Workout check-in thread: You October-y Lifting Heavy!



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    *insert frustrated sigh here*

    Today was squats. I've been dreading this one all week. Even switched OHP over yesterday cuz I was afraid I'd tank it after having a bad night of food on Friday and being sick for half the night. I didn't eat a lot and my main meal was not of my choosing (dinner at my dad's) so not all that great...

    132.5x5 - these felt heavy but solid. Although I had to hike the bar over on the second rep because I wasn't smack dab middle and the bar was pulling me to the left

    over-adjusted and ended up with the bar pulling on the right - my bad knee. at 150 it's a lil harder to pop it back. I wasn't all in it and misgrooved the 9th rep so bad I decided to fail instead of grinding it up. Which I'm not sure I would have anyway. My squats have just been messy and lame and not progressing lately. That got me so frustrated I sacked off the first sets last because I wanted to get out of there. Also had some headache-y pain after most sets for some reason. It wore off over the workout but that had me worried for a while...

    Moved on to 4 rounds of
    - wall (and then trx) assisted pistols, 5 on each side
    - 10 swing KB snatches per arm @ 30lbs - finally got the technique down on these and managed not to slam the bell onto my wrist
    - hindu push-ups between 6 and 8

    did some power split jumps and kneeling jumps (elevated from the floor)

    finished up with an ascending ladder of KB clean on one side, burpee, clean on other side, burpee, AMRAP for 6 mins. KB was 35lbs this week. Just like the snatch, I'm starting to get the groove on these and not banging my forearms so much. yay! Got up to 6 cleans + 4 burpees once

    At least I'm progressing on the circuits, so even if my absolute strength isn't all there I'm gaining something. If it wasn,t for these workouts I'd have gone insane already. They're like a therapy for a stress I can't even fully pinpoint. Perhaps this whole wedding thing has me more wired up than I want to admit ha. 2 weeks!

    Also, fail-wise, this didn't happen lifting (I don't need to be doing crazy things to hurt myself), but yesterday when bending down to pick something up in the cabinet under my bathroom sink I knocked my face right into the counter. *nod of shame*
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited October 2014
    @ Canandian -- Awesome job on your workout! So glad things are coming together with form. I always feel so much better about everything when I know I've nailed that part, regardless of the weights.

    @ Threnjen -- Sorry you had a crappy night, though I have to say it doesn't look so bad from where I'm sitting. One little fail, but so much success! Awesome BP, great rows, sexy deadlifts -- these are all wins! As for the groin issue, check the position of your feet. I notice my groin a lot more when my feet are turned out, so maybe an adjustment there will help. Obviously it could be lots of other things, but figured I'd throw out my newbie 2 cents anyway. :)

    @ Krok -- Ouch! Sorry about the face-meets-counter episode. :( I think you're probably right that the stress of the wedding, on top of a week or more of not feeling 100%, is impacting your lifting. Maybe a rest week is in order? Either way, we're here for you. Hang in there!

    I continue to be inspired by all of you, so as a parting gift on this lovely Sunday, I just want to say...

    You b*tches be bangin'!


  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    I've been keeping up with everyone but just not posting. Everyone is doing an amazing job!

    Tomorrow starts week 4 of madcow.
    So Friday I PRed on bench at 85 and row at 100. Can't wait for tomorrow's session! :D I really like it since it changes all the time. I felt good on Fridays lifts so I did an extra set on squats heavy triple and tried benchs heavy triple but only got 2 extra. Made up my own strong curves program and am enjoying adding weight/reps to all those as well. Love eating at maintenance, I can lift so much more. BMF has be at an average of 2800 a day. Bring on all the foodz! B)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    massage97 wrote: »
    So Friday I PRed on bench at 85 and row at 100. cow. :D:D:D
    Made up my own strong curves program

    want to share? i really feel like i need to get in on my bum (so to speak) for strength alone, but i'm kind of last after the hip-thruster idea. don't liek them for logistic-complexity reasons.

  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    massage97 wrote: »
    So Friday I PRed on bench at 85 and row at 100. cow. :D:D:D
    Made up my own strong curves program

    want to share? i really feel like i need to get in on my bum (so to speak) for strength alone, but i'm kind of last after the hip-thruster idea. don't liek them for logistic-complexity reasons.

