Just Do It December!



  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    I actually really like the sweating for hot yoga. I know there is some controversy about whether it is better or worse than regular yoga, and I think it really makes little difference, except that I like the heat and am of the mentality that I feel like it's a better workout the more that I sweat! Plus I am not that flexible (yet!) and the heat definitely helps. I am hoping to go tonight, but am feeling the same stress Karrie for this week! And I definitely need some extra exercise this time of year but there still seems to be too many things scheduled after work and errands for after work too. Hmm. Worst case, I will do errands and treadmill tonight I think.

    Karrie, good luck, that sounds like a crazy week. Don't beat yourself up if you don't make it to the treadmill too much this week!! Good luck though, cupcakes sounds so nice! Especially vegan and GF!

    Jean, that beer bread sounds so neat! Do you need a bread maker? That might be a stupid question... I've never made bread before. I guess you could use earth balance butter? I am not a strict vegan though yet.. Also we had the crazy weird fog yesterday too!!! It got worse over the day, although I will never complain about warmer weather in the winter! This is already a much better one than last year...

    I'm starving this morning! My green smoothie did not hold me over. I'm sure people have asked this before, but what do you usually eat for lunches if not salad? And snacks? I have a longgg gap between lunch and dinner and am still struggling to have enough snacks to not grab unhealthy things!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    I am so swamped at work, sorry haven't been around much. I just got done with working tonight, I'm tired and cranky and my brain hurts! Lost a family friend and will be going to calling hours tomorrow evening so I wanted to get as much done as possible tonight. Haven't even had dinner, think I will have some toast and go to bed. Will catch up more later this week. <3 y'all!
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    oh, the theme lately is life is too busy.
    Hang in there everyone. Soon we will be complaining it's Jan. and too cold nothing to do.

    Anyway, off to Florida tomorrow YES!!!!!! So ready for some R and R. Plan on doing a lot of exercise and getting some sunshine.

    Working today from 9 am to 8 pm. Long day. I still haven't packed yet and our flight out is at 6:30 am tomorrow. Not that i am complaining.

    Everyone have a great day.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Haha yay! I'm so excited for you Terri! I will pretend I feel the warmth while you're down there through the computer! I hope you get some needed R&R and can relax and enjoy yourself :) When are you due back?

    Mihani, so sorry to hear about your family friend. Hope you're doing alright, not to mention all the regular work on top of it. Only a couple more days! Is your office closed next week?

    I didn't exercise last night because the commute was doubled due to an accident on the highway (at least I wasn't involved thankfully!) and I did lots of running around and then came home and crashed. Actually I read some ETL blog postings on End of Dieting and that it helping me today. I am prepared to go "all-in" ETL in January... I think it has to happen!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    My son is 7 today!! I can't believe that it has already been 7 years since I went to the hospital and my hubby drove himself into the ditch trying to get home in time (he was working out of town at the time). In fact, it was right about now that I went into labour. It can't possibly have been 7 years ago!!! :open_mouth:

    Enjoy your R&R, Terri!! I am so jealous!! A year ago I was getting ready to celebrate the holidays in Orlando. Boy I wish we were doing that again this year!! Have a great time!!

    Mihani, sorry to hear about your loss.

    Lia, I'm with you. Reading & watching documentaries really gets me into the right frame of mind. And all my sewing patterns are starting to show up too, which is definitely helping motivate too!! But I'm not waiting until January. My last day of work is Friday, and I'm off until January 5th, so I'm going to go hard for 2 weeks to get myself into a groove that just keeps going into the new year. Cooking, freezing meals, and being prepped is my #1 goal. #2 is to get up every morning and give that treadmill a workout to re-shape my body. And goal #3 is start planning my dream wardrobe!! I am going to start picking color schemes and coordinating pieces to make together in batches. Yay!!! :smiley:

    Alright, I've gotta get to it. Have a great day everyone!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Lia, sometimes I bake cookies or breads and I wrap individual portions and throw them all in big freezer bags. Then I can just take out one or two pieces. I don’t feel compelled to eat it all up “before it goes bad” lol

    Jean, yay for getting back outside! Glad your leg is doing okay. How goes the remodelling? I remember years ago making beer bread quite often. As I recall you added a can of beer to the dry ingredients. It made a dense heavy loaf of very tasty bread.

