Weekly Post: 11/2/2014-11/8/2014



  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    So, it's a bit different for me today. It's a fast day for me and I went out...lots of running around different shops and stuff. I normally choose to stay home and work on my writing on my fast days, but today was different. All I have has so far is a 16oz skinny vanilla latte 120cals. It is now 4pm and I am not ravenous, which I normally am at this time. Was it the extra walking I did today (pushing two toddlers in a buggy for 2 hours)? Has anyone else experienced less hunger when working out on fast days? I'm going to try it next week again to test it.

    About to have dinner mini fish pie (M&S) 229cals, 500g green beans 130cals and 50g peas 27cals.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Oh man, feels like forever since I've been here...and it's seriously been less than 2 days lol!

    Tests at the hospital for a family member turned out golden yesterday! We were nervous because when her husband had the same test he went immediately to a triple bypass! Instead, she got an all-clear! Whew, taking some time to be thankful. Reminds me to be more thankful for my health and take more time to enjoy it!

    Wanted to hop right back on the saddle and get tracking/fasting today, but "accidently" fell head first into a HUGE chocolate chip muffin haha. And it kind of went downhill from there haha. But, I will take it as an another TDEE day and let it motivate and push me to fast tomorrow.

    @mwhite...this diet is totally like a 12-step program to me haha. I'm officially 14 weeks in...do I get a chip for that?
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Lol, thanks @orlcam for calling me out on my profile...YESSSSS, I have finally beaten my 10% goal ahhhh!!! I am officially 11% down from starting weight.

    When I would go on WW, I would always hope and wish to get to my 10% goal to get that darn 10% keychain. And never made it. I didn't even realize I had gotten to my 10% more than 12 days ago! 14 weeks in and I'm doing things I have NEVER done before.

    My next goal is 50 pounds down...hoping to make it by NYE. Excited to see I'm 76% of the way there :)
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Great results for your family member! Happy for you.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    So fantastic to see everyone's progress. You all are such an encouragement to me! :D

    Made it through my fast days. They were tougher this time. I just kept thinking about @debbie389 and the rest of you also making it through your fast days and I just kept on going. Looking forward to my weigh-in on Friday.
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Lol, thanks @orlcam for calling me out on my profile...YESSSSS, I have finally beaten my 10% goal ahhhh!!! I am officially 11% down from starting weight.

    When I would go on WW, I would always hope and wish to get to my 10% goal to get that darn 10% keychain. And never made it. I didn't even realize I had gotten to my 10% more than 12 days ago! 14 weeks in and I'm doing things I have NEVER done before.

    My next goal is 50 pounds down...hoping to make it by NYE. Excited to see I'm 76% of the way there :)


  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    2nd week and 2nd day of my 4:3 - Thursday. Anybody fasting tomorrow?? <3
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    2nd week and 2nd day of my 4:3 - Thursday. Anybody fasting tomorrow?? <3
    I am, it's my 2nd day this week.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    edited November 2014
    2nd week and 2nd day of my 4:3 - Thursday. Anybody fasting tomorrow?? <3
    I am, it's my 2nd day this week.

    Here! Also my second day of my second week :-)
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    2nd week and 2nd day of my 4:3 - Thursday. Anybody fasting tomorrow?? <3
    I do Mondays and Thursdays...so yes.

  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good luck to all those does the fast tomorrow!! Talk to you again later! <3
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    Another fast day for me today, all planned and logged. Yesterday was a feast day, and I did plan, but also had a few nice bits that weren't planned :o , but I was allowed to and made sure it was in my allowance :D . Finally looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow again. I've been dreading them the last couple of weeks :s , but I've managed to stay the same so it's not been as bad as I'd thought. In the past I would have had the food I've been eating, but there wouldn't have been any fasts, and I would have ended up putting about 7lb on in 2 weeks and then given up :s , but with 5:2 I've finally realised I can have full on days, have a couple of fast days and stay the same. I now just need to kick start myself again, so I thinkdoing 4:3 for the next few weeks will be the push I need.

    Good luck everyone with your fasts today. <3

    @carbmonster - excellent news about your family member, and on getting not just to 10% but to 11%. :D

    @jknight001 - so glad you made it through your fast day <3 . We're all in this together and here to support each other.
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Whoops! Just finished my second day of fasting in my first week. I don't think it will be too hard if I am organised. I am not ever hungry until 11 am anyway. Am excited about the possibilities and so many great results for others. My fast days are Monday and Thursday but today I have come in at 328 calories. Is this a problem?
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Glad to see everyone doing so well. Today was my weigh-in day. Lost 1/2 pound! Small, but significant taking into account my 3 day halloween binging. Any loss brings me that little bit closer to my goal.

    @debbie389 I was thinking the same thing...if I hadn't been fasting, I know I would have gained big!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Oh and @thecarbmonster great news all around! I'm so happy for you!
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Carbmonster: I just noticed that I also lost 10% of my weight. I didn't even think about it until some mention that's what you lost.

    uptightoutasight: There is nothing wrong with coming in at 328 calories on your fast day. Some of us eat a little more or less than the 500 calories. You have to see what works out best for you.

    snaps: Congrats on losing 1/2 of a pound this week. I take whatever I can get its sure better than a gain.

    I know I will have gain this week. I only fasted on Tues. and I won't be able to fast again until next week. My DH are going away tonight for a few days and we will getting together with family for some of them. So we will be eating out everyday, but at least I know that as soon as I get back to fasting next week that weight will come off fast. So 4:3 next week for me.........
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Good morning everyone! 2nd fast day is done and today a non-fast day (I refuse to say the word: feast!) Yesterday was going well until I got home and realized I was starving...so ate more than I should have but on the positive side I was still in a deficient. Friday I will be doing a partial fast - need to now to make up for yesterday :)

    Congrats to everyone making their 10%!! I know the WW story so well about wanting to hit 10% and never getting there. I think I did once, the time I hit lifetime. As you can see I didn't maintain lifetime! :blush:

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Love love love! Great job everybody! Chugging away :)

    I love busy days! No time to think about food, but definitely need to keep water intake UP! I'm thinking of doing another fasting until dinner time tomorrow (normally I sneak in bits and bites throughout the day until dinner). I really liked doing it on Sunday and felt it reminded me of one of the benefits of fasting...giving your intenstines a break haha. Was that too TMI? :-P
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    My fast day I almost over, didn't have anything aside from water and tea, but I am having dinner soon. It went good. The more I am into this, the more I feel this is the right thing for me.

    Congrats to all who had losses, did their fast days well and what else is great :-)