    There is so much you can do besides hip thrusts. But those are the best! Even doing feet elevated body weight hip thrusts are awesome for glutes. Lunges, Bulgarian split squats, box squats, deadlift variations, side lying clam to name a few, there is tons of different things to do. Check out strong curves on FB. Great info there as well. The book is cheap, I'd get a hard copy if I would get it again. There is so much info in it! I really like what it's done for me, so it's worth it.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Ditto on the bulgarian split squats working dat backside something serious. I still have twiches in my bum thinking about the last time I did them >_>

    Also have some serious DOMS considering the low volume I did on squats yesterday! Haha.

    Hammered at some pendlay rows. 120x5x3
    The first reps were all clean and felt great. The third ones were all struggles. I'm debating using the 5/3/1 formula with these - I've done it in the past with decent results. And lighter weights might allow me to feel that contraction a little more. Eh. after this 5x5 @ 112.5 might go okay, too. Decisions...

    Moved on then to EMOTM x6 of 5 KB strict presses per arm (so 30 reps total). 30lbs KB. I had cut off a few sets the last time around so really pleased with it :)

    Then did 3 rounds of 1 arm KB
    - snatch x 5
    - front rack squat x 5
    - swing x 10
    - oh lunge x 5/leg

    And ow my shouldahs!

    Finished up with 5 min AMRAP of turkish get-ups. I had managed 8 per side with a 20lbs KB, Kept my thrusty 30lbs partner this week and did 6 per side + pushed the bell up to get in position before the time was up. Not too shabby!

    But tomorrow's rest day will be welcome haha
  • Any suggestions on how to simultaneously activate the glutes and get low / stick your *kitten* out on squats? This seems to be an either/or for me --
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    Any suggestions on how to simultaneously activate the glutes and get low / stick your *kitten* out on squats? This seems to be an either/or for me --

    I'm not sure it's really possible to squeeze the glutes while sitting back. It's when you reach the bottom and hit the "bounce" that you should really tighten them to help on the way up (not that you aren't supposed to be tight all the way... It's just easier to feel it when you're not moving down, at least for me it is...)

    Hope that helps? If all else fails, there's always the "squeeze like someone's trying to stick something up yo @*kitten*" cue ;P
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    Squats: 5x5 @ 100. This was my 3rd time at 100 and it felt comfortable. Will go to 105 lbs. next time.
    OHP: 5x5 @ 50 . Felt good and even on the last sets I wasn't arching my back. Still, I remember how much heavier 5 pounds felt when I went up to 55 last time...and talk about form going to crap. Jeez!! Not sure I'm ready yet.
    DL: 1x5 @ 135. So up to now I haven't had problems with grip or hands sliding, but I'm starting to feel the bar slide some. Probably time to get some chalk. I'm sure it's only going to get worse as the weight gets heavier.

    Threw in some push-ups, hip thrusts and planks just for fun :wink:

    Have a great week, lifting ladies!
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Squat: 5@60,75,90,105,120
    Bench: 5@45,45,50,55,65
    Row: 5@45,50,55,65,75

    The last set of squats were ugly. I really don't know why my form turns to cr*p some days and not others :s. I think I may have to repeat that weight again before moving up.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    me: extra glute work suggestions please?

    massage: [stuffidon'twannado] deadlift variations [stuffidon'twannado]

    me: ooooo. *goes off to research and experiment*

  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Looks like a productive weekend for you ladies!
    I had day 3 of deadlifts today. Warmups and 160 lbs x 3, 185 lbs x 3 and 205 lbs for 3 and then for 2 because my grip failed and I knew I could get at least one more rep in. I started doing warm ups overhand but I think I am going to go back to mixed. By the time I got to my working weights my grip was all dodgy.

    Front squats 75 lbs, calf raises 125 lbs and 25 lbs russian twists 5 sets of 10 for accessories. I keep changing by ab exercises because, well I don't like them, any of them so far, so I just keep trying new ones.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    somewhat crappy. actually, pretty crappy . . . only about 1/2 a workout because i only gave myself about 1/2 an hour before the gym closed. workout b:

    squats: 2x5@45, 1x5@65, 5x5@75. not great, not awful like previous workouts recently. working on the form or trying to, as mentioned. i'm really really feeling it in the knees that i gave myself no time to do proper stretches on quads.

    ohp: *kitten* ohp. i used the word i feel like using in the confidence mfp will censor it nicely for me. not really the lift's problem, just me not being in it or on it. just not in the mood or not right for it or should have eaten something at some point today (been hyperfocused elsewhere in life, routine gone to hell). gave up early because only 10 mins left for deadlifts. 1x5@45, 3x5@50, 1x5@45.