    Karrie, think I mentioned the new profile pic on the newsfeed, but totally agree, beautiful! I got tired just reading all the stuff you have to do. Happy to hear the birthday party went well.

    Terri, leave all your stress at the airport and enjoy!

    I think like all of you I’m ready for a new book. I still haven’t read any of the Pollan books so I think a new book will be my Christmas present to myself. Those of you who have read them, do you recommend one more than others?

    I did not get to the calling hours for my friend tonight, but I will send a card to his wife. Married 60 years! You don’t hear of that much these days. I had to take the old dog to the vet, she has been licking at her legs right above her front paws and caused a mild skin infection. She may be doing it because of arthritis or nerve pain so they gave me some pain meds and I’ll put a little Neosporin on the places for a bit. Hopefully it will clear up quickly. Poor old girl.

    Work is killing me the past couple weeks, and it is not going to get any better until after New Year’s, then I will have a little bit of breathing room again, I hope. I am taking the day after Christmas off, but I’ll go in that weekend. I have put on 2 pounds, so I’m back to 8 pounds over my low. Sigh. I am not going to worry too much about it until I get through Christmas, then I’m getting back down to business, and hitting January on a roll. I think we should have another Nutritarian New Year thread for January, what do you all think?

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Mihani, I'm up for a Nutritarian New Year! Even some kind of challenge if people were up for it. I really need it. I'm actually experimenting a bit the next two weeks - my goal is intuitive eating! I know I'm going to be having some delectable things but my goal is to keep it at a minimum, not feel deprived OR feel like I've stuffed myself silly. That's my main goal. OH and more veggies than anything else.

    Mihani, I'm sorry to hear about work. I know I've mentioned before but your job atmosphere reminds me a lot of my fiance's, and he is going crazy right now spinning his wheels and burning out. He is actually thinking about a day in the next few months where he will need to quit. Like you, I don't think it'll better until the end of January. It's hard to see people struggling like that at work, which I always think should only be a portion of your life, but in our society, it seems so hard for it not to be your whole life sometimes! I hope you can squeeze in some more free time. Any word on hiring some extra help?

    PS I put my cookies into the freezer! You're right, I'll start doing that more often. I like having them as a backup, but when they're in the freezer, there is so rush to eat them.

    Karrie woohoo!! Very impressed you are diving right in! Prepping meals is going to be a higher priority for me too! How was the birthday? He still can be your baby! 7 is better than 17 too :) Your poor husband in the ditch too btw! haha.

    Hope everyone is nice and calm today! Fortunately my work is winding down. I met with wedding decor person last night too and it put me in a really good mood, less stressed about Christmas and work now too. Only two more days of work for me :)
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    That's a great idea about freezing desserts in individual portions - totally going to do that this year!! Thanks, Mihani. I second Nutritarian New Year as a theme again this year. :smile:

    Lia, wedding decor - so much fun! Enjoy your planning!!

    Birthday was good. Nice & quiet last night. I just made one of his favourite suppers and then he opened his presents and played with his new toys. Can't beat that. Tonight is the friend party, so I have to run out & get goodie bag stuff and decorations at lunch. Then I have to ice the cupcakes when I get home and run over to Laser Quest with the snacks and cupcakes. MUCH easier than hosting a party at home!!!

    It's been a really long, busy week, so I am definitely looking forward to relaxing tomorrow night!! Then I have 16 days to whip my own butt into shape before I'm due back at work... go, Go, GO!!!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    edited December 2014
    liapr wrote: »
    7 is better than 17 too :)

    This is too true. My son is 16, and while he's an awesome kid, with talent + ambition, and has never really caused us a day's grief..... he's not accomplishing exactly what he wants, and it's stressing the whole family out. So far, the only solution seems like mega thousands of $ that we don't have.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    I think the theme of the group in December is “we’re getting our s*** together in January” lol!

    I’m actually planning to get back to basics the day after Christmas. I have pretty much given up for now. Stress at work and some other things are throwing me all off track, but I am still eating lots of salad and soup which is keeping things from getting too out of control.

