support. I'm ALSO a great person to vent to, so definitely contact me if you're in need of a good B*tch Fest.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm Melissa, 44, and mom of 3 daughters, 19,15 & 13.
    I used MFP about 2 years ago and lost 20lbs, and promptly put it right back on when I stopped using the site.
  • Hi, I'm Krista. I'm 44, have Hashimoto's Disease (hypothyroid mess!) and RA.. Basically, along with the crappy non-metabolism, I have the joints of your average 90 yr old... it makes weight loss even more fun! :wink: I don't overeat nor do I eat out of boredom...or even eat a lot of garbage. My problem is that I am a social eater and super chatty...put a plate in front of me at a party and watch out for the flying knife & fork!!! I woke up and realized that this thing I have with accepting a weight gain of a pound or two every single month now has me almost 50 lbs overweight... enough is enough!! I decided to get off my butt today, and take some responsibility for this body I now have - It isn't just about looking better...I want to FEEL better too! I have a husband and 4 kids (2 college, 1 high school, 1 middle school) that I want to be more active with... I want to ENJOY each day, not just tolerate it until I can go to bed that night! I am determined to make it work, this time!!!!!!!!
  • coco3120
    coco3120 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Sarah, 41 and have 2 very young children. I'm exhausted most of the time as I don't get much sleep and life is busy, but I'm here to loose 3 stone, feel fitter, look better and be a better role model for my girls.
    Looking forward to reading more about your stories :)
  • pirateamy73
    pirateamy73 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 41 and would like to lose 80 - 90 pounds. I hope to lose at least 50 by June 2015, just in time for my daughter's high school graduation! Any help or support would be welcomed.
  • superkarynfragilistic
    superkarynfragilistic Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm Karyn. I am 40 and mom to a 13 year old and a 17 month old. :) I would like to lose about 80 pounds to get down to the weight at which I felt the healthiest--not my lowest weight, but my best weight. I ran into some health problems after my son was born which caused quite a bit of weight gain. Now that they are under control, I'm looking to get back to a place where I feel strong.

    This process is more fun together so feel free to add me. :)
  • ericap4
    ericap4 Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm Erica. I'll be 41 in 4 days. I have 4 children. Ages 20, 18, 15, and 12. I would like to lose about 40 lbs. You would think it would not be so hard for me since I teach Zumba 5 days a week, and toning 2 days a week. This is on top of having a full time job. :) I'm a busy woman.
    I went through a nasty divorce 2 years ago and quit teaching for a whole year. I put the 40 lbs on then, and even though I'm back to instructing, the weight isn't coming off. I'm a bottom heavy girl. Big legs and butt. I love teaching Zumba but I always feel just a little guilty because I'm not your typical skinny instructor. Having said that...I am healthy. I feel good, I just want the outside to match the inside.
  • euregirl
    euregirl Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm Denise. I just turned 41 this month and I have a 16-year-old daughter. I need to lose at least 50 pounds, more would be awesome, but 50 is a big enough number all at one time.

    My problem: I'm a foodie! I LOVE to cook and eat and go out to eat and post pictures of food and try all types of food. All this food insanity has to STOP; now!

    I'm a paralegal so I'm pretty sedentary on a daily basis. I did joint a gym this month and I've averaged about four nights a week. I mostly do group exercise: yoga, zumba, an arm class, a hip, abs, butt class, and a tabata class. I love going to the gym, but I've found myself getting discouraged. I've been going strong for almost a month and I haven't lost a pound. So, I know I need to change my eating. I welcome any ideas on what works for you!