    deadlifts: approximate rep numbers, i wasn't really counting. 4x1@100 for form, 5x1@120. then i did add ten more and do i think 1x3 at 130 just to be able to say i'm still deadlifting bodyweight. the 4th one just wasn't happening though and i always quit deadlifts when i hit that not-happening rep. crazy rushed but i do think form improvements are happening slowly for this lift.

    also. for totally trivial reasons (truly, no sympathies needed) i went out to do this really really angry and sort of halfway through one of those tearstorm-of-fury type things. so just not my day but not sl fault.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I'm out, probably for the whole week! That yoga I mentioned on Saturday gave me a mild sprain or strain of something in my ankle and my lifting on Sat really exacerbated it. I need to wait for it to clear up, and then wait some more :( Not sure what to do in the meantime except sit on my butt and gripe about how much less food I get to eat.

    Keep kicking *kitten*, everyone!

    I need to look up some of the accessory exercises that I see people talk about. I never really know what else to do along with my SL routine.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    edited October 2014
    Back to it.

    Workout B (Tues)

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 105

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 155

    squats 5 X 5 - 200

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 100

    Overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 120
  • murj22
    murj22 Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2014
    second week of SL, first time logging:

    squats - 5x5 @ 65lbs
    OHP - 5x5 @ 40lbs (can't wait to start using a legit barbell, but taking it slow with these)
    DL -1x5 @ 105lbs

    The hardest part is trying to do the math to see what plates to use :joy:
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Forgot to check in yesterday after I did my workout, so here goes....

    Workout A on Monday morning:
    Squats 90 lbs 5x5. These felt pretty good, the 24-25th reps were tough though. I'll probably repeat on Wednesday.
    Bench 60 lbs 5x5. Also felt good, the last couple reps a bit of a struggle. Planning to repeat this weight again next time.
    Rows 60 lbs 5x5. These were tough, definitely repeating this weight next time.

    I got back into planks and was able to do 2; 1 @ 45 seconds and 1 @ 35 seconds.
    I also did the stair climber for the first time in a long time to finish out the morning. Ugh I hate the stair climber, even though I know it's good for me. :p
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    me: extra glute work suggestions please?

    massage: [stuffidon'twannado] deadlift variations [stuffidon'twannado]

    me: ooooo. *goes off to research and experiment*


    hahah Sorry ;) I have more info in front of me now.
    Although getting the book would probably be better so you can see what to do.

    Hamstring dominant. Goodmornings, kettle bell swings, reverse hypers or back extensions, glute ham raises (these are hard), gliding leg curl(haven't tried that yet), and the DL variations.

    Quad dominant if you need those are goblet, zercher, barbell high box, single leg box squats, any type of lunge, forward, reverse, walking, side.

    Glute accessory. band or cable seated or standing abduction, cable hip rotation, quadruped hip extension, fire hydrant, Side lying hip abduction, side lying clam.

    Glute dominant are the ones you dont want. Hip thrust, glute bridges. As much as you dont want to do them, they are the best at working the glutes. Sorry. If anyone want a description on any of these message me the ones and i can try and describe them. The ones listed are the ones i want to do or try. There is more in the book but then i would have a post that is 10 pages. ;)
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    Well, my son is finally in a complete arm cast and back to school full time - he's coping well with it, bless him. So, I was back to the gym yesterday.
    - Decided to drop the squat weight right down, use the kettlebells and work on form. I did some bodyweight ones to warm up, then 5x5 at 17.5lb. They felt better than with the bar and with a lower weight I could get lower.
    - I then did Bench presses - 5x5 at 33lb
    - Then pendlay rows - 5x5 at 44lb
    - I think I'm going to take the advice on here and ignore the well meaning staff member who is telling me to sit for this and use the smith machine for that. Wish me luck!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Similar to canadian I went out part way through work today because I was getting angry and frustrated with it. Bit of a rush, but did:
    Squats 5,5,6,5,5 90lb (wasn't sure one was low enough, so did 6 to be sure).
    OHP 6,6,6,6,6 40.5lb (still too scared to increase).
    DL 5x 123lb (to work on form).

    I hurt my knee, think I caught the top of the kneecap as I lowered the deadlift. I think this could still be hurting tomorrow.