    Lia, I hope we can get some help next year, but I don’t know. Things are just really tense right now. Yay for more wedding planning. I can’t wait for pictures from the wedding. I hope things get better for your fiance, or at the least he is able to get out and start somewhere better.

    Karrie, I want to try that laser thing sometime. I think I would enjoy it. Sounds like an awesome party!

    Scott, stress sucks. I’m sorry.

    I got bloodwork results on the old girl and there was something the doctor didn’t like in her kidney reading so I am taking her tomorrow for a sterile urine test and we’ll see if anything is going on. Doc said she might just have been a little dehydrated when they drew the blood, but I am going to go ahead and do the test since if she is having kidney failure or problems I want to know that. She’s such a good dog, I hate that her lifespan is winding down. On the bright side, all her other tests looked great. Bottom line is she’s a 12 year old mostly-shepherd, the lifespan for a dog that size is about 12 to 14 years, so I know that things are going to start going wrong with her. I’ve been fortunate that she’s been a wonderful companion and had excellent health so far. She had so many issues like separation anxiety, aggression, etc. when I first got her (about 1 1/2 years old when I got her from a rescue group), but we worked through them and she turned out to be such a great dog. I just want her last years to be happy and healthy as possible.

    Soooo glad tomorrow is Friday. I hope I can get a lot done in the office this weekend and be less behind on my work. I no longer hope for caught up, just less behind!

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your dog, Mihani. My dog got a really aggressive prostate cancer when he was 12 years old. He went from a clean bill of health at his check-up, to swollen lymph nodes in about 12 days. And then another 5 days later he was lethargic and there was blood in his urine. Saying goodbye to him was really hard. We got him when he was 8 weeks old from a farm, and we spoiled him rotten. He was our baby before we had babies. So I know just how quickly things can take a turn and how hard it is to lose a good friend.

    The Laser Tag was fun. The kids were hilarious. They kind of teamed up and then they wouldn't shoot each other, and they'd walk together in a group - a nice long line, easy for the pickin'!! I just found high ground and took them out one by one. LOL!!! But then they found me and made me join them, so I couldn't shoot them anymore. Little cuties... Kinda missed the whole point of laser tag!!! :smiley: A couple of the parents joined us, and I swear the adults had way more fun than the kids. So I think I need to book another party for MY birthday.... :smiley:
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Wooo! Friday has arrived!! Almost done work for at least a week and a bit!

    I think I will start the day after Christmas too, Mihani. I feel awful in my skin right now! Bloated from too many miscellaneous items lol.

    Mihani, so sorry to hear about your pup. Having adopted Cody when he was already 8/9 last year, he is my baby and I'm just choosing to remain in denial until I have to deal with illnesses when he gets older. It's too awful of a thought to think about. I hope it's nothing or something really minor, but great that you're checking just to be sure!

    Laser tag sounds awesome! I have never been either but I've always wanted to try it too! My friends have also mentioned this trampoline dodgeball for adults that I think would be hilarious, although potentially hazardous lol.

    Scott, how is your son doing? I am guessing his athletic talents have expensive tastes? Not to mention the time commitment too... But in any event, if it's any consolation, I can't imagine feeling normal or 'in the right place' for any 16 year old!

    I second the suggested name for our January thread (ie. "Getting our shiza together in January", lol, nice job Mihani.)

    Have a great weekend everyone! I have some time off starting tomo which I am determined to also mean NO EXCUSES for exercise for me!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Thanks y'all. We had the urine test and it looked iffy so they are sending it for culture and we'll see. It could just be an infection which would be great, just some antibiotics, as opposed to kidney failure or issues of some sort. We'll see. Poor old girl. She seems to feel great though, but she's the type of dog who would keep going if she was shot 100 times. If you've had a dog like this you know what I am saying.

    I had a decent day, with a slight dip into some dark chocolate. Life was easier when people didn't know I was vegan and would bring me things I won't eat so I would just give them away lol.

    Karrie, glad your party went so well! That is cool none of the kids had the kill instinct. I think that is a good thing! I know what you mean about your dog, I have had that happen before with dogs. I remember my last one I lost, one day she just sat down in front of me and gave me a look that I went this isn't right, took her to the vet and she had lymphoma, very advanced. Total shock. She only lived a few months after that.

