Week 2, September 8 - 14)



  • Hungry_Annie
    Hungry_Annie Posts: 807 Member
    Week 2 Goal: 4200 + Carhicks Challenge

    09/08 Day 1: 223 (walking on treadmill at various speeds and inclines for 54 minutes)
    09/09 Day 2: 0 (being lazy)
    09/10 Day 3: 226 (lateral trainer thing at the gym)
    09/11 Day 4: 456 (elliptical & Treadmill)
    09/12 Day 5: calories burned (how they were burned)
    09/13 Day 6:calories burned (how they were burned)
    09/14 Day 7:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 905
    Left to go: 3295
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Week 2 Goal: Burn 4200 Calories + Carhicks 9 minute Butt Sculpt Workout

    09/08 Day 1: 1184 calories burned (T25's CARDIO with w/u & c/d, the butt sculpting and walking (95 minutes total)) The butt sculpting wasn't so bad but the very last one hurts my back
    09/09 Day 2: 1003 calories burned (riding ex bike, T25's Total Body workout and walking)
    09/10 Day 3: 612 calories burned (riding ex bike and lifting & stocking cases of canned food at school) My back is now out & will see the chiro tomorrow!
    09/11 Day 4: 861 calories burned (doing 2 T25 workouts cuz I missed one yesterday and doing Carhicks Butt Sculpting workout along with extra stretching for my back)
    09/12 Day 5: calories burned (how they were burned)
    09/13 Day 6:calories burned (how they were burned)
    09/14 Day 7:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3660
    Left to go: 540
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Week 2 Goal: 4200 + Carhicks Challenge

    09/08 Day 1: 414 calories burned (dancing and stretching)
    09/09 Day 2: 619 calories burned (dancing and walking)
    09/10 Day 3: 430 calories burned (cardio, stretching, and the glutes workout)
    09/11 Day 4: 732 (weight training, cardio, stretching, rehab)
    09/12 Day 5: calories burned (how they were burned)
    09/13 Day 6:calories burned (how they were burned)
    09/14 Day 7:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2195
    Left to go: 2005 + one glutes workout
  • Luv2h1k3
    Luv2h1k3 Posts: 66 Member
    Week 2 - 4200 Calories + Death by Booty Workout :laugh:

    9/8 - 744 calories simulated hike incline treadmill/walk
    9/9 - 335 calories walking
    9/10 - Carhicks' Challenge
    9/11 - 483 calories jogging

    Total Calories - 1562
    Calories to Go - 2638
    Extra Challenge - 1/2

    I'm seriously impressed with you all! Great job everyone!
  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    Week 2 Goal: 4200 + Extra workout : 2/2 - carhicks challenge complete!!

    09/08 Day 1: calories burned today 433 (walking and mini circuit)
    09/09 Day 2: calories burned today 1796 (3.56k run, dragonboat practise, pilates video and mini circuit)
    09/10 Day 3: calories burned today 1036 (circuit workout, abs and glute workout)
    09/11 Day 4: 100ish calories burned today, basically a rest day but i did some abs, squats, glutes,
    09/12 Day 5: 541 calories burned running and mini circuit
    09/13 Day 6:
    09/14 Day 7:

    Total: 3906
    Left to go :294
    over by
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Week 1 Goal: 4200

    09/08 Day 1: 296 (heavy lifting)
    09/09 Day 2: rest day exhausted!
    09/10 Day 3: 629 (running)
    09/11 Day 4: 200 (brisk walking lugging 2x10L jugs at work)
    09/12 Day 5: 336 (Heavy lifting)
    09/13 Day 6:
    09/13 Day 7:

    Total: 1461
    Left to go : 2739
    Extra workout : 0/2

    Rough week this week! My shoulder hurts, giving me a headache & I haven't been sleeping. I couldn't even finish my rows today! Oh well, better then doing nothing I guess!
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    Week 2 Goal: 4200

    09/08 Day 1: 621 cal Treadmill, strength training, Carhicks 9 min workout
    09/09 Day 2: 0 - rest day
    09/10 Day 3: 557 Stat bike, kickboxing, walk
    09/11 Day 4: 480 30 DS, Bike
    09/12 Day 5:
    09/13 Day 6:
    09/14 Day 7:

    Total: 1658
    Left to go : 2542
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    September 11, 2014 4:42 AM

