


  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Hi ladies- My name is Kara- I'm 35, I live in NH, and I have a little guy who's just over 2.5. I've been on and off MFP (and WW previously) countless times. Back in late 2012 I'd dropped about 40 lbs on MFP but fell off the wagon and most of it came back on. All tolled I have about 125 lbs to lose, I'm currently around 11 lbs lost.

    When I was successful on MFP previously I'd been following a C25K program and had really started to enjoy running. I did my first 5K last Thanksgiving and have been battling some bad plantar fasciatis ever since. I go to PT weekly and am slowly recovering, but running again is not in my near future. I recently joined a gym with a pool so I can swim (love!) and am getting used to the bike and rowing machine. I also take barre classes 2-3x/week. My biggest challenge is I occasionally travel for work- I was gone most of June with work travel- and it's so difficult for me to stay on track when traveling. I have a 4 day trip coming up this weekend to visit family in Chicago and I am a bit nervous about staying on track.

    I have a very long way to go and I tend to comfortable after I see some great results, so this time around I have to power through and keep going to meet my goals. I'm frustrated that I've hit 35 and have almost more weight on me than ever- I am at a point where I personally feel I NEED to get it off and keep it off this time.

    I would love additional friends and support- feel free to send me a request! I look forward to being part of the group.
  • Tayspates
    Tayspates Posts: 4
    Hello, I am a 29 yr old single mother of a 12yr old boy who never really lost the "baby weight". I am trying to lose about 50lbs. My first goal is to lose 30lbs before my 30th birthday Oct 26th of this year.
  • catisland21
    catisland21 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone! This is my second time trying out MFP. I was doing pretty good the first time around and then stopped when I found out I was pregnant. I have 2 adorable boys, 2 ½ and 2 months. I am 10lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight #2, but 20lbs from pregnancy #1. My goal is to get back to the BC (before children) weight by next May. I am hoping I can get back into the swing of things using MFP and work on losing that weight. I am breastfeeding but obviously consuming more calories than I am pumping out  I just started back to working FT at a lovely desk job. I have never had a real issue with my weight as I was always very active and as long as I watched what I ate and exercised a little, the weight would come off. Now, not so much and it’s really difficult. I refuse to buy new clothes because I am bound and determined to fit into my old clothes and I have very limited options in my closet now that I can use for work. (not to mention diapers aren’t cheap and every little bit saved helps!) I think the biggest thing is finding the time and energy to actually exercise; and avoid the candy/junk at work!

    Any support and suggestions on getting this weight off would be very helpful.
  • jesszelman
    jesszelman Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jessica and I am a mom of two beautiful little boys. My oldest is 2 and my youngest is 3 weeks. I've always been someone who has struggled with their weight. I am considered obese :( I want to get fit and healthy not only for my family but to prove to myself that I can do it. I would like to loose about 50 is going to be a long hard journey but I am ready to work for it!
  • crybaby2384
    crybaby2384 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi. I will be 30 on August 13th. Blah no longer in my twenties. I am a stay at home mom. I have a 2 1/2 year old little girl, a 6 year old little boy and a 12 year old step son. My current weight is 152.6 lbs. My goal weight is 135-138lbs. Off and on I try to get into better shape but I never seem to stick with it. After I had my daughter I got down to about 143lbs but after I stop breastfeeding I quickly gained about 10lbs. I need to get in better shape and tone my body. I am not getting any younger and we all know most things are harder as we get older. I have recently started using a treadmill 5-6 times a week. I also do yoga, workout dvds, and sometime use dumbbells. I really hope I can make reach my goals and actually stick with it this time.
  • Hey ladies! I am a SAH mom of two boys, ages 6 and 9. my weight has fluctuated my entire life. I have tried everything to lose weight in the past, but these days I am committed to doing things the right way. I started C25K with my sister in law about 6 weeks ago. When we first started, we could barely jog for 60 seconds. Yesterday we did 2 miles in 22 minutes! Super slow, yes, but progress! My body feels strong in a way that I've never noticed before, and instead of focusing on my weight, which I totally obsess over, I'm focusing on my strength and ability. And also the way my clothes fit.
  • wrenwalker
    wrenwalker Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Moms!