    Lia, you have plenty of good years left with your boy. Go get that exercise tomorrow, I know you will do it! And I would be happy to have you start day after Christmas with me. Can use all the support I can get.

    Working all weekend here but will check in. Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    Hi all! I am back and getting back into the swing of journaling. I expect to be lurking about while I recommit to my health and nutrition.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Yay, Elena's back :)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    edited December 2014
    Worked all day, should go back to the office tomorrow but not going to. I have to get some things done around here and prepare for Christmas since we are working Monday Tuesday and half day Wednesday. I am making vegan sushi tonight yummmmm. But at the grocery they must have missed putting my cucumber in the bag so I have no cucumber for my sushi. Waaaah! But I have carrot, red pepper, green onion, and avocado so it will be just fine.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Hi all!
    We did Christmas at our house today...on Christmas my hubby is on call/working so I will be taking my stepkids to my parents house for some more Christmas fun. But today was at home...my parents did come over in the afternoon.
    Totally weird foods for me today, and I can feel the effects. Ugh. Can't wait to eat my usual foods tomorrow. I am sitting here downing water just to flush it all through. We did a brunch, had snacks out in the afternoon, then did lasagna/veggies/dessert tonight. I did a meat/cheese/eggs make ahead breakfast casserole, but we also did French toast made out of beer bread I made on Saturday night...that was super tasty! I did both loaves a little sweeter, with cinnamon, and in one, I put a ton of fresh cranberries. But my guts are unhappy and missing my usual intake. :-(

    There have been a number of ETL posts on the regular forums. I read them with interest and would like to respond but must admit that lately I just do not have the energy. I don't have the energy to argue with people who insist they are right at all costs and are unwilling to just accept that some people don't want to sit around and eat bacon all blasted day long. I try to remain open minded about what people want to do but expect the same in return...

    I got Appetite for Reduction for Christmas. What are some of your favorite recipes from this book? Where should I start? :-)
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    So inspiring and **happy** to have some time to read all the posts. In spite of best intentions to post regularly here, I have fallen far. Just so darn busy getting things done, shopping, wrapping, blah-blah-blah. I still have to get cooking so I have my food ready to take to Christmas Day dinner. So far I've been doing well. Hubby is really helping me out by eating most of the fruitcake. It's almost gone now. One more heavy meal to go, and then clear sailing through the New Year. I made the ETL Vegetarian Shepherd's Pie yesterday and it came out very well. It will be lunch today. I used sweet potatoes for the topping. It's a very good recipe. I'll definitely make it again.
    I've had a real craving for beans and potatoes lately. So I've been eating more starchy stuff than usual. However, I've been so busy that I haven't actually been eating as much. It's good that my hands have been busy knitting gifts when I've been sitting down, so that has kept me from shoveling in the food. Finished two hats, 1 pair leg warmers, 2 pair mitts and now I'm almost done with my last cowl. Whew! Still have a stocking to finish and a few more little hand-made zippered pouches for little gifts. It's so fun to putter with this stuff, but it does take time.
    Happy Holidays, everyone (in case I don't make it back here till after Christmas) !!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    edited December 2014
    lisabinco wrote: »
    I'm almost done with my last cowl.

    I read this as 'cow.' I was like... 'Wow, she's really dedicated to this ETL thing... she's knitting cows.' :wink:

    ( I have since Googled 'cowl.' )

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Jean, I'm with ya. I don't even bother with the main forums. Once in a while I will read a few threads, but after being on here this long I think I've read them all in one form or another. AFR favorites include the masala baked tofu, curried cabbage and peas, spicy blue potato and corn salad, caulipots, grilled portobellos, lentil and eggplant chili mole. I have had a couple fails from AFR, but not many.

    Lisa, good to see you! I love to knit. I can't make anything but scarves, and have no wish to learn to do anything more complicated. I just find it relaxing to hear the needles clicking and watch the scarf grow. However, I am now inspired to attempt to knit a cow thanks to Scott. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

    Today was weird food-wise. Cereal for breakfast, saltines for lunch, but I made a good dinner of veggies and tofu with udon noodles. We're really busy at work and my stress level is a bit beyond acceptable. I'm looking forward to the holiday weekends to get some catching up done in the office.