    Week 2 Challenge 4200+Butt Challenge X 2
    09/08:Day 1:744(walk , work, cleaning, jogging stairs)
    09/09 Day 2:590 (Work, cleaning, walk)
    09/10 Day 3 740( Walk/jog, 9min. booty challenge, calisthenics, stretching, cleaning )
    0911:Day 4: 714(walk/ jog, work, Abs, stretching, cleaning)
    0912:Day 5: 811(walk, work, calisthenics,, stretch, cleaning)
    09/13 Day 6: Calories burned(how they were burned)
    09/14 Day 7: Calories burned(how were they burned)
    Left to go:601
    Butt Challenge : 1/2
    Beans ate -check!
    More butt work tomorrow!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,599 Member
    Week 1 Goal: 4200 + Carhicks Challenge (Done)

    09/01 Day 1: 5 mile run / 4 mile walk / 15 min strength training / 10 min Pilates / calorie burn 1235
    09/02 Day 2: 6 mile run / 3 mile walk / 15 min strength training / 10 min Pilates / calorie burn 1005
    09/03 Day 3: 5 mile run / 5 mile walk / 20 min strength training / 30 min Pilates / calorie burn 1321
    09/05 Day 4: 5.5 mile run / 5 mile walk / 20 min strength training / calories burn 1050
    09/06 Day 5: 5 mile run / 3 mile walk / 10 min strength training / calories burn 1083
    09/07 Day 6:
    09/08 Day 7:

    Total: 5695
    Left to go : -1,494
  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    Week 2 Goal: 4200 + Carhicks Challenge

    09/08 Day 1: 929 calories burned (dancing,walking,cleaning)
    09/09 Day 2: 605 calories burned (walking and cleaning)
    09/10 Day 3: 401 calories burned (dancing )
    09/11 Day 4: 615 calories burned (walking and squats )
    09/12 Day 5: 1114 calories burned (walking )
    09/13 Day 6:calories burned (how they were burned)
    09/14 Day 7:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3,664
    Left to go: 536 +18 minutes glutes strengthening exercise+ 14 km.
    8/9 Walked 1.44km
    9/9 Walked 5.12km
    11/9 Walked 7.52km
    12/9 Walked 12.2km

    Hopefully get the challenge workout done tomorrow and eat some beans too.
  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    Week 2 Goal: 4200 + Carhicks Challenge* (2x)

    09/08 Day 1: 642 calories burned (Pump revolution, 30 DS and Carhicks challenge )
    09/09 Day 2: 714 calories burned (30 DS, Jillian Michaels B.F.B.M, stationary bike)
    09/10 Day 3: 863 calories burned (outdoor a.m. jogging)
    09/11 Day 4: 1078 calories burned (30DS, Body Pump, Additional aerobics)
    09/12 Day 5: 493 calories burned (30DS, gardening and Carhicks challenge)
    09/13 Day 6:calories burned ()
    09/14 Day 7:calories burned ()

    Total: 3790
    Left to go: 410

    I ate beans 9/12/14
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    I'm going to have go on hiatus for about 2 months. I tore my MCL at hockey last night, so burning this many calories has now become impossible, since I'm on crutches for the next 4-6 weeks.

    I do plan on rejoining this once I'm healthy, but only then.

    Good luck everyone!

    so sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself and we will see you back in 4 to 6 weeks. Make sure you follow doctor's orders.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Sorry I have not been around much this week, lots going on, but I have been working out so can update.

    Week 2 Goal: 4200 + Carhicks Challenge

    09/08 Day 1: 1640 calories burned (stationary bike, walking, water jogging, pilates)
    09/09 Day 2: 1241 calories burned (yoga, water jogging, dancing)
    09/10 Day 3: 1093 calories burned (stationary bike, walking, strength training) + 1 glute & butt workout
    09/11 Day 4: 1208 calories burned (stationary bike, walking, mowing lawn)
    09/12 Day 5: 1528 calories burned (stationary bike, elliptical, strength training, gardening)
    09/13 Day 6:calories burned (how they were burned)
    09/14 Day 7:calories burned (how they were burned)

    I still need to get that second butt/glute workout in, hopefully tomorrow.

