Weigh In - July



  • kelieprincess
    kelieprincess Posts: 28 Member
    SW: 218lbs (since the start of my weight loss pre MFP)
    SW: 203lbs (since starting MFP)
    CW: 198.25lbs
    GW: 154lbs

    4th July: 204 lbs
    11th July: 202.75 lbs
    18th July: 202.5 lbs
    25th July: 199.75 lbs
    1st August: 198.25lbs
    8th August: 199.25lbs

    Gained 1lb last week, but looking back over my food diary I ate a LOT of pasta and we had takeaway curry and ice cream, so kinda makes sense. Don't think I was accurately counting calories. Not too dissapointed because this is a life change, not a quick fix and needs to be sustainable.

    The TDEE - 20% rule seems to be a lot of calories for me to eat each day and frightens me, so I lowered it to 1600 - but even still I am scared when I go above 1500. Might recalculate it and see what it comes out with.
  • llysenw
    llysenw Posts: 57 Member
    SW: 157.5 lbs
    CW: 149.5
    GW: 105

    July 4: 157.5 lbs
    July 11: 156 lbs
    July 18: 154.5 lbs
    July 25: 154 lbs
    Aug 1: 152
    Aug 8: 151
    Aug 15: 149.5
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    SW: 194.6/ 210 lb
    Current Weight or CW: 187.4
    Goal Weight or GW: 160/130 lb
    left is now/ right is start of MFP

    July 4: 194
    July 11: 190.2
    July 18: 188.8
    July 25: 188.8
    August 1: 187.4
    August 8: 186
    August 15: 184.8

    Total loss: 9.2lb

    Now I am at the halfway mark! 25lb down! I lost 1.2lb this week and it just shows that I lose more with good exercise. I didn't exercise again this week so I am going to do it next week! I need to stop slacking so I can make it too my goal!

    -LUOY :flowerforyou:
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Way to go, ladies! I completely forgot to weigh myself this morning. Will do it tomorrow instead.
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    Way to go, ladies! I completely forgot to weigh myself this morning. Will do it tomorrow instead.

    Thanks! Hope you do well! :)
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    SW: 213
    CW: 202
    GW: 145

    July 4: 203.8
    July 11: 204
    Aug 1: 202.4
    Aug 8: 202
    Aug 16: 202

    No loss, but considering I ate out almost every day and didn't have a lot of time (or energy) to exercise this week, I'm just glad I didn't gain!
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    SW: 194.6/ 210 lb
    Current Weight or CW: 183.2
    Goal Weight or GW: 160/130 lb
    left is now/ right is start of MFP

    July 4: 194
    July 11: 190.2
    July 18: 188.8
    July 25: 188.8
    August 1: 187.4
    August 8: 186
    August 15: 184.8
    August 22: 183.2

    Total loss: 10.8lb

    I lost 1.6lb this week! Yay! I'm almost to where I was a year ago! Also got a fitbit zip a few days ago and already I'm getting way more steps in and making my goals. Pumped for next week! Good luck everyone, happy weight loss!!

  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    SW: 213
    CW: 202
    GW: 145

    July 4: 203.8
    July 11: 204
    Aug 1: 202.4
    Aug 8: 202
    Aug 16: 202
    Aug 22: 200.5

    AAAAAAAAA! I'm almost to onederland!!!!!!
  • llysenw
    llysenw Posts: 57 Member
    SW: 157.5 lbs
    CW: 149.5
    GW: 105

    July 4: 157.5 lbs
    July 11: 156 lbs
    July 18: 154.5 lbs
    July 25: 154 lbs
    Aug 1: 152
    Aug 8: 151
    Aug 15: 149.5
    Aug 22: 149.5

    No movement on the scale this week, which isn't surprising. I've had a couple of dodgy, non-logged food days and menstrual-related lethargy that led to less exercising and probably some water weight as well.
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    SW: 194.6/ 210 lb
    Current Weight or CW: 183.4
    Goal Weight or GW: 160/130 lb
    left is now/ right is start of MFP

    July 4: 194
    July 11: 190.2
    July 18: 188.8
    July 25: 188.8
    August 1: 187.4
    August 8: 186
    August 15: 184.8
    August 22: 183.2
    August 29: 183.4

    Total loss: 10.6lb

    I end August with a gain of .2 lb. Starting September with motivation. This happened another week when I had high milage, maybe it's not the calorie load, but the type of exercise. I will try to add in formal exercise (intervals) 2-4 times a week again. Also having trouble with my fitbit and MFP syncing. I think it wants me to consume too much, but when I lower it not enough is added for my BMR (what was working last week and before). This time I am just going to shoot for 1900 everyday and NEVER go over. Hope to break the plateau next week! Here I come September 1st!!!!

