Workout check-in thread: You October-y Lifting Heavy!



  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Ooh, wanted to say some impressive weights and efforts above!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    OHP today so warm up then 55 lbs x 3 60 lbs x 3 and 70 lbs x 4.
    Rows, incline pushups and assisted dips for accessories. I think I might start adding in a couple of normal push ups at the beginning, just to see what I can do.

    Then I got on the elliptical for a couple of minutes. My running shoes are hanging out in my locker at work and I am working from home (our office had a heating fluid leak that flooded a bunch of floors).

    On a different note, my fiance went and got fitted for a tux for our wedding almost a month ago. Apparently he didn't like what size they had him in so he's all "I am going to eat better at camp and start using the gym that they have there". We will see how it goes but I am quite happy that he came to this realisation on his own. I am not sure how he will be able to get into any kind of routine but I am just going to let him figure out the details.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout B

    My trainer friend is back in town and we met at the gym at 7:30 AM! Not my ideal time, but I have such a busy week that I needed to make sure I got my workout in early rather than end up missing it altogether. I do like how quiet the gym is in the morning, but it takes me a while to get into a good rhythm that early. He sat on a bench and drank coffee while I worked up a good sweat. Ha! (Actually it was good to have him there -- he reminds me to stick my *kitten* out on squats, to push on my deads, and is good fun in general, but it was still funny.)

    Squats - 5x5 @ 80 lbs.
    - OK, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I really need to work in some stretches for my hips. They are insanely tight, especially in the morning. Squats were harder than they needed to be because of this. I had to really push myself to get as low as I could because the tightness started pretty much at the halfway point.
    - Weight was pretty heavy today. I definitely felt it in my arms (could also be the AM time - probably a combination of both), and it had me a little off balance.
    - May stay at 80 lbs. for a little bit. If I can get the stretching in, I'd be interested to see the progression in my form.

    Overhead Press - 5x5 @ 40 lbs.
    - This is only the second time I've been able to complete all the reps at this weight, so it's no surprise these were still hard.
    - Form was decent on the first couple sets, and then for the first few reps of sets 3-5. The last few got a little more arch-y than I would have liked, but not to the point where I'm concerned. I just want them to be perfect and easy. :)
    - I'll stay here for a bit longer, but am really looking forward to moving up to the full barbell so I can progress is smaller increments. (The barbell is going to look hilarious with one 1.25 lbs. plate on either side. My clips probably weigh more!)

    Deadlifts -- 1x5 @ 140 lbs.
    - I FREAKING LOVE DEADLIFTS! Yes, I say that every time I do Workout B, but it's so true.
    - Had a couple false starts on this lift. As much as I love them, deadlifts do scare me a little bit -- they are just so insane (and awesome)! So, my brain was in my back and I was definitely pulling out of the gate. I had to walk away for a couple of minutes and then go back.
    - But when I did, and I lifted 140 lbs. five times, I thought my face would break from smiling. I was out of breath and amped and ridiculously happy. Have I mentioned I love deadlifts?

    Hope you're all doing well today! (I'm going back to catch up on all the good stuff above now!)

  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    murj22 wrote: »
    second week of SL, first time logging:

    squats - 5x5 @ 65lbs
    OHP - 5x5 @ 40lbs (can't wait to start using a legit barbell, but taking it slow with these)
    DL -1x5 @ 105lbs

    The hardest part is trying to do the math to see what plates to use :joy:

    Welcome Murj22! We're happy to have you! Those are some great weights for week 2! And yes to the math. I must calculate about a million times before I trust that I've got it right. It's rather sad, actually. :)
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    I'm back after two weeks off! I dropped my squats back to 105. I added rows back again but dropped them all the way to 30 pounds. They were super easy but I don't want to risk a shoulder injury again. I don't know what was going on with my gym but I could not get on a bench to press. I thought about subbing incline or decline but incline is awkward and decline makes me feel like I'm going to smash my face so I skipped it altogether.

    Not my best workout but I'm happy to be back after some needed downtime. I'll count it as a warm up :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    massage97 wrote: »
    hahah Sorry ;) I have more info in front of me now.

    aww, thanks. it definitely wasn't your job to do my research and homework for me. i think it's the bridges for me. thiit's not even like i don't like them, and if there's nothing else that hits the glutes quite as efficiently then they're what i want.

    i just asked because i can feel it that my glutes are not getting into the picture enough on my sl lifts. so i was open to anything that would work just to kick my *kitten* in the *kitten* and get it going again.

    thanks again.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    logg1e wrote: »
    I hurt my knee, think I caught the top of the kneecap as I lowered the deadlift. I think this could still be hurting tomorrow.

    ouch. i think i did that to myself too, deadlifting in such a tantrum condition on monday. it ain't easy keeping the bar close to your body on deadlifts and yet not knocking holes in yourself. i was in exactly that kind of mood where you do hurt yourself just to serve the whole universe right or something, so i was being uber-cautious about not doing something bad to my back. probably did ding a kneecap instead without even noticing it. and only just figured out now why only one of them hurts like it does.

    on your ohp . . . you might be surprised. ohp can't suck for ALL of us all on the same day. so maybe you'll be the lucky person to have it go great on your next workout b.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Wee! Deadlifts 3s! I love the week of 3s because I seem to break all my rep PRs during that one - probably due to the lesser volume before the plus set


    And that is with really raw hands - it was tough to hold on to the bar even with chalk (although I'm a very economic chalker so maybe I coulda used a bit more lol) and i had to re-set partway through the set, but they were all strung together and only 2 got away from me in the front.

