Weekly Post: 11/2/2014-11/8/2014



  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    debbie389 wrote: »
    Another fast day for me today, all planned and logged. Yesterday was a feast day, and I did plan, but also had a few nice bits that weren't planned :o , but I was allowed to and made sure it was in my allowance :D . Finally looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow again. I've been dreading them the last couple of weeks :s , but I've managed to stay the same so it's not been as bad as I'd thought. In the past I would have had the food I've been eating, but there wouldn't have been any fasts, and I would have ended up putting about 7lb on in 2 weeks and then given up :s , but with 5:2 I've finally realised I can have full on days, have a couple of fast days and stay the same. I now just need to kick start myself again, so I thinkdoing 4:3 for the next few weeks will be the push I need.

    Knew you could do it! You've only just begun! (*)
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Whoops! Just finished my second day of fasting in my first week. I don't think it will be too hard if I am organised. I am not ever hungry until 11 am anyway. Am excited about the possibilities and so many great results for others. My fast days are Monday and Thursday but today I have come in at 328 calories. Is this a problem?

    It is whatever works for you. What it is important to guard against is a too low calorie count which can lead to very low energy and overeating if one gets too hungry. If one is able to do life on their FD and TDEE calorie levels then most likely it is fine. However, for an expert opinion talk to your doctor.

  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Neonbeige wrote: »
    My fast day I almost over, didn't have anything aside from water and tea, but I am having dinner soon. It went good. The more I am into this, the more I feel this is the right thing for me.

    Congrats to all who had losses, did their fast days well and what else is great :-)

    How often should we weigh? If I am doing 4:3 and last day is Saturday do I wait for Monday morning?
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited November 2014

    How often should we weigh? If I am doing 4:3 and last day is Saturday do I wait for Monday morning?

    I think it depends on your relationship with the scales. Some prefer to weigh weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. I prefer to weigh daily. According to dr. Krista Varady the dieters who weigh daily are more prone to stick to dieting. BUT, I think if you feel depressed by not seeing the results you want or can't take the normal fluctuations, weighing more seldom might be better.

    The fluctuations with 5:2 are higher than steady dieting. And there's TOM...and whatever reasons. As long as your TREND is showing right direction, no worry about up or down a couple of pounds.

    I have stalled for almost year before 5:2 and I got seriously depressed by it. But I still weighed myself every day, just because I was frantically trying all sorts of different things. (Yes, I tried snake-oily stuff that didn't work too :\ ) If you can treat yourself like a science-y project, your own guinea pig, maybe it's easier to detach from the numbers? Personally I think that weighing at least weekly is a good thing, cause then you can adjust sooner if going wrong way :p

    We're all different, and whatever works for you, sweetie :)

    Edited: grammar and better flow.

    Oh, I forgot about a mental trick. If I see a new all-time low number, I wait until I've seen that number at least twice or over several days before I register it on MFP. I track my daily weigh-ins on the spreadsheet. This way I know that new record is more sticky and not just a fluke.

  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    edited November 2014
    :(:( It is a fail today 781 food. ME SO SAD!! Should have not tempted myself with cheese after the work out. Although my work out was 2 hours and 15 mins I consider anything over 600 as a fail. Better luck next time. May be during the weekend. :'(

    Tomorrow my officemate is taking me out for my birthday - I said my birthday was 2 weeks ago and you came when they took me out. She said no it doesn't count. This is the 4th time different people / groups too me out. I guess pity for me turning 50. :o:)
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    Just finished week 4 and my second fast of the week. Tomorrow is my last day of Whole30 as well. Has gone very well, despite being surrounded by a ton of really good food this week. Think I may take a break from the regimen for a while to see what happens. Will probably do at least one fast. Not sure what the total wt loss is-will find out on Saturday.
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »

    Oh, I forgot about a mental trick. If I see a new all-time low number, I wait until I've seen that number at least twice or over several days before I register it on MFP. I track my daily weigh-ins on the spreadsheet. This way I know that new record is more sticky and not just a fluke.
    Oh I definitely do this, third time I see the number, it's mine! I don't weigh absolutely every day. I know it fluctuates so if I'm feeling fat ( or more than usual lol) I don't bother. No need to add a grumpy to my day.
    Having said that I weighed in this morning to see what damage my dodgy week had caused and the scales hesitated cheekily at a new low before showing no change. Scales with a sense of humour is the last thing I need
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I am going to enjoy being in this group. If anybody wants to friend me, feel free. It would be good to see what others are eating. Cheers.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    I have a confession :# . I love carmel frappuccinos. But at 450 plus calories a pop my body, obviously doesn't. I treat myself sometimes to replace my lunch. This week I decided to do a bit of research to see how I can reduce the calories in this drink...so this week I tried a grande (don't really need the vente) coffee frappuccino light (110cals) with one shot of caramel (20cals) bringing the grande total for this drink 130 o:) . And it is delicious, I can definitely replace this with my usual. It is so nice when I can stop and think about what I'm eating and discover that I can replace it with something just as good, but will loads less calories!! Happy discovery. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Oh and I also discovered Almond milk this week 48cals for 200ml.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited November 2014
    :(:( It is a fail today 781 food. ME SO SAD!! Should have not tempted myself with cheese after the work out. Although my work out was 2 hours and 15 mins I consider anything over 600 as a fail. Better luck next time. May be during the weekend. :'(

    Tomorrow my officemate is taking me out for my birthday - I said my birthday was 2 weeks ago and you came when they took me out. She said no it doesn't count. This is the 4th time different people / groups too me out. I guess pity for me turning 50. :o:)

    Comparisons are relative. There are very few hard rules. Pls don't feel like a failure just because you couldn't do the 500 kcal on FD. I'm struggling with the same myself. I did about 800 on tuesday...
    But I refuse to see something as a failure that really isn't. So what I couldn't do 500? it's hard with my new healthy fats strategy. I also did the mistake of burning too much, making me insatiable after... Better low intensity stuff on FD for me.

    So if you compare those 781 vs. the intake you would have on a "normal" diet plan. Do those 781 look better? Oh, yes. Set yourself up for success and feeling of accomplishment, NOT failure. However, I do understand the feeling of having to stick to the plan, especially in the beginning.

    On that note, I realize it's just too ambitious to do 3 eating protocols at once according to my goal of workout as much as I want to. I feel better than ever low-carbing. Not dozing off right after dinner, no carb crash shakes and colds, bla-bla-bla. I will try 1:6 for a few weeks, maybe it'll work better for my body. It might slow down the weight loss, but that's ok.

    You guys are still my tribe, not leaving from here!

    Scales with a sense of humour is the last thing I need.
    Ouch. Digital scales?

    @Neonbeige. Good you found something that's workable for you:)

    @Snaps. Good job finding a substitute! I find half the job is to find OTHER stuff that I can love too...like finding a replacement teddy...
    I'm a hog for chips. Now I eat fried pork rinds (!) and smoked almonds instead as high kcal snacks :D

    Edit: I'm not trying to invite 5:2 mutiny. What I wanted to say is:
    - Don't beat yourself up over your mistakes and take it personally. Forgive yourself slip-ups. Don't look back, look forward to what you can improve:)
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    edited November 2014
    @Foamroller - when I calculated my calories in vs calories out (which is not technically allowed in 5:2) it was a negative number. I ate less and burned more. So I guess it was good. I would say a grade of Fair. <3;)

    Since October 27 when I joined and started 5:2, I have lost a total of 4.50 pounds bringing my weight loss to 13.5 and getting me closer to my healthy BMI which is 18.5 pounds away!!! :D So near yet so far!!!
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    :(:( It is a fail today 781 food. ME SO SAD!! Should have not tempted myself with cheese after the work out. Although my work out was 2 hours and 15 mins I consider anything over 600 as a fail. Better luck next time. May be during the weekend. :'(


    Don´t put yourself down!
    Honestly, maybe you restrict yourself too much? When I read your statement lately ("I am doing Low Carb and clean eating (no refined or processed food). I do not drink soda since it is processed. I sometimes allow myself to have a drink like once every 2 to 3 months. I occasionally have sweets may be once a week. My latte takes care of my sweet tooth."), I got a bit sad. Because for me this would not be doable long term.