    I am a 32 year old mom to 3 boys aged 12, 3, and 1.5. I work part time and my husband works part time and goes to college full time. We're a busy family but haven't been doing things right and mine and my husband's weight has gotten to where we are no longer comfortable accepting the way things are. We just started altering our diet and walking this past Wednesday. So far, we are down a combined 10 lbs and are very excited to continue on this journey together. My first goal is to get to about 175 lbs and I'm currently at 225. So far we have walked 16 miles in 5 days and looking forward to doing much more!
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    Hello, i am married stay at home mom. I have a almost 15 month old baby girl. I have struggled with being overweight since i was in middle school even though i was in volleyball and other sports. In high school i was always between 170-190's. When i met my now husband i was in the upper 180's, i always fluctuated in the 180-190 range. 3 months after we got married, i found i was pregnant and i started at 183 and the went to 203 the day i gave birth. So i did good not gaining to much and it was mostly water weight. 4 days later i weighed myself and i was 179, i was actually happy about that and decided to lose weight. But i gave up on that and didn't really focus on it and next thing i knew 7 months after my daughter was born it was christmas and i weighed 196 and thats when i said no way i am not going past 200 and realized that i need to lose weight for myself. So i let the holidays pass and on january 4th is when officially began my journey and i'm proud to say i haven't gave up. I've had moments where i binged or whatever but i've gotten back up. I'm now 176.4 and my goal is 140, i'm determined to be fit and confident in myself.
  • audgrl
    audgrl Posts: 1
    Hi all! My name is Audra, I am 33 years old and a mom to two boys 5 and 9. I have been slowly gaining weight ever since I was pregnant with my second child and have been at the same weight for awhile. I seem to just do enough working out and eating right to stay at the same weight, but I am ready to lose these Lbs!!! Looking to lose about 40 lbs and hope this is a good place to start!
  • emjayne10
    emjayne10 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I'm Emily. I'm 38 and mother of two girls - 5 yrs old and 7 mos old. After the birth of my second daughter, I initially took off some weight, but found myself gaining again to the point where I weighed the same as I did just before giving birth - around 235. That's the heaviest I've ever been...

    At 5'10, and with a frame that disperses weight "all over" rather than in particular spots, I carry weight well but I start to feel/look heavy anywhere over 180. I really should be at 150/155 but haven't been there since my mid-twenties. I'm here to finally lose the weight and get back to 155 - if that's even my ideal weight anymore now that I've lost the muscle of my college athlete days....

    My particular challenges are:

    1. Eating well at work (breakfast/lunch). My job is high-stress, long hours, and I travel monthly.
    2. Fit in exercise in the AM. If I don't do it then, it doesn't happen!
    3. Limit the beer/wine consumption! Easy to rack up the calories with a post-work drink or two ;p

    I'm looking forward to the journey and have already lost two pounds since coming back to MFP. I need as much support as I can get!!
  • Hi I'm Sam, mom to a two year old little diva! I'm ready to get this weight off and keep it off for her sake. I want to be around for her and I won't be if I continue on this path.

    I had a sleeve gastrectomy in Oct 2010 (pre-surgery weight was around 220#) and lost about 60#, then became pregnant after a year. I only gained 19# during my pregnancy and when I left the hospital, I was actually lighter than pre-pregnancy! It lasted for a few months, then I went back to work at a sedentary job and most of it came back. I'm now at 208# and am only 5'2".

    Feel free to add me as a friend - the more encouragement that we can give each other, the better!
  • Hi I'm a wife and mother of a 6 and 3 year old. Started out on a mission to lose about 60 lbs! so far down 11 and counting. Excited to see the transformation. I have a great support system in my husband (who is also on a journey to becoming healthier) and my parents cheering me on. I remind myself to keep putting one foot in front of the other and just take it one day at a time." :wink:
  • brittneynguidry
    brittneynguidry Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all! I am a stepmom to 5 and 7 year old girls and a newly mom to a 3 month old. I gained 65 pounds with my pregnancy:/ and I have lost 33 lbs so far! But these last 30 lbs won't come off! I need to work harder I'm realizing!
    Before I became pregnant I lost 40 lbs over a 6 month span and was 145 when I found out the best news ever! I was having a baby!! My husband and I tried for about a month and 1/2 and it happened! I got super lazy and had the appetite of a hippo! Now I'm paying the price for it lol but it was all worth it to have my beautiful blessing now. It would help to have support and motivation from you ladies! Glad I could join! My husband is also on a journey to lose those pounds he packed on during MY pregnancy lol. He always had a great body and fast metabolism but age and copying my pregnancy eating has led him to rethink his eating and exercise. He has started couch to 5k which I am on and he also does a workout with weights on opposite days. I love having his support and love working out with him! We plan on being a fit couple not just for us but for our children to see a healthier way to live!
  • Tvilhauer76
    Tvilhauer76 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am 38 years old and have 3 kids. My oldest son is 19, my daughter is 16, and my youngest son is 13. I've been a member of MFP for a couple of years and I have been very successful at losing weight. I just haven't been successful at not gaining it back. I first started trying to lose weight 5 years ago. I weighed 200 pounds and was ashamed of myself. I've never had a weight problem, but here I am. So I set to walking and eating right and in about 8 months I had lost 65 pounds. I felt great, I looked great and then I got divorced. I gained back about 30 pounds but once I got my head back in the game I lost it again within a couple of months. A year later my life got flipped upside down and shaken and hasn't been the same since. I am 180 pounds and suffering from depression and anxiety. I NEED to lose this weight. I want to feel alive again. I am so tired.....tired of fighting, tired of struggling. Just TIRED!!! I can use any support that I can get.
  • Hi, all. I'm a 35 yr old SAHM with a 4 yr old, very active boy and a 3 week old, beautiful little girl. I gained a lot of weight with my son (almost 90 lbs), then gained even more through the years. I gained 20 lbs with my daughter, but that has pretty much gone away (thankfully).
    I've been on MFP before and I'm back again. I have high blood pressure and I need to be healthy for my kids. And I want them to grow up knowing what healthy is, especially my little girl.