    Total: 6710
    Left to go: 0
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Week 2 Goal: Burn 4200 Calories + Carhicks 9 minute Butt Sculpt Workout

    09/08 Day 1: 1184 calories burned (T25's CARDIO with w/u & c/d, the butt sculpting and walking (95 minutes total)) The butt sculpting wasn't so bad but the very last one hurts my back
    09/09 Day 2: 1003 calories burned (riding ex bike, T25's Total Body workout and walking)
    09/10 Day 3: 612 calories burned (riding ex bike and lifting & stocking cases of canned food at school) My back is now out & will see the chiro tomorrow!
    09/11 Day 4: 861 calories burned (doing 2 T25 workouts cuz I missed one yesterday and doing Carhicks Butt Sculpting workout along with extra stretching for my back)
    09/12 Day 5: 278 calories burned (doing yard work) Had to watch my 2 grandsons so will have to do my T25 Double Day tomorrow!
    09/13 Day 6:calories burned (how they were burned)
    09/14 Day 7:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3938
    Left to go: 262
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Sept Week 2 Goal: 4200

    09/08 Day 1: 300 calories burned (mini cycle)
    09/09 Day 2: 700 calories burned (mini cycle and gung fu)
    09/10 Day 3: 250 calories burned (mini cycle)
    09/11 Day 4: 645 calories burned (gung fu, mini cycle, & leg challenge)
    09/12 Day 5: 500 calories burned (mini cycle)
    09/13 Day 6: calories burned
    09/14 Day 7: calories burned

    challenge workout 1/2

    Left to go: 1805

    It's been a tough week, back to (home)school with the kids plus my daughter got sick - which with her special challenges always turns our household upside down. I'm really going to have to kick it into gear this weekend!
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Week 2 Goal: 4200 + Carhicks Challenge

    09/08 Day 1: 414 calories burned (dancing and stretching)
    09/09 Day 2: 619 calories burned (dancing and walking)
    09/10 Day 3: 430 calories burned (cardio, stretching, and the glutes workout)
    09/11 Day 4: 732 (weight training, cardio, stretching, rehab)
    09/12 Day 5: 970 calories burned (dancing)
    09/13 Day 6:calories burned (how they were burned)
    09/14 Day 7:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3165
    Left to go: 1035 + one glutes workout
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    Week 2 Challenge 4200+Butt Challenge X 2
    09/08:Day 1:744(walk , work, cleaning, jogging stairs)
    09/09 Day 2:590 (Work, cleaning, walk)
    09/10 Day 3 740( Walk/jog, 9min. booty challenge, calisthenics, stretching, cleaning )
    0911:Day 4: 714(walk/ jog, work, Abs, stretching, cleaning)
    0912:Day 5: 811(walk, work, calisthenics,, stretch, cleaning)
    09/13 Day 6: 669(walk, 9min. butt challenge, work, cleaning ,stretch )
    09/14 Day 7: Calories burned(how were they burned)
    Left to go:0+68
    Butt Challenge : 2/2
    Beans ate -check!
  • sunship
    sunship Posts: 59 Member
    Week 2 Goal: 4,200

    09/08 Day 1: Rest / travel
    09/09 Day 2: 1,058 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon)
    09/10 Day 3: 552 calories burned (rowing ergometer, quarter-marathon)
    09/11 Day 4: 1,082 calories burned (rowing ergometer, half-marathon)
    09/12 Day 5:
    09/13 Day 6:
    09/14 Day 7:

    Total: 2,692 cals
    Left to go: 1,808 cals
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,599 Member
    Week 1 Goal: 4200 + Carhicks Challenge (Done)

    09/01 Day 1: 5 mile run / 4 mile walk / 15 min strength training / 10 min Pilates / calorie burn 1235
    09/02 Day 2: 6 mile run / 3 mile walk / 15 min strength training / 10 min Pilates / calorie burn 1005
    09/03 Day 3: 5 mile run / 5 mile walk / 20 min strength training / 30 min Pilates / calorie burn 1321
    09/05 Day 4: 5.5 mile run / 5 mile walk / 20 min strength training / calories burn 1050
    09/06 Day 5: 5 mile run / 3 mile walk / 10 min strength training / calories burn 1083
    09/07 Day 6: 6 mile run / 4 mile walk / 30 min strength training / calories burn 1267
    09/08 Day 7:

    Total: 6967
    Left to go : - 2761
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Sept Week 2 Goal: 4200

    09/08 Day 1: 300 calories burned (mini cycle)
    09/09 Day 2: 700 calories burned (mini cycle and gung fu)
    09/10 Day 3: 250 calories burned (mini cycle)
    09/11 Day 4: 645 calories burned (gung fu, mini cycle, & leg challenge)
    09/12 Day 5: 500 calories burned (mini cycle)
    09/13 Day 6: 1017 calories burned (30DS, your shape fitness, mini cycle, & leg challenge)
    09/14 Day 7: calories burned

    challenge workout 2/2
    going to use garbanzo beans to make hummus - does that count?!

    Left to go: 788
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