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all you 40 somethings!!!
  • chelleanne71
    chelleanne71 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there,

    I just joined the group. I'm 43 in Kansas, land of...well....flat and windy, yup, that's about Just started to try and lose weight a few weeks ago. I'm doing ok so far. It's hard to figure out how to lose weight for me in a healthy way, as the last time I lost a lot of weight, it was anything but healthy, in any sense of the word. I'm looking forward to being part of the group. :-)
  • radiant_future
    radiant_future Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all, great to meet you all. I am 45 and been "dieting" for about 30years!!! :sad:
    So now I have given up chasing fads and decided to spend the next 12 months retraining myself. Clean eating and keeping active.
  • chelleanne71
    chelleanne71 Posts: 10 Member
    I've found, for me at least, that tracking calories has been a huge help. I honestly had no idea how many calories were in some of the food I was eating. It's a bit of a pain to figure sometimes, especially when it's something you've made and cooked from scratch, but being aware of calories in something makes a huge difference, at least for me. It's really helped me with portion sizing and being able to make smarter choices. Hope this helps some. Also, there are a ton of cookbooks out there, with nutritional information for the recipes, ie: calories per serving, protein, carbs...etc
  • Hi, I just joined and glad to find fabulous 40 somethings out here.I've been a junk food junkie and skinny mini most of my life but once the mid 30's hit, the fat came on like gang busters. That combined with a car wreck and I'm no where near where I want to be so a change needs to happen and I am my own catalyst. I'm late 40's and looking forward to learning from all of you.
  • sherbiecan
    sherbiecan Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! Looking for some support from women who knows what it is like to struggle with weight loss. I have been up and down, happy, frustrated and just feel like giving up and going thru perimenopause is no fun and wonder if anyone here is going thru that as well.

    I have tried WW and I enjoy the program, still buys the magazines as they have some great articles and recipes but I find that I don't have the motivations from them especially if I gain a pound.

    I would love to cheer and support you with your weight loss and listen to your frustrations and achievements, share hints and ideas like good snacks and dinners.

    So.....I guess the good start would be to introduce myself.....I am Sherbie, 43 years old and have type 2 diabetes, which I am working on to change that. I live in Ontario. My baby is my mini wiener dog and have a loving bf.

    If you want to be my friend and chat....please add me, I am re-learning the site here again.

    Have a great day!!
    Hope to hear from you! :happy: :smile:
  • ameliajane75
    ameliajane75 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all, i am also new to the group and could do with some support. I have been just using the diary privately til now but realised there's a lot of great support and knowledge amongst the other members.
    I'm a third of my way to reaching my goal of 75 kg ( about 165 pounds) ..really want to keep up the motivation to make it all the way.
  • NormainIreland
    NormainIreland Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all. I have just turned 40 (on Friday) and am married with 2 kids DS14 and DD12.

    I have 25lbs to lose and want to tone up and get fit. I would love to run a 5K.
  • Suzie126q
    Suzie126q Posts: 8 Member
    Suzanne here single at 43 years old, I've struggled long time with up and downs of diet and weight. Hoping to find some friends to share the struggles and the cheers for well done :)
  • Cfish74
    Cfish74 Posts: 1
    Hello everyone! My name is Cheryl. I am 40 years old, no kids. I have lost about 20 pounds in the last year and a half but have another 30 pounds to go. I am glad to be part of the group!
  • Hi All..........I'm Beth. I have been very motivated in the past (and have had much stronger will power when it come to eating right and exercising). I have run many full marathons and triathlons and have been very active. I have just lost my 'mojo' lately and am hoping to get it back.... and lose 12-15 pounds. Just signed up for myfitnesspal today. Should hellp to keep me motivated! Your stories & dedication help! Thanks!

    I'm 44 and have 5 kids.... 24, 23, 19, 14, 11. The older 3 are step-children.
  • Hi all, I'm Megan and will be 41 in Nov, have gained and lost 20-25 lbs since 2009 and was just diagnosed with hypothryroidism and prediabetes. I'm in a normal range for my height but want to have more energy and to increase muscle mass, energy, and eat better. I travel a lot and it's hard to stick with exercise, though I''m hoping with new medication and doing the It Starts with Food Whole30 my energy levels will improve. Looking forward to having a group of other women who are over 40 but feel 20. Where did the time go? I have a zillion things I want to do and things to wear and I want to look great doing and wearing them!