    Anyway, you can do it! Like said here before, there´s always a next day...
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited November 2014
    @Foamroller - when I calculated my calories in vs calories out (which is not technically allowed in 5:2) it was a negative number. I ate less and burned more. So I guess it was good. I would say a grade of Fair. <3;)

    Since October 27 when I joined and started 5:2, I have lost a total of 4.50 pounds bringing my weight loss to 13.5 and getting me closer to my healthy BMI which is 18.5 pounds away!!! :D So near yet so far!!!

    Yea, just keep in mind and this is something I'm acutely aware of. If you do this on FD more and more as a rule not an exception...it's bordering into typical behavior of ED. One of my main reasons for trying the 5:2 from the start were the HEALTH aspects of it. So although we celebrate weight loss, it needs to be sustainable for body and mind. Keep the balance, sweetie:)
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    @neonbeige way to go! that is totally awesome :)
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    awesome sub @snaps. i still indulge in mcdonald's ice cream cone on the regular! it's that small treat that goes a looong way to keeping me from eating a whole pint of ice cream! instead of removing it, adding it in a portion-controlled way like that definitely helps.
  • angela233Z
    angela233Z Posts: 312 Member
    back on track this week - i fasted on Monday and Thursday and saw a new low on scale today :smile: I weigh myself everyday and log in MFP, so my graph is up/down but it makes me feel better.
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    edited November 2014
    Neonbeige wrote: »
    :(:( It is a fail today 781 food. ME SO SAD!! Should have not tempted myself with cheese after the work out. Although my work out was 2 hours and 15 mins I consider anything over 600 as a fail. Better luck next time. May be during the weekend. :'(


    Don´t put yourself down!
    Honestly, maybe you restrict yourself too much? When I read your statement lately ("I am doing Low Carb and clean eating (no refined or processed food). I do not drink soda since it is processed. I sometimes allow myself to have a drink like once every 2 to 3 months. I occasionally have sweets may be once a week. My latte takes care of my sweet tooth."), I got a bit sad. Because for me this would not be doable long term.

    Anyway, you can do it! Like said here before, there´s always a next day...

    @Neonbeige, honestly I have no desire to drink soda. I do not find anything healthy about it. The last time I had soda was April 2014 and I feel there is nothing that I miss. Diet drinks are worst. I haven't used artificial sweetener since Jan 2014 and have zero desire for it as well.

    If I want sugar, I will use sugar. Nothing artificial. I still enjoy my fruits!! And my dark chocolate. I allow myself an occasional sweets, once I start I don't know how to stop. It is an addiction that I want to prevent. If you give me a box of danish cookies I can eat the whole box. So I don't put myself in the position often. :s You know AA for alcohol, I am AS for sweets. I hope you understand to stay away from it.

    Also I allow myself to have a few drinks like the night before my 50th birthday. We had karaoke and dancing. I had a ice tea vodka. It was worth it that evening but waking up to a bad head ache wasn't too cool.

    Don't worry I am happy!! :):D Don't be sad for me.

  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    edited November 2014
    Foamroller wrote: »
    @Foamroller - when I calculated my calories in vs calories out (which is not technically allowed in 5:2) it was a negative number. I ate less and burned more. So I guess it was good. I would say a grade of Fair. <3;)

    Since October 27 when I joined and started 5:2, I have lost a total of 4.50 pounds bringing my weight loss to 13.5 and getting me closer to my healthy BMI which is 18.5 pounds away!!! :D So near yet so far!!!

    Yea, just keep in mind and this is something I'm acutely aware of. If you do this on FD more and more as a rule not an exception...it's bordering into typical behavior of ED. One of my main reasons for trying the 5:2 from the start were the HEALTH aspects of it. So although we celebrate weight loss, it needs to be sustainable for body and mind. Keep the balance, sweetie:)

    Yes I am doing this for health reasons. I come from a family with history and genetics of hypertension and stroke. For me to be healthy I have to maintain a healthy weight. I love working out everyday. If I were asked to stop working out in lieu of fasting - I would stop fasting since I want to work out. Working out is my stress release and I am happy when I do it. I enjoy every minute of it.

    It is not making me think may be this is not the type of life style for me. I will still do low calorie days of 500 to 800 but maintain my current fitness. I am so sorry if I gave up early. I don't think I can sustain the restrictions. Hmmmmm I guess for now I'll say good bye. And thanks so much! <3<3

  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    edited November 2014
    Opps sorry it wont allow me to delete.