    Then did the (now) traditional 3 rounds of 40/20
    - Ground to overhead with 40lbs KB
    - spiderman push-ups (down to regular push-ups on the last set)
    - bulgarian split squats R
    - left side too
    - suspended planks - a lot hard then stable ones! Loved it! :)

    And finished with 6 rounds of 20/10s of each
    - bottom 1/2 burpees
    - sit-outs

    sit-outs are my new burpees. I hate them, but I love to do so.

    I'd like to add that lunges will not just target your quads - depending on your lean you can shift the weight back to your backside very easily. And another cue to get some glute activation: Push through the heels! ;)
  • wnt2bhlthy4me
    wnt2bhlthy4me Posts: 121 Member
    1st time posting and first week lifting.

    Last night Lifts:
    Squats - 5x45lbs
    Bench - 5x45lbs
    Barbell Rows - 5x65lbs

    I hope I did that ^^ right.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Ahhh, today was a good day for lifting! I was very happy with my Workout B:

    Squats: 90 lbs 5x5. This was a repeat to work on form; a guy at my gym told me I should not be using my flat shoes for squats, only DL, so I tried squats with running shoes with a bit of a heel last time and did not like it. So I went back to my flat shoes today. I don't have a problem trying people's suggestions, but just didn't work out this time.

    What are everyone else's thoughts on shoes for squats?

    Anyway, on to OHP, and I usually never have anything good to say about OHP, but today I rocked it!
    50 lbs 5x5 and didn't struggle or arch my back on a single rep! I wish I had some incremental weights so I could move up to 52 lbs or something rather than 55 next time, but I'll see how I do with 55.

    Deadlift: My favorite! I did 1x5 at 65 lbs as a "warm up" and then my working weight was 95 lbs. I did 2x5 because the weight/form felt pretty good. I think I can move up to 105 lbs next time!

    I did some heel raises, lunges, lat raises, and hammer curls for accessory work and finished with 30 min on the stationary bike.

    On a non-lifting note, I really hate how the new forum set up automatically thinks I'm listing stuff and puts a 6. after I hit enter! haha
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited October 2014
    @coltsgirl In order of preference for squats (and performance), running shoes would be down at the very bottom IMO. They're too cushy - they compress with the weight and your balance gets rocked for no reason. Anything with a high contour (don't know how else to say that, but think basketball shoes, or walking boots) is also not a good idea since it will temper with your ankle mobility (which you need to go as low as possible).

    Flat shoes would come next as at least your foot is resting on something a little more stable - the harder/thinner the sole, the better.

    No shoes or minimalist shoes come to mind next. If you've never squatted barefoot, give it a try with bodyweight. Being able to grip the ground with your toes adds a good bit of stability! (But most gym don't like that - liability reasons. Even though dropping a weight on your foot with or without shoes really doesn't make a damn difference. It hurts either way!)

    And then you have the oly lifting shoes with the hard raised heel which will compensate for lack of ankle mobility and help you get down lower without the unsettling imbalance of squishy shoes. But those are typically rather expensive and shouldn't be necessary unless a previous injury prevents you from working up to the mobility you need to hit parallel.

  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I've heard that chuck taylors are common shoes for weightlifting. That's what I'm going to do it with. Well at first I'll have to do it in tennis shoes because it's all I've got.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    I have to celebrate!
    Squat nothing to brag about since its the light day at5@ 80,95,105,105 but i got OHP 5@ 45,50,55 and 6 @ 60. Finally!! So excited. Finally get to move up... maybe 2 lbs.. hahaha DL was 5@105,125,145,165. PR on hip thrust @ 145 3x8, PR on High box squat 175 3x8, situp 3x15 and side lying clam 2x20. Oh and my box is just getting delivered. That will make hip thrusts and high box squats so much easier. :D Eeekkk so giddy!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Did have a very nice bruise on my knee this morning. I love the idea of it being my turn to have a good day with the OHP canadian

    I don't about anyone else, but I get nervous just reading about Krokador's workouts.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited October 2014
    krokador wrote: »
    (But most gym don't like that - liability reasons.

    well, and plus . . . not to mention. i'm not squicky about many things, in fact i think some of the north american germ obsession borders on 'oh, just get over yourself.'

    but i've been there with athlete's foot, and it's now an absolute rule in my life that i never, ever allow the skin of my feet or even my socks to touch any surface that might have also been touched by the feet of another person. or their socks. to be honest, the more liberal a gym is about other people going around barefoot/in socks, the less likely i would EVER be to remove my own shoes.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    logg1e wrote: »

    I don't about anyone else, but I get nervous just reading about Krokador's workouts.

    Haaaa totally. Krok is such a badass <3
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Today's workout left me feeling awesome and really hungry lol

    Squats: 5@70,80,90,90
    OHP: 5@45,45,50,55
    DL: 5@95,100,115,130

  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    edited October 2014
    Workout A (Thurs)

    Overhead Press, Barbell - 5 x 5 - 70

    Barbel Row, Bent Over - 5 x 5 - 100

    squats 5 X 5 - 200

    Reverse curls 5 x 5 - 100

    underhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 120
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member

    Overhead Press, Barbell - 5 x 5 - 70

    Impressive OHP weight! I'm jealous. :smile:

    Last night's lifts:
    Squats: 5x5 @ 105 lbs.
    BP: 5x5 @ 90 lbs.
    Rows: 5x5 @ 85 lbs.

    Only moved up on squats. For BP and rows I've been at the same weight for a few times, but they're feeling more comfortable. I'm liking sticking to a weight and feeling good about form before I move up.

  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    - OK, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I really need to work in some stretches for my hips. They are insanely tight, especially in the morning.

    I can't imagine how tight my hips would be in the morning! Nighttime is bad enough. Before squats I always do a few body weight squats. Not typical squats, but those a toddler does when they are squatting. Feet turned out, knees out to side and *kitten* really low to the ground. I just sit there and hold it for a few seconds. Really helps to stretch out the hips.