    I'm looking for some new friends here that will help me stay motivated and on track (and give me a good yelling at, if I don't log).
  • smmzb
    smmzb Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm a 40 year old working mum with 4 great kids - aged 7, 6, 3 and 2. I have battled my weight since my teens and I have been on every 'diet' imaginable. I am determined to conquer this beast. I have a long way to go, but this feels like a good place to start. My family deserves a healthy mum and role model and I deserve to live a full, happy and healthy life - and I really want to be able to wear nice clothes again!

  • HI! I'm 30, a mom to a 16 month old, and I work full-time in the arts. I gained about 50 lbs while pregnant, lost 30 immediately, but stalled out. I've always been slightly overweight, but post pregnancy I'm severely overweight. I was recently diagnosed with an underactive thyroid (after three months of working out 4-5 times a week and gaining 5 lbs). I'm in a slump. I make excuses for not working out. I cook at home every night, but indulge in sweets a bit too often. I don't have time to work out at lunch, while away from home (which is a 45 minute commute one-way) and I feel guilty when I don't spend every other moment with my child. I want to find a happy balance of working out 4-5 days a week, counting calories, and seeing results (here's to hoping my synthroid is helping the thyroid); yet still maintaining my time with my girl and my husband. Maybe I can sleep less... I feel lost and need some support.
  • victoria_b482
    victoria_b482 Posts: 35 Member
    I am a stay at home mom for the first time in twelve years and it is an adjustment. I have three children and I noticed after each pregnancy I kept getting in worse shape letting myself go. My third pregnancy was hard on me because I was so out of shape and I had a lot of pelvic and back pain. I decided I didn't want to go through that pain again so I decided to get my tubes tied. I now regret doing that and just wish I was in better shape. Now that I have started exercising I have let the house go and haven't been cleaning and folding laundry. I need to figure out how to have time for my children and husband plus time for myself and taking care of what needs to be done. On top of cleaning, cooking, managing everything from bills to groceries I am a full time online college student about to graduate in December. I saw where someone said less sleep maybe to get things done would be an option and I don't think that is a good idea if exercising is something we are doing. I already get about 6 hours of sleep now any less would be bad. I have to wait until everyone is asleep to do my homework. As I am typing this out my kids are fighting now. Boys will be boys.
  • I'm Erica, 24 years old, single mom of two boys, one is 2.5 and the other is 3 months old! I had gotten down 10 pounds shy of my goal weight in my ticker... Then I got pregnant with my second son, split with their father, life got EXTREMELY crazy, I didn't care anymore, and ballooned up to almost a hundred pounds above my goal. I'm now a ways a way, 67 pounds, I think?

    I'm using Weight Watchers, and I breastfeed my younger son. I don't work at the moment but I am a full-time college student studying mechanical engineering, I have my own residence.

    The biggest thing I need to work on that is my number one weakness is portion control. I eat SO much.... Especially at night!
  • Hello All!

    My name is Alison. I am 29 years old. I have two wonderful children, an 11-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old son. I am a SAHM and a full-time college student. My husband travels a lot for work. So, I keep pretty busy with it all. I have 53 lbs. to lose. My weight has yo-yo'd over the last 10 years. I'd like to get it off for good. I'd like to lose 25 lbs by the end of the year. My husband is taking me on a trip to Europe for my birthday and I want to feel wonderful when we go!

    Anyhow, I've enjoyed reading some of the intros and I hope to make connections so that we may stay motivated!

    Best of Luck,