  • llysenw
    llysenw Posts: 57 Member
    SW: 157.5 lbs
    CW: 148.5
    GW: 105

    July 4: 157.5 lbs
    July 11: 156 lbs
    July 18: 154.5 lbs
    July 25: 154 lbs
    Aug 1: 152
    Aug 8: 151
    Aug 15: 149.5
    Aug 22: 149.5
    Aug 29: 148.5

    Things have kind of stalled for me since mid-August. We've had lots of evenings out and now we've got out-of-town guests and a small road trip this weekend. It's going to be hard to keep my food in check, but I'll try. If I don't gain anything, I'll consider it a victory.

    After Labor Day, I should be able to get back on track.
  • llysenw
    llysenw Posts: 57 Member
    SW: 157.5 lbs
    CW: 147.5
    GW: 105

    July 4: 157.5 lbs
    July 11: 156 lbs
    July 18: 154.5 lbs
    July 25: 154 lbs
    Aug 1: 152
    Aug 8: 151
    Aug 15: 149.5
    Aug 22: 149.5
    Aug 29: 148.5
    Sep 5: 147.5

    Um, I seem to be the only one still doing this...
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    SW: 213
    CW: 202
    GW: 145

    July 4: 203.8
    July 11: 204
    Aug 1: 202.4
    Aug 8: 202
    Aug 16: 202
    Aug 22: 200.5
    Sept 5: 201.4

    Aunt Flo added about 4lbs last week, so while I'm up 1lb from my last official weigh-in, I'm choosing to be positive. :)
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    SW: 194.6/ 210 lb
    Current Weight or CW: 183
    Goal Weight or GW: 160/130 lb
    left is now/ right is start of MFP

    July 4: 194
    July 11: 190.2
    July 18: 188.8
    July 25: 188.8
    August 1: 187.4
    August 8: 186
    August 15: 184.8
    August 22: 183.2
    August 29: 183.4
    September 6: 183

    Total loss: 11 lb

    Moved my weigh in day to the weekend. Had a loss of .4lb which does make me a bit happy. I've been working out more, but losing less and it's frustrating. I might stop working out (I know bad), but I mean it kept me losing... I'll do this next week and see what happens. Then I will readjust to something else.
  • llysenw
    llysenw Posts: 57 Member
    SW: 157.5 lbs
    CW: 145
    GW: 105

    July 4: 157.5 lbs
    July 11: 156 lbs
    July 18: 154.5 lbs
    July 25: 154 lbs
    Aug 1: 152
    Aug 8: 151
    Aug 15: 149.5
    Aug 22: 149.5
    Aug 29: 148.5
    Sep 5: 147.5
    Sep 12: 145
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    SW: 194.6/ 210 lb
    Current Weight or CW: 184.8
    Goal Weight or GW: 160/130 lb
    left is now/ right is start of MFP

    July 4: 194
    July 11: 190.2
    July 18: 188.8
    July 25: 188.8
    August 1: 187.4
    August 8: 186
    August 15: 184.8
    August 22: 183.2
    August 29: 183.4
    September 6: 183
    September 13: 184.8
    Total loss: 9.2 lb

    Can't keep my stuff together this week. Over all week long. Getting it together next week, for real. Had a 1.8 gain. Missed several workouts and missed challenges. Readjusted my calorie goals with MFP and Fitbit. Got my 3 workouts. Getting back on the wagon and not going over. rant done.
  • miwadlington
    miwadlington Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I fell off the band wagon as soon as I joined this forum in July... back on track though. Here we go...

    SW: 209.6 (as of 9.8.2014)
    CW: 207.2
    Goal: 145

    Lost 2.4 pounds! Now that's motivating.
  • llysenw
    llysenw Posts: 57 Member
    SW: 157.5 lbs
    CW: 144
    GW: 105

    July 4: 157.5 lbs
    July 11: 156 lbs
    July 18: 154.5 lbs
    July 25: 154 lbs
    Aug 1: 152
    Aug 8: 151
    Aug 15: 149.5
    Aug 22: 149.5
    Aug 29: 148.5
    Sep 5: 147.5
    Sep 12: 145
    Sep 19: 144

    My weight's been a little up and down this week, I think from monthly water retention (fun!).
  • miwadlington
    miwadlington Posts: 11 Member
    SW: 209.6 (as of 9.8.2014)
    CW: 206.4
    Goal: 145

    I was on track all week with my diet until I went to the Festival this weekend. Boy was it so good, but I paid the price ultimately... Not disappointed though b/c I still lost weight AND I hit my goal of working out 4 days last week. My goal this week is to loose 2 pounds to hit my 5 pound mini goal. Will focus on bringing my lunch to work each day to avoid binge eating.
  • llysenw
    llysenw Posts: 57 Member
    SW: 157.5 lbs
    CW: 145
    GW: 105

    July 4: 157.5 lbs
    July 11: 156 lbs
    July 18: 154.5 lbs
    July 25: 154 lbs
    Aug 1: 152
    Aug 8: 151
    Aug 15: 149.5
    Aug 22: 149.5
    Aug 29: 148.5
    Sep 5: 147.5
    Sep 12: 145
    Sep 19: 144
    Sep 26: 145

    Oops, the scale went the wrong way this week. Unfortunately, my schedule this past week hasn't been conducive to meal planning and exercise. Hope to have